730 resultados para Creative writing--Study and teaching (Primary)--Ontario
Two Grade 3 classes were used to study the effects of a formal social skills training program. Specifically, comparisons were made on self-esteem, classroom environment, and moral development to see whether changes occurred as a direct result of social skills training. One group participated in the social skills program, while the other group did not. It was hypothesized that formal social skills training would improve students' selfesteem, moral development, and the classroom environment. At the end of the program, however, data from class observations, teacher interviews, journal of the social skills training group teacher, and measures of self-esteem, classroom environment and moral development did not support this hypothesis. Although the social skills training group scored significantly higher in class cohesiveness, they did not show marked improvement in the other measures. In fact, in some measures (e.g., friction and competitiveness), they demonstrated greater scores at both pretest and posttests. The social skills training group was, however, able to vocalize and utilize the strategies of several skills which had been a focus of the program, suggesting that formal social skills training is a useful tool for presenting and reinforcing some specific behaviours.
A class of twenty-two grade one children was tested to determine their reading levels using the Stanford Diagnostic Reading Achievement Test. Based on these results and teacher input the students were paired according to reading ability. The students ages ranged from six years four months to seven years four months at the commencement of the study. Eleven children were assigned to the language experience group and their partners became the text group. Each member of the language experience group generated a list of eight to be learned words. The treatment consisted of exposing the student to a given word three times per session for ten sessions, over a period of five days. The dependent variables consisted of word identification speed, word identification accuracy, and word recognition accuracy. Each member of the text group followed the same procedure using his/her partner's list of words. Upon completion of this training, the entire process was repeated with members of the text group from the first part becoming members of the language experience group and vice versa. The results suggest that generally speaking language experience words are identified faster than text words but that there is no difference in the rate at which these words are learned. Language experience words may be identified faster because the auditory-semantic information is more readily available in them than in text words. The rate of learning in both types of words, however, may be dictated by the orthography of the to be learned word.
Drama in education has been describea- as a valuable pedagogical medium and methodology, enriching child development in the cognitive, skill, affective, and aesthetic domains, and spanning all areas of curriculum ~ oontent. However, despite its considerable versatility and cost-effectiveness, drama appears to maintain low status within the education system of ontario. This thesis investigated teacher perceptions of both the value and status of drama in education in one ontario school board. Data were gathered in the form of an attitude questionnaire, which was devised for the purpose of this research and administered to a stratified cluster sample of 126 teachers employed in the board's elementary schools. These data were then used to examine teacher perceptions based on their knowledge, attitudes, and self-reported behaviour in the classroom. Teacher characteristics of gender, teaching assignment, years experience, and courses taken in drama were also analyzed as potential determinants of teacher attitudes towards drama in education. Results of the study confirmed apparent discrepancy between teacher perceptions of the value of drama and its current educational status. It was indicated that what teachers value most about drama is its capacity to enhance creativity, social skills, empathy, personal growth, and problem-solving ability among students. Teachers attribute its low status both to school and board priorities of time and resources, and to deficiencies in their knowledge and confidence in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of drama in the classroom. Teacher subgroup analysis revealed no significant differences in attitudes towards the status of drama in education; it did, however, suggest that both teachers who have studied drama and teachers with between ten and twenty years experience are most likely to value drama more highly than their colleagues. Recommendations proposed by the study include the provision of increased - time and resource allotment for drama within the elementary curriculum as well as increased teacher training at both faculty of education and board inservice levels.
This is a descriptive study of elementary school teachers' perceptions of values transmitted in classrooms. Through circulation of a survey to teachers in Public and Separate Schools in the "Golden I-Iorseshoe" distt-ict of SOLtthern Ontario (e}{clLtding Toronto), it was found that teachers do see themselves as promoting values which tend to be conceptual or knowledge-based and receptive and pertain to self-perception and personal growth. They also show a tendency t.o Lise nlore conceptL\al teachi ng strategies SLieri as discussiona The respondents had no clear opinion regarding student disposition toward values but did feel very influential in developing that disposition. Demographic factors of gender, age, teaching division and teaching experience affected the responses to the surveYa The study was undertaken to describe a very sensitive area in education in the hope of moving closer toward a more effective school system II.
A sample of 1,345 students enrolled in advanced-level science courses from Grades 9 through OAe was surveyed in order to gain perspective into the existence of motivational differences attributing to science course enrolment by gender. Records of enrolment were examined in order to detect patterns and trends. A questionnaire was devised and piloted. It measured five motivational variables - demographics, science and science-related experiences, science ability and attitudes, impressions about women in science, and importance of science and science-related skills. The students also provided some impressions about the image of scientists. Results of the questionnaire were analyzed for frequency of responses and for significant gender differences using the chi-square. Differences were found to exist in the areas of science anxiety as it relates to testing and oral participation; in motivation generated by the performance of extra-curricular science and science-related activities, and by the classroom environment; in impressions of women in science; in the importance of science skills, and in the area of teacher influence. The study also showed a differential enrolment of females, with an emphasis on biology and chemistry. The males were enrolled in courses of physics and chemistry. The findings lead to numerous suggested strategies and programs for encouraging the participation of females in science education and careers.
