995 resultados para DEEP LEVELS


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Deep trap levels in a Mg-doped GaN grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy are studied with deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). The Mg concentration of the sample was 4.8 x 10(19) cm(-3), but the hole concentration was as low as 1.3x10(17) cm-3 at room temperature. The DLTS spectrum has a dominant peak D-1 with an activation energy of 0.41+/-0.05 eV, accompanied by two additional peaks with activation energies of 0.49+/-0.09 eV (D-2) and 0.59+/-0.05 eV (D-3). It was found that the dominant peak D-1 consists of five peaks, each of which has different activation energy and capture cross section. In order to investigate these deep levels further, we performed heat treatment on the same samples to observe the variations of activation energy, capture cross section, and amplitude of DLTS signals. It was found that the longer the heat treatment duration is, the lower the amplitude of DLTS peaks become. This suggests that the decrease of the DLTS signal originates from hydrogen atom outgoing from the film during the annealing process. The possible originality of multiple trap levels was discussed in terms of the Mg-N-H complex. (C) 2000 American Vacuum Society. [S0734-2101(00)01701-2].


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Hole trap levels in a Mg-doped GaN grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) are studied with deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). The Mg concentration of the sample was 4.8 x 10(19) cm(-3), but the hole concentration was as low as 1.3 x 10(17) cm(-3) at room temperature. The DLTS spectrum has a dominant peak D-1 with activation energy of 0.41+/-0.05 eV, accompanied by two additional peaks with activation energies of 0.49+/-0.09 eV (D-2) and 0.59+/-0.05 eV (D-3). It was found that the dominant peak D-1 consists of five peaks, each of which has different activation energy and capture cross section. A relevant model for these levels is presented in relation to the Mg-N-H complexes. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(98)04340-X].


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The shear-deformation-potential constant XI-u of the conduction-band minima of Si has been measured by a method which we called deep-level capacitance transient under uniaxial stress. The uniaxial-stress (F) dependence of the electron emission rate e(n) from deep levels to the split conduction-band minima of Si has been analyzed. Theoretical curves are in good agreement with experimental data for the S0 and S+ deep levels in Si. The values of XI-u obtained by the method are 11.1 +/- 0.3 eV at 148.9 K and 11.3 +/- 0.3 eV at 223.6 K. The analysis and the XI-u values obtained are also valuable for symmetry determination of deep electron traps in Si.


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Some children adopted under the now discredited period of closed adoption were never told of their adoptive status until it was revealed to them in adulthood. Yet to date, this ‘late-discovery’ experience has received little research attention. Now a new generation of ‘late discoverers’ is emerging as a result of (heterosexual couple) donor insemination (DI) practices. This study of 25 late-discovery participants of either adoptive or (heterosexual couple) DI offspring status reveals ethical concerns particular to the lateness of discovery. Most of the participants were Australian, with the remainder from the UK, USA and Canada. All were asked to give an ‘open’ account of their experience, with four themes or suggestions provided on request. These accounts were added to those available in relevant publications. The analysis employed a hermeneutic phenomenological methodology and all accounts were analysed using an ethical perspective developed by Walker (2006, 2007). The main themes that emerged were: disrupted personal autonomy, betrayal of deep levels of trust and feelings of injustice and diminished self-worth. The lack of recognition of concerns particular to late discovery has resulted in late discoverers (i) feeling unable to regain a sense of personal control, (ii) significantly disrupted relationships with those closest to them and others, including community and institutions, and (iii) feelings of diminished value and self-worth.


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It is well-known that the properties of semiconductor materials including gallium arsenide are controlled by defects and impurities. The characterization of these defects is important not only for better understanding of the solid state phenomena but also for improved reliability and performance of electronic devices. We have been investigating the defects in gallium arsenide for several years using deep level transient spectroscopy, photoconductivity, transient photoconductivity, photoluminescence etc. Results drawn from our recent studies are presented here to illustrate some of the problems concerning transition metal impurities, process-induced defects, occurrence of intracentre transitions and metastability of deep levels in gallium arsenide.


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The current�voltage characteristics of Au/n-GaAs Schottky diodes grown by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy on Ge substrates were determined in the temperature range 80�300 K. The zero-bias barrier height for current transport decreases and the ideality factor increases at low temperatures. The ideality factor was found to show the T0 effect and a higher characteristic energy. The excellent matching between the homogeneous barrier height and the effective barrier height was observed and infer good quality of the GaAs film. No generation�recombination current due to deep levels arising during the GaAs/Ge heteroepitaxy was observed in this study. The value of the Richardson constant was found to be 7.04 A K?2 cm?2, which is close to the value used for the determination of the zero-bias barrier height.


