953 resultados para DIPLOID MALES
Background and Aims The frequency at which males can be maintained with hermaphrodites in androdioecious populations is predicted to depend on the selfing rate, because self-fertilization by hermaphrodites reduces prospective siring opportunities for males. In particular, high selfing rates by hermaphrodites are expected to exclude males from a population. Here, the first estimates are provided of the mating system from two wild hexaploid populations of the androdioecious European wind-pollinated plant M. annua with contrasting male frequencies.Methods Four diploid microsatellite loci were used to genotype 19-20 progeny arrays from two populations of M. annua, one with males and one without. Mating-system parameters were estimated using the program MLTR.Key Results Both populations had similar, intermediate outcrossing rates (t(m) = 0.64 and 0.52 for the population with and without males, respectively). The population without males showed a lower level of correlated paternity and biparental inbreeding and higher allelic richness and gene diversity than the population with males.Conclusions The results demonstrate the utility of new diploid microsatellite loci for mating system analysis in a hexaploid plant. It would appear that androdioecious M. annua has a mixed-mating system in the wild, an uncommon finding for wind-pollinated species. This study sets a foundation for future research to assess the relative importance of the sexual system, plant-density variation and stochastic processes for the regulation of male frequencies in M. annua over space and time.
Currently, 60 species of harvestmen have been karyotyped and all of these are from the Nearctic and Palearctic regions. This work is the first cytogenetic report of three gonyleptid species of the suborder Laniatores: Goniosoina aff. badiuln, G. proxiinuni and G. spelaeum of the Neotropical region, from the southeastern region of Brazil. Conventional Giemsa stain chromosome preparations were obtained from embryonic cells and adult male testes. Embryo mitotic plates of G. aff. badium and G. proximum indicated 88 chromosomes, and mitotic spermatogonial plates of G. spelaeum males revealed intra- and interindividual variation of chromosome number, ranging from 92-109 chromosomes. In the three analyzed species, the mitotic chromosomes were meta- or subinetacentric with no obvious sex chromosomes being identified during mitosis. Prophase I spermatocytes of G. spelaeum also revealed intra- and interindividual bivalent number variation and furthermore indicated the presence of multivalence. The karyotypes of these three Goniosoina species exhibited the largest chromosome pair with a negative heteropycnosis in the distal region of the shortest arrn chromosomes of G. spelaeum submitted to silver impregnation evidenced this negative heteropycnotic region as nucleolus organizer region (NOR). These results, when compared with cytogenetic data of other Laniatores species from the Palearctic region, indicated that a new record for diploid chromosome number probably characterize the genus Goniosoma in the Neotropical region.
Background/Aims. Studies on 46,XY partial gonadal dysgenesis (PGD) have focused on molecular, gonadal, genital, and hormone features; little is known about follow-up. Our aim was to analyze long-term outcomes of PGD. Methods. Retrospective longitudinal study conducted at a reference service in Brazil. Ten patients were first evaluated in the 1990s and followed up until the 2010s; follow-up ranged from 13.5 to 19.7 years. All were reared as males and had at least one scrotal testis; two bore NR5A1 mutations. Main outcomes were: associated conditions, pubertal development, and growth. Results. All patients had normal motor development but three presented cognitive impairment; five had various associated conditions. At the end of the prepubertal period, FSH was high or high-normal in 3/6 patients; LH was normal in all. At the last evaluation, FSH was high or high-normal in 8/10; LH was high or high-normal in 5/10; testosterone was decreased in one. Final height in nine cases ranged from -1.57 to 0.80 SDS. All had spontaneous puberty; only one needed androgen therapy. Conclusions. There is good prognosis for growth and spontaneous pubertal development but not for fertility. Though additional studies are required, screening for learning disabilities is advisable.
The aim of this work was to determine PAs levels in pith tissues and callus cultures from haploid and diploid tobacco plants, explanted from the apical and basal regions of the stem. These explants were cultured in an RM-64 medium supplied with IAA and kinetin, under light or in the dark, during successive subcultures. PAs levels followed a basipetal decrease in diploid and an increase in haploid, pith tissues. A similar pattern of total PAs (free + conjugated) was observed for the callus of diploid and haploid plants maintained in the light, and for the haploid callus in the dark, whereas the diploid callus in the dark showed a constant increase in total PAs levels until the end of culture. The PA increase in the diploid callus in the dark was related to free Put levels increase. The ploidy status of the plants could express different PA gradients together with the plant pith and in vitro callus cultures.