Student enrolment rates in optional health and physical education (HPE) classes have been steadily declining, to the point where most Ontario students stop taking HPE after completion of their one required credit, typically taken in grade nine. This study looked at factors that could contribute to HPE enrolment, sampling 227 grade ten students from five schools. These factors included selfefficacy (SE), perceived autonomy support (PAS), task value (TV), motivational regulation (autonomous, AR; controlled, CR), HPE grade average and body size discrepancy (BSD). Qualitative information was also gathered from students regarding likes and dislikes ofHPE, as well as reasons for their HPE enrolment choice. Cronbach Alpha values of each scale fell within acceptable values. ANOVA analysis revealed differences between enrolment groups in SE, TV, AR, HPE grade average, and BSD (p < .05). Reasons students reported for not taking HPE included a dislike of health classes, scheduling challenges, not needing HPE for future endeavors, concerns about social self-presentation, and a dislike of sports and/or competition. This research shows important differences between students and their HPE class choices and calls for a re-evaluation of how HPE classes are structured, advertised and scheduled by high school practitioners. Future works should look toward what other factors could be at play in students' decisions for or against optional HPE and how those factors interact with the constructs that were found to be of significance in this study. Keywords: Health and physical education, high school students, participation.
This qualitative study stemmed from a concern of the perceived decline in students' reading motivation after the early years of schooling, which has been attributed to the disconnect between the media students are accustomed to using outside the classroom and the media they predominantly use within the classroom. This research documented the effectiveness of a digital children's literature program and a postreading multimedia program on eight grade 1 students' reading motivation, word recognition, and comprehension abilities. Eight students were given ten 25-minute sessions with the software program over 15 weeks. Preprogram, interim-program, and postprogram qualitative data were collected from students, teachers, and parents through questionnaires, interviews, standardized reading assessment tools, classroom observations, field notes, and student behaviour observation checklists. Findings are summarized into 3 themes. The motivational aspects and constructivist styles of instruction in the digital reading programs may have contributed to 5 student participants' increased participation in online storybook reading at home. Qualitative data revealed that the digital children's literature program and multimedia postreading activities seemed to have a positive influence on the majority of grade 1 student participants' reading motivation, word recognition, and listening comprehension skills. These findings suggest the promise of multimedia and Internet-based reading software programs in supporting students with reading andlor behavioural difficulties. In keeping with current educational initiatives and efforts, increased use of media literacy practices in the grade 1 curriculum is suggested.
The hospitality industry in Canada is growing. With that growth is a demand for qualified workers to fill available positions within all facets of the hospitality industry, one ofthem being cooks. To meet this labour shortage, community colleges offering culinary arts programs are ramping up to meet the needs of industry to produce workplace-ready graduates. Industry, students, and community colleges are but three of the several stakeholders in culinary arts education. The purpose of this research project was to bring together a cross-section of stakeholders in culinary arts education in Ontario and qualitatively examine the stakeholders' perceptions of how culinary arts programs and the current curriculum are taught at community colleges as mandated by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) in the Culinary Program Standard. A literature review was conducted in support of the research undertaking. Ten stakeholders were interviewed in preliminary and follow-up sessions, after which the data were analyzed using a grounded theory research design. The findings confirmed the existence of a disconnect amongst stakeholders in culinary arts education. Parallel to that was the discovery of the need for balance in several facets of culinary arts education. The discussions, as found in Chapter 5 of this study, addressed the themes of Becoming a Chef, Basics, Entrenchment, Disconnect, and Balance. The 8 recommendations, also found in Chapter 5, which are founded on the research results of this study, will be of interest to stakeholders in culinary education, particularly in the province of Ontario.
