1000 resultados para Cu nanowire arrays


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Atomistic simulation of initial < 100 > oriented FCC Cu nanowires shows a novel coupled temperature-pressure dependent reorientation from < 100 > to < 110 > phase. A temperature-pressure-induced solid-solid < 100 > to < 110 > reorientation diagram is generated for Cu nanowire with varying cross-sectional sizes. A critical pressure is reported for Cu nanowires with varying cross-sectional sizes, above which an initial < 100 > oriented nanowire shows temperature independent reorientation into the < 110 > phase. The effect of surface stresses on the < 100 > to < 110 > reorientation is also studied. The results indicate that above a critical cross-sectional size for a given temperature-pressure, < 100 > to < 110 > reorientation is not possible. It is also reported here that for a given applied pressure, an increase in temperature is required for the < 100 > to < 110 > reorientation with increasing cross-sectional size of the nanowire. The temperature-pressure-induced solid-solid < 100 > to < 110 > reorientation diagram reported in the present paper could further be used as guidelines for controlling the reorientations/shape memory in nano-scale applications of FCC metallic nanowires.


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Size self-scaling effect in stacked InAs/In0.52Al0.48As nanowires on InP substrates is revealed, i.e., the base width and height of the InAs nanowires have clear proportional dependence on thickness of the InAlAs spacer layer used in different samples. The photoluminescence wavelength from different samples, which varies between 1.3 and 1.9 mum, is also found closely correlated to the size self-scaling effect. This phenomenon can be well explained in the context of formation mechanism and growth features of the InAs/InAlAs nanowire arrays. The finding illustrates a degree of freedom to control the structural and optical properties of strained self-organized nanostructures. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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InAs/In0.52Al0.48As nanowire multilayer arrays were grown on (001) InP substrate by molecular-beam epitaxy. The structural property of the arrays was investigated by transmission electron microscopy. The results clearly showed the formation of InAs nanowires, evolution of InAs/InAlAs interface, and composition and thickness modulations in the InAlAs spacer layer. A fixed spatial ordering of InAs/InAlAs nanowires was revealed for all the samples. Regardless of the change in InAlAs spacer thickness of different samples, (i) the nanowires of one InAs layer are positioned above the nanowire spacing in the previous InAs layer and (ii) the layer-ordering orientation angle of nanowires is fixed. The results were explained from the viewpoint of the growth kinetics. The effect of InAlAs spacers is suggested to play an important role on the spatial ordering of the nanowire arrays. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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A convenient fabrication technology for large-area, highly-ordered nanoelectrode arrays on silicon substrate has been described here, using porous anodic alumina (PAA) as a template. The ultrathin PAA membranes were anodic oxidized utilizing a two-step anodization method, from Al film evaporated on substrate. The purposes for the use of two-step anodization were, first, improving the regularity of the porous structures, and second reducing the thickness of the membranes to 100 similar to 200 nm we desired. Then the nanoelectrode arrays were obtained by electroless depositing Ni-W alloy into the through pores of PAA membranes, making the alloy isolated by the insulating pore walls and contacting with the silicon substrates at the bottoms of pores. The Ni-W alloy was also electroless deposited at the back surface of silicon to form back electrode. Then ohmic contact properties between silicon and Ni-W alloy were investigated after rapid thermal annealing. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations showed the structure characteristics, and the influence factors of fabrication effect were discussed. The current voltage (I-V) curves revealed the contact properties. After annealing in N-2 at 700 degrees C, good linear property was shown with contact resistance of 33 Omega, which confirmed ohmic contacts between silicon and electrodes. These results presented significant application potential of this technology in nanosize current-injection devices in optoelectronics, microelectronics and bio-medical fields.


