71 resultados para DICOM


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Radiotherapy is a cancer treatment modality in which a dose of ionising radiation is delivered to a tumour. The accurate calculation of the dose to the patient is very important in the design of an effective therapeutic strategy. This study aimed to systematically examine the accuracy of the radiotherapy dose calculations performed by clinical treatment planning systems by comparison againstMonte Carlo simulations of the treatment delivery. A suite of software tools known as MCDTK (Monte Carlo DICOM ToolKit) was developed for this purpose, and is capable of: • Importing DICOM-format radiotherapy treatment plans and producing Monte Carlo simulation input files (allowing simple simulation of complex treatments), and calibrating the results; • Analysing the predicted doses of and deviations between the Monte Carlo simulation results and treatment planning system calculations in regions of interest (tumours and organs-at-risk) and generating dose-volume histograms, so that conformity with dose prescriptions can be evaluated. The code has been tested against various treatment planning systems, linear acceleratormodels and treatment complexities. Six clinical head and neck cancer treatments were simulated and the results analysed using this software. The deviations were greatest where the treatment volume encompassed tissues on both sides of an air cavity. This was likely due to the method the planning system used to model low density media.


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Recent advances in the planning and delivery of radiotherapy treatments have resulted in improvements in the accuracy and precision with which therapeutic radiation can be administered. As the complexity of the treatments increases it becomes more difficult to predict the dose distribution in the patient accurately. Monte Carlo methods have the potential to improve the accuracy of the dose calculations and are increasingly being recognised as the “gold standard” for predicting dose deposition in the patient. In this study, software has been developed that enables the transfer of treatment plan information from the treatment planning system to a Monte Carlo dose calculation engine. A database of commissioned linear accelerator models (Elekta Precise and Varian 2100CD at various energies) has been developed using the EGSnrc/BEAMnrc Monte Carlo suite. Planned beam descriptions and CT images can be exported from the treatment planning system using the DICOM framework. The information in these files is combined with an appropriate linear accelerator model to allow the accurate calculation of the radiation field incident on a modelled patient geometry. The Monte Carlo dose calculation results are combined according to the monitor units specified in the exported plan. The result is a 3D dose distribution that could be used to verify treatment planning system calculations. The software, MCDTK (Monte Carlo Dicom ToolKit), has been developed in the Java programming language and produces BEAMnrc and DOSXYZnrc input files, ready for submission on a high-performance computing cluster. The code has been tested with the Eclipse (Varian Medical Systems), Oncentra MasterPlan (Nucletron B.V.) and Pinnacle3 (Philips Medical Systems) planning systems. In this study the software was validated against measurements in homogenous and heterogeneous phantoms. Monte Carlo models are commissioned through comparison with quality assurance measurements made using a large square field incident on a homogenous volume of water. This study aims to provide a valuable confirmation that Monte Carlo calculations match experimental measurements for complex fields and heterogeneous media.


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Using Monte Carlo simulation for radiotherapy dose calculation can provide more accurate results when compared to the analytical methods usually found in modern treatment planning systems, especially in regions with a high degree of inhomogeneity. These more accurate results acquired using Monte Carlo simulation however, often require orders of magnitude more calculation time so as to attain high precision, thereby reducing its utility within the clinical environment. This work aims to improve the utility of Monte Carlo simulation within the clinical environment by developing techniques which enable faster Monte Carlo simulation of radiotherapy geometries. This is achieved principally through the use new high performance computing environments and simpler alternative, yet equivalent representations of complex geometries. Firstly the use of cloud computing technology and it application to radiotherapy dose calculation is demonstrated. As with other super-computer like environments, the time to complete a simulation decreases as 1=n with increasing n cloud based computers performing the calculation in parallel. Unlike traditional super computer infrastructure however, there is no initial outlay of cost, only modest ongoing usage fees; the simulations described in the following are performed using this cloud computing technology. The definition of geometry within the chosen Monte Carlo simulation environment - Geometry & Tracking 4 (GEANT4) in this case - is also addressed in this work. At the simulation implementation level, a new computer aided design interface is presented for use with GEANT4 enabling direct coupling between manufactured parts and their equivalent in the simulation environment, which is of particular importance when defining linear accelerator treatment head geometry. Further, a new technique for navigating tessellated or meshed geometries is described, allowing for up to 3 orders of magnitude performance improvement with the use of tetrahedral meshes in place of complex triangular surface meshes. The technique has application in the definition of both mechanical parts in a geometry as well as patient geometry. Static patient CT datasets like those found in typical radiotherapy treatment plans are often very large and present a significant performance penalty on a Monte Carlo simulation. By extracting the regions of interest in a radiotherapy treatment plan, and representing them in a mesh based form similar to those used in computer aided design, the above mentioned optimisation techniques can be used so as to reduce the time required to navigation the patient geometry in the simulation environment. Results presented in this work show that these equivalent yet much simplified patient geometry representations enable significant performance improvements over simulations that consider raw CT datasets alone. Furthermore, this mesh based representation allows for direct manipulation of the geometry enabling motion augmentation for time dependant dose calculation for example. Finally, an experimental dosimetry technique is described which allows the validation of time dependant Monte Carlo simulation, like the ones made possible by the afore mentioned patient geometry definition. A bespoke organic plastic scintillator dose rate meter is embedded in a gel dosimeter thereby enabling simultaneous 3D dose distribution and dose rate measurement. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of applying alternative and equivalent geometry definitions to complex geometries for the purposes of Monte Carlo simulation performance improvement. Additionally, these alternative geometry definitions allow for manipulations to be performed on otherwise static and rigid geometry.


