925 resultados para D.Z. Phillips


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在综合文献报导的基础上,我们选择了LnMsbO_6和Ln_2M_2O_7 (M = Zr, Ti)做为研究体系,对其合成、组成、结构以及稀土离子在其中的发光性质进行了较为系统的研究。用氢氧化物共沉淀的方法,在等摩尔阳离子原料配比条件下,我们制备了LnMsbO_6和Ln_2M_2O_7(M = Zr, Ti, Ln = La - Yb, Y除Ce和Pm)。根据对组成的分析结果并与文献对比,我们认为得到的化合物组成与给出的分子式是一致的。由热分析并结合x-ray衍射分析对LnZrsbO_6的形成反应进行了研究,其结果表明化合物的形成过程是一个较慢的固相反应过程。通过x-ray粉沫衍射物相分析并结合掺杂Eu~(3+)的发光光谱,我们确定了在不同条件下合成的LnMsbO_6和Ln_2M_2O_7化合物的结构类型,并计算了所有化合物的晶胞参数。在对上述结构特性及其变化规律进行研究后,我们认为Ln_2M_2O_7结构变化规律与ΔZ/(d~2) (Z为阳离子电荷,d为阳离子与阴离距离)有关,随ΔZ/(d~2)值由小到大,Ln_2M_2O_7(M = Zr, Ti)先是形成具有荧石结构的阳离子无序固溶体,然后逐渐过渡到荧石结构的变型——有序的立方烧绿石结构,最后变型到单斜晶系结构。LnMsbO_6(M = Zr, Ti)低温相结构与Ln_2M_2O_7(M = Zr, Ti)是有联系的,即基本保持了其立方晶系结构。然后锑的加入使这种结构变得很不稳定,因此在高温灼烧下上述立方相将不可逆地变为更稳定的高温结构相。利用磁天平对LnMsbO_6和Ln_2M_2O_7进行了室温条件下的磁学性质测量,其玻尔磁子数的实验值与Van Vleck理论值符合较好。由此也可说以说明化合物的组成与给出的分子式是一致的。用荧光光谱仪对Eu~(3+)在不同基质中做发光光谱,其结果表明Eu~(3+)在烧绿石结构的Ln_2M_2O_7中,Ln~(3+)是处于具有反演中心的D_(3d)格位,这时~5D_0 → ~7F_2的电体极跃迁(~610nm)是被禁阻的,因此Eu~(3+)主要的发光为~5D_0 → ~7F_1磁体极跃迁(~590nm),并劈裂为两条谱线。在其它不具有反演中心的格位中Eu~(3+)的~5D_0 → ~7F_2跃迁则是较强的。在La~(3+)有着多个较低对称性格位的La_2Ti_2O_7:Eu中,无论是Eu~(3+)的激发光谱,还是发射光谱,其~5D_0与~7F_0之间的跃迁谱线都不只一条,这与La~(3+)多对称性格位特性是一致的。在立方荧石结构的LnZrsbO_6:Eu中,用Eu~(3+)电荷迁移带激发的发光光谱与用其它激发带激发的很不相同,其~5D_1能级的跃迁谱线非常强,我们认为这可能是由于电荷迁移激发态,将大部分能量传递给3~5D_1能级的结果。另外,我们比较了在Ln_2Zr_2O_7和LnZrsbO_6中Eu~(3+)的发光强度,发现前者要比后者强许多。在研究Bi~(3+)对Eu~(3+)的敏化作用时,我们发现在Y_2M_2O_7:Bi, Bu中Bi~(3+)对Eu~(3+)有较好的敏化作用,而在YMsbO_6:Bi, Eu中则没有。同时我们注意到对于Eu~(3+)取代六配位La~(3+)格位时,其电荷还移带位置和符合Hoefdraad认为是不变的规律,而是随着基质晶格的不同发生变化的。对Dy~(3+)在LnMsbO_6和Ln_2M_2O_7基质中发光性质研究中,我们看到Dy~(3+)的发光主要为兰色的~4F_(9/2) → ~6H_(15/2)跃迁(~480nm)和黄色的~4F_(9/2) → ~6H_(13/2)跃迁(~580nm)。其黄光与兰光的强度比值(R)随基质晶格的不同可以有很大的变化。一般情况下R值总是要大小1,且不随湿度和Dy~(3+)掺杂浓度变化。同时我们比较了在Ln_2Zr_2O_7和LnZrsbO_6 (Ln = Y, Gd, La)基质体系中Dy~(3+)的发光强度,发现同Eu~(3+)类似前者较后者强许多。在论文中我们给出了在Y_2M_2O_7和YMsbO_6 (M = Zr, Ti)中Sm~(3+)的激发光谱与发射光谱,从中可以看到当Sm~(3+)在Y_2Ti_2O_7中取代占据D_(3d)格位的Y~(3+)时,其~4G_(5/2) → ~6H_(9/2) (~650nm)电体极跃迁是被禁阻的。同时还给出了在YZrsbO_6中H_0~(3+)和Er~(3+)的激发光谱与发射光谱。此外,我们研究了Eu~(3+)和Dy~(3+)在一些基质体系中发光强度随温度的变化规律。发现Y_2Zr_2O_7:Eu的临界猝来温度要比La_2Zr_2O_7:Eu的高,Ln_2Zr_2O_7:Dy (Ln = La, Y)的温度猝来曲线则大致相同,且随温度和猝来要比Ln_2Zr_2O_7:Eu缓慢,对于上述现象我们利用位形坐标给出了一定的解释。然而所有的样品发光强度从室温开始,随温度的升高都是单调下降的。