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Nanopores with diameters between 30 nm and 180 nm have been fabricated by inducing latent track with fast heavy ions and etching process in 25 μm thick,single-crystal muscovite mica.For short etching time,the nanopores are columns with circular cross section.For long etching time the cross section of nanopores becomes rhombic.Thus the shape of nanopores depends on the etching time.Cu nanowires have been fabricated with controlled dimensions by electrodeposition into the nanopores.The ultraviolet-visible lig...中文文摘:利用快重离子辐照的单晶白云母片产生潜径迹,蚀刻得到直径在30—180nm纳米孔道.孔道形状依赖于蚀刻时间,蚀刻时间短得到圆柱形孔道,蚀刻时间长得到菱柱形孔道.从而在云母模板孔道中电化学沉积得到不同直径和形状的Cu纳米线.通过紫外可见光谱分析,发现铜纳米线的尺寸和形状影响其光学性质.直径小于60nm的近似为圆柱状Cu纳米线有一个明显的表面等离子体共振峰和一个微弱的次峰.随着直径增加,菱柱状的Cu纳米线主峰有明显的红移,次峰逐渐增强.同时利用扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射对Cu纳米线的形貌和晶体结构特征进行了表征.


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本论文主要进行了核孔膜的蚀刻和紫外光辐照效应研究,以及在核孔膜模板内进行Cu、CO金属纳米线阵列的制备研究。在UNILAC(GSI,Darmstadt)加速器上真空和室温条件下对30μm厚的聚碳酸酯(PC)薄膜进行快重离子辐照,照射离子为11. 4 MeV/u的Au离子,辐照剂量在lion/cm,-3X109i0ns/cm,之间。重离子辐照导致在PC中产生潜径迹,通过化学蚀刻的方法将潜径迹放大而形成孔道。蚀刻速率与蚀刻温度、蚀刻液浓度、紫外光辐照敏化等参数密切相关。结果表明随着温度的升高蚀刻液浓度的增加、紫外光辐照时间的增长径迹蚀刻速率剧烈增加。此外,通过紫外可见光谱和力学性能测试发现,紫外光辐照会使Pc膜的光学性能和力学性能发生显著的变化。在能量密度为16mw/cm2的紫外光下,当膜两侧分别经过17.5小时的光照以后,392 nm处的吸收峰消失,而且其断裂伸长率大大减小。作为紫外光辐照效应的一个应用,我们利用“紫外光辐照+液氮冷冻”的方法成功制备出了核孔膜断面的扫描电子显微镜样品,此方法能使样品的断面含有较少的残余应力从而使膜在断裂过程中没有发生明显的变形,使断面很好显现了膜和孔道的原始信息,如孔密度、形状、尺寸等。利用PC核孔膜作为模板用电化学沉积方法制备出了金属纳米线阵列。用磁控溅射的方法在PC膜模板的一面沉积一层Pt金属薄膜在电沉积过程中用作阴极。在自制的电沉积系统中用直流沉积的方法在PC核孔膜模板中成功制备出了Cu和Co金属纳米线,并运用SEM、xRD、VSM等手段对纳米线进行分析。结果表明,制备出的Cu纳米线长度约为30μm,直径从nm到协m量级,具有面心立方(fcc)结构,且纯度很高没有发现杂质。对Co纳米线阵列的xRD结果进行分析可以看出,制备出的c。纳米线阵列具有两种晶体结构:单相hcp结构和hcp、fcc共存结构。从vsM测量结果可以看出,Co纳米线阵列存在磁各向异性,即平行于纳米线轴向和垂直于纳米线轴向的剩余磁化强度和矫顽力存在明显差异,这主要是由于纳米线的形状各向异性和纳米线之间的磁相互作用引起的。


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We report a radio frequency magnetron sputtering method for producing TiO2 shell coatings directly on the surface of ZnO nanorod arrays. ZnO nanorod arrays were firstly fabricated on transparent conducting oxide substrates by a hydrothermal route, and subsequently decorated with TiO2 by a plasma sputtering deposition process. The core/shell nanorods have single-crystal ZnO cores and anatase TiO2 shells. The shells are homogeneously coated onto the whole ZnO nanorods without thickness change. This approach enables us to tailor the thickness of the TiO2 shell for desired photovoltaic applications on a one-nanometer scale. The function of the TiO2 shell as a blocking layer for increasing charge separation and suppression of the surface recombination was tested in dye-sensitized solar cells. The enhanced photocurrent and open-circuit voltage gave rise to increased photovoltaic efficiency and decreased dark current, indicating successful functioning of the TiO2 shell.


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Ti nanowire arrays vertically standing on Ti foam prepared by a facile corrosion method were used as self-supported Li-O2 battery cathodes. The batteries exhibited enhanced durability at high rate current densities (e.g. cycling 640 times at 5 A g-1).


