935 resultados para Deep well water


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Two deep-well injection sites in south Florida, USA, inject an average of 430 million liters per day (MLD) of treated domestic fresh wastewater into a deep saline aquifer 900 m below land surface. Elevated levels of NH3 (highest concentration 939 µmol) in the overlying aquifer above ambient concentrations (concentration less than 30 µmol) were evidence of the upward migration of injected fluids. Three pathways were distinguished based on ammonium, chloride and bromide ratios, and temperature. At the South District Wastewater Treatment Plant, the tracer ratios showed that the injectate remained chemically distinct as it migrated upwards through rapid vertical pathways via density-driven buoyancy. The warmer injectate (mean 28°C) retained the temperature signal as it vertically migrated upwards; however, the temperature signal did not persist as the injectate moved horizontally into the overlying aquifers. Once introduced, the injectate moved slowly horizontally through the aquifer and mixed with ambient water. At the North District Wastewater Treatment Plant, data provide strong evidence of a one-time pulse of injectate into the overlying aquifers due to improper well construction. No evidence of rapid vertical pathways was observed at the North District Wastewater Treatment Plant.


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This paper presents the behavior of three bored piles conducted in diabasic soil submitted to uplift forces. The piles were built at the site for Experimental Studies in Soil Mechanics and Foundations of UNICAMP, located in the city of Campinas, Brazil. Field tests have already been conducted at the site (SPT, CPT, DMT and PMT), as well as laboratory tests by using sample soils taken from a well up to 17 m deep. The water table is not checked until a depth of 17 m. In order to check the behavior of the piles when submitted to uplift forces, slow static load tests were carried out as the recommendations of NBR 12131. The carrying capacity of these piles was also provided by means of theoretical methods, appropriate for uplift forces, and through semi-empirical methods appropriate for compression forces, considering only the portion of lateral resistance. The values estimated by using the considered methods were compared to those obtained by means of load tests. One of the tested piles was extracted from the soil to be the subject of a study on its geometry.


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Objective. To investigate the modes of water supply and the perception concerning the problems caused by this water among residents of a neighborhood without public supply of water, settled in an area previously used as a garbage dump in the city of Manaus, Brazil. Methods. One hundred and sixty-two semi-structured household interviews were conducted. In addition, a focal group with teachers from a local public school and a meeting with residents were held. The instruments employed focused on the perception and modes of water use and on the process of exposure to chemical contaminants through water. Results. Untreated well water was used by most families. This water was considered to be ""good"" by 64.8% of the individuals interviewed. Most residents (88.3%) declared knowledge about the garbage dump. Of these, 77.6% stated that the garbage dump caused health and environmental problems. However, qualitative analysis of the responses revealed that the residents were not aware of contamination by chemical elements or of the consequences of such contamination. The activities carried out with teachers revealed that they were partially aware of the problem, but did not design interventions to address the issue. In a meeting with neighborhood residents, the presence of social activism concerning the problem was identified, but it did not extend beyond the neighborhood or reach governmental spheres. Conclusions. The study identified a situation of critical exposure that tends to be maintained as a result of misperceptions and lack of social mobilization. The dissemination of research results to teachers and residents was useful to empower subjects.


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Seasonally dry evergreen forests in southeast Pará, Brazil are transitional between taller closed forests of the interior Amazon Basin and woodland savannas (cerrados) of Brazil's south-central plains. We describe abiotic and biotic gradients in this region near the frontier town of Redenção where forest structure and composition grade subtly across barely undulating topography. Annual precipitation averaged 1859 mm between 1995-2001, with nearly zero rainfall during the dry season months of June August. Annual vertical migrations of deep-soil water caused by seasonal rainfall underlie edaphic and floristic differences between high- and low-ground terrain. Low-ground soils are hydromorphic, shaped by perching water tables during the wet season, pale gray, brown, or white in color, with coarse texture, low moisture retention during the dry season, and relatively high macro-nutrient status in the surface horizons. Forest canopies on low ground are highly irregular, especially along seasonal streams, while overstory community composition differs demonstrably from that on high ground. High-ground soils are dystrophic, well-drained through the wet season, brown or red-yellow in color, with finer texture, higher moisture retention, and low macro-nutrient status in the surface horizons compared to low-ground soils. Forest canopies are, on average, taller, more regular, and more closed on high ground. Low-ground areas can be envisioned as energy and nutrient sinks, where, because of hydrologic cycles, canopy disturbance likely occurs more frequently than at high-ground positions if not necessarily at larger scales.