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The geology and structure of two crustal scale shear zones were studied to understand the partitioning of strain within intracontinental orogenic belts. Movement histories and regional tectonic implications are deduced from observational data. The two widely separated study areas bear the imprint of intense Late Mesozoic through Middle Cenozoic tectonic activity. A regional transition from Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary plutonism, metamorphism, and shortening strain to Middle Tertiary extension and magmatism is preserved in each area, with contrasting environments and mechanisms. Compressional phases of this tectonic history are better displayed in the Rand Mountains, whereas younger extensional structures dominate rock fabrics in the Magdalena area.

In the northwestern Mojave desert, the Rand Thrust Complex reveals a stack of four distinctive tectonic plates offset along the Garlock Fault. The lowermost plate, Rand Schist, is composed of greenschist facies metagraywacke, metachert, and metabasalt. Rand Schist is structurally overlain by Johannesburg Gneiss (= garnet-amphibolite grade orthogneisses, marbles and quartzites), which in turn is overlain by a Late Cretaceous hornblende-biotite granodiorite. Biotite granite forms the fourth and highest plate. Initial assembly of the tectonic stack involved a Late Cretaceous? south or southwest vergent overthrusting event in which Johannesburg Gneiss was imbricated and attenuated between Rand Schist and hornblende-biotite granodiorite. Thrusting postdated metamorphism and deformation of the lower two plates in separate environments. A post-kinematic stock, the Late Cretaceous Randsburg Granodiorite, intrudes deep levels of the complex and contains xenoliths of both Rand Schist and mylonitized Johannesburg? gneiss. Minimum shortening implied by the map patterns is 20 kilometers.

Some low angle faults of the Rand Thrust Complex formed or were reactivated between Late Cretaceous and Early Miocene time. South-southwest directed mylonites derived from Johannesburg Gneiss are commonly overprinted by less penetrative north-northeast vergent structures. Available kinematic information at shallower structural levels indicates that late disturbance(s) culminated in northward transport of the uppermost plate. Persistence of brittle fabrics along certain structural horizons suggests a possible association of late movement(s) with regionally known detachment faults. The four plates were juxtaposed and significant intraplate movements had ceased prior to Early Miocene emplacement of rhyolite porphyry dikes.

In the Magdalena region of north central Sonora, components of a pre-Middle Cretaceous stratigraphy are used as strain markers in tracking the evolution of a long lived orogenic belt. Important elements of the tectonic history include: (1) Compression during the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary, accompanied by plutonism, metamorphism, and ductile strain at depth, and thrust driven? syntectonic sedimentation at the surface. (2) Middle Tertiary transition to crustal extension, initially recorded by intrusion of leucogranites, inflation of the previously shortened middle and upper crustal section, and surface volcanism. (3) Gravity induced development of a normal sense ductile shear zone at mid crustal levels, with eventual detachment and southwestward displacement of the upper crustal stratigraphy by Early Miocene time.

Elucidation of the metamorphic core complex evolution just described was facilitated by fortuitous preservation of a unique assemblage of rocks and structures. The "type" stratigraphy utilized for regional correlation and strain analysis includes a Jurassic volcanic arc assemblage overlain by an Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous quartz pebble conglomerate, in turn overlain by marine strata with fossiliferous Aptian-Albian limestones. The Jurassic strata, comprised of (a) rhyolite porphyries interstratified with quartz arenites, (b) rhyolite cobble conglomerate, and (c) intrusive granite porphyries, are known to rest on Precambrian basement north and east of the study area. The quartz pebble conglomerate is correlated with the Glance Conglomerate of southeastern Arizona and northeastern Sonora. The marine sequence represents part of an isolated arm? of the Bisbee Basin.

