277 resultados para Croton priscus


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Plant extracts are usually complex mixtures which contain several molecules of different sizes with varied functional groups. Such extracts are a challenge to the chemist of natural products. Ion exchange chromatography in non-aqueous medium, used for separation of basic or acidic fractions from plant extracts, is an important unit operation in preparative scale separations. Anionic macroporous resin in non-aqueous medium was used with success in this study for separation of the acid fraction of Copaifera multijuga (Copaiba oil), rich in labdanic diterpenes and for the methanolic extract of Croton cajucara (acetyl aleuritoric acid).


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Three Croton species, C. zenhtneri, C. nepetaefolius and C. argyrophylloides, were collected at two different times, 6:00 and 13:00 h, their essential oils were extracted by steam distillation and analyzed by gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry. The percentage yield of oil constituents changes along the day. The oils were submitted to the antioxidant test thiobarbituric acid reactive species, using BHT and a-tocoferol as the reference compounds. All oils exhibited good antioxidant activities. In general, C. zenhtneri and C. argyrophylloides essential oils showed higher antioxidant activity than C. nepetaefolius.


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Croton nepetaefolius is an aromatic plant native to the northeast of Brazil where it is extensively used in folk medicine as a sedative, orexigen and antispasmodic agent. The present work deals with the chromatographic analysis of the ethanolic extract of Croton nepetaefolius stalk. It allowed the isolation and characterization of two diterpenoids named 1,4-dihydroxy-2E,6E,12E-trien-5-one-casbane and 4-hydroxy-2E,6E,12E-5-one-casbane, two acetophenones named 2-hydroxy-4,6-dimethoxyacetophenone and 2-hydroxy-3,4,6-trimethoxyacetophenone and the steroids 3-O-b-D-glucopiranosylsitosterol and a mixture of b-sitosterol and stigmasterol. Structural elucidation was done on the basis of spectral data, mainly high field NMR and EIMS.


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The chemical investigation of the ethanolic extract from leaves of Croton pedicellatus yielded the bis-nor-sesquiterpenes blumenol A and blumenol A glucoside, along with the flavonoids: tiliroside, 6"-O-p-coumaroyl-β-galactopyranosyl- kaempferol, 6"-O-p-coumaroyl-β-glucopyranosyl-3"-methoxy- kaempferol, kaempferol, 3-glucopyranosyl-quercetin and alpinumisoflavone, as well as 4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzoic acid. The identification of all isolated compounds was performed by spectrometric methods, including HR-ESI-MS, 1D and 2D NMR experiments, and by comparison with previously-described physical and spectral data.


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A new sesquiterpene and twelve known compounds comprising eight flavonoids and four terpenoids, were isolated from the leaves, stems, roots and exudate of Croton muscicarpa Müll. Arg.. Their structures were identified as the terpenoids 6α-methoxy-cyperene, dammaradienol, squalene, acetyl aleuritolic acid and spathulenol, and as the flavonoids retusin, 3,7,4'-trimethoxy kaempferol, ombuine, pachipodol, kaempferol, casticin, 5-hydroxy-3,6,7,4'-tetramethoxyflavone and artemetin. All isolated compounds were characterized based on IR, MS, ¹H and 13C NMR, including 2D analyses (COSY, HSQC, HMBC, NOESY) and comparison with data from the literature.


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A new trachylobane diterpene ent-trachyloban-18,19-diol (1) was isolated from root bark of Croton floribundus, along with known diterpenes ent-trachyloban-19-oic acid (2), 15b-hydroxy-ent-trachyloban-19-oic acid (3), ent-trachyloban-19-ol (4), ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid (5), ent-kaur-16-ene-6a,19-diol (6) and ent-16a-hydroxykaur-11-en-19-oic acid (7). ent-trachyloban-18,19-diol (1) was submitted to derivatization reactions affording four new compounds (8-11). Cytotoxic activity of diterpenes 1, 3, 4, 7-11 against three human cancer cell lines was evaluated. No compounds showed cytotoxic potential with IC50 values greater than 25 mg/mL. Compound 6 was evaluated against five human cancer cell lines, showing moderate effect against three cancer cell lines, MDA-MB-435, HCT-8 and HCT-116, with IC50 values of 14.32, 13.47 and 12.1 mg/mL, respectively.


