973 resultados para DIRECT ELECTRON-TRANSFER


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Cytochrom c Oxidase (CcO), der Komplex IV der Atmungskette, ist eine der Häm-Kupfer enthaltenden Oxidasen und hat eine wichtige Funktion im Zellmetabolismus. Das Enzym enthält vier prosthetische Gruppen und befindet sich in der inneren Membran von Mitochondrien und in der Zellmembran einiger aerober Bakterien. Die CcO katalysiert den Elektronentransfer (ET) von Cytochrom c zu O2, wobei die eigentliche Reaktion am binuklearen Zentrum (CuB-Häm a3) erfolgt. Bei der Reduktion von O2 zu zwei H2O werden vier Protonen verbraucht. Zudem werden vier Protonen über die Membran transportiert, wodurch eine elektrochemische Potentialdifferenz dieser Ionen zwischen Matrix und Intermembranphase entsteht. Trotz ihrer Wichtigkeit sind Membranproteine wie die CcO noch wenig untersucht, weshalb auch der Mechanismus der Atmungskette noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt ist. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, einen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Funktion der CcO zu leisten. Hierzu wurde die CcO aus Rhodobacter sphaeroides über einen His-Anker, der am C-Terminus der Untereinheit II angebracht wurde, an eine funktionalisierte Metallelektrode in definierter Orientierung gebunden. Der erste Elektronenakzeptor, das CuA, liegt dabei am nächsten zur Metalloberfläche. Dann wurde eine Doppelschicht aus Lipiden insitu zwischen die gebundenen Proteine eingefügt, was zur sog. proteingebundenen Lipid-Doppelschicht Membran (ptBLM) führt. Dabei musste die optimale Oberflächenkonzentration der gebundenen Proteine herausgefunden werden. Elektrochemische Impedanzspektroskopie(EIS), Oberflächenplasmonenresonanzspektroskopie (SPR) und zyklische Voltammetrie (CV) wurden angewandt um die Aktivität der CcO als Funktion der Packungsdichte zu charakterisieren. Der Hauptteil der Arbeit betrifft die Untersuchung des direkten ET zur CcO unter anaeroben Bedingungen. Die Kombination aus zeitaufgelöster oberflächenverstärkter Infrarot-Absorptionsspektroskopie (tr-SEIRAS) und Elektrochemie hat sich dafür als besonders geeignet erwiesen. In einer ersten Studie wurde der ET mit Hilfe von fast scan CV untersucht, wobei CVs von nicht-aktivierter sowie aktivierter CcO mit verschiedenen Vorschubgeschwindigkeiten gemessen wurden. Die aktivierte Form wurde nach dem katalytischen Umsatz des Proteins in Anwesenheit von O2 erhalten. Ein vier-ET-modell wurde entwickelt um die CVs zu analysieren. Die Methode erlaubt zwischen dem Mechanismus des sequentiellen und des unabhängigen ET zu den vier Zentren CuA, Häm a, Häm a3 und CuB zu unterscheiden. Zudem lassen sich die Standardredoxpotentiale und die kinetischen Koeffizienten des ET bestimmen. In einer zweiten Studie wurde tr-SEIRAS im step scan Modus angewandt. Dafür wurden Rechteckpulse an die CcO angelegt und SEIRAS im ART-Modus verwendet um Spektren bei definierten Zeitscheiben aufzunehmen. Aus diesen Spektren wurden einzelne Banden isoliert, die Veränderungen von Vibrationsmoden der Aminosäuren und Peptidgruppen in Abhängigkeit des Redoxzustands der Zentren zeigen. Aufgrund von Zuordnungen aus der Literatur, die durch potentiometrische Titration der CcO ermittelt wurden, konnten die Banden versuchsweise den Redoxzentren zugeordnet werden. Die Bandenflächen gegen die Zeit aufgetragen geben dann die Redox-Kinetik der Zentren wieder und wurden wiederum mit dem vier-ET-Modell ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse beider Studien erlauben die Schlussfolgerung, dass der ET zur CcO in einer ptBLM mit größter Wahrscheinlichkeit dem sequentiellen Mechanismus folgt, was dem natürlichen ET von Cytochrom c zur CcO entspricht.