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Introduction: Recent advances in the planning and delivery of radiotherapy treatments have resulted in improvements in the accuracy and precision with which therapeutic radiation can be administered. As the complexity of the treatments increases it becomes more difficult to predict the dose distribution in the patient accurately. Monte Carlo (MC) methods have the potential to improve the accuracy of the dose calculations and are increasingly being recognised as the ‘gold standard’ for predicting dose deposition in the patient [1]. This project has three main aims: 1. To develop tools that enable the transfer of treatment plan information from the treatment planning system (TPS) to a MC dose calculation engine. 2. To develop tools for comparing the 3D dose distributions calculated by the TPS and the MC dose engine. 3. To investigate the radiobiological significance of any errors between the TPS patient dose distribution and the MC dose distribution in terms of Tumour Control Probability (TCP) and Normal Tissue Complication Probabilities (NTCP). The work presented here addresses the first two aims. Methods: (1a) Plan Importing: A database of commissioned accelerator models (Elekta Precise and Varian 2100CD) has been developed for treatment simulations in the MC system (EGSnrc/BEAMnrc). Beam descriptions can be exported from the TPS using the widespread DICOM framework, and the resultant files are parsed with the assistance of a software library (PixelMed Java DICOM Toolkit). The information in these files (such as the monitor units, the jaw positions and gantry orientation) is used to construct a plan-specific accelerator model which allows an accurate simulation of the patient treatment field. (1b) Dose Simulation: The calculation of a dose distribution requires patient CT images which are prepared for the MC simulation using a tool (CTCREATE) packaged with the system. Beam simulation results are converted to absolute dose per- MU using calibration factors recorded during the commissioning process and treatment simulation. These distributions are combined according to the MU meter settings stored in the exported plan to produce an accurate description of the prescribed dose to the patient. (2) Dose Comparison: TPS dose calculations can be obtained using either a DICOM export or by direct retrieval of binary dose files from the file system. Dose difference, gamma evaluation and normalised dose difference algorithms [2] were employed for the comparison of the TPS dose distribution and the MC dose distribution. These implementations are spatial resolution independent and able to interpolate for comparisons. Results and Discussion: The tools successfully produced Monte Carlo input files for a variety of plans exported from the Eclipse (Varian Medical Systems) and Pinnacle (Philips Medical Systems) planning systems: ranging in complexity from a single uniform square field to a five-field step and shoot IMRT treatment. The simulation of collimated beams has been verified geometrically, and validation of dose distributions in a simple body phantom (QUASAR) will follow. The developed dose comparison algorithms have also been tested with controlled dose distribution changes. Conclusion: The capability of the developed code to independently process treatment plans has been demonstrated. A number of limitations exist: only static fields are currently supported (dynamic wedges and dynamic IMRT will require further development), and the process has not been tested for planning systems other than Eclipse and Pinnacle. The tools will be used to independently assess the accuracy of the current treatment planning system dose calculation algorithms for complex treatment deliveries such as IMRT in treatment sites where patient inhomogeneities are expected to be significant. Acknowledgements: Computational resources and services used in this work were provided by the HPC and Research Support Group, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. Pinnacle dose parsing made possible with the help of Paul Reich, North Coast Cancer Institute, North Coast, New South Wales.