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Croton zehntneri, a plant native to northeastern Brazil, is widely used in folk medicine to treat gastrointestinal problems and has rich essential oil content. The essential oil of C. Zehntneri was analyzed by GC-MS, and its inclusion complex with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) was characterized by both vibrational spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Estragol was the major component identified in the essential oil by the study. IR spectra indicated an interaction of β-CD with essential oil from C. zehntneri, a finding corroborated by the stability constant and scanning calorimetry. Microencapsulation within β-CD has the potential to mask sensory attributes and increase aqueous solubility of oils, thereby improving their applicability as drugs.


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Four levels of shading (full sunlight (0%), 30, 50, 70% of solar radiation interception on growth, chlorophyll concentration and photosynthetic rate were studied in Croton urucurana Baill., a pioneer plant species. This species seedlings are of potential interest for reforestation projects and recovery of degraded areas. The seedlings were grown in pots containing soil and sand (2:1) and later transferred to plastic bags of 3 dm³ and submitted to different levels of shading (30, 50, 70%) of solar radiation and full sunlight, as control. The experimental design was completely randomized with five replicates and each experimental unit was composed of five plants. The results suggest that plants submitted to 70% shading showed higher dry weight accumulation in leaf and root, and higher plant height and leaf area. However, the seedlings root system showed higher dry biomass under full sunlight. It was observed a tendency to increase chlorophyll concentration and to decrease photosynthetic rate with the increase of the shading level.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo o aproveitamento da água residuária proveniente de um sistema biológico de tratamento de esgotos domésticos como alternativa à fertirrigação convencional de viveiros florestais, visando a produção de mudas de Croton floribundus (capixingui) e Copaifera langsdorffii (Copaíba) via subirrigação. As variáveis avaliadas mensalmente foram altura e diâmetro do coleto da muda e, ao final do experimento, peso da matéria seca da parte aérea e da raiz, área foliar, razão parte aérea/ raiz, análise nutricional foliar, análises químicas do substrato antes e após o ensaio e análises nutricionais periódicas da água residuária. O crescimento das plantas, em geral, foi superior no tratamento convencional com adubos minerais. O desenvolvimento do sistema radicular foi favorecido no tratamento com água residuária, o que pode ser característica desejável para maior sobrevivência das mudas no campo. Os resultados mostraram que a água residuária pode ser utilizada na fertirrigação de viveiros para produção das espécies estudadas, pois todas as plantas se mostraram vigorosas, com bom desenvolvimento, sem mortalidade, deficiência ou toxidez. Entretanto, constatou-se que essas mudas necessitarão de um maior tempo no viveiro, quando comparadas com as produzidas com fertilizantes minerais.


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ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to select allometric models to estimate total and pooled aboveground biomass of 4.5-year-old capixingui trees established in an agrisilvicultural system. Aboveground biomass distribution of capixingui was also evaluated. Single- (diameter at breast height [DBH] or crown diameter or stem diameter as the independent variable) and double-entry (DBH or crown diameter or stem diameter and total height as independent variables) models were studied. The estimated total biomass was 17.3 t.ha-1, corresponding to 86.6 kg per tree. All models showed a good fit to the data (R2ad > 0.85) for bole, branches, and total biomass. DBH-based models presented the best residual distribution. Model lnW = b0 + b1* lnDBH can be recommended for aboveground biomass estimation. Lower coefficients were obtained for leaves (R2ad > 82%). Biomass distribution followed the order: bole>branches>leaves. Bole biomass percentage decreased with increasing DBH of the trees, whereas branch biomass increased.


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Este estudo analisou a anatomia do lenho de indivíduos de Croton urucurana de áreas com o solo alagado, úmido e seco. A estrutura anatômica foi analisada quantitativamente através de medições de vinte e duas características, envolvendo os elementos de vasos, as fibras, os parênquimas axial e radial; o valor médio das características em cada tipo de solo foi comparado estatisticamente. Foram obtidos dados de umidade de solo, quinzenalmente, no período de um ano, de cada uma das três áreas, juntamente com a curva de retenção de água do solo para a caracterização do nível de umidade. Quatorze características, ao nível de 5% de significância, apresentaram-se diferentes nos espécimes de pelo menos duas localidades diferentes de solo. De tais características, dez apresentaram-se significativamente diferentes entre os espécimes de solo da condição seca e alagada. A freqüência e o diâmetro dos vasos, apresentaram-se com médias maiores nos espécimes do solo alagado, e menores nos de solo seco. Tal dado revela um fato novo: o aumento da freqüência e do diâmetro dos vasos dos espécimes que vivem na condição estressante do solo alagado.