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The direct electron transfer between indium–tin oxide electrodes (ITO) and cytochrome c encapsulated in different sol–gel silica networks was studied. Cyt c@silica modified electrodes were synthesized by a two-step encapsulation method mixing a phosphate buffer solution with dissolved cytochrome c and a silica sol prepared by the alcohol-free sol–gel route. These modified electrodes were characterized by cyclic voltammetry, UV–vis spectroscopy, and in situ UV–vis spectroelectrochemistry. The electrochemical response of encapsulated protein is influenced by the terminal groups of the silica pores. Cyt c does not present electrochemical response in conventional silica (hydroxyl terminated) or phenyl terminated silica. Direct electron transfer to encapsulated cytochrome c and ITO electrodes only takes place when the protein is encapsulated in methyl modified silica networks.


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Poster presented at the 4th International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology, 10-13 May 2015, Lisbon.


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The direct electron transfer of amino oxidase on electrode surface based on self-assembly technique occurs at 505 mW(vs. Ag/AgCl), indicating that copper atoms are the electron transfer centers and catalytic centers of amino oxidase.


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A direct borohydride-hydrogen peroxide fuel cell employing carbon-supported Prussian Blue (PB) as mediated electron-transfer cathode catalyst is reported. While operating at 30 °C, the direct borohydride-hydrogen peroxide fuel cell employing carbon-supported PB cathode catalyst shows superior performance with the maximum output power density of 68 mW cm−2 at an operating voltage of 1.1 V compared to direct borohydride-hydrogen peroxide fuel cell employing the conventional gold-based cathode with the maximum output power density of 47 mW cm−2 at an operating voltage of 0.7 V. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDAX) suggest that anchoring of Cetyl-Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) as a surfactant moiety on carbon-supported PB affects the catalyst morphology. Polarization studies on direct borohydride-hydrogen peroxide fuel cell with carbon-supported CTAB-anchored PB cathode exhibit better performance with the maximum output power density of 50 mW cm−2 at an operating voltage of 1 V than the direct borohydride-hydrogen peroxide fuel cell with carbon-supported Prussian Blue without CTAB with the maximum output power density of 29 mW cm−2 at an operating voltage of 1 V.


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The trans- and cis-stilbenes upon inclusion in NaY zeolite are thermally stable. Direct excitation and triplet sensitization results in geometric isomerization and the excited state behavior under these conditions are similar to that in solution. Upon direct excitation, a photostationary state consisting of 65% cis and 35% trans isomers is established. Triplet sensitization with 2-acetonaphthone gave a photostationary state consisting of 63% cis and 37% trans isomers. These numbers are similar to the ones obtained in solution. Thus, the presence of cations and the confined space within the zeolite have very little influence on the overall chemistry during direct and triplet sensitization. However, upon electron transfer sensitization with N-methylacridinium (NMA) as the sensitizer within NaY, isomerization from cis-stilbene radical cation to trans-stilbene occurs and the recombination of radical ions results in triplet stilbene. Prolonged irradiation gave a photostationary state (65% cis and 35% trans) similar to triplet sensitization. This behavior is unique to the zeolite and does not take place in solution. Steady state fluorescence measurements showed that the majority of stilbene molecules are close to the N-methylacridinium sensitizer. Diffuse reflectance flash photolysis studies established that independent of the isomer being sensitized only trans radical cation is formed. Triplet stilbene is believed to be generated via recombination of stilbene radical cation and sensitizer radical anion. One should be careful in using acidic HY zeolite as a medium for photoisomerization of stilbenes. In our hands, in these acidic zeolites isomerization dominated the photoisomerization. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) reactions are ubiquitous throughout chemistry and biology. However, challenges arise in both the the experimental and theoretical investigation of PCET reactions; the rare-event nature of the reactions and the coupling between quantum mechanical electron- and proton-transfer with the slower classical dynamics of the surrounding environment necessitates the development of robust simulation methodology. In the following dissertation, novel path-integral based methods are developed and employed for the direct simulation of the reaction dynamics and mechanisms of condensed-phase PCET.


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1–3, which contain a fluorophore and two proton receptors with opposite PET (photoinduced electron transfer) characteristics, only display strong fluorescence within a pH window whose position and width are tunable.


