267 resultados para Deconstruction


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In this thesis William Shakespeare’s comedy The Taming of The Shrew is analyzed from a feminist perspective. It is argued that the female characters Katherina and Bianca are mainly constructed through language expressed by male characters as binary oppositions. By an act of deconstruction within the play, these images, or constructed representations, are adjusted and somewhat reversed in the end. In addition, it is shown how the Induction, an introductory part of the play, adds aspects of construction and deconstruction, which supports an ironic reading and a questioning of the constructed gender roles.


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The presentation will start by unfolding the various layers of chariot imagery in early Indian sources, namely, chariots as vehicles of gods such as the sun (sūrya), i.e. as symbol of cosmic stability; chariots as symbols of royal power and social prestige e.g. of Brahmins; and, finally, chariots as metaphors for the “person”, the “mind” and the “way to liberation” (e.g., Kaṭ.-Up. III.3; Maitr.-Up. II. 6). In Buddhist and non-Buddhist sources, chariots are in certain aspects used as a metaphor for the (old) human body (e.g., Caraka-S., Vi.3.37-38; D II.100; D II.107); apart from that, there is, of course, mention of the “real” use of chariots in sports, cults, journey, and combat. The most prominent example of the Buddhist use of chariot imagery is its application as a model for the person (S I.134 f.; Milindapañha, ed. Trenckner, 26), i.e., for highlighting the “non-substantial self”. There are, however, other significant examples of the usage of chariot imagery in early Buddhist texts. Of special interest are those cases in which chariot metaphors were applied in order to explain how the ‘self’ may proceed on the way to salvation – with ‘mindfulness’ or the ‘self’ as charioteer, with ‘wisdom’ and ‘confidence’ as horses etc. (e.g. S I. 33; S V.7; Dhp 94; or the Nārada-Jātaka, No. 545, verses 181-190). One might be tempted to say that these instances reaffirm the traditional soteriology of a substantial “progressing soul”. Taking conceptual metaphor analysis as a tool, I will, in contrast, argue that there is a special Buddhist use of this metaphor. Indeed, at first sight, it seems to presuppose a non-Buddhist understanding (the “self” as charioteer; the chariot as vehicle to liberation, etc.). Yet, it will be argued that in these cases the chariot imagery is no longer fully “functional”. The Buddhist usage may, therefore, best be described as a final allegorical phase of the chariot-imagery, which results in a thorough deconstruction of the “chariot” itself.


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One of the most important factors of recognition, belonging and identification in scientific communities is their specialized language: doctors, mathematicians and anthropologists feel they are part of a group with which they can interact because they share a common “language”. While ideology is present in all academic registers, it is in human sciences where its presence (or absence) leads to more visible linguistic phenomena. An interesting example is that of lesbian studies: as non-heterosexual members of society have become less stigmatized, lesbian studies have developed a language of their own. In our paper, we shall explore the mechanisms used in the creation of specific vocabulary in this academic area, paying special attention to the refashioning or deconstruction of meaning of established terms as a result of changes in social perception or the challenging of pre-determined meanings.


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It is already a truism that emerging communication technologies have changed the landscape of communication in every aspect of our lives, but this is specifically true for how we communicate at work. Advances in communication technologies have enabled a wide range of digital communication modes to be utilized for both internal and external business communication; including audio and visual communication and voice-over protocols, as well as text-based channels, such as email, forums, instant messaging and social media. In spite of the wide range of available audio-visual channels, and despite the ever-increasing popularity of email, real-time text-based communication technologies (instant messaging or IM) are also on the rise (see Mak, 2014; Pazos et al., 2013; Radicati & Levenstein, 2013; and Markman in this volume). The prominence of IM is evident in the rise of this mode of communication, not only as a tool for internal business communication, but as a front-stage channel, particularly for customer service encounters or professional-client conversations (Makarem et al., 2009; Pearce et al., 2013; L. Zhang et al., 2011).