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Uma nova espécie de Euphorbiaceae da Amazônia brasileira, Croton faroensis R. Secco, é descrita. Essa espécie é superficialmente semelhante a C. paraensis Müll. Arg., mas distingue-se por apresentar folhas sem glândulas ou com glândulas inconspícuas na base, nervuras secundárias formando arcos pouco evidentes na face abaxial, flores estaminadas solitárias, filetes com tricomas vilosos, flores pistiladas pediceladas e frutos levemente trígonos no ápice. A posição sistemática de C. faroensis em relação às seções de Croton é discutida.


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Uma nova espécie de Euphorbiaceae da Amazônia brasileira, Croton strobiliformis Secco, é descrita. Essa espécie é superficialmente semelhante a C. hirtus L'Heritier, mas pode ser distinguida pelos seguintes caracteres: ramos esparsamente pubescentes, glabrescentes, folhas com denso indumento de tricomas estrelado-porrectos em ambas as faces, levemente áspera na abaxial, com nervuras acentuadamente mais evidentes que na face adaxial, estípulas 2, aciculadas, inflorescência em racemo estrobiliforme, flores pistiladas várias, agrupadas na base da inflorescência, pétalas das flores estaminadas com denso indumento de tricomas vilosos internamente, estames com tricomas vilosos na base e frutos com indumento denso-velutino. A posição sistemática de C. strobiliformis em relação às seções de Croton é discutida.


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Croton zehntneri is an aromatic plant native to Northeastern Brazil, where it is often used in folk medicine. In the present study the antinociceptive effects of the essential oil of Croton zehntneri (EOCz) were evaluated in mice. EOCz administered orally at doses of 100 and 300 mg/kg reduced paw licking time in the second phase of the formalin test from the control value of 41.61 ± 8.62 to 12.01 ± 7.97 and 6.57 ± 3.42 s, respectively. During the first phase of the formalin test only 300 mg/kg induced a significant alteration (from 58.2 ± 7.02, control, to 28.7 ± 4.73 s). The number of contortions in response to intraperitoneal injections of acetic acid did not differ significantly between controls (80.6 ± 9.01) and experimental (300 mg/kg body weight) animals (89.1 ± 9.53% of the control numbers; P > or = 0.05, Student t-test). In the hot-plate test, EOCz at doses > or = 100 mg/kg significantly increased the latency time with respect to controls (11.2 ± 0.80). At 100 and 300 mg/kg this increase persisted for 180 and 240 min, respectively. The data show that EOCz is effective as an antinociceptive agent.


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Croton nepetaefolius Baill., is an aromatic plant native to the northeast of Brazil where it is extensively used in folk medicine as a sedative, orexigen and antispasmodic agent. In the present study the antinociceptive effects of the essential oil of C. nepetaefolius (EOCn), administered orally, were evaluated in male Swiss mice (20-25 g). In the acetic acid-induced writhing test, EOCn (100 and 300 mg/kg; N = 14 and N = 12, respectively) was effective at the highest dose. In the hot-plate test, EOCn at 30 and 300 mg/kg, but not at 3 mg/kg, significantly increased the latency at all observation times up to the 180th min (N = 12 for each dose). In the formalin test, EOCn significantly reduced paw licking in the second phase of the test at 100 mg/kg (N = 12), but decreased it in both phases at 300 mg/kg (N = 12). At 30 mg/kg, the effect of EOCn did not differ from control values in either phase of the formalin test (N = 6). Pretreatment with naloxone (5 mg/kg, ip) significantly reversed the analgesic effect of morphine (5 mg/kg, sc) on both phases, but not that of EOCn at 300 mg/kg (N = 6) on both phases of the formalin test. The data show that orally administered EOCn promotes a dose-dependent antinociceptive effect whose mechanisms remain to be elucidated.