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A pyridyl-functionalized diiron dithiolate complex, [μ-(4-pyCH2−NMI-S2)Fe2(CO)6] (3, py = pyridine(ligand), NMI = naphthalene monoimide) was synthesized and fully characterized. In the presence of zinc tetraphenylporphyrin (ZnTPP), a self-assembled 3·ZnTPP complex was readily formed in CH2Cl2 by the coordination of the pyridyl nitrogen to the porphyrin zinc center. Ultrafast photoinduced electron transfer from excited ZnTPP to complex 3 in the supramolecular assembly was observed in real time by monitoring the ν(CO) and ν(CO)NMI spectral changes with femtosecond time-resolved infrared (TRIR) spectroscopy. We have confirmed that photoinduced charge separation produced the monoreduced species by comparing the time-resolved IR spectra with the conventional IR spectra of 3•− generated by reversible electrochemical reduction. The lifetimes for the charge separation and charge recombination processes were found to be τCS = 40 ± 3 ps and τCR = 205 ± 14 ps, respectively. The charge recombination is much slower than that in an analogous covalent complex, demonstrating the potential of a supramolecular approach to extend the lifetime of the chargeseparated state in photocatalytic complexes. The observed vibrational frequency shifts provide a very sensitive probe of the delocalization of the electron-spin density over the different parts of the Fe2S2 complex. The TR and spectro-electrochemical IR spectra, electron paramagnetic resonance spectra, and density functional theory calculations all show that the spin density in 3•− is delocalized over the diiron core and the NMI bridge. This delocalization explains why the complex exhibits low catalytic dihydrogen production even though it features a very efficient photoinduced electron transfer. The ultrafast porphyrin-to-NMIS2−Fe2(CO)6 photoinduced electron transfer is the first reported example of a supramolecular Fe2S2-hydrogenase model studied by femtosecond TRIR spectroscopy. Our results show that TRIR spectroscopy is a powerful tool to investigate photoinduced electron transfer in potential dihydrogen-producing catalytic complexes, and that way to optimize their performance by rational approaches.


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Terminal oxidases are the final proteins of the respiratory chain in eukaryotes and some bacteria. They catalyze most of the biological oxygen consumption on Earth done by aerobic organisms. During the catalytic reaction terminal oxidases reduce dioxygen to water and use the energy released in this process to maintain the electrochemical proton gradient by functioning as a redox-driven proton pump. This membrane gradient of protons is extremely important for cells as it is used for many cellular processes, such as transportation of substrates and ATP synthesis. Even though the structures of several terminal oxidases are known, they are not sufficient in themselves to explain the molecular mechanism of proton pumping. In this work we have applied a complex approach using a variety of different techniques to address the properties and the mechanism of proton translocation by the terminal oxidases. The combination of direct measurements of pH changes during catalytic turnover, time-resolved potentiometric electrometry and optical spectroscopy, made it possible to obtain valuable information about various aspects of oxidase functioning. We compared oxygen binding properties of terminal oxidases from the distinct heme-copper (CcO) and cytochrome bd families and found that cytochrome bd has a high affinity for oxygen, which is 3 orders of magnitude higher than that of CcO. Interestingly, the difference between CcO and cytochrome bd is not only in higher affinity of the latter to oxygen, but also in the way that each of these enzymes traps oxygen during catalysis. CcO traps oxygen kinetically - the molecule of bound dioxygen is rapidly reduced before it can dissociate. Alternatively, cytochrome bd employs an alternative mechanism of oxygen trapping - part of the redox energy is invested into tight oxygen binding, and the price paid for this is the lack of proton pumping. A single cycle of oxygen reduction to water is characterized by translocation of four protons across the membrane. Our results make it possible to assign the pumping steps to discrete transitions of the catalytic cycle and indicate that during in vivo turnover of the oxidase these four protons are transferred, one at a time, during the P→F, F→OH, Oh→Eh, and Eh→R transitions. At the same time, each individual proton translocation step in the catalytic cycle is not just a single reaction catalyzed by CcO, but rather a complicated sequence of interdependent electron and proton transfers. We assume that each single proton translocation cycle of CcO is assured by internal proton transfer from the conserved Glu-278 to an as yet unidentified pump site above the hemes. Delivery of a proton to the pump site serves as a driving reaction that forces the proton translocation cycle to continue.


