971 resultados para Criminal investigation


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Initially the study focussed on the factors affecting the ability of the police to solve crimes. An analysts of over twenty thousand police deployments revealed the proportion of time spent investigating crime contrasted to its perceived importance and the time spent on other activities. The fictional portrayal of skills believed important in successful crime investigation were identified and compared to the professional training and 'taught skills’ given to police and detectives. Police practitioners and middle management provided views on the skills needed to solve crimes. The relative importance of the forensic science role. fingerprint examination and interrogation skills were contrasted with changes in police methods resulting from the Police and Criminal Evidence Act and its effect on confessions. The study revealed that existing police systems for investigating crime excluding specifically cases of murder and other serious offences, were unsystematic, uncoordinated, unsupervised and unproductive in using police resources. The study examined relevant and contemporary research in the United States and United Kingdom and with organisational support introduced an experimental system of data capture and initial investigation with features of case screening and management. Preliminary results indicated increases in the collection of essential information and more effective use of investigative resources. In the managerial framework within which this study has been conducted, research has been undertaken in the knowledge elicitation area as a basis for an expert system of crime investigation and the potential organisational benefits of utilising the Lap computer in the first stages of data gathering and investigation. The conclusions demonstrate the need for a totally integrated system of criminal investigation with emphasis on an organisational rather than individual response. In some areas the evidence produced is sufficient to warrant replication, in others additional research is needed to further explore other concepts and proposed systems pioneered by this study.


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Abstract not available


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This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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Ao longo dos anos a Guarda Nacional Republicana tem vindo a desenvolver o seu modelo de investigação criminal. Alicerçado em três vertentes funcionais: operativa, criminalística e análise de informação criminal, este modelo visa garantir uma eficácia operacional da Guarda, no âmbito das competências que lhe são atribuídas enquanto Órgão de Polícia Criminal. Perspetivando uma evolução da investigação criminal exercida pelos Comandos Territoriais, assente numa avaliação da vertente de análise de informação criminal, surge a presente investigação, subordinada ao tema “A Importância da Análise de Informação Criminal para a Investigação: o Contributo dos NAIIC”. Com o objetivo de compreender qual o contributo que os Núcleos de Análise de Informações e Informação Criminal dos Comandos Territoriais conferem às investigações, apoiamo-nos num processo indutivo, que intenta generalizar os problemas observados nos vários Núcleos, para caracterizar a vertente de análise de informação criminal no dispositivo territorial. Visando uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa dos resultados, os métodos de recolha de dados explorados foram: dois inquéritos por questionário, um direcionado aos Chefes dos Núcleos de Análise de Informações e Informação Criminal e outro aos Chefes dos Núcleos de Investigação Criminal dos Comandos e Destacamentos Territoriais, assim como um inquérito por entrevista, realizado a cinco Oficiais da Guarda, com reconhecidos conhecimentos e experiência profissional nesta área. Conclui-se que os Núcleos de Análise de Informações e Informação Criminal têm contribuído para as investigações, enfatizando os aspetos relevantes de grandes volumes de informação, com vista a apoiar a ação dos investigadores. Todavia, foram observadas algumas limitações que importa suprimir, de forma a potenciar este contributo. Foram identificadas nestes Núcleos, insuficiências nos acessos à informação, lacunas nas ferramentas de análise, reduzido efetivo em determinados Comandos e algumas falhas de cooperação e coordenação, entre estes e os Núcleos de Investigação Criminal.


