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Coats plus is a highly pleiotropic disorder particularly affecting the eye, brain, bone and gastrointestinal tract. Here, we show that Coats plus results from mutations in CTC1, encoding conserved telomere maintenance component 1, a member of the mammalian homolog of the yeast heterotrimeric CST telomeric capping complex. Consistent with the observation of shortened telomeres in an Arabidopsis CTC1 mutant and the phenotypic overlap of Coats plus with the telomeric maintenance disorders comprising dyskeratosis congenita, we observed shortened telomeres in three individuals with Coats plus and an increase in spontaneous γH2AX-positive cells in cell lines derived from two affected individuals. CTC1 is also a subunit of the α-accessory factor (AAF) complex, stimulating the activity of DNA polymerase-α primase, the only enzyme known to initiate DNA replication in eukaryotic cells. Thus, CTC1 may have a function in DNA metabolism that is necessary for but not specific to telomeric integrity.


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Coats plus is a highly pleiotropic disorder particularly affecting the eye, brain, bone and gastrointestinal tract. Here, we show that Coats plus results from mutations in CTC1, encoding conserved telomere maintenance component 1, a member of the mammalian homolog of the yeast heterotrimeric CST telomeric capping complex. Consistent with the observation of shortened telomeres in an Arabidopsis CTC1 mutant and the phenotypic overlap of Coats plus with the telomeric maintenance disorders comprising dyskeratosis congenita, we observed shortened telomeres in three individuals with Coats plus and an increase in spontaneous γH2AX-positive cells in cell lines derived from two affected individuals. CTC1 is also a subunit of the α-accessory factor (AAF) complex, stimulating the activity of DNA polymerase-α primase, the only enzyme known to initiate DNA replication in eukaryotic cells. Thus, CTC1 may have a function in DNA metabolism that is necessary for but not specific to telomeric integrity.


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Se estudió la respuesta clínica y serológica a la infección chagásica de 937 embarazadas y sus 929 recién nacidos (RN) vivos, grupo I; 4 RN de origen diverso, grupo II y 35 RN derivados de otros centros, grupo III. Las embarazadas se estudiaron con 3 reacciones serológicas; se definió infección cuando 2 o más reacciones eran positivas. En los RN el diagnóstico se confirmó por observación directa del T. cruzi en una muestra de sangre. Los RN con Chagas congénita (RN-ChC) fueron tratados y seguidos con estudios clínicos y de laboratorio. Se detectaron 149 embarazadas chagásicas (15.9%), de las cuales se diagnosticaron 6 RN-ChC (4%). En el total de 968 RN estudiados se detectaron 12 RN infectados. El micro-hematócrito fue el método parasitológico de lectura rápida más efectivo para el diagnóstico de infección en nuestra serie. El par de reacciones serológicas específicas constituyó un criterio de mayor seguridad para el control y seguimiento de la infección congénita. Las expresiones clínicas más comunes de infección fueron hepatomegalia, esplenomegalia, ictericia, anemia y prematurez, con distintos grados de asociación. Se concluye que dadas las características clínicas de la enfermedad de Chagas congénita en nuestro medio, se impone como estrategia el diagnóstico serológico para la enfermedad de Chagas en todas las embarazadas y el control y seguimiento de sus RN hasta descartar o confirmar infección congénita.


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Se estudió la infección por T. cruzi en mujeres embarazadas en la localidad de General Güemes, provincia de Salta. La misma fue del 12,3 %. El 8,8% de los recién nacidos estudiados tuvieron diagnóstico de Enfermedad de Chagas utilizando la técnica directa (microhematocrito). Todos fueron tratados con benznidazol a razón de 5mg/kg/día durante 30 dias. Todos presentaron anemia, que fue interpretada como reacción adversa medicamentosa. Se estima que la técnica directa representa la mejor opción para llevar a cabo el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad en el recién nacido. Se ha propuesto un flujograma para el seguimiento de la infección por T. cruzi en el recién nacido.


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Se presenta la experiencia de 18 años en la provincia de Salta en el manejo de recién nacidos con enfermedad de Chagas congénita. Desde distintos ámbitos del sistema provincial de salud, el Hospital Materno-infantil de la ciudad de Salta, hospitales del interior y la atención ambulatoria se detectaron y diagnosticaron 102 recién nacidos (RN) y lactantes con infección congénita. Los RN se dividieron en dos grupos mayores, el último subdivido, de acuerdo a la oportunidad diagnóstica. Se describe la metodología diagnóstica, presentación clínica, tratamiento y el seguimiento posterior de los niños tratados. Se analizan las características de la experiencia y se discuten las condiciones específicas del diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento de los niños estudiados. Se describen las recomendaciones empleadas en la provincia en el programa de control de Chagas perinatal así como las conclusiones derivadas de esta experiencia.