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Objectives This study introduces and assesses the precision of a standardized protocol for anthropometric measurement of the juvenile cranium using three-dimensional surface rendered models, for implementation in forensic investigation or paleodemographic research. Materials and methods A subset of multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) DICOM datasets (n=10) of modern Australian subadults (birth—10 years) was accessed from the “Skeletal Biology and Forensic Anthropology Virtual Osteological Database” (n>1200), obtained from retrospective clinical scans taken at Brisbane children hospitals (2009–2013). The capabilities of Geomagic Design X™ form the basis of this study; introducing standardized protocols using triangle surface mesh models to (i) ascertain linear dimensions using reference plane networks and (ii) calculate the area of complex regions of interest on the cranium. Results The protocols described in this paper demonstrate high levels of repeatability between five observers of varying anatomical expertise and software experience. Intra- and inter-observer error was indiscernible with total technical error of measurement (TEM) values ≤0.56 mm, constituting <0.33% relative error (rTEM) for linear measurements; and a TEM value of ≤12.89 mm2, equating to <1.18% (rTEM) of the total area of the anterior fontanelle and contiguous sutures. Conclusions Exploiting the advances of MSCT in routine clinical assessment, this paper assesses the application of this virtual approach to acquire highly reproducible morphometric data in a non-invasive manner for human identification and population studies in growth and development. The protocols and precision testing presented are imperative for the advancement of “virtual anthropology” into routine Australian medico-legal death investigation.


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Introduction This study examines and compares the dosimetric quality of radiotherapy treatment plans for prostate carcinoma across a cohort of 163 patients treated across 5 centres: 83 treated with three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT), 33 treated with intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and 47 treated with volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT). Methods Treatment plan quality was evaluated in terms of target dose homogeneity and organ-at-risk sparing, through the use of a set of dose metrics. These included the mean, maximum and minimum doses; the homogeneity and conformity indices for the target volumes; and a selection of dose coverage values that were relevant to each organ-at-risk. Statistical significance was evaluated using two-tailed Welch’s T-tests. The Monte Carlo DICOM ToolKit software was adapted to permit the evaluation of dose metrics from DICOM data exported from a commercial radiotherapy treatment planning system. Results The 3DCRT treatment plans offered greater planning target volume dose homogeneity than the other two treatment modalities. The IMRT and VMAT plans offered greater dose reduction in the organs-at-risk: with increased compliance with recommended organ-at-risk dose constraints, compared to conventional 3DCRT treatments. When compared to each other, IMRT and VMAT did not provide significantly different treatment plan quality for like-sized tumour volumes. Conclusions This study indicates that IMRT and VMAT have provided similar dosimetric quality, which is superior to the dosimetric quality achieved with 3DCRT.


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The reporting and auditing of patient dose is an important component of radiotherapy quality assurance. The manual extraction of dose-volume metrics is time consuming and undesirable when auditing the dosimetric quality of a large cohort of patient plans. A dose assessment application was written to overcome this, allowing the calculation of various dose-volume metrics for large numbers of plans exported from treatment planning systems. This application expanded on the DICOM-handling functionality of the MCDTK software suite. The software extracts dose values in the volume of interest by using a ray casting point-in-polygon algorithm, where the polygons have been defined by the contours in the RTSTRUCT file...


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Aim The assessment of treatment plans is an important component in the education of radiation therapists. The establishment of a grade for a plan is currently based on subjective assessment of a range of criteria. The automation of assessment could provide a number of advantages including faster feedback, reduced chance of human error, and simpler aggregation of past results. Method A collection of treatments planned by a cohort of 27 second year radiation therapy students were selected for quantitative evaluation. Treatment sites included the bladder, cervix, larynx, parotid and prostate, although only the larynx plans had been assessed in detail. The plans were designed with the Pinnacle system and exported using the DICOM framework. Assessment criteria included beam arrangement optimisation, volume contouring, target dose coverage and homogeneity, and organ-at-risk sparing. The in-house Treatment and Dose Assessor (TADA) software1 was evaluated for suitability in assisting with the quantitative assessment of these plans. Dose volume data were exported in per-student and per-structure data tables, along with beam complexity metrics, dose volume histograms, and reports on naming conventions. Results The treatment plans were exported and processed using TADA, with the processing of all 27 plans for each treatment site taking less than two minutes. Naming conventions were successfully checked against a reference protocol. Significant variations between student plans were found. Correlation with assessment feedback was established for the larynx plans. Conclusion The data generated could be used to inform the selection of future assessment criteria, monitor student development, and provide useful feedback to the students. The provision of objective, quantitative evaluations of plan quality would be a valuable addition to not only radiotherapy education programmes but also for staff development and potentially credentialing methods. New functionality within TADA developed for this work could be applied clinically to, for example, evaluate protocol compliance.


