536 resultados para Decellularized ECM


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Umbilical cord blood (UCB) is one of the richest sources for hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs), with more than 3000 transplantations performed each year for the treatment of leukemia and other bone marrow, immunological, and hereditary diseases. However, transplantation of single cord blood units is mostly restricted to children, due to the limited number of HSPC per unit. This unit develops a method to increase the number of HSPCs in laboratory conditions by using cell-free matrices from bone marrow cells that mimic 'human-body niche-like' conditions as biological scaffolds to support the ex vivo expansion of HSPCs. In this unit, we describe protocols for the isolation and characterization of HSPCs from UCB and their serum-free expansion on decellularized matrices. This method may also help to provide understanding of the biochemical organization of hematopoietic niches and lead to suggestions regarding the design of tissue engineering-based biomimetic scaffolds for HSPC expansion for clinical applications.


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 This thesis investigated the role of milk, extracellular matrix and mammary adipocytes in regulating mammary gland function during involution in mice and explored the use of an in vitro culture model, the mammosphere model system to study the same.


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This work involves the organization and content perspectives on Enterprise Content Management (ECM) framework. The case study at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte was based on ECM model to analyse the information management provided by the three main administrative systems: The Integrated Management of Academic Activities (SIGAA), Integrated System of Inheritance, and Contracts Administration (SIPAC) and the Integrated System for Administration and Human Resources (SIGRH). A case study protocol was designed to provide greater reliability to research process. Four propositions were examined in order to reach the specific objectives of identification and evaluation of ECM components from UFRN perspective. The preliminary phase provided the guidelines for the data collection. In total, 75 individuals were interviewed. Interviews with four managers directly involved on systems design were recorded (average duration of 90 minutes). The 70 remaining individuals were approached in random way in UFRN s units, including teachers, administrative-technical employees and students. The results showed the presence of many ECM elements in the management of UFRN administrative information. The technological component with higher presence was "management of web content / collaboration". But initiatives of other components (e.g. email and document management) were found and are in continuous improvement. The assessment made use of eQual 4.0 to examine the effectiveness of applications under three factors: usability, quality of information and offered service. In general, the quality offered by the systems was very good and walk side by side with the obtained benefits of ECM strategy adoption in the context of the whole institution


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The regeneration of bone defects with loss of substance remains as a therapeutic challenge in the medical field. There are basically four types of grafts: autologous, allogenic, xenogenic and isogenic. It is a consensus that autologous bone is the most suitable material for this purpose, but there are limitations to its use, especially the insufficient amount in the donor. Surveys show that the components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) are generally conserved between different species and are well tolerated even in xenogenic recipient. Thus, several studies have been conducted in the search for a replacement for autogenous bone scaffold using the technique of decellularization. To obtain these scaffolds, tissue must undergo a process of cell removal that causes minimal adverse effects on the composition, biological activity and mechanical integrity of the remaining extracellular matrix. There is not, however, a conformity among researchers about the best protocol for decellularization, since each of these treatments interfere differently in biochemical composition, ultrastructure and mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix, affecting the type of immune response to the material. Further down the arsenal of research involving decellularization bone tissue represents another obstacle to the arrival of a consensus protocol. The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of decellularization methods in the production of biological scaffolds from skeletal organs of mice, for their use for grafting. This was a laboratory study, sequenced in two distinct stages. In the first phase 12 mice hemi-calvariae were evaluated, divided into three groups (n = 4) and submitted to three different decellularization protocols (SDS [group I], trypsin [Group II], Triton X-100 [Group III]). We tried to identify the one that promotes most efficient cell removal, simultaneously to the best structural preservation of the bone extracellular matrix. Therefore, we performed quantitative analysis of the number of remaining cells and descriptive analysis of the scaffolds, made possible by microscopy. In the second stage, a study was conducted to evaluate the in vitro adhesion of mice bone marrow mesenchymal cells, cultured on these scaffolds, previously decellularized. Through manual counting of cells on scaffolds there was a complete cell removal in Group II, Group I showed a practically complete cell removal, and Group III displayed cell remains. The findings allowed us to observe a significant difference only between Groups II and III (p = 0.042). Better maintenance of the collagen structure was obtained with Triton X-100, whereas the decellularization with Trypsin was responsible for the major structural changes in the scaffolds. After culture, the adhesion of mesenchymal cells was only observed in specimens deccelularized with Trypsin. Due to the potential for total removal of cells and the ability to allow adherence of these, the protocol based on the use of Trypsin (Group II) was considered the most suitable for use in future experiments involving bone grafting decellularized scaffolds