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Os avanços nas técnicas de cirurgia cardíaca e o diagnóstico precoce têm possibilitado maior sobrevida de indivíduos com cardiopatias congênitas. A investigação da qualidade de vida em crianças e adolescentes com cardiopatias congênitas fornece informações complementares aos dados clínicos que podem auxiliar na tomada de decisão dos profissionais de saúde. Embora muitos estudos tenham sido realizados para investigar a qualidade de vida de crianças e adolescentes com cardiopatias congênitas, os resultados mostram-se contraditórios. Enquanto alguns estudos revelam que as cardiopatias podem impactar a qualidade de vida, outros descrevem melhor percepção da qualidade de vida entre crianças e adolescentes cardiopatas quando comparados com controles saudáveis. O objetivo deste estudo é revisar a literatura sobre a avaliação da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em crianças e adolescentes com cardiopatias congênitas, de forma a sistematizar o conhecimento existente sobre esse tema na atualidade. Observa-se que as pesquisas procuram investigar aspectos relacionados à personalidade do paciente cardiopata, às estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por ele e ao suporte social percebido, visando à melhor compreensão da associação de tais variáveis com o nível de qualidade de vida nessa população.


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OBJECTIVE: To examine the occurrence of arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) in Europe and to identify possible risk factors. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective population-based epidemiological study using EUROCAT congenital anomaly registries. The study population included all cases of AMC (based on WHO ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes) that were livebirths (LB), fetal deaths (FD) from 20 weeks gestation and underwent termination of pregnancy for fetal anomaly (TOPFA), 1980-2006. RESULTS: Among 8.9 million births covered by 24 EUROCAT congenital anomaly registries, 757 AMC cases were reported. This gives a prevalence of 8.5 per 100,000. Five hundred and four (67%) AMC cases were LB, 199 (26%) cases were TOPFA, and FD occurred in 54 (7%) cases. First week survival status was known for 381 of the 504 LB (76%), of whom 87 (23%) died within the first week of life. Perinatal mortality associated with AMC was 32%. Two hundred and eighty-two (37%) cases had isolated AMC, 90 (12%) had additional syndrome or chromosomal anomalies and 385 (51%) had other major malformations. The same or similar anomaly was reported in 13% of siblings and in 12% of the mother's own family background. Information on prenatal testing was available for 521 cases of which 360 tested positive for a congenital anomaly, representing a sensitivity of 69%. Information on maternal illness before and during pregnancy and medication use in the first trimester was available for approximately a third of the mothers, of whom the vast majority reported no maternal illness or medication use. CONCLUSION: AMC is a rare occurrence, with a reported prevalence of 1:12,000. In this study, while information on potential risk factors such as maternal disease or maternal use of drugs was limited, they did not appear to be associated with the occurrence of AMC. AMC was lethal in a third of cases, either in utero or during the first week of life, although this may not be solely attributed to AMC as most cases had additional malformations.


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La pseudoartrosis congénita de la tibia es una enfermedad de muy baja incidencia, pero con gran morbilidad en el paciente afectado por la misma. Es un reto para el ortopedista infantil porque no existe un consenso sobre su etiología y tratamiento. La dificultad en el manejo, esta en obtener y mantener unión o consolidación y simultáneamente proveer una extremidad funcional. El Propósito de este estudio es describir los resultados en el manejo de esta patología en el Instituto de ortopedia Infantil Roosevelt. Metodologia : estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, que incluyo todos los pacientes afectados por esta enfermedad, entre 1980-2010, en una Institución especializada en ortopedia infantil de IV nivel. Resultados : en total se encontraron 26 pacientes, siendo la pierna derecha la más afectada por esta enfermedad. 24 pacientes lograron consolidación de la pseudoartrosis, después de varios procedimientos quirúrgicos, con una mediana de tiempo a la consolidación posterior a su último tratamiento de 10,1 meses. El tratamiento mas realizado fue el aloinjerto estructural y las principales complicaciones fueron la deformidad angular y la discrepancia de longitud. Discusion : esta es una patología de altísima complejidad, que requiere una aproximación multidisciplinaria y varios tratamientos en orden a lograr la consolidación de la tibia y con una alta frecuencia de complicaciones ortopédicas. Se requieren más estudios que aborden la problemática de estos pacientes.