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After attending this presentation, attendees will gain awareness of the ontogeny of cranial maturation, specifically: (1) the fusion timings of primary ossification centers in the basicranium; and (2) the temporal pattern of closure of the anterior fontanelle, to develop new population-specific age standards for medicolegal death investigation of Australian subadults. This presentation will impact the forensic science community by demonstrating the potential of a contemporary forensic subadult Computed Tomography (CT) database of cranial scans and population data, to recalibrate existing standards for age estimation and quantify growth and development of Australian children. This research welcomes a study design applicable to all countries faced with paucity in skeletal repositories. Accurate assessment of age-at-death of skeletal remains represents a key element in forensic anthropology methodology. In Australian casework, age standards derived from American reference samples are applied in light of scarcity in documented Australian skeletal collections. Currently practitioners rely on antiquated standards, such as the Scheuer and Black1 compilation for age estimation, despite implications of secular trends and population variation. Skeletal maturation standards are population specific and should not be extrapolated from one population to another, while secular changes in skeletal dimensions and accelerated maturation underscore the importance of establishing modern standards to estimate age in modern subadults. Despite CT imaging becoming the gold standard for skeletal analysis in Australia, practitioners caution the application of forensic age standards derived from macroscopic inspection to a CT medium, suggesting a need for revised methodologies. Multi-slice CT scans of subadult crania and cervical vertebrae 1 and 2 were acquired from 350 Australian individuals (males: n=193, females: n=157) aged birth to 12 years. The CT database, projected at 920 individuals upon completion (January 2014), comprises thin-slice DICOM data (resolution: 0.5/0.3mm) of patients scanned since 2010 at major Brisbane Childrens Hospitals. DICOM datasets were subject to manual segmentation, followed by the construction of multi-planar and volume rendering cranial models, for subsequent scoring. The union of primary ossification centers of the occipital bone were scored as open, partially closed or completely closed; while the fontanelles, and vertebrae were scored in accordance with two stages. Transition analysis was applied to elucidate age at transition between union states for each center, and robust age parameters established using Bayesian statistics. In comparison to reported literature, closure of the fontanelles and contiguous sutures in Australian infants occur earlier than reported, with the anterior fontanelle transitioning from open to closed at 16.7±1.1 months. The metopic suture is closed prior to 10 weeks post-partum and completely obliterated by 6 months of age, independent of sex. Utilizing reverse engineering capabilities, an alternate method for infant age estimation based on quantification of fontanelle area and non-linear regression with variance component modeling will be presented. Closure models indicate that the greatest rate of change in anterior fontanelle area occurs prior to 5 months of age. This study complements the work of Scheuer and Black1, providing more specific age intervals for union and temporal maturity of each primary ossification center of the occipital bone. For example, dominant fusion of the sutura intra-occipitalis posterior occurs before 9 months of age, followed by persistence of a hyaline cartilage tongue posterior to the foramen magnum until 2.5 years; with obliteration at 2.9±0.1 years. Recalibrated age parameters for the atlas and axis are presented, with the anterior arch of the atlas appearing at 2.9 months in females and 6.3 months in males; while dentoneural, dentocentral and neurocentral junctions of the axis transitioned from non-union to union at 2.1±0.1 years in females and 3.7±0.1 years in males. These results are an exemplar of significant sexual dimorphism in maturation (p<0.05), with girls exhibiting union earlier than boys, justifying the need for segregated sex standards for age estimation. Studies such as this are imperative for providing updated standards for Australian forensic and pediatric practice and provide an insight into skeletal development of this population. During this presentation, the utility of novel regression models for age estimation of infants will be discussed, with emphasis on three-dimensional modeling capabilities of complex structures such as fontanelles, for the development of new age estimation methods.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia Informática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Com o crescente aumento da Teleradiologia, sentiu-se necessidade de criar mais e melhores softwares para sustentar esse crescimento. O presente trabalho pretende abordar a temática da certificação de software e a sua marcação CE, pois para dar entrada no mercado Europeu todos os Dispositivos Médicos (DM) têm de estar devidamente certificados. Para efetuar a marcação CE e a certificação serão estudadas normas e normativos adequados para marcação de DM ao nível Europeu e também dos Estados Unidos da América. A temática da segurança de dados pessoais será também estudada de forma a assegurar que o dispositivo respeite a legislação em vigor. Este estudo tem como finalidade a certificação de um software proprietário da efficientia sysPACS, um serviço online abrangente, que permite a gestão integrada do armazenamento e distribuição de imagens médicas para apoio ao diagnóstico.