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Critical lower limb ischemia is a severe disease. A common approach is infrainguinal bypass. Synthetic vascular prosthesis, are good conduits in high-flow low-resistance conditions but have difficulty in their performance as small diameter vessel grafts. A new approach is the use of native decellularized vascular tissues. Cell-free vessels are expected to have improved biocompatibility when compared to synthetic and are optimal natural 3D matrix templates for driving stem cell growth and tissue assembly in vivo. Decellularization of tissues represent a promising field for regenerative medicine, with the aim to develop a methodology to obtain small-diameter allografts to be used as a natural scaffold suited for in vivo cell growth and pseudo-tissue assembly, eliminating failure caused from immune response activation. Material and methods. Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal cells isolated from human umbilical cord tissue were expanded in advanced DMEM. Immunofluorescence and molecular characterization revealed a stem cell profile. A non-enzymatic protocol, that associate hypotonic shock and low-concentration ionic detergent, was used to decellularize vessel segments. Cells were seeded cell-free scaffolds using a compound of fibrin and thrombin and incubated in DMEM, after 4 days of static culture they were placed for 2 weeks in a flow-bioreactor, mimicking the cardiovascular pulsatile flow. After dynamic culture, samples were processed for histological, biochemical and ultrastructural analysis. Discussion. Histology showed that the dynamic culture cells initiate to penetrate the extracellular matrix scaffold and to produce components of the ECM, as collagen fibres. Sirius Red staining showed layers of immature collagen type III and ultrastructural analysis revealed 30 nm thick collagen fibres, presumably corresponding to the immature collagen. These data confirm the ability of cord-derived cells to adhere and penetrate a natural decellularized tissue and to start to assembly into new tissue. This achievement makes natural 3D matrix templates prospectively valuable candidates for clinical bypass procedures


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Iterative Closest Point (ICP) is a widely exploited method for point registration that is based on binary point-to-point assignments, whereas the Expectation Conditional Maximization (ECM) algorithm tries to solve the problem of point registration within the framework of maximum likelihood with point-to-cluster matching. In this paper, by fulfilling the implementation of both algorithms as well as conducting experiments in a scenario where dozens of model points must be registered with thousands of observation points on a pelvis model, we investigated and compared the performance (e.g. accuracy and robustness) of both ICP and ECM for point registration in cases without noise and with Gaussian white noise. The experiment results reveal that the ECM method is much less sensitive to initialization and is able to achieve more consistent estimations of the transformation parameters than the ICP algorithm, since the latter easily sinks into local minima and leads to quite different registration results with respect to different initializations. Both algorithms can reach the high registration accuracy at the same level, however, the ICP method usually requires an appropriate initialization to converge globally. In the presence of Gaussian white noise, it is observed in experiments that ECM is less efficient but more robust than ICP.