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This research used the Queensland Police Service, Australia, as a major case study. Information on principles, techniques and processes used, and the reason for the recording, storing and release of audit information for evidentiary purposes is reported. It is shown that Law Enforcement Agencies have a two-fold interest in, and legal obligation pertaining to, audit trails. The first interest relates to the situation where audit trails are actually used by criminals in the commission of crime and the second to where audit trails are generated by the information systems used by the police themselves in support of the recording and investigation of crime. Eleven court cases involving Queensland Police Service audit trails used in evidence in Queensland courts were selected for further analysis. It is shown that, of the cases studied, none of the evidence presented was rejected or seriously challenged from a technical perspective. These results were further analysed and related to normal requirements for trusted maintenance of audit trail information in sensitive environments with discussion on the ability and/or willingness of courts to fully challenge, assess or value audit evidence presented. Managerial and technical frameworks for firstly what is considered as an environment where a computer system may be considered to be operating “properly” and, secondly, what aspects of education, training, qualifications, expertise and the like may be considered as appropriate for persons responsible within that environment, are both proposed. Analysis was undertaken to determine if audit and control of information in a high security environment, such as law enforcement, could be judged as having improved, or not, in the transition from manual to electronic processes. Information collection, control of processing and audit in manual processes used by the Queensland Police Service, Australia, in the period 1940 to 1980 was assessed against current electronic systems essentially introduced to policing in the decades of the 1980s and 1990s. Results show that electronic systems do provide for faster communications with centrally controlled and updated information readily available for use by large numbers of users who are connected across significant geographical locations. However, it is clearly evident that the price paid for this is a lack of ability and/or reluctance to provide improved audit and control processes. To compare the information systems audit and control arrangements of the Queensland Police Service with other government departments or agencies, an Australia wide survey was conducted. Results of the survey were contrasted with the particular results of a survey, conducted by the Australian Commonwealth Privacy Commission four years previous, to this survey which showed that security in relation to the recording of activity against access to information held on Australian government computer systems has been poor and a cause for concern. However, within this four year period there is evidence to suggest that government organisations are increasingly more inclined to generate audit trails. An attack on the overall security of audit trails in computer operating systems was initiated to further investigate findings reported in relation to the government systems survey. The survey showed that information systems audit trails in Microsoft Corporation's “Windows” operating system environments are relied on quite heavily. An audit of the security for audit trails generated, stored and managed in the Microsoft “Windows 2000” operating system environment was undertaken and compared and contrasted with similar such audit trail schemes in the “UNIX” and “Linux” operating systems. Strength of passwords and exploitation of any security problems in access control were targeted using software tools that are freely available in the public domain. Results showed that such security for the “Windows 2000” system is seriously flawed and the integrity of audit trails stored within these environments cannot be relied upon. An attempt to produce a framework and set of guidelines for use by expert witnesses in the information technology (IT) profession is proposed. This is achieved by examining the current rules and guidelines related to the provision of expert evidence in a court environment, by analysing the rationale for the separation of distinct disciplines and corresponding bodies of knowledge used by the Medical Profession and Forensic Science and then by analysing the bodies of knowledge within the discipline of IT itself. It is demonstrated that the accepted processes and procedures relevant to expert witnessing in a court environment are transferable to the IT sector. However, unlike some discipline areas, this analysis has clearly identified two distinct aspects of the matter which appear particularly relevant to IT. These two areas are; expertise gained through the application of IT to information needs in a particular public or private enterprise; and expertise gained through accepted and verifiable education, training and experience in fundamental IT products and system.


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Despite an increased focus on proactive policing in recent years, criminal investigation is still perhaps the most important task of any law enforcement agency. As a result, the skills required to carry out a successful investigation or to be an ‘effective detective’ have been subjected to much attention and debate (Smith and Flanagan, 2000; Dean, 2000; Fahsing and Gottschalk, 2008:652). Stelfox (2008:303) states that “The service’s capacity to carry out investigations comprises almost entirely the expertise of investigators.” In this respect, Dean (2000) highlighted the need to profile criminal investigators in order to promote further understanding of the cognitive approaches they take to the process of criminal investigation. As a result of his research, Dean (2000) produced a theoretical framework of criminal investigation, which included four disparate cognitive or ‘thinking styles’. These styles were the ‘Method’, ‘Challenge’, ‘Skill’ and ‘Risk’. While the Method and Challenge styles deal with adherence to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and the internal ‘drive’ that keeps an investigator going, the Skill and Risk styles both tap on the concept of creativity in policing. It is these two latter styles that provide the focus for this paper. This paper presents a brief discussion on Dean’s (2000) Skill and Risk styles before giving an overview of the broader literature on creativity in policing. The potential benefits of a creative approach as well as some hurdles which need to be overcome when proposing the integration of creativity within the policing sector are then discussed. Finally, the paper concludes by proposing further research into Dean’s (2000) skill and risk styles and also by stressing the need for significant changes to the structure and approach of the traditional policing organisation before creativity in policing is given the status it deserves.