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Post-MAPS is a web platform that collects gastroenterological exam data from several european hospital centers, to be used in future clinical studies and was developed in partnership with experts from the gastroenterological area and information technology (IT) technicians. However, although functional, this platform has some issues that are crucial for its functioning, and can render user interaction unpleasant and exhaustive. Accordingly, we proposed the development of a new web platform, in which we aimed for an improvement in terms of usability, data uni cation and interoperability. Therefore, it was necessary to identify and study different ways of acquiring clinical data and review some of the existing clinical databases in order to understand how they work and what type of data they store, as well as their impact and contribution to clinical knowledge. Closely linked to the data model is the ability to share data with other systems, so, we also studied the concept of interoperability and analyzed some of the most widely used international standards, such as DICOM, HL7 and openEHR. As one of the primary objectives of this project was to achieve a better level of usability, practices related to Human Computer-Interaction, such as requirement analysis, creation of conceptual models, prototyping, and evaluation were also studied. Before we began the development, we conducted an analysis of the previous platform, from a functional point of view, which allowed us to gather not only a list of architectural and interface issues, but also a list of improvement opportunities. It was also performed a small preliminary study in order to evaluate the platform's usability, where we were able to realize that perceived usability is different between users, and that, in some aspects, varies according to their location, age and years of experience. Based on the information gathered during the platform's analysis and in the conclusions of the preliminary study, a new platform was developed, prepared for all potential users, from the inexperienced to the most comfortable with technology. It presents major improvements in terms of usability, also providing several new features that simplify the users' work, improving their interaction with the system, making their experience more enjoyable.


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L'un des principaux défis de l'interprétation radiographique réside dans la compréhension de l’anatomie radiographique, laquelle est intrinsèquement liée à la disposition tridimensionnelle des structures anatomiques et à l’impact du positionnement du tube radiogène vis-à-vis de ces structures lors de l'acquisition de l'image. Traditionnellement, des radiographies obtenues selon des projections standard sont employées pour enseigner l'anatomie radiographique en médecine vétérinaire. La tomodensitométrie − ou communément appelée CT (Computed Tomography) − partage plusieurs des caractéristiques de la radiographie en ce qui a trait à la génération des images. À l’aide d'un plug-in spécialement développé (ORS Visual ©), la matrice contenant les images CT est déformée pour reproduire les effets géométriques propres au positionnement du tube et du détecteur vis-à-vis du patient radiographié, tout particulièrement les effets de magnification et de distorsion. Afin d'évaluer le rendu des images simulées, différentes régions corporelles ont été imagées au CT chez deux chiens, un chat et un cheval, avant d'être radiographiées suivant des protocoles d'examens standards. Pour valider le potentiel éducatif des simulations, dix radiologistes certifiés ont comparé à l'aveugle neuf séries d'images radiographiques simulées aux séries radiographiques standard. Plusieurs critères ont été évalués, soient le grade de visualisation des marqueurs anatomiques, le réalisme et la qualité radiographique des images, le positionnement du patient et le potentiel éducatif de celles-ci pour différents niveaux de formation vétérinaire. Les résultats généraux indiquent que les images radiographiques simulées à partir de ce modèle sont suffisamment représentatives de la réalité pour être employées dans l’enseignement de l’anatomie radiographique en médecine vétérinaire.