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We report a case of adrenal hypoplasia congenita (AHC) and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) due to a novel DAX1 mutation. A 19-month-old boy with hyperpigmentation and failure to thrive came to our service for investigation. Three brothers of the patient had died due to adrenal failure, and a maternal cousin had adrenal insufficiency. Adrenoleukodystrophy was excluded. MRI showed normal pituitary and hypothalamus. Plasma hormone evaluation revealed high ACTH (up to 2,790 pg/mL), and low levels of androstenedione, DHEA-S, 11-deoxycortisol, and cortisol. At 14 years of age the patient was still prepubescent, his weight was 43.6 kg (SDS: -0.87) and his height was 161 cm (SDS: -0.36), with normal body proportions. In the GnRH test, basal and maximum values of LH and FSH were respectively 0.6/2.1 and < 1.0/< 1.0 U/L. Molecular investigation identified a novel mutation that consists of a deletion of codon 372 (AAC; asparagine) in exon 1 of DAX1. This mutation was not found in a study of 200 alleles from normal individuals. Prediction site analysis indicated that this alteration, located in the DAX1 ligand-binding domain, may damage DAX1 protein. We hypothesize that the novel (p.Asp372del) DAX1 mutation might be able to cause a disruption of DAX1 function, and is probably involved in the development of AHC and HH in this patient. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):496-500


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of ultrasound in the antenatal prediction of symptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus infection. STUDY DESIGN: The sonograms of 650 fetuses from mothers with primary cytomegalovirus infection were correlated to fetal/neonatal outcome. Infection status was disclosed by viral urine isolation at birth or CMV tissue inclusions at autopsy. Classification of symptomatic disease was based on postnatal clinical/laboratory findings or macroscopic evidence of tissue damage at autopsy. RESULTS: Ultrasound abnormalities were found in 51/600 (8.5%) mothers with primary infection and in 23/154 congenitally infected fetuses (14.9%). Symptomatic congenital infection resulted in 18/23 and 68/131 cases with or without abnormal sonographic findings, respectively. Positive predictive values of ultrasound versus symptomatic congenital infection was 35.3% relating to all fetuses/infants from mothers with primary infection and 78.3% relating to fetuses/infants with congenital infection. CONCLUSION: When fetal infection status is unknown, ultrasound abnormalities only predict symptomatic congenital infection in a third of cases.


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Background: Congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection may lead to cerebral injury and neurodevelopmental delay. Cranial computed tomography (CT) is currently the standard imaging technique for predicting the outcome of CMV infected patients. Ultrasound (US) is a safe means to assess the extent of cerebral injury due to CMV infection in neonates, and unlike CT, is readily available at the bedside. Aim: To report the accuracy of US in predicting neurodevelopmental and sensorineural outcome in patients with congenital CMV infection. Study design: 57 newborns with congenital CMV infection underwent brain US and were followed prospectively for motor skills, developmental quotient and hearing function. Results: An abnormal US was found in 12/57 newborns. At least one sequela (Developmental Quotient < 85, motor delay, sensorineural hearing loss) was present in 10/11 surviving children with abnormal US (1 patient died in the neonatal period) vs 3/45 newborns with normal US (OR for death or poor outcome: 154, CI 17.3-1219.6, p<0.001, positive predictive value 91.7%, negative predictive value 93.3%). Conclusion: A good correlation is shown between ultrasound abnormalities and the prediction of outcome, suggesting that US may be used to study and follow CMV infected neonates. Our findings await confirmation in a larger population.