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干扰素(IFNs)是最早发现的具有广泛用途的一类细胞因子,IFN-α通过JAK/STAT信号途径调控机体一系列生理和病理反应。至今尚未发现类干扰素的小分子。我们前期研究发现天然产物毛蕊异黄酮可激活干扰素诱导的JAK/STAT信号途径。为发现类干扰素小分子、获得小分子探针,本课题拟建立成熟的JAK/STAT信号途径的筛选模型,合成毛蕊异黄酮及其类似物,研究这些化合物的构效关系,进而尝试通过共价键标记生物素或香豆素来直接研究它们与相关受体的作用。 从异香草醛出发经7步合成反应得到了毛蕊异黄酮。采用平行合成策略得到异黄酮类化合物;采用分支式合成策略,以取代苯乙酸作为合成砌块,获得具有与异黄酮类似结构的香豆素、3-芳基喹诺酮。与分离得到的黄酮类化合物,构建了一个包括异黄酮、黄酮、香豆素、3-芳基喹诺酮在内的化合物库。 建立了包含IFN-α刺激反应元件 (ISRE)的荧光素酶报告基因体系,通过筛选化合物库中的化合物,发现异黄酮骨架为激活JAK/STAT信号途径必须结构、毛蕊异黄酮7-位酚羟基被取代后活性丧失。根据以上结果,对毛蕊异黄酮3′-位标记物的合成进行了初步尝试。 发现山茱萸科植物青荚叶(Helwingia japonica (Thunb.) Dietr.)有抑制蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酯酶1B(PTP1B)的活性。从其地上部分95%乙醇提取物的乙酸乙酯部分分离得到5个化合物,应用波谱方法及与已知品对照的手段鉴定它们为p-menth-2-en-1β, 4β, 8-triol (Z-1)、blumenol A (Z-2)、2′,3′,4′,5′,6′-五羟基查尔酮(Z-3)、洋芹素7-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(Z-4)、木犀草素7-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(Z-5). Interferons (IFNs) are one kind of cytokines with broad functions. IFN-α mediates series physiological and pathological changes of human body via JAK/STAT pathway. Untill now, no IFNs-like small molecules are discovered. In our preliminary experiment, the natural product calycosin has been observed to activate JAK/STAT pathway. Therefore, we establish a luciferase reporter gene system and synthesize calycosin and its analogues to reveal their structure-activity relationship (SAR). Besides, in order to prove that calycosin activates JAK/STAT pathway through IFN receptor, we attempted to tag it with biotin or coumarin by covalent bonding. Calycosin was synthesized from isovanillin via seven steps. Other isoflavones were obtained by parallel synthesis; coumarins and quinolones were prepared through divergent synthesis, using substituted phenylacetic acids as building blocks. Combing with natural flavones, a small molecule library was established. A luciferase reporter gene system, consisting of 5 copies of the ISRE (interferon-stimulated response element), was used for screening of small molecules from that library. We found that the core-structure of isoflavone was necessary, and if the 7-OH is substituted, the activity slumps. According to our observation, we tried to tag biotin or coumarin at 3′-OH of calycosin. The 95% ethanol extract of the aerial parts of Helwingia japonica (Thunb.) Dietr. showed protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) inhibitory activity. Five compounds were isolated. On the basis of spectral data or by comparison with authentic samples, they were identified as p-menth-2-en-1β,4β,8-triol (1), blumenol A (2), 2′,3′,4′,5′,6′-pentahydroxychalcone (3), apigenin 7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (4), and luteolin 7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (5).