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Este artículo presenta una descripción de los repositorios digitales y su caracterización dentro del contexto de las ciencias de la salud. Se analiza la forma en como viene siendo almacenada, clasificada, accedida y compartida la información médica representada principalmente en ayudas diagnosticas (como imágenes médicas, resonancias, electrocardiogramas, etc.) así como casos, reportes, diagnósticos entre otros. Aprovechando modelos de interoperabilidad propuestos entre sistemas de información médica (basados en estándares como DICOM, HL7, CDA), se analiza como pueden coexistir e integrarse a mecanismos más tradicionales dentro de repositorios digitales científicos o de otros tipos tanto de colecciones como en el ámbito temático. Retos de interoperabilidad en protocolos, metadatos, formatos digitales de objetos, servicios son las principales demandas de estos repositorios y federaciones. La heterogeneidad es un factor común y un desafío de cara a la interoperabilidad de repositorios, aplicaciones clínicas, metadatos, servicios y hasta dispositivos. A menudo, los servicios expuestos por una entidad, son limitados a ciertas funcionalidades o a ser accedidos por una población determinada de usuarios finales, sea por que su caracterización así lo exige dentro del establecimiento de sus requerimientos o lógica de negocio; como también porque las condiciones (arquitecturas diferentes, sistemas operativos, lenguajes de programación, tecnologías de redes y protocolos de interconexión, elementos hardware, productos software) del o de los dominios organizacionales en los que se encuentran impiden la integración y/o agregación de los diferentes recursos que se desean compartir con objetivos de colaboración. El enfoque de derechos de autor, varia considerablemente respecto a los enfoques tradicionales de repositorios institucionales y la eventual promoción de contenidos en acceso abierto en repositorios de salud representan otro gran reto. Se hace necesario lograr una gran abstracción de todos esos recursos para poder hablar de interoperabilidad, en este caso de repositorios de objetos médicos en donde la abstracción esta asociada a diferentes tecnologías subyacentes de almacenamiento, diferentes condiciones de interconexión de red, diferentes protocolos de comunicación, múltiples idiomas y vocabularios controlados por diferentes comunidades en salud que conllevan a una definición de modelos sintácticos y semánticos de metadatos que representen adecuadamente estos objetos. La implementación de redes de repositorios de objetos médicos, pueden plantear dos acercamientos diferentes: (1) mediante un mecanismo de integración débilmente acoplada, representada por modelos de metadatos y protocolos de interoperabilidad agregados en un punto central, a través del cual se ofrecen los servicios a sus usuarios (tecnologías como OAI-PMH, Dublin Core, HTTP, XML entre algunas otras son los pilares de estos modelos de integración) y (2) mediante un mecanismo de integración fuertemente acoplada, para cuyo caso se plantea una arquitectura de integración basada en Computación en Malla. Como tecnología emergente de computación distribuida, aborda mecanismos que permitan verificar el grado de eficiencia de la interoperabilidad que puede ofrecer a través de un middleware que sirva de enlace entre los usuarios, las aplicaciones y los recursos, para lograr esa gran abstracción . Así mismo se resalta en el contexto colombiano la ausencia de estrategias basadas en estándares para el acceso compartido a dicha información médica, por lo que es de gran interés la exploración de diferentes mecanismos o alternativas propuestas de integración de repositorios médicos con objetivos de propender por un trabajo colaborativo entre instituciones del sector de la salud, y tener una herramienta más que contribuya a la toma de decisiones por parte del personal médico especializado así como el apoyo a la educación en áreas de la salud.


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Introducción: El desarrollo del archivo docente de imágenes diagnósticas, permite al Departamento de Imágenes compartir y difundir el conocimiento de la colección de casos e imágenes radiológicas reales con mayor rapidez y facilidad en el acceso a las mismas por parte de todo el personal de la Clínica Fundación Cardio-Infantil – Instituto de Cardiología, a través por portal web “e-cardio”, contribuyendo así en la formación académica del personal médico, técnico y administrativo. Metodología: Este trabajo no responde a ningún tipo de estudio epidemiológico, sino a una colección de imágenes y reseñas radiológicas de casos de patología torácica y cardiovascular, procedentes de pacientes de la Fundación Cardioinfantil – Instituto de Cardiología, con el fin de conformar un archivo digital docente. Resultados: Se recolectaron 1.148 radiografías impresas, previamente rotuladas según el Index for Radiological Diagnoses 4 edición y de archivos individuales 3.512 imágenes. Utilizando los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se realizó la selección de imágenes para continuar el procedimiento. Se descartaron 278 radiografías impresas por no tener rotulo, estar en mal estado general, o rotulación incorrecta. En el caso de los archivos digitales, se descartaron 1435 imágenes, utilizando el mismo procedimiento. Conclusión: Iniciar la conformación y montaje del primer archivo docente de la Clínica Fundación Cardioinfantil – Instituto de Cardiología. Motivar a los profesionales médicos de la Clínica Fundación Cardio Infantil, y especialmente a los residentes de Radiología, para que estén en un proceso de aprendizaje continúo, fortaleciendo su autoevaluación, y todo ello para beneficio final de los pacientes y de la misma Institución.