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The aim of this survey is to assess the microbiological impact of irrigation water on lettuces produced on two urban agricultural sites and sold on markets; 6 and 7%, respectively, of lettuces coming from the sites of Pikine and Patte d'Oie were Salmonella spp. positive. Lettuces irrigated with shallow groundwater (''Ceanes'' water) were more contaminated (8% at both Pikine and Patte d'Oie sites) compared to those irrigated with wastewater (4% at Pikine) or well water (5% at Patte d'Oie). As for the lettuces in marketplaces, their contamination seems to depend on the type of treatment occurring before sale. Lettuces previously washed in the ``Ceanes'' were more contaminated than those rinsed with tap water at the marketplace. Salmonella spp. have been isolated from all marketplaces. However, the rates of contamination in markets surrounding Patte d'Oie are higher (9 and 11% at Grand Yoff and Dalifort) than those surrounding Pikine (4 and 2% at Zinc and Sham) or Rufisque, the control (2%). Our results confirm that the reuse of wastewater in irrigation is an alternative to animal manure. Its risk of microbial contamination can be significantly reduced by washing the vegetables with tap water before they are sold. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Es va realitzar una sèrie d'assaigs d'adobat nitrogenat en diferents comarques de la Catalunya interior. En el conjunt d'aquests assaigs es varen comprovar tres mètodes diferents que es va considerar que eren prometedors per tal de millorar la fertilització nitrogenada. Els mètodes assajats eren el mètode del balanç de nitrogen, el del nitrogen mineral i el del contingut de nitrats al suc de la base de les tiges (CNSBT). Els sòls on es van realitzar els assaigs no presentaven cap limitació especial per al cultiu del blat i eren profunds, ben drenats, no salins i de textura mitjana; l'única excepció era un assaig sobre sòl moderadament profund. Per tant, i també pel que fa a la fertilitat química, els sòls s'han de considerar d'un potencial productiu mitjàalt. El mètode del balanç de nitrogen s'ha mostrat com a molt prometedor de cara a definir si cal la magnitud de l'adobat de cobertora per a les condicions estudiades. El mètode de nitrogen mineral també ha estat efectiu en aquest sentit, mentre que el del CNSBT s'ha revelat com a no aplicable en les condicions assajades, on en molts casos l'aigua és també factor limitant. Al llarg dels assaigs s'han identificat un seguit de factors que impedeixen ajustar la fertilitat nitrogenada. Entre aquests cal esmentar la mala estimació de la producció objectiu, la dificultat de predir el N disponible a partir dels adobs orgànics, dificultats de mostreig pel nitrogen nítric i l'efecte crític que té l'erràtica disponibilitat d'aigua que complica molt l'estratègia de fertilització nitrogenada a adoptar.


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Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää maalämpöpumppujärjestelmään kuuluvien komponenttien mitoitusta. Työ tehtiin Alufer Oy nimiselle yritykselle, joka on työskennellyt jo kolme vuotta maalämpöpumppujärjestelmän tuotekehityksen parissa. Maalämpöpumppujärjestelmä tullaan suunnittelemaan mahdollisimman suorituskykyiseksi ja joustavaksi. Suunnittelun lähtökohtana on, että lämmitysjärjestelmä on ns. matalalämpö-järjestelmä, joka käytännössä usein toteutetaan lattialämmityksenä. Ensimmäiseksi työssä on selvitetty mitä maalämpö on ja mitkä ovat yleisimmät maalämpöpumppujärjestelmän lämmönkeruuputkistojen asennustavat. Tällä hetkellä käytössä on joko vaakaan (maa, vesi) tai pystyyn asennettava lämmönkeruuputkisto (porakaivo). Seuraavaksi työssä on lähdetty selvittämään maalämpöpumppumarkkinoita Suomessa sekä selvitetty kolmen suurimman valmistajan Geopro Systemsin, Suomen Lämpöpumpputekniikan ja Ekowellin tuotteita sekä tekniikkaa. Työssä selvitetään myös muutamien Eurooppalaisten maiden markkinat. Mitoitusjärjestelmässä tarkastelu on aloitettu uudisrakennuksen lämmitystehon tarpeesta ja käyttöveden lämmityksen tarvitsemasta tehosta. Tarvittavan lämmitysenergian perusteella määriteltiin lämpöpumppujärjestelmään kuuluvat komponentit. Maalämpöpumppujärjestelmä koostuu seuraavista pääkomponenteista: höyrystin, kompressori, lauhdutin ja paisuntaventtiili. Höyrystimen tehon mitoituksessa on huomioitu lämmönkeruuputkistossa kulkevan nesteen aineominaisuudet, massavirta ja lämpötilaero höyrystimen nesteen ulostulon sekä sisään menon välillä. Kompressorin teho on määritetty valitun kylmäaineen (R407C) lg p-h piirroksesta tai määritetty teoreettisesti kompressorivalmistajien omista valintaohjelmista. Lauhduttimen teho on määritelty höyrystimen sekä kompressorin tehon summasta. Samalla määräytyy myös uudisrakennuksen lämmitystehontarve. Lopuksi työssä on käsitelty maalämpöpumppujärjestelmän kehitysmahdollisuuksia. Vaihtoehtoina on huomioitu tulistin, alijäähdytin ja varaaja, joilla voidaan huomattavasti parantaa maalämpöpumpun lämpökerrointa.