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A Superconducting ECR ion source with Advanced design in Lanzhou (SECRAL) was successfully built to produce intense beams of highly charged ions for Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). The ion source has been optimized to be operated at 28GHz for its maximum performance. The superconducting magnet confinement configuration of the ion source consists of three axial solenoid coils and six sextupole coils with a cold iron structure as field booster and clamping. For 28GHz operation, the magnet assembly can produce peak mirror fields on axis 3.6T at injection, 2.2T at extraction and a radial sextupole field of 2.0T at plasma chamber wall. A unique feature of SECRAL is that the three axial solenoid coils are located inside of the sextupole bore in order to reduce the interaction forces between the sextupole coils and the solenoid coils. During the ongoing commissioning phase at 18GHz with a stainless steel chamber, tests with various gases and some metals have been conducted with microwave power less than 3.2kW and it turned out the performance is very promising. Some record ion beam intensities have been produced, for instance, 810e mu A of O7+, 505e mu A of Xe20+, 306e mu A of Xe27+, 21e mu A of Xe34+, 2.4e mu A of Xe38+ and so on. To reach better results for highly charged ion beams, further modifications such as an aluminium chamber with better cooling, higher microwave power and a movable extraction system will be done, and also emittance measurements are being prepared.


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The Lanzhou All Permanent magnet ECR ion source NO. 1 (LAPECR1) is the first all permanent magnet multiple ECRIS made in IMP. This ECRIS is running at 14.5GHz and can provide intense low charge state ion beams (varying from several to hundreds of e mu A) or medium charge state ion beams (varying from several to tens of e mu A). The size of source body is circle divide 102mmx296mm, the compactness and economical features enable the source suitable to be put on a HV platform or equipped by a small laboratory. This article gives the main parameters of the ion source.


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There has been increasing demand to provide higher beam intensity and high enough beam energy for heavy ion accelerator and some other applications, which has driven electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source to produce higher charge state ions with higher beam intensity. One of development trends for highly charged ECR ion source is to build new generation ECR sources by utilization of superconducting magnet technology. SECRAL (superconducting ECR ion source with advanced design in Lanzhou) was successfully built to produce intense beams of highly charged ion for Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). The ion source has been optimized to be operated at 28 GHz for its maximum performance. The superconducting magnet confinement configuration of the ion source consists of three axial solenoid coils and six sextupole coils with a cold iron structure as field booster and clamping. An innovative design of SECRAL is that the three axial solenoid coils are located inside of the sextupole bore in order to reduce the interaction forces between the sextupole coils and the solenoid coils. For 28 GHz operation, the magnet assembly can produce peak mirror fields on axis of 3.6 T at injection, 2.2 T at extraction, and a radial sextupole field of 2.0 T at plasma chamber wall. During the commissioning phase at 18 GHz with a stainless steel chamber, tests with various gases and some metals have been conducted with microwave power less than 3.5 kW by two 18 GHz rf generators. It demonstrates the performance is very promising. Some record ion beam intensities have been produced, for instance, 810 e mu A of O7+, 505 e mu A of Xe20+ 306 e mu A of Xe27+, and so on. The effect of the magnetic field configuration on the ion source performance has been studied experimentally. SECRAL has been put into operation to provide highly charged ion beams for HIRFL facility since May 2007.


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Zero-valent iron (Fe0)-based permeable reactive barriertreatment has been generating great interest for passivegroundwater remediation, yet few studies have paid particularattention to the microbial activity and characteristics withinand in the vicinity of the Fe0-barrier matrix. The presentstudy was undertaken to evaluate the microbial population andcommunity composition in the reducing zone of influence byFe0 corrosion in the barrier at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plantsite. Both phospholipid fatty acids and DNA analyses were usedto determine the total microbial population and microbialfunctional groups, including sulfate-reducing bacteria,denitrifying bacteria, and methanogens, in groundwater andsoil/iron core samples. A diverse microbial community wasidentified in the strongly reducing Fe0 environment despitea relatively high pH condition within the Fe0 barrier (up topH 10). In comparison with those found in the backgroundsoil/groundwater samples, the enhanced microbial populationranged from 1 to 3 orders of magnitude and appeared to increase from upgradient of the barrier to downgradient soil. Inaddition, microbial community composition appeared to change overtime, and the bacterial types of microorganismsincreased consistently as the barrier aged. DNA analysisindicated the presence of sulfate-reducing and denitrifyingbacteria in the barrier and its surrounding soil. However, theactivity of methanogens was found to be relatively low,presumably as a result of the competition by sulfate/metal-reducing bacteria and denitrifying bacteria because of the unlimited availability of sulfate and nitrate in the site groundwater. Results of this study provide evidenceof a diverse microbial population within and in the vicinity ofthe iron barrier, although the important roles of microbial activity, either beneficially or detrimentally, on the longevityand enduring efficiency of the Fe0 barriers are yet to be evaluated.