El projecte "Ecoauditoria del CEIP l'Entorn, pla d'acció i seguiment" consisteix en la diagnosi ambiental del centre, el pla d'acció, l'execució i el seguiment indispensables per a que el centre pugui aconseguir el distintiu d'Escola Verda que atorga la Generalitat de Catalunya. S'introdueix un assaig pedagògic encaminat en l'Educació per la Sostenibilitat
El projecte fa una anàlisi dels programes educatius o guies didàctiques dirigides a treballar la diversitat afectiva i sexual què s’han desenvolupat en els centres de primària i secundària a Catalunya fins al curs 2006-2007
La propuesta de modelo de formación del profesorado que seguidamente va a ser descrita1, basada en los nuevos planteamientos educativos referidos y diseñada en atención específica a la realidad de la Comunidad Autónoma andaluza -si bien generalizable en muchos aspectos a otras- y para la etapa concreta de Educación Primaria, ofrece pautas de actuación para el ámbito de conocimiento concreto de las ciencias experimentales, o lo que es lo mismo, para el relativo al del conocimiento del medio natural
Dans le cadre du réseau RESEIDA (REcherches sur la Socialisation, l’Enseignement, les Inégalités et les Différenciations dans les Apprentissages, co-piloté par E. Bautier et J-Y. Rochex), je participe depuis plusieurs années à une recherche qui vise à étudier des pratiques enseignantes contextualisées et leurs effets potentiellement différenciateurs sur les apprentissages d’élèves, en croisant des points de vue issus de différentes didactiques et de la sociologie de l'éducation. Dans ce contexte, un imposant corpus de données a été recueilli dans deux classes françaises de CM2 (élèves de 10-11 ans) considérées comme hétérogènes (d'après les résultats d'évaluations nationales, les caractéristiques familiales) en 2004-2005: composé à la fois de données filmiques orientées vers les pratiques d’enseignantes et d’élèves en situation de classe, de photocopies de cahiers ou de productions d’élèves. Ma présentation se centre sur l’analyse d’une partie de ces données, concernant l’enseignement des mathématiques observé dans une des deux classes de CM2. Plus précisément, j’effectue un zoom sur deux situations observées dans cette classe: une situation de résolution de problèmes et une situation d’enseignement des pourcentages. Ces deux situations apparaissent contrastées (gestion enseignante, apprentissages mathématiques potentiels, etc.). Mais elles permettent précisément de montrer que derrière une hétérogénéité apparente de pratiques d’une enseignante, une façon commune de penser et de faire la classe de mathématiques se joue, dont on peut penser qu’elle pèse fortement sur les apprentissages potentiels en contexte scolaire
Objetivos del presente estudio: 1) identificar las ideas previas del alumnado de magisterio sobre el estructura interna de la Tierra, con especial énfasis en donde se genera el magma que da lugar a los fenómenos ígneos, tanto volcánicos como plutónicos, y que constituye uno de los eslabones fundamentales del ciclo de las rocas, y, por ende, de la dinámica del planeta en el que vivimos. 2) Plantear posibles estrategias de cara a la enseñanza-aprendizaje de los contenidos relacionados con la estructura interna de la Tierra y con la procedencia/residencia del magma que origina los procesos ígneos
Cela fait maintenant plus de 10 ans que les premiers dispositifs de e-learning ont vu le jour, que ce soit pour la formation continue ou pour la formation initiale. Dans un premier temps, le recours aux technologies n’a consisté qu’à publier sur Internet l’ensemble des ressources ainsi que le cours, sous forme de texte, dispensé par l’enseignant. Puis, grâce à l’évolution des technologies, de nouvelles possibilités ont vu le jour : la mise en ligne de documents audios, de vidéos, et plus récemment, la mise en place d’espaces numériques de travail permettant à l’enseignant, comme à tous les participants, d’y placer des documents et des commentaires. L’apparition des wikis a permis de voir apparaître de nouvelles formes de e-learning, basés sur la collaboration. Depuis quelques mois, l’explosion des réseaux sociaux, facebook pour le plus célèbre, permet d’envisager de nouveaux dispositifs d’apprentissage interconnectant cours en présentiel et travail à distance
Nuestro trabajo se fundamenta en primera instancia en las investigaciones que tratan y adoptan el conocimiento de los profesores como objeto de estudio y que vienen realizándose desde hace algunas décadas, arrancando de los prestigiosos trabajos de Lee Shulman (1987, 1991, 1992) y su equipo, donde se insiste en la importancia del contenido en la enseñanza y, sobre todo, donde se caracteriza el llamado “conocimiento didáctico del contenido”. Estos estudios han dado lugar a variadas líneas de investigación, impulsadas por autores tan prestigiosos como Grossman (1990), Leinhardt (1992), Clandinin et alii (1992), Connelly y Clandinin (1988), etc., líneas que han intentado conformar una base de conocimiento para la enseñanza centrándose en análisis relacionados con la comparación entre el conocimiento formal y el práctico; el conocimiento informado por los propios profesores; el conocimiento de la materia y su papel en la enseñanza; el conocimiento didáctico, de los aprendices, de los currículos y el didáctico del contenido o los procesos cognitivos de los profesores antes y durante la enseñanza. Se han aportado incluso nuevos lenguajes, como es el caso de los trabajos de Connelly y Clandinin (1985); se han estudiado los componentes usados en la construcción del conocimiento, el conocimiento previo de los docentes, las teorías implícitas de los profesores, el conocimiento práctico personal, las rutinas docentes, imágenes y creencias; se han descrito varios tipos de conocimiento (conocimiento para, en y de la práctica), y se habla últimamente de la adquisición social del conocimiento, proponiéndose “la indagación como actitud” (Cochran-Smith y Lytle, 1999)