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A bioengenharia de tecidos baseia-se no uso de moléculas bioativas, células-tronco e biomateriais para reparação de tecidos e/ou órgãos. Biomateriais podem ser classificados de acordo com sua origem em sintéticos ou biológicos. Biomateriais biológicos podem ser produzidos por decelularização, que visa a remoção de células da matriz extracelular (MEC), a qual deve manter sua integridade química e física. Placentas são órgãos de grande interesse na bioengenharia de tecidos visto que são descartadas após o parto e possuem grande volume de matriz extracelular. Métodos de decelularização podem ser classificados em químicos, físicos e enzimáticos. Todos conhecidamente causam alterações na MEC, sendo que a associação deles é comumente utilizada. Este trabalho comparou diferentes protocolos e estabeleceu um método mais favorável para a decelularização de placentas caninas, visando a produção de um biomaterial para futuras aplicações clínicas. Inicialmente ambas as porções - materna e fetal - das placentas foram submetidas à 10 protocolos, que avaliaram variáveis como concentração e tempo de incubação em detergentes, diferentes gradientes de temperatura e a influência da perfusão versus imersão das soluções, na MEC remanescente. Com base na transparência do tecido e na ausência de núcleo celular em cortes histológicos, dois protocolos foram selecionados (I e II). Além dos critérios já mencionados, ambos os protocolos foram comparados quanto à quantidade de DNA remanescente na MEC decelularizada e à permanência e distribuição de algumas das proteínas da matriz. O detergente SDS foi o mais eficaz na remoção de células, embora não tenha sido suficiente para promover uma decelularização tecidual completa. O congelamento prévio das placentas requereu um maior tempo de incubação posterior das amostras nos distintos detergentes. Ambos métodos de perfusão e imersão foram eficazes na remoção das células, embora grande concentração de proteínas do citoesqueleto tenham permanecido retidas na matriz. As amostras processadas pelo protocolo I (SDS 1%, 5mM EDTA + 50mM TRIS + 0,5% antibiótico, e Triton X-100 1%) apresentaram maior preservação da organização estrutural da MEC quando comparadas àquelas processadas de acordo com o protocolo II (que diferiu do anterior pela utilização de solução contendo 0,05% tripsina ao invés de 50mM TRIS), esse último método entretanto foi o que melhor removeu as células das placentas, conforme observado em lâminas histológicas e demonstrado pela menor concentração de DNA. Tanto as porções materna quanto fetal submetidas à ambos protocolos, mantiveram as proteínas laminina, fibronectina e colágeno tipo I. O colágeno tipo III foi observado somente na porção fetal. Conclui-se que o protocolo II foi o mais eficaz no processo de decelularização de placentas caninas tendo promovido a remoção do conteúdo celular e diminuição da concentração de DNA na MEC remanescente. No entanto é necessário otimizar o tempo de incubação das placentas em soluções enzimáticas visando maior conservação do arranjo da matriz decelularizada. A análise da capacidade da MEC decelularizada por tal método para ser utilizada em bioengenharia de tecidos ainda deve ser avaliada in vitro e in vivo


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Scaffolds derived from processed tissues offer viable alternatives to synthetic polymers as biological scaffolds for regenerative medicine. Tissue-derived scaffolds provide an extracellular matrix (ECM) as the starting material for wound healing and the functional reconstruction of tissues, offering a potentially valuable approach for the replacement of damaged or missing tissues. Additionally, acellular tissue may provide a natural microenvironment for host-cell migration and the induction of stem cell differentiation to contribute to tissue regeneration. There are a number of processing methods that aim to stabilize and provide an immunologically inert tissue scaffold. Furthermore, these tissue-processing methods can often be applied to xenogenic transplants because the essential components of the ECM are often maintained between species. In this study, we applied several tissue-processing protocols to the cornea in order to obtain a decellularized cornea matrix that maintained the clarity and mechanical properties of the native tissue. Histology, mechanical testing and electron microscopy techniques were used to assess the cell extraction process and the organization of the remaining ECM. In vitro cell seeding experiments confirmed the processed corneas’ biocompatibility.


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This work involves the organization and content perspectives on Enterprise Content Management (ECM) framework. The case study at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte was based on ECM model to analyse the information management provided by the three main administrative systems: The Integrated Management of Academic Activities (SIGAA), Integrated System of Inheritance, and Contracts Administration (SIPAC) and the Integrated System for Administration and Human Resources (SIGRH). A case study protocol was designed to provide greater reliability to research process. Four propositions were examined in order to reach the specific objectives of identification and evaluation of ECM components from UFRN perspective. The preliminary phase provided the guidelines for the data collection. In total, 75 individuals were interviewed. Interviews with four managers directly involved on systems design were recorded (average duration of 90 minutes). The 70 remaining individuals were approached in random way in UFRN s units, including teachers, administrative-technical employees and students. The results showed the presence of many ECM elements in the management of UFRN administrative information. The technological component with higher presence was "management of web content / collaboration". But initiatives of other components (e.g. email and document management) were found and are in continuous improvement. The assessment made use of eQual 4.0 to examine the effectiveness of applications under three factors: usability, quality of information and offered service. In general, the quality offered by the systems was very good and walk side by side with the obtained benefits of ECM strategy adoption in the context of the whole institution


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multiméddia


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multiméddia