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Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates for transitions among the 2s(2)2p(2), 2s2p(3) and 2p(4) levels of Fe XXI are used to derive theoretical electron density (N-e) sensitive emission-line ratios involving 2S2(2)p(2)-2s2p(3) transitions in the similar to 98-146 Angstrom wavelength range. A comparison of these with observations from the PLT tokamak plasma, for which the electron density has been independently determined, reveals generally very good agreement between theory and experiment, and in some instances removes discrepancies found previously. The observed Fe XXI ratios for a solar flare, obtained with the OSO-5 satellite, imply electron densities which are consistent, with discrepancies that do not exceed 0.2 dex. In addition, the derived values of N-e are similar to those estimated for the high-temperature regions of other solar flares. The good agreement between theory and observation, in particular for the tokamak spectra, provides experimental support for the accuracy of the present line-ratio calculations, and hence for the atomic data on which they are based.


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The primary objective of this work is the analysis and interpretation of coronal observations of Capella obtained in 1999 September with the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer on the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE). He-like lines of O (O vii) are used to derive a density of 1.7 x 10(10) cm(-3) for the coronae of the binary, consistent with the upper limits derived from Fe xxi, Ne ix and Mg xi line ratios. Previous estimates of the electron density based on Fe xxi should be considered as upper limits. We construct emission measure distributions and compare the theoretical and observed spectra to conclude that the coronal material has a temperature distribution that peaks around 4-6 MK, implying that the coronae of Capella were significantly cooler than in the previous years. In addition, we present an extended line list with over 100 features in the 5-24 Angstrom wavelength range, and find that the X-ray spectrum is very similar to that of a solar flare observed with SMM. The observed to theoretical Fe xvii 15.012-Angstrom line intensity reveals that opacity has no significant effect on the line flux. We derive an upper limit to the optical depth, which we combine with the electron density to derive an upper limit of 3000 km for the size of the Fe xvii emitting region. In the same context, we use the Si iv transition region lines of Capella from HST/Goddard High-Resolution Spectrometer observations to show that opacity can be significant at T = 10(5) K, and derive a path-length of approximate to 75 kin for the transition region. Both the coronal and transition region observations are consistent with very small emitting regions, which could be explained by small loops over the stellar surfaces.


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The previously reported preparation of 1,3-dimethylimidazolium salts by the reaction of 1,3-dialkylimidazolium-2-carboxylate zwitterions with protic acids has been reinvestigated in detail, leading to the identification of two competing reactions: isomerisation and decarboxylation. The ability to control both pathways allows this methodology to be used as an effective, green, waste-free approach to readily prepare a wide range of ionic liquids in high yields. Additionally, this reaction protocol opens new possibilities in the formation of other imidazolium salts, whose syntheses were previously either very expensive (due to ion exchange protocols involving metals like Ag) or difficult to achieve (due to multiple extractions and large quantities of hard to remove inorganic by-products).


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Twelve novel 1,3-dialkylimidazolium salts containing strongly electron-withdrawing nitro-and cyano-functionalities directly appended to the cationic heterocyclic rings have been synthesized; the influences of the substituents on both formation and thermal properties of the resultant ionic liquids have been determined by DSC, TGA, and single crystal X-ray diffraction, showing that an electron-withdrawing nitro-substituent can be successfully appended and has a similar influence on the melting behaviour as that of corresponding methyl group substitution. Synthesis of di-, or trinitro-substituted 1,3-dialkylimidazolium cations was unsuccessful due to the resistance of dinitro-substituted imidazoles to undergo either N-alkylation or protonation, while 1-alkyl- 4,5-dicyanoimidazoles were successfully alkylated to obtain 1,3-dialkyl-4,5-dicyanoimidazolium salts. Five crystal structures ( one of each cation type) show that, in the solid state, the NO2-group has little significant effect, beyond the steric contribution, on the crystal packing.