Queen, male and worker production was studied during one year in three Plebeia remota colonies from Atlantic Rainforest in Cunha, Sao Paulo State, and two from a subtropical Araucaria forest in Prudentopolis, Parana State. All the colonies were kept in Sao Paulo city during our study. Plebeia remota has reproductive diapause during autumn and winter, which makes its biology of special interest. Brood production begins before spring, renewing the colony cycle. We sampled brood combs monthly in these five colonies. The number of cells in each comb varied significantly with time of the year; the smallest brood combs appear to be a consequence of reduced food availability. However, worker, queen and male frequencies did not differ significantly in time, and this presumably is due to the fact that they all are necessary for the growth, maintenance and reproduction of the colony. Although some molecular, morphological and behavioral differences have been detected in several studies comparing populations from Cunha and from Prudentopolis, we did not find significant differences between the colonies from these two localities in number of brood cells and worker, queen and male production.
Some herbicides are suspected of promoting teratogenic, carcinogenic and mutagenic events. Detection of induced mitotic crossing-over has proven to be an indirect way of testing the carcinogenic properties of suspicious substances, because mitotic crossing-over is involved in the multistep process of carcinogenesis. We examined mitotic crossing-over induced by two commercial herbicides (diuron and trifluralin) in diploid strains of Aspergillus nidulans based on the homozygotization index. Low doses (2.5 mu g/mL) of diuron were sufficient to increase the mean homozygotization index in 2.1 and 11.3 times for UT448//UT196 and Dp II-I//UT196, respectively, whereas the same dose of trifluralin increased this mean only 1.2 (UT448//UT196) and 3.5 (Dp II-I//UT196) times, respectively. The lower homozygotization index value found for trifluralin could be due to its interference with mitotic crossing-over in eukaryotic cells. We concluded that the diploid Dp II-I//UT196 of A. nidulans is more sensitive to organic compounds than UT448//UT196; these compounds cause recombinational events at a greater frequency in the latter diploid. This system holds promise as an initial test for carcino-genicity of organic compounds, including herbicides.
As a contribution towards detecting the genetic effects of low doses of genotoxic physical agents, this paper deals with the consequences of low-dose X-rays in the Aspergillus nidulans genome. The irradiation doses studied were those commonly used in dental clinics (1-5 cGy). Even very low doses promoted increased mitotic crossing-over frequencies in diploid strains heterozygous for several genetic markers including the ones involved in DNA repair and recombination mechanisms. Genetic markers of several heterozygous strains were individu`ally analyzed disclosing that some markers were especially sensitive to the treatments. These markers should be chosen as bio-indicators in the homozygotization index assay to better detect the recombinogenic/carcinogenic genomic effects of low-dose X-rays.
More than 2 years after undergoing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, women still present bilateral asymmetries during multijoint movement tasks. Given the well-known ACL-injury gender bias, the goal of this study was to investigate whether males also present such asymmetries more than 2 years after undergoing ACL reconstruction. This study involved 12 participants submitted to ACL reconstruction in the ACL group and 17 healthy participants in the control group. The mean postoperative period was 37 months. The participants executed bilateral countermovement jumps and load squat tasks. The kinematics and ground reaction forces on each lower limb and pelvis were recorded, and used to compute bilateral peak vertical ground reaction forces, peak knee and hip joint powers in the sagittal plane, and the ratio between these powers. For the jump task, the groups had the same performance in the jump height, but for the ACL group the peak knee joint power on the operated side was 13% lower than on the non-operated side (p = 0.02). For the squat task, the hip-knee joint power ratio on the operated side of the ACL group was 31% greater than on the non-operated side (p = 0.02). The ACL group presented a deficit in the operated knee that had its energy generation over time (joint power) partially substituted by the hip joint power of the same side. The fact that, even after more than 2 years following the ACL reconstruction and returning to regular activity, the ACL group still had neuromuscular asymmetries suggests a need for improvement in the ACL reconstruction surgery procedures and/or rehabilitation protocols.