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Current-potential characteristics are obtained numerically for a lone-adsorbate-mediated anodic charge transfer at the electrode-solution interface. An increase in the overpotential leads to the appearance of maxima in the anodic current-potential plots instead of the extended activationless region (i.e. a saturation current at large positive overpotentials) predicted by the direct heterogeneous outer-sphere anodic charge transfer process. A detailed analysis of the dependence of current-potential profiles and other kinetic parameters on various system parameters is also presented.


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Electron transfer is an essential activity in biological systems. The migrating electron originates from water-oxygen in photosynthesis and reverts to dioxygen in respiration. In this cycle two metal porphyrin complexes possessing circular conjugated system and macrocyclic pi-clouds, chlorophyll and hems, play a decisive role in mobilising electrons for travel over biological structures as extraneous electrons. Transport of electrons within proteins (as in cytochromes) and within DNA (during oxidative damage and repair) is known to occur. Initial evaluations did not favour formation of semiconducting pathways of delocalized electrons of the peptide bonds in proteins and of the bases in nucleic acids. Direct measurement of conductivity of bulk material and quantum chemical calculations of their polymeric structures also did not support electron transfer in both proteins and nucleic acids. New experimental approaches have revived interest in the process of charge transfer through DNA duplex. The fluorescence on photoexcitation of Ru-complex was found to be quenched by Rh-complex, when both were tethered to DNA and intercalated in the base stack. Similar experiments showed that damage to G-bases and repair of T-T dimers in DNA can occur by possible long range electron transfer through the base stack. The novelty of this phenomenon prompted the apt name, chemistry at a distance. Based on experiments with ruthenium modified proteins, intramolecular electron transfer in proteins is now proposed to use pathways that include C-C sigma-bonds and surprisingly hydrogen bonds which remained out of favour for a long time. In support of this, some experimental evidence is now available showing that hydrogen bond-bridges facilitate transfer of electrons between metal-porphyrin complexes. By molecular orbital calculations over 20 years ago. we found that "delocalization of an extraneous electron is pronounced when it enters low-lying virtual orbitals of the electronic structures of peptide units linked by hydrogen bonds". This review focuses on supramolecular electron transfer pathways that can emerge on interlinking by hydrogen bonds and metal coordination of some unnoticed structures with pi-clouds in proteins and nucleic acids, potentially useful in catalysis and energy missions.


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The stabilization ratios.. for double-electron transfer, i.e., the cross section ratios of true double capture to total double-electron transfer, are measured in O6++ He, Ne and Ar collisions at 6 keV/u. A high.. value about 68% is obtained for the He target, while for the Ar target, the.. value is only 8%. The high R value for the He target is due to the significant direct population of the (2l, nl') configurations with high n For the Ar target, the (quasi) symmetric configurations (3l, nl') lead to the much lower.. value. Neglecting the core effects, the O6+ ion can be taken as a bare ion C6+ except the occupied 1s shell, and then the measured R values are compared with previous experimental results of C6+ projectile ions at similar impact velocity. It yields good agreement with the Ne and Ar target, while the occupied 1s shell for the O6++ He system results in a higher R value than that in C6++He collisions.


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Investigation of a heterogeneous electron-transfer (ET) reaction at the water/1,2-dichloroethane interface employing a double-barrel micropipet technique is reported. The chosen system was the reaction between Fe(CN)(6)(3-) in the aqueous phase (W) and ferrocene in 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE). According to the generation and the collection currents as well as collection efficiency, the ET-ion-transfer (IT) coupling process at such an interface and competing reactions with the organic supporting electrolyte in the organic phase can be studied. In addition, this technique has been found to be an efficient method to distinguish and measure the charge-transfer coupling reaction between two ions (IT-IT) processes occurring simultaneously at a liquid/liquid interface. On this basis, the formal Gibbs energies of transfer of some ions across the W/DCE interface, such as NO3-, NO2-, Cl-, COO-, TBA(+), IPAs+, Cs+, Rb+, K+, Na+, and Li+, for which their direct transfers are usually difficult to obtain because of the IT-IT coupling processes, were quantitatively evaluated.


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Moun-transfer reactions from muonic hydrogen to carbon and oxygen nuclei employing a full quantum-mechanical few-body description of rearrangement scattering were studied by solving the Faddeev-Hahn-type equations using close-coupling approximation. The application of a close-coupling-type ansatz led to satisfactory results for direct muon-transfer reactions from muonic hydrogen to C6+ and O8+.