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Computer game technology produces compelling ‘immersive environments’ where our digitally-native youth play and explore. Players absorb visual, auditory and other signs and process these in real time, making rapid choices on how to move through the game-space to experience ‘meaningful play’. How can immersive environments be designed to elicit perception and understanding of signs? In this paper we explore game design and gameplay from a semiotic perspective, focusing on the creation of meaning for players as they play the game. We propose a theory of game design based on semiotics.


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Focusing on the Nordic context, this article highlights complexities between gender equality discourse established at the societal level and discursive practice in organizations, particularly in relation to management, managing and managers. This research task is carried out by deconstructing a management text, and grounding the deconstruction in critical feminist literature. This analysis illustrates how managerial discourse is challenged and questioned by pro-egaliterian arguments in the Nordic context. However, it also demonstrates the pervasiveness of the gendered elements in managerial discourse, which relies on specific conceptions of parenthood where motherhood is constructed as problematic whereas fatherhood remains absent – and thus unproblematic. It is suggested that the ‘Nordic case’ provides a fruitful basis for similar studies in other societal contexts in Europe.


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This study is a reflection about the similarities between uptake and trace, and translation taken as an event - at once possible and impossible - which deflagrates and constitutes meaning through the language game played by the subjects of communication: text-translator. Both Austin and Derrida, each one on his own way, show that meaning is part of the human language process. The uptake, in Austin s point of view, guarantees the existence of human language, assured by a process of recognition between the subjects of communication, process through which the production of meaning takes place. The trace, according to Derrida, deflagrates, through the human language, the crashing of meaning and destroys the possibility of someone reaching the origin. In this study, taking into consideration the similarities between uptake and trace, I try to disclose translation taken as an event which at once contaminates the languages and is contaminated by them.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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A Epistemologia Genética defende que o indivíduo passa por várias etapas de desenvolvimento ao longo da sua vida. O desenvolvimento é observado pela sobreposição do equilíbrio entre a assimilação e a acomodação, resultando em adaptação. Assim, nesta formulação, o ser humano assimila os dados que obtém do exterior, mas uma vez que já tem uma estrutura mental que não está vazia, precisa adaptar esses dados à estrutura mental já existe. O processo de modificação de si próprio é chamado de acomodação. Este esquema revela que nenhum conhecimento chega do exterior sem que sofra alguma alteração pelo indivíduo, sendo que tudo o que se aprende é influenciado por aquilo que já havia sido aprendido. A assimilação ocorre quando a informação é incorporada às estruturas já pré-existentes nessa dinâmica estrutura cognitiva, enquanto que a adaptação ocorre quando o organismo se modifica de alguma maneira de modo a incorporar dinamicamente a nova informação. Por fim, de um pensamento moderno que, buscando a síntese inusitada entre o biológico e o lógico-matemático, parece encontrar seus limites na desconstrução ainda mais inusitada a que tende sistematicamente todo o pensamento na atualidade: a de si mesmo se construindo de modo essencialmente esclarecido


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A Epistemologia Genética defende que o indivíduo passa por várias etapas de desenvolvimento ao longo da sua vida. O desenvolvimento é observado pela sobreposição do equilíbrio entre a assimilação e a acomodação, resultando em adaptação. Assim, nesta formulação, o ser humano assimila os dados que obtém do exterior, mas uma vez que já tem uma estrutura mental que não está vazia, precisa adaptar esses dados à estrutura mental já existe. O processo de modificação de si próprio é chamado de acomodação. Este esquema revela que nenhum conhecimento chega do exterior sem que sofra alguma alteração pelo indivíduo, sendo que tudo o que se aprende é influenciado por aquilo que já havia sido aprendido. A assimilação ocorre quando a informação é incorporada às estruturas já pré-existentes nessa dinâmica estrutura cognitiva, enquanto que a adaptação ocorre quando o organismo se modifica de alguma maneira de modo a incorporar dinamicamente a nova informação. Por fim, de um pensamento moderno que, buscando a síntese inusitada entre o biológico e o lógico-matemático, parece encontrar seus limites na desconstrução ainda mais inusitada a que tende sistematicamente todo o pensamento na atualidade: a de si mesmo se construindo de modo essencialmente esclarecido