Crosscutting structural relationships between the pre-Middle Cretaceous supracrustal section, younger plutons, and deformational fabrics allow the tectonic sequence to be determined. Earliest phases of a Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary orogeny are marked by emplacement of the 78 ± 3 Ma Guacomea Granodiorite (U/Pb zircon, Anderson et al., 1980) as a sill into deep levels of the layered Jurassic series. Subsequent regional metamorphism and ductile strain is recorded by a penetrative schistosity and lineation, and east-west trending folds. These fabrics are intruded by post-kinematic Early Tertiary? two mica granites. At shallower crustal levels, the orogeny is represented by north directed thrust faulting, formation of a large intermontane basin, and development of a pronounced unconformity. A second important phase of ductile strain followed Middle Tertiary? emplacement of leucogranites as sills and northwest trending dikes into intermediate levels of the deformed section (surficial volcanism was also active during this transitional period to regional extension). Gravitational instabilities resulting from crustal swelling via intrusion and thermal expansion led to development of a ductile shear zone within the stratigraphic horizon occupied by a laterally extensive leucogranite sill. With continued extension, upper crustal brittle normal faults (detachment faults) enhanced the uplift and tectonic denudation of this mylonite zone, ultimately resulting in southwestward displacement of the upper crustal stratigraphy.

Strains associated with the two ductile deformation events have been successfully partitioned through a multifaceted analysis. R_f/Ø measurements on various markers from the "type" stratigraphy allow a gradient representing cumulative strain since Middle Cretaceous time to be determined. From this gradient, noncoaxial strains accrued since emplacement of the leucogranites may be removed. Irrotational components of the postleucogranite strain are measured from quartz grain shapes in deformed granites; rotational components (shear strains) are determined from S-C fabrics and from restoration of rotated dike and vein networks. Structural observations and strain data are compatable with a deformation path of: (1) coaxial strain (pure shear?), followed by (2) injection of leucogranites as dikes (perpendicular to the minimum principle stress) and sills (parallel to the minimum principle stress), then (3) southwest directed simple shear. Modeling the late strain gradient as a simple shear zone permits a minimum displacement of 10 kilometers on the Magdalena mylonite zone/detachment fault system. Removal of the Middle Tertiary noncoaxial strains yields a residual (or pre-existing) strain gradient representative of the Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary deformation. Several partially destrained cross sections, restored to the time of leucogranite emplacement, illustrate the idea that the upper plate of the core complex bas been detached from a region of significant topographic relief. 50% to 100% bulk extension across a 50 kilometer wide corridor is demonstrated.

Late Cenozoic tectonics of the Magdalena region are dominated by Basin and Range style faulting. Northeast and north-northwest trending high angle normal faults have interacted to extend the crust in an east-west direction. Net extension for this period is minor (10% to 15%) in comparison to the Middle Tertiary detachment related extensional episode.


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In this paper frequency dependence of small-signal capacitance of p-i-n UV detectors, which were fabricated on GaN grown on sapphire substrate by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, has been studied. The Schibli-Milnes model was used to analyze the capacitance-frequency characteristics. According to high frequency C-V measurements, the deep level mean concentration is about 2.98 x 10(20) cm(-3). The deep level is caused by the un-ionised Mg dopant. The calculated Mg activation energy is 260 meV and the hole thermal capture cross section of the deep level is about 2.73 x 10(-22) cm(2). The applicability of the Schibli-Milnes model is also discussed when the concentration of deep levels exceeds that of the heavily doped n-side. It is concluded that the analytic expression of the Schibli-Milnes model can still be used to describe the capacitance-frequency characteristics of GaN p-i-n UV detectors in good agreement with experiment. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Unusual dark current voltage (I-V) characteristics were observed in GaN Schottky diodes. I-V characteristics of the GaN Schottky diodes were measured down to the magnitude of 10(-14) A. Although these Schottky diodes were clearly rectifying, their I-V characteristics were non-ideal which can be judged from the non-linearity in the semi-logarithmic plots. Careful analysis of the forward bias I-V characteristics on log-log scale indicates space-charge-limited current (SCLC) conduction dominates the current transport in these GaN Schottky diodes. The concentration of the deep trapping centers was estimated to be higher than 10(15) cm(-3). In the deep level transient spectra (DLTS) measurements for the GaN Schottky diodes, deep defect levels around 0.20 eV below the bottom of the conduction band were identified, which may act as the trapping centers. The concentration of the deep centers obtained from the DLTS data is about 5 x 10(15) cm(-3). SCLC measurements may be used to probe the properties of deep levels in wide bandgap GaN-AlGaN compound semiconductors, as is the case with insulators in the presence of trapping centers. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In undoped high-resistivity GaN epilayers grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on sapphire, deep levels are investigated by persistent photoconductivity (PPC) and optical quenching (OQ) of photoconductivity (PC) measurements. The PPC and OQ are studied by exciting the samples with two beams of radiation of various wavelengths and intensities. When the light wavelengths of 300 and 340 nm radiate the GaN epilayer, the photocurrent without any quenching effect is rapidly increased because the band gap transition only occurs. If the background light is 340 nm and the quenching light is 564 or 828 nm, the quenching of a small photocurrent generates but clearly. Two broad quenching bands that extend from 385 to 716 nm and from 723 to 1000 nm with a maximum at approximately 2.2 eV (566 nm) is observed. These quenching bands are attributed to hole trap level's existence in the GaN epilayer. We point out that the origin of the defects responsible for the optical quenching can be attributed to nitrogen antisite and/or gallium vacancy. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the photoluminescence mapping characteristics of semi-insulating (SI) InP wafers obtained by annealing in iron phosphide ambience (FeP2-annealed). Compared with as-grown Fe-doped and undoped SI InP wafers prepared by annealing in pure phosphorus vapour (P-annealed), the FeP2-annealed ST InP wafer has been found to exhibit a better photoluminescence uniformity. Radial Hall measurements also show that there is a better resistivity uniformity on the FeP2-annealed Sl InP wafer. When comparing the distribution of deep levels between the annealed wafers measured by optical transient Current spectroscopy, we find that the incorporation of iron atoms into the Sl InP Suppresses the formation of a few defects. The correlation observed in this study implies that annealing in iron phosphorus ambience makes Fe atoms diffuse uniformly and occupy the indium site in the Sl InP lattice. As it stands, we believe that annealing undoped conductive InP in iron phosphide vapour is an effective means to obtain semi-insulating InP wafers with superior uniformity.