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Um dos objectivos deste trabalho, sobre homicídios múltiplos e o “estripador de Lisboa”, passa por sublinhar a importância dos perfis criminais e abordar os problemas de validade científica dos mesmos, tendo em conta as principais metodologias de investigação criminal e do criminal profiling, atento o valor dos processos de análise de dados que podem ser utilizados para a obtenção de informação de natureza preditiva, com relevância para os contributos da psicologia. Assim, e de um ponto de vista transdisciplinar, definimos o nosso problema de investigação questionando se os conhecimentos e competências da psicologia teriam aumentado a eficácia e a eficiência da investigação criminal relativamente ao “estripador de Lisboa”, em termos preditivos do crime e de elaboração do perfil. Para fundamentar o estudo empírico, analisamos os conceitos de violência e de perigosidade, as teorias explicativas do comportamento criminal, as características das personalidades desviantes, o conceito de psicopatia, de assassinos em série, bem como os métodos científicos e não científicos de perfis criminais. A propósito destes, salientamos o perfil lust murder. Trata-se de um estudo de casos múltiplos, complementado por uma entrevista semi-estruturada e um sistema de criminal profiling (tipo indutivo e dedutivo). A amostra é constituída por cinco mulheres, prostitutas, vítimas de homicídio, encontradas na margem Norte e na margem Sul do Tejo, cujas idades variavam entre 22 e 27 anos. Para a realização do estudo recorremos a fontes documentais, à realização da citada entrevista semi-estruturada gravada, bem como utilizámos uma máquina fotográfica e um manequim, de material acrílico, como simulacro do sexo feminino. Para cada caso foi feita uma análise qualitativa, no âmbito da metodologia de estudo de caso. Para a comparação dos casos efectuámos uma Análise de Correspondências Múltiplas (ACM). Analisados os dados, concluímos que o caso particular do “estripador de Lisboa” é, sem dúvida, um bom exemplo de que a fórmula “organizado / desorganizado” não funciona quando aplicada a casos reais. Contudo, cruzando os contributos da psicologia com a reconstituição dos factos, encontramos evidências que nos levam a classificar o autor dos crimes como um sujeito psicopata, com traços esquizóides. O assassino em série que atormentou a cidade de Lisboa seria um indivíduo aparentemente normal, com uma vida social pouco activa e uma visão hostil do mundo exterior. Seria um sujeito impulsivo e agressivo, sem capacidade para sentir qualquer empatia. Essencialmente vingativo e virado para si próprio, tenderia a desenvolver comportamentos de evitação social, mantendo os seus relacionamentos a um nível superficial. Tratar-se-ia de uma pessoa distante, centrada nele mesmo e desligada de factores externos, o que explica a sua falta de cuidado e de planeamento na cena do crime (pela não antecipação das consequências dos factores envolvidos).


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The Portuguese Intelligence Services have their operational skills limited due to the grievances caused by the Dictatorship and, in particular, by its political police. With the help of historical elements, and by analyzing current legislation, we demonstrate that such grievances are today unjustified and misplaced, mainly taking into account the Risk Society’s multifaceted threats. Also part of our analysis is the impugnment of the Constitutional Court’s decision nº 413/2015, which pronounced unconstitutional the norm contained in Decree nº 426/XII, of the Republic’s Assembly, article nº 78, nº2, which intended to allow Intelligence Services access to the so-called “metadata”, as well as to tax and banking information. It is our understanding, and we demonstrate it in our dissertation, that should be allowed the access of, not only the above mentioned information, but also the means known as communications interception and undercover operations to the Intelligence Services, as long as properly supervised and inspected.


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This master dissertation is a small and humble contribution to a better assumption of the national position on the provisions of Article 40 of the Schengen Implementing Convention, particularly regarding authorities responsible for the implementation of border surveillance. And, above all, aims to be an asset to the strategic definition of this matter within the Public Security Police. To fulfill this aim, we tried to reconcile, against the almost non-existent bibliographic support frame, the professional experience of the several roles in the criminal area of Public Security Police and as a Group 7 National Expert (Mobile Organised Crime Groups) for EU Policy Cicle 2011-2013 – EMPACT Projects (European Platform Against Threats criminal Multidisciplinary) –, with the opinion conveyed by commanders, who perform management functions in the criminal structure of the Public Security Police or, not exercising, to be recognized with high merit in the criminal area.