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Enzyme production is a growing field in biotechnology and increasing attention has been devoted to the solid-state fermentation (SSF) of lignocellulosic biomass for production of industrially relevant lignocellulose deconstruction enzymes, especially manganese-peroxidase (MnP), which plays a crucial role in lignin degradation. However, there is a scarcity of studies regarding extraction of the secreted metabolities that are commonly bound to the fermented solids, preventing their accurate detection and limiting recovery efficiency. In the present work, we assessed the effectiveness of extraction process variables (pH, stirring rate, temperature, and extraction time) on recovery efficiency of manganese-peroxidase (MnP) obtained by SSF of eucalyptus residues using Lentinula edodes using statistical design of experiments. The results from this study indicated that of the variables studied, pH was the most significant (p < 0.05%) parameter affecting MnP recovery yield, while temperature, extraction time, and stirring rate presented no statistically significant effects in the studied range. The optimum pH for extraction of MnP was at 4.0-5.0, which yielded 1500-1700 IU kg (1) of enzyme activity at extraction time 4-5 h, under static condition at room temperature. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The crisis in the historical profession today is both conceptual and political, both methodological and practical. To the crises of the decline of great narrative history for the popular audience, the multiculturalist challenge to Eurocentric history, and the loss of faith in grand themes of progress and liberation that provided moral and political guidance through history’s lessons, must be added the crisis created by the implications of literary and rhetorical theory for the very practice of history itself.


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A Educação Ambiental constitui-se na relação entre a natureza e a cultura de modo indissociável das relações de poder e de saber. A pesquisa enreda-se na tendência da Educação Ambiental complexa, analisa os modos de fabricação das subjetividades impostas pelo discurso neocapitalista, investiga a racionalidade herdada da sociedade moderna e explora a lógica dos referenciais afrodescendentes, em específico as lógicas presentes nos Terreiros da Umbanda. Problematiza o mito na Educação Ambiental e a Educação Ambiental no mito a partir das orixalidades umbandistas. Adota a pesquisa narrativa dialogando com Tristão (2012), problematiza os processos de subjetivação a partir de Foucault (1996) e busca capturar os saberes sustentáveis da noosfera umbandista (MORIN, 2005c) influenciada por Deleuze e Guattari (1996-1997). Através das Giras, seu principal ritual, evidencia como essas lógicas são acionadas para a fabricação de novos modos de percepção da relação entre a cultura e a natureza. Contribuem, no processo de investigação para a produção dos dados, a realização de entrevistas abertas e semiestruturadas, o registro em cadernos de bordo, gravações em áudio e vídeo, fotografias e rodas de conversas em encontros com professores e alunos de uma escola pública, próxima aos Terreiros, onde problematiza os processos e mecanismos de exclusão e violência materializados em posturas discriminatórias e de negação da cultura afro-brasileira e o modo como essas experiências são partilhadas pelos professores e alunos no contexto de suas práticas. A aposta metodológica consiste em criar estratégias de narrar experiências da Educação Ambiental em espaços não formais, como os espaços dos Terreiros da Umbanda, e em espaços formais, como a escola, através das orixalidades em narrativas, na busca de zonas de confiança e na invenção de encontros mais solidários, por escutas mais sutis e híbridas, e de novos sentidos de alianças que dissolvam pontos de vistas e desestabilizem discursos do eixo dominante, como forma de exercício do pensamento para abertura de lógicas silenciadas historicamente. Conclui que lógicas complexas incluem as existências infames e obscurecidas pela lógica oficial e que lógicas complexas buscam ver os efeitos dos modos como nós próprios fomos constituídos. A fé-eco-lógica presente nas orixalidades em narrativas potencializa a desconstrução dos regimes de verdade e subverte a monocultura de lógicas.