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In this work the exposure of wells and surface water to pesticides, commonly used for tobacco cropping, was assessed. Water consumption wells and surface water flows were sampled at different times. After a preconcentration step with solid phase extraction (SPE), the selected pesticides were determined by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (GC-ECD) or high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD). No pesticides were detected in the well water samples and surface water flow in the winter season. However, in the spring and summer higher concentrations of chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid were found in the water source samples. Atrazine, simazine and clomazone were also found. The occurrence of pesticides in collected water samples was related with the application to tobacco.


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The Antarctic continental shelf seas feature a bimodal distribution of water mass temperature, with the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas flooded by Circumpolar Deep Water that is several degrees Celsius warmer than the cold shelf waters prevalent in the Weddell and Ross Seas. This bimodal distribution could be caused by differences in atmospheric forcing, ocean dynamics, ocean and ice feedbacks, or some combination of these factors. In this study, a highly simplified coupled sea ice–mixed layer model is developed to investigate the physical processes controlling this situation. Under regional atmospheric forcings and parameter choices the 10-yr simulations demonstrate a complete destratification of the Weddell Sea water column in winter, forming cold, relatively saline shelf waters, while the Amundsen Sea winter mixed layer remains shallower, allowing a layer of deep warm water to persist. Applying the Weddell atmospheric forcing to the Amundsen Sea model destratifies the water column after two years, and applying the Amundsen forcing to the Weddell Sea model results in a shallower steady-state winter mixed layer that no longer destratifies the water column. This suggests that the regional difference in atmospheric forcings alone is sufficient to account for the bimodal distribution in Antarctic shelf-sea temperatures. The model prediction of mixed layer depth is most sensitive to the air temperature forcing, but a switch in all forcings is required to prevent destratification of the Weddell Sea water column.


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A high incidence of waterborne diseases is observed worldwide and in order to address contamination problems prior to an outbreak, quantitative microbial risk assessment is a useful tool for estimating the risk of infection. The objective of this paper was to assess the probability of Giardia infection from consuming water from shallow wells in a peri-urban area. Giardia has been described as an important waterborne pathogen and reported in several water sources, including ground waters. Sixteen water samples were collected and examined according to the US EPA (1623, 2005). A Monte Carlo method was used to address the potential risk as described by the exponential dose response model. Giardia cysts occurred in 62.5% of the samples (0.1-36.1 cysts/l). A median risk of 10-1 for the population was estimated and the adult ingestion was the highest risk driver. This study illustrates the vulnerability of shallow well water supply systems in peri-urban areas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this study, we aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors associated to Toxoplasma gondii infection in sheep from northeastern Brazil. A total of 932 ovine serum samples from 54 properties in 19 municipalities of the state of Sergipe were collected and assayed using indirect fluorescent antibody test. The assay used antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii (IFAT-IgG) with a cutoff point of 1:64. We observed that 28.22% (263/932) of the ovine samples were serum-reactive. In a logistic regression, factors such as consumption of water directly from the source, consumption of water from a deep well, and age below 12 months were associated with protection; whereas factors such as presence of cats on the property, presence of slatted floor, and use of exchanged or borrowed breeding males were associated with infection. The studied area can be considered endemic for toxoplasmosis, so it is necessary to adopt preventive and control measures because this zoonotic infection poses risks to public health.