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Introduction: In the last years cardiac surgery for congenital heart disease (CHD) reduced dramatically mortality modifying prognosis, but, at the same time, increased morbidity in this patient population. Respiratory and cardiovascular systems are strictly anatomically and functionally connected, so that alterations of pulmonary hemodynamic conditions modify respiratory function. While very short-term alterations of respiratory mechanics after surgery were investigated by many authors, not as much works focused on long-term changes. In these subjects rest respiratory function may be limited by several factor: CHD itself (fetal pulmonary perfusion influences vascular and alveolar development), extracorporeal circulation (CEC), thoracotomy and/or sternotomy, rib and sternal contusions, pleural adhesions and pleural fibrosis, secondary to surgical injury. Moreover inflammatory cascade, triggered by CEC, can cause endothelial damage and compromise gas exchange. Aims: The project was conceived to 1) determine severity of respiratory functional impairement in different CHD undergone to surgical correction/palliation; 2) identify the most and the least CHD involved by pulmonary impairement; 3) find a correlation between a specific hemodynamic condition and functional anomaly, and 4) between rest respiratory function and cardiopulmonary exercise test. Materials and methods: We studied 113 subjects with CHD undergone to surgery, and distinguished by group in accord to pulmonary blood flow (group 0: 28 pts with normal pulmonary flow; group 1: 22 pts with increased flow; group 2: 43 pts with decreased flow; group 3: 20 pts with total cavo-pulmonary anastomosis-TCPC) followed by the Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Unit, and we compare them to 37 age- and sex-matched healthy subjects. In Pediatric Pulmonology Unit all pts performed respiratory function tests (static and dynamic volumes, flow/volume curve, airway resistances-raw- and conductance-gaw-, lung diffusion of CO-DLCO- and DLCO/alveolar volume), and CHD pts the same day had cardiopulmonary test. They all were examined and had allergological tests, and respiratory medical history. Results: restrictive pattern (measured on total lung capacity-TLC- and vital capacity-VC) was in all CHD groups, and up to 45% in group 2 and 3. Comparing all groups, we found a significant difference in TLC between healthy and group 2 (p=0.001) and 3 (p=0.004), and in VC between group 2 and healthy (p=0.001) and group 1(p=0.034). Inspiratory capacity (IC) was decreased in group 2 related to healthy (p<0.001) and group 1 (p=0.037). We showed a direct correlation between TLC and VC with age at surgery (p=0.01) and inverse with number of surgical interventions (p=0.03). Reduced FEV1/FVC ratio, Gaw and increased Raw were mostly present in group 3. DLCO was impaired in all groups, but up to 80% in group 3 and 50% in group 2; when corrected for alveolar volume (DLCO/VA) reduction persisted in group 3 (20%), 2 (6.2%) and 0 (7.1%). Exercise test was impaired in all groups: VO2max and VE markedly reduced in all but especially in group 3, and VE/VCO2 slope, marker of ventilatory response to exercise, is increased (<36) in 62.5% of group 3, where other pts had anyway value>32. Comparing group 3 and 2, the most involved categories, we found difference in VO2max and VE/VCO2 slope (respectively p=0.02 and p<0.0001). We evidenced correlation between rest and exercise tests, especially in group 0 (between VO2max and FVC, FEV1, VC, IC; inverse relation between VE/VCO2slope and FVC, FEV1 and VC), but also in group 1 (VO2max and IC), group 2 (VO2max and FVC and FEV1); never in group 3. Discussion: According with literature, we found a frequent impairment of rest pulmonary function in all groups, but especially in group 2 and 3. Restrictive pattern was the most frequent alteration probably due to compromised pulmonary (vascular and alveolar) development secondary to hypoperfusion in fetal and pre-surgery (and pre-TCPC)life. Parenchymal fibrosis, pleural adhesions and thoracic deformities can add further limitation, as showed by the correlation between group 3 and number of surgical intervention. Exercise tests were limited, particularly in group 3 (complex anatomy and lost of chronotropic response), and we found correlations between rest and exercise tests in all but group 3. We speculate that in this patients hemodynamic exceeds respiratory contribution, though markedly decreased.


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Mutations in CLCN1, the gene encoding the ClC-1 chloride channel in skeletal muscle, lead to myotonia congenita. The effects on the intramembranous channel forming domains have been investigated more than that at the intracellular C-terminus. We have performed a mutation screen involving the whole CLCN1 gene of patients with myotonia congenita by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), single-strand conformation polymorphism studies, and sequencing. Two unrelated patients harbored the same homozygous G-to-T mutation on the donor splice site of intron 17. This led to the skipping of exon 17, as evidenced by the reverse transcriptase PCR. When the exon 17-deleted CLCN1 was expressed in Xenopus oocytes, no chloride current was measurable. This function could be restored by coexpression with the wild-type channel. Our data suggest an important role of this C-terminal region and that exon 17 skipping resulting from a homozygous point mutation in CLCN1 can lead to recessive myotonia congenita.