1000 resultados para DAS 28
Resumo: 1 – Sumário do Acórdão do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 28 de Setembro de 2011; 2 – Texto completo do Acórdão do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 28 de Setembro de 2011, Juiz Conselheiro Raul BORGES (Relator), Juiz Conselheiro Armindo MONTEIRO cfr. http://www.dgsi.pt , 20 de Janeiro de 2012; 3 – Anotação; 3.1 – Introdução à anotação; 3.2 – Algumas das referências, por parte do Acórdão do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 28 de Setembro de 2011, aos problemas do direito ao silêncio e do dever em o arguido se sujeitar a aplicações de prova no processo penal; 3.3 – «Teoria geral» dos problemas do direito ao silêncio em contraste com o dever de sujeição do arguido a diligências de prova no contexto do direito processual penal lusitano; 4 - Conclusão. § Abstract: 1 - Summary of the Judgement of the Supreme Court of Justice of 28 September 2011 2 - Full text of the Judgement of the Supreme Court of Justice of 28 September 2011, Councillor Judge Raul Borges (Reporter), Councillor Judge Armindo Monteiro cf. . http://www.dgsi.pt, January 20, 2012, 3 - Note: 3.1 - Introduction to the annotation; 3.2 - Some of the references, by the Judgement of the Supreme Court of Justice of 28 September 2011, the problems the right to silence and the duty in the defendant be subject to applications of proof in criminal proceedings; 3.3 - "general Theory" of the problems the right to silence in contrast to the duty of subjection of the accused to proof steps in the right context criminal procedure Lusitanian 4 - Conclusion. P.S.: este é o "abstract" tal qual como surge no artigo.
This article presents the design and test of a receiver front end aimed at LMDS applications at 28.5 GHz. It presents a system-level design after which the receiver was designed. The receiver comprises an LNA, quadrature mixer and quadrature local oscillator. Experimental results at 24 GHz center frequency show a conversion voltage gain of 15 dB and conversion noise figure of 14 5 dB. The receiver operates from a 2 5 V power supply with a total current consumption of 31 mA.
Boletim elaborado pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP
Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP
Phenotypic characteristics, antimicrobial susceptibility profile, and clinical-epidemiological features of 28 Nocardia strains isolated from 19 cases of bovine mastitis, eight cutaneous-subcutaneous lesions and one case of pneumonia in dogs were evaluated. Microbiological, biochemical, cytological and scanning electron microscopy methods were used in diagnosis. Nocardia asteroides type IV, Nocardia otitidiscaviarum,Nocardia nova (type III) and Nocardia farcinica (type V) were isolated from bovine milk, bronchial lavage and/or cutaneous-subcutaneous abscesses in dogs. Nocardial bovine mastitis was diagnosed predominantly in clinical cases, in dairy herds with poor environmental hygienic conditions between milking and inappropriate intramammary therapy. Canine nocardiosis was observed commonly in animals co-infected with distemper virus. Sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprim (92.8%), amikacin (92.8%) and ceftiofur (92.8%) were the most effective drugs in 28 isolates. Multiple drug resistance to three or more and five or more antimicrobials was observed in ten (35.7%) and three (10.7%) strains, respectively, predominantly with use of cloxaxillin, cefoperazone and ampicillin. The species (type) classification, clinical-epidemiological characteristics, diagnosis, multiple-drug resistance and public health considerations in Nocardia strains isolated from cattle and dogs in Brazil are discussed, with special reference to report of bovine mastitis by N. otitidiscaviarum by first time in Brazil and the similarity between Nocardia species isolated from human and animal origin.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to develop a model for estimating patient 28-day in-hospital mortality using 2 different statistical approaches. DESIGN: The study was designed to develop an outcome prediction model for 28-day in-hospital mortality using (a) logistic regression with random effects and (b) a multilevel Cox proportional hazards model. SETTING: The study involved 305 intensive care units (ICUs) from the basic Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) 3 cohort. PATIENTS AND PARTICIPANTS: Patients (n = 17138) were from the SAPS 3 database with follow-up data pertaining to the first 28 days in hospital after ICU admission. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: The database was divided randomly into 5 roughly equal-sized parts (at the ICU level). It was thus possible to run the model-building procedure 5 times, each time taking four fifths of the sample as a development set and the remaining fifth as the validation set. At 28 days after ICU admission, 19.98% of the patients were still in the hospital. Because of the different sampling space and outcome variables, both models presented a better fit in this sample than did the SAPS 3 admission score calibrated to vital status at hospital discharge, both on the general population and in major subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: Both statistical methods can be used to model the 28-day in-hospital mortality better than the SAPS 3 admission model. However, because the logistic regression approach is specifically designed to forecast 28-day mortality, and given the high uncertainty associated with the assumption of the proportionality of risks in the Cox model, the logistic regression approach proved to be superior.
The summer school “Renewable Energy Systems: Role and Use of Parliamentary Technology Assessment” was the first European Summer School with a pure focus on technology assessment. The aim of the three-day long summer school of the European project Parliaments and Civil Society in Technology Assessment (PACITA) was to create awareness of the potential of technology groups in Europe. Therefore, the summer school involved keynotes, practical exercises, mutual reflection, cutting edge training and networking to deal with the theme of renewable energy systems out of the perspective of Technology Assessment (TA), to meet transition objectives or to critically assess energy technologies.
Aproximadamente una de cada cinco personas en el mundo mueren de cáncer. A pesar de los considerables avances en el tratamiento, incluyendo procedimientos de alta precisión en cirugía y protocolos detallados para rayo y quimioterapia, los tumores malignos son una de las causas de muerte más prominentes de la sociedad moderna. Las estrategias para el tratamiento dependen de un diagnostico preciso y temprano. No obstante algunos tumores son dificultosos para clasificarlos, desarrollando una incertidumbre en el pronóstico y tratamiento. Los tumores de tejidos blando y óseo son un grupo de neoplasias diverso y grande, que ocurren en todas las edades, normalmente sin un aparente factor etiológico. El diagnostico/ pronóstico puede ser complicado y el dilema del diagnóstico diferencial depende frecuentemente de los métodos histopatológicos y radiológicos. El presente proyecto intenta detectar las aberraciones cromosómicas en tumores sólidos utilizando las técnicas de biología molecular. Este método de detección es el más adecuado para diagnosticar y tratar eficientemente una gran cantidad de cánceres. Permite identificar alteraciones cromosómicas,tales como deleciones, translocaciones, amplificaciones y mutaciones que están asociadas con tipos específicos de tumores sólidos.
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"საქართველო". 1915-1921. საქართველოს ეროვნულ-დემოკრატიული პარტიის მთავარი კომიტეტის ორგანო. ყოველდღიური გაზეთი. თბილისი. რედაქტორი (1915 და 1916 წწ.) - სანდრო შანშიაშვილი, 1917 წლიდან მთავარი რედაქტორი გრიგოლ ვეშაპელი.