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O sistema de águas subterrâneas vigentes na cidade de Manaus (AM) é pertencente ao Aqüífero Alter do Chão, o qual é caracterizado por fácies sedimentares arenosa, argilosa, areno-argilosa e “Arenito Manaus” depositadas em ambiente fluvial e flúvio-deltáico. Estima-se que 32.500 km3 de água possam ser explorados, fornecendo poços confinados a semiconfinados com vazão de até 300 m3/h em poços de aproximadamente 220 m de profundidade. Grandes distorções, contudo, têm sido notadas, Manaus, em foco neste trabalho, tem poços com baixo rendimento (de 78 m3/h), devido à má colocação de filtros em conseqüência da falta de informações sobre os aqüíferos. Através do uso integrado de perfilagem geofísica de poço (perfis de raio gama, de potencial espontâneo e de resistência elétrica), sondagem elétrica vertical e informações litológicas de amostragem de calha, mapearam-se camadas litológicas permo-porosas com elevado potencial aqüífero nas zonas norte e leste da cidade de Manaus. Foram identificadas duas zonas aqüíferas. A primeira zona é marcada pelos 50 m iniciais de profundidade. Nesta zona distinguem-se três tipos de litologias: argilosa, arenosa e areno-argilosa com as mais variadas dimensões. Estas duas últimas litologias apresentam elevado potencial aqüífero. Mesmo assim, nesta zona não há tendência a conter um volume de água considerável, devido à limitada continuidade lateral dos corpos arenosos e estar sujeita aos estorvos antrópicos superficiais. Portanto, não indicada para explotação de água em grandes quantidades. A segunda zona se estende a partir dos 50 m até aproximadamente 290 m de profundidade. É caracterizada por dois tipos de litologias: arenosa e areno-argilosa. Ao contrário da primeira, a esta profundidade há propensão do armazenamento e exploração de água. Apresenta litologias com elevado potencial aqüífero, cujos corpos arenosos são mais espessos e possuem uma maior continuidade lateral que os da zona 1; e valores da veza o de quase 300 m3/h. Serve, então, para abastecimento público por causa das boas vazões, garantia de água de boa qualidade protegida de ações antrópicas. A análise feita quanto à variação lateral, em mapas, de resistência transversal e condutância longitudinal, revelou que nas porções inferiores a 50 m de profundidade os setores NE e SW correspondem às zonas permeáveis. Portanto, possuem menos faixas argilosas, sendo considerados os setores mais transmissivos do sistema aqüífero. Os poços com profundidade maiores que 50 m recomenda-se sua locações nas faixas NNW, SW e extremo sul, em virtude dos resultados obtidos através da perfilagens geofísicas de poços, as quais delineiam camadas permo-porosas de elevado potencial aquífero para a área estudada.


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The wetlands of south-central Nebraska’s Rainwater Basin region are considered of international importance as a habitat for millions of migratory birds, but are being endangered by agricultural practices. The Rainwater Basin extends across 17 counties and covers 4,000 square miles. The purpose of this study was to assemble baseline chemical data for several representative wetlands across the Rainwater Basin region, and determine the use of these chemical data for investigating groundwater recharge. Eight representative wetlands were chosen across the Rainwater Basin to monitor surface and groundwater chemistry. At each site, a shallow well and deep well were installed and sampled once in the summer of 2009 and again in the spring of 2010. Wetland surface water was sampled monthly from April, 2009 to May, 2010. Waters were analyzed for major ions, nutrients, pesticides and oxygen-18 and deuterium isotopes at the University of Nebraska Water Sciences Laboratory. Geochemical analysis of surface waters presents a range of temporal and spatial variations. Wetlands had variable water volumes, isotopic compositions, ion chemistries and agricultural contaminant levels throughout the year and, except for a few trends, theses variations cannot be predicted with certainty year-to-year or wetland-to-wetland. Isotopic compositions showed evaporation was a contributor to water loss, and thus, did impact water chemistry. Surface water nitrate concentrations ranged from <0.10 to 4.04 mg/L. The nitrate levels are much higher in the groundwater, ranging from <0.10 to 18.4 mg/L, and are of concern because they are found above the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 10 mg/L. Atrazine concentrations in surface waters ranged from <0.05 to 10.3 ppb. Groundwater atrazine concentrations ranged from <0.05 to 0.28 ppb. The high atrazine concentrations in surface waters are of concern as they are above the MCL of 3 ppb, and the highest levels occur during the spring bird migration. Most sampled groundwaters had detectable tritium indicating a mix of modern (<5 to 10 years old) and submodern (older than 1950s) recharge. The groundwater also had differences in chemical and isotope composition, and in some cases, increased nitrate concentrations, between the two sampling periods. Modern groundwater tritium ages and changes in groundwater chemical and isotopic compositions may indicate connections with surface waters in the Rainwater Basin.