Recent findings have indicated that creatine supplementation may affect glucose metabolism. This study aimed to examine the effects of creatine supplementation, combined with aerobic training, on glucose tolerance in sedentary healthy male. Subjects (n = 22) were randomly divided in two groups and were allocated to receive treatment with either creatine (CT) (similar to 10g .day over three months) or placebo (PT) (dextrose). Administration of treatments was double blind. Both groups underwent moderate aerobic training. An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed and both fasting plasma insulin and the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) index were assessed at the start, and after four, eight and twelve weeks. CT demonstrated significant decrease in OGTT area under the curve compared to PT (P = 0.034). There were no differences between groups or over time in fasting insulin or HOMA. The results suggest that creatine supplementation, combined with aerobic training, can improve glucose tolerance but does not affect insulin sensitivity, and may warrant further investigation with diabetic subjects.
Aceria inusitata Britto and Navia n. sp. (Acari: Eriophyidae) is described from protogynes, deutogynes and two forms of males occurring under a ""patches of webbing"" from ""pau-brasil,"" Caesalpinia echinata L. (Caesalpiniaceae), leaves. This is the first example of a deuterogynous eriophyid mite in tropical regions with two forms of males, one resembling the protogyne and the other the deutogyne. In addition, biological observations are presented. Aberoptus cerostructor Flechtmann, is given a new generic assignment, Aceria cerostructor n. comb.
A randomised crossover dietary intervention study was performed to evaluate the effects of replacing meat protein in the diet with a soyabean product, tofu, on blood concentrations of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, androstanediol glucuronide, oestradiol, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), and the free androgen index (total testosterone concentration/SHBG concentration x 100; FAI). Forty-two healthy adult males aged 35-62 years were studied. Diets were isoenergetic, with either 150 g lean meat or 290 g tofu daily providing an equivalent amount of macronutrients, with only the source of protein differing between the two diets. Each diet lasted for 4 weeks, with a 2-week interval between interventions. Fasting blood samples were taken between 07.00 and 09.30 hours. Urinary excretion of genistein and daidzein was significantly higher after the tofu diet (P
This study examined the effects of four high-intensity interval-training (HIT) sessions performed over 2 weeks on peak volume of oxygen uptake (VO2peak), the first and second ventilatory thresholds (UT VT2) and peak power output (PPO) in highly trained cyclists. Fourteen highly trained male cyclists (VO2peak = 67.5 +/- 3.7 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1)) performed a ramped cycle test to determine VO2peak VT1 VT2, and PPO. Subjects were divided equally into a HIT group and a control group. The HIT group performed four HIT sessions (20 x 60 s at PPO, 120 s recovery); the V-02peak test was repeated <I wk after the HIT program. Control subjects maintained their regular training program and were reassessed under the same timeline. There was no change in V0(2peak) for either group; however, the HIT group showed a significantly greater increase in VT1, (+22% vs. -3%), VT2 (+15% vs. -1%), and PPO (+4.3 vs. -.4%) compared to controls (all P <.05). This study has demonstrated that HIT can improve VT1, VT2,, and PPO, following only four HIT sessions in already highly trained cyclists.
Males of pollinating and some non-pollinating fig wasps are wingless and quite dissimilar to their co-specific females. Due to the accentuated sexual dimorphism, males and females of some fig wasp species were described in different genera. We used morphological sperm features obtained from male seminal vesicles and female spermathecas to associate sexes in three non-pollinating fig wasp species, genus Idarnes, that are associated with Ficus citrifolia in Brazil. Sperm obtained from each female morph species presented diagnostic features that led to the association with sperm obtained from males. This method can potentially be used to help enlighten taxonomic problems in other wasp species with sexual di- or polymorphism.
Phytophthora-resistant lucerne cultivars do not always perform well under conditions of high disease pressure in the field. To determine whether resistance expression remains stable under different infection intensities, tetraploid and diploid lucerne genotypes, genotypically defined for their reactions to Phytophthora medicaginis, were clonally propagated, and the influence of different reproducible inoculum levels (0 . 5 and 5 . 0 g dry weight mycelium/kg dry weight potting mix), the period of exposure to these levels (10-60 days), and temperature (16/22 degrees C and 24/30 degrees C) on disease expression was determined in controlled environments. Generally, expression of resistance by resistant genotypes, remained stable under these conditions. Biotic (e.g. Aphanomyces eutiches) or abiotic factors other than P. medicaginis may be responsible for the poorer than expected performance under field conditions in some instances, or the percentage of resistant plants in some cultivars currently classified as resistant is insufficient to provide buffering against productivity reductions under severe epidemics. Further research is needed to clarify the situation.