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Presented is the growth of zinc oxide nanorod/nanowire arrays on gallium nitride epitaxial layers. A hierarchical zinc oxide morphology comprising of different scale zinc oxide nanostructures was observed. The first tier of the surface comprised of typical zinc oxide nanorods, with most bridging to adjacent nanorods. While the second tier comprised of smaller zinc oxide nanowires approximately 30 nm in width often growing atop the aforementioned bridges. Samples were analysed via scanning electron microscopy, as well as, cross-sectional and high resolution transmission electron microscopy to elucidate the detailed growth and structural elements of the heterostructure. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Atomistic simulations are used to investigate the mechanical behavior of metal nanowire with fivefold twinned structure. The twinned nanowires were reported in recent experiments [B. Wu et al., Nano Lett. 6, 468 (2006)]. In the present paper, we find that the yield strength of the fivefold twinned Cu nanowire is 1.3 GPa higher than that of the face-centered-cubic (fcc) < 110 > single crystalline Cu nanowire without fivefold twinned structure, and the microstructure-hardened mechanism is primarily due to the twinned boundaries which act as the barriers for the dislocation emission and propagation. However, we also find that the fivefold twinned Cu nanowire has lower ductility than that of fcc < 110 > single crystalline Cu nanowire without the twinned structure, and this is mainly attributed to the scarcity and low mobility of dislocations. In addition, in our simulations the effect of preexisting stacking faults and dislocations on strength of the fivefold twinned nanowires is investigated.


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The macrostructure can be changed by changing the morphology of its units. In this article, we use a colloidal template route, combined with hydrothermal growth method, to get the hexagonally arrayed ZnO nanorods on the polycrystalline ZnO substrate. More significantly, through controlling the morphology of ZnO crystals by adding structure-directing agent in the precursor solution, the highly ordered porous ZnO films were obtained instead of ZnO nanorods. This templated solvent-thermal method has great potential in micro/nano-fabrication. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Size effects of mechanical behaviors of materials are referred to the variation of the mechanical behavior due to the sample sizes changing from macroscale to micro-/nanoscales. At the micro-/nanoscale, since sample has a relatively high specific surface area (SSA) (ratio of surface area to volume), the surface although it is often neglected at the macroscale, becomes prominent in governing the energy effect, although it is often neglected at the macroscale, becomes prominent in governing the mechanical behavior. In the present research, a continuum model considering the surface energy effect is developed through introducing the surface energy to total potential energy. Simultaneously, a corresponding finite element method is developed. The model is used to analyze the axial equilibrium strain problem for a Cu nanowire at the external loading-free state. As another application of the model, from dimensional analysis, the size effects of uniform compression tests on the microscale cylinder specimens for Ni and Au single crystals are analyzed and compared with experiments in literatures. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recent efforts towards the fabrication of touch sensing systems are presented, in which zinc oxide nanowire arrays are embedded in a polymer matrix to produce an engineered composite material. In the future, these sensor systems will be fully flexible and multi-touch as intended for Nokia's 'Morph' concept device.


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The electronic structure and optical properties of ZnO wurtzite quantum wires with radius R >= 3 nm are studied in the framework of six-band effective-mass envelope function theory. The hole effective-mass parameters of ZnO wurtzite material are calculated by the empirical pseudopotential method. It is found that the electron states are either two-fold or four-fold degenerate. There is a dark exciton effect when the radius R of the ZnO quantum wires is in the range of [3,19.1] nm (dark range in our model). The dark ranges of other wurtzite semiconductor quantum wires are calculated for comparison. The dark range becomes smaller when the |Delta(so)| is larger, which also happens in the quantum-dot systems. The linear polarization factor of ZnO quantum wires is larger when the temperature is higher.


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Nanoporous In2O3 nanocrystal clusters with high surface areas have been synthesized by a one-step solvent-thermal method at a relatively low temperature. On the basis of our experimental data and nanomaterial growth mechanism, a template-assistant dehydration accompanied by aggregation mechanism was proposed to explain their formation. Besides, the influence of the high-temperature treatment on their porous structure and optical properties were studied and compared by various technologies.