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Photoluminescence (PL) and photo induced current transient spectroscopy (PICTS) have been used to study deep levels in semi-insulating (SI) InP prepared by annealing undoped InP in pure phosphorus (PP) and iron phosphide (IP) ambient. Defects are much fewer in IP SI-InP than in PP SI-InP. Deep-level-related PL emission could only be detected in IP SI-InP. The results indicate that Fe diffusion inhibits the thermal formation of a number of defects in annealed InP. A complex defect has been formed in the annealing process in the presence of Fe.


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Photoluminescence (PL) was investigated in undoped GaN from 4.8 K to room temperature. The 4.8 K spectra exhibited recombinations of free exciton, donor-acceptor pair (DAP), blue and yellow bands (Ybs). The blue band (BB) was also identified to be a DAP recombination. The YB was assigned to a recombination from deep levels. The energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy show that C and O are the main residual impurities in undoped GaN and that C concentration is lower in the epilayers with the stronger BB. The electronic structures of native defects, C and O impurities, and their complexes were calculated using ab initio local-density-functional (LDF) methods with linear muffin-tin-orbital and 72-atomic supercell. The theoretical analyses suggest that the electron transitions from O-N states to C-N and to V-Ga states are responsible for DAP and the BB, respectively, and the electron transitions between the inner levels of the C-N-O-N complex may be responsible for the YB in our samples. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Infrared absorption spectroscopy, optical transient current spectroscopy (OTCS), and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy are used to investigate the annealing induced evolution of defects in low-temperature (LT)-grown GaAs-related materials. Two LT samples of bulk GaAs (sample A) and GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs multiple-quantum-well. (MQW) structure (sample B) were grown at 220 and 320 degreesC on (001) GaAs substrates, respectively. A strong defect-related absorption band has been observed in both as-grown samples A and B. It becomes weaker in samples annealed at temperatures above 600 degreesC. In sample A, annealed in the range of 600-800 degreesC, a large negative decay signal of the optical transient current (OTC) is observed in a certain range of temperature, which distorts deep-level spectra measured by OTCS, making it difficult to identify any deep levels. At annealing temperatures of 600 and 700 degreesC, both As-Ga antisite and small As cluster-related deep levels are identified in sample B. It is found that compared to the As cluster, the As-Ga antisite has a larger activation energy and carrier capture rate. At an annealing temperature of 800 degreesC, the large negative decay signal of the OTC is also observed in sample B. It is argued that this negative decay signal of the OTC is related to large arsenic clusters. For sample B, transient PL spectra have also been measured to study the influence of the, defect evolution on optical properties of LT GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs MQW structures. Our results clearly identify a defect evolution from AS(Ga) antisites to arsenic clusters after annealing.