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Contexte et objectifs. Plusieurs études sur l’homicide ont été réalisées avec l’objectif d’épauler les policiers lors de leurs enquêtes. Le lien entre l’agresseur et la victime représente le principal déterminant des types de meurtres. L’utilité de ces études a toutefois été remise en question tant par les policiers que par la communauté scientifique. En combinant la perspective du script et l’approche dimensionnelle, le but du présent mémoire est d’améliorer les connaissances sur le processus de commission de l’homicide. Méthodologie. Différents scripts de l’homicide seront proposés afin de reconstituer le processus de commission du crime et de mieux comprendre les dynamiques expressives et instrumentales qui y sont rattachées. Les données utilisées dans le cadre de la recherche ont été recueillies auprès de 100 dossiers d’homicide de femmes et d’enfants répertoriés entre 1988 et 2011. Résultats. Les scripts permettent de dresser divers constats. Tout d’abord, lorsque la victime a subi d’importants sévices, le meurtrier est généralement un proche, indépendamment du motif initial de l’agresseur (p. ex. commettre un vol ou tout simplement tuer la victime). La sévérité des sévices dépend également de la présence d’armes sur les lieux du crime et du degré de résistance de la victime. Finalement, les scripts ont démontré que la nature de la relation entre la victime et l’agresseur influence le lieu où le meurtre prend place. Conclusion. Les résultats obtenus s’inscrivent dans une perspective différente en ce sens où, sans négliger la question de la personnalité, des variables contextuelles, hors du contrôle de l’agresseur, ont une incidence sur le niveau de sévices infligé à la victime. Le profile pourrait dès lors intégrer des aspects situationnels afin de pister les enquêteurs.


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L’estudi de la criminalitat és multifactorial, cal destriar en la mesura del possible els factors ambientals, d’entorn urbà, que poden jugar el paper de facilitadors de la delinqüència. Les tipologies delictives són diverses i amb motivacions "mòbils" diferenciats, el que confereix dificultats a l’estudi de la criminalitat, és per aquesta raó que es trien dues tipologies de robatoris contra el patrimoni per ser analitzats: robatoris amb força a interior de domicili (vivenda) i els furts, en un marc de ciutat petita-mitjana, com és el cas de Girona. El coneixement per part de l’autor del marc urbà n’és un part essencial per desenvolupar l’estudi. Un dels objectius finalistes és aconseguir avançar en estudis de diagnosi criminal de les ciutats; així com en el coneixement dels patrons espaials que tenen les tipologies delictives i la influència de les característiques del disseny urbà sobre la criminalitat. La metodologia que s’implementarà serà: recerca bibliogràfica, estadística descriptiva i inferencial, sistemes d’informació geogràfica, així com la deducció a partir de la visualització de la cartografia generada i un treball de camp de les zones d’alta ocurrència delictiva dels delictes esmentats. Pel que fa a les hipòtesis principals: els robatoris contra el patrimoni no es concentren en àrees degradades urbanísticament sinó ans el contrari en ambients urbans cuidats. Aquesta hipòtesi es contraposa a la teoria criminal de la "Broken Windows", que esmenta que els espais urbans degradats és on hi ha menys ocupació d’espai públic i més delinqüència. Una altra hipòtesi important és que els espais percebuts com a segurs, respecte les tipologies delictives esmentades, són els més insegurs


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O ponto de partida deste trabalho consiste nas relações entre a atividade da polícia e o Código do Procedimento Administrativo, procurando saber se aquela atividade se encontra subordinada às regras procedimentais contidas no Código do Procedimento Administrativo, excluindo obviamente do âmbito deste estudo a atividade de polícia criminal desenvolvida pelos órgãos e autoridades de polícia criminal.1


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The literature contains many case reports of planned and complex suicides, which combine various methods to commit suicide. In this article, we present the anomalous suicide of an adult male by strangulation with a belt and simultaneous ingestion of plaster. The specific circumstances of the case are described and relevant literature is briefly reviewed. This case vignette illustrates one example of the wide ranging methods employed in suicides and may represent the first reported case of a fatal complex suicide involving self-strangulation and plaster ingestion. Knowledge of varied and sometimes unusual suicide methods is important to the forensic investigator to prevent unnecessary criminal investigation and to reliably and confidently establish manner and cause of death.


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In July 2011, the European Commission published a Communication aimed at setting out different options for establishing a European terrorist finance tracking system (TFTS). The Communication followed the adoption of the EU-US agreement on the US Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP) in 2010. The agreement concluded various series of national, European and transatlantic negotiations after the disclosure through public media of the US TFTP in 2006. This paper takes stock of the wide range of controversies surrounding this security-focused programme with dataveillance capabilities. After stressing the impact of the US TFTP on international relations, the paper argues that the EU-US agreement primarily has the effect of shifting information-sharing practices from the justice/judicial/penal/criminal investigation framework into the security/intelligence/administrative/prevention context as the main rationale. The paper then questions the TFTP-related conception of mass intelligence through large-scale databases and transnational communication of bulk data in the name of targeted surveillance. Following an examination of the project creating an EU system equivalent to the TFTP, the paper emphasises the fundamental paradox of transatlantic security matters, in which European criticism of American programmes tends to be ultimately translated into EU imitation of US dataveillance practices.