915 resultados para Corporate Culture
Shareholdern, Mitarbeitern und Konsumenten kommt im Rahmen der Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) eine zentrale Rolle zu. Nicht zuletzt aufgrund ihrer ökonomischen Bedeutung für Unternehmen und ihrer Einflussmöglichkeiten auf diese werden sie zu den mithin wichtigsten Stakeholdern gezählt. Innerhalb der unternehmensethischen Diskussion setzt sich dabei verstärkt die Sichtweise eines Business Case von CSR durch, demzufolge CSR generell und insbesondere bei diesen drei Stakeholdern an Bedeutung gewinnt und ein entsprechendes Engagement daher neben finanziellen auch zahlreiche immaterielle Vorteile bedingt. Betrachtet man die Studienlage allerdings genauer, bleibt zu fragen, inwieweit das gezeichnete positive Bild und die ihm zugrunde liegenden Annahmen tatsächlich zutreffend sind. Denn weder liegen ausreichend Studien vor, die sich mit den Prozessen auf der Mikro-Ebene befassen, noch spiegelt sich die postulierte und von Konsumenten in Befragungen geäußerte Kauf- und Zahlungsbereitschaft im Marktanteil ethischer Produkte und Dienstleistungen wider, was im Allgemeinen dann allerdings wiederum durch ein „attitude-behaviour-gap“ erklärt wird. Mit Blick auf ein Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) stellt sich die Sach- oder Marktlage zwar besser dar, doch wird gemeinhin stillschweigend und unhinterfragt davon ausgegangen, dass ein ethisches Investment per se ethisch sei. Die Arbeit setzt an diesen Punkten an und geht nach einer Klärung zentraler Begriffe der Frage nach der Relevanz und Wahrnehmung von CSR bei den drei Stakeholdern anhand eigener qualitativer Fallstudien empirisch nach; d. h. konkret, mittels einer Einzelfallstudie unter der Mitarbeiterschaft eines mittelständischen Unternehmens, einer Konsumentenbefragung zum Kleidungskauf und einer Einzelfallstudie zur Überprüfung der Praxis ethischen Investments anhand des als besonders „ethisch“ ausgewiesenen Ethik-Fonds von Schellhammer & Schattera. Im Endergebnis zeigt sich, dass berechtigte Zweifel an den vielfach postulierten positiven Entwicklungen und Effekten und damit auch der Sichtweise eines Business Case von CSR angebracht sind. Denn selbst der gewählte ethische Fonds kann nicht alle an ein derartiges Investment zu stellenden Kriterien zweifelsfrei erfüllen. In eine ähnlich kritische Richtung weisen auch die Befunde der Konsumentenstudie. Durch die Verwendung eines anderen Untersuchungsansatzes zeigt sich, dass für den Großteil der befragten Konsumenten ethische Aspekte in Wirklichkeit keine oder wenn, eine allenfalls sehr untergeordnete Rolle spielen. Entsprechend handelt es sich möglicherweise beim „attitude-behaviour-gap“ vielfach nur um eine Pseudo-Inkonsistenz, die, wie aufgezeigt wird, theoretisch und methodisch bedingt ist. Im Vergleich dazu fallen die Befunde der Mitarbeiterstudie zwar sehr positiv aus, verweisen jedoch auch auf einen allgemein vernachlässigten zentralen Aspekt des CSR-Engagements. So können die empirisch belegten positiven Effekte zwar bestätigt werden, doch zeigt sich, dass diese wesentlich an die Bedingung der Authentizität von CSR geknüpft zu sein scheinen. Die sich hieraus wie aus den anderen Studien ergebenden Konsequenzen und Fragen werden im Rahmen einer Zusammenfassung abschließend diskutiert.
his paper proposes a concept of “culture for internationalization” and “exporting culture” –a highly relevant concept for developing countries’ firms that are likely to follow a gradualinternationalization process– based on the strong relationship binding the concept proposed to strategy and systemic competitiveness. These three items are paramount to Understand the conditions underlying internationalizationas it is characterized by particular traits that make it a key alternative for a firm’s growth and successful perdurability based on competitiveness. “Culture for internationalization” and its variation, “exporting culture”, overflow the conceptsof organizational or corporate culture and involve some major interaction among the micro, meso and macro levels of a national economy in order to operationalize strategies thatpromote such culture and assure successful firm and economy internationalization. Discussion remains open as to the concept and its applicability with the hope that it contributesto the understanding and creation of appropriate conditions for firms to be able to access international markets with greater advantage and generate as much benefit as possible totheir nations, particularly in developing countries.
One of the challenges presented by the current conjecture in Global Companies is to recognize and understand that the culture and levels in structure of the Power Distance in Organizations in different countries contribute, significantly, toward the failure or success of their strategies. The alignment between the implementation and execution of new strategies for projects intended for the success of the Organization as a whole, rather than as an individual part thereof, is an important step towards reducing the impacts of Power Distance (PDI) on the success of business strategies. A position at odds with this understanding by Companies creates boundaries that increase organizational chasms, also taking into consideration relevant aspects such as, FSAs (Firm-Specific Advantages) and CSAs (Country-Specific Advantages). It is also important that the Organizations based in countries or regions of low Power Distance (PDI) between its individuals be more flexible and prepared to ask and to hear the suggestions from Regional and Local Offices. Thus, the purpose of this study is to highlight the elements of effective strategy implementation considering the relevant aspects at all levels of global corporate culture that justify the influences of power distance when implementing new strategies and also to minimize the impacts of this internal business relationship. This study also recognizes that other corporate and cultural aspects are relevant for the success of business strategies so consider, for instance, the lack of alignment between global and regional/local organizations, the need for competent leadership resources, as well as the challenges that indicate the distance between the hierarchical levels ─ Headquarters and Regional Office ─ as some of the various causes that prevent the successful execution of global strategies. Finally, we show that the execution of the strategy cannot be treated as a construction solely created by the Headquarters or by only one Board and that it needs to be understood as a system aimed at interacting with the surroundings.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the concept of global “strategic sustainability”, represented by a conceptual framework, the “spheres of strategic sustainability”. The paper examines routes, solutions and a vision for corporate strategic sustainability in the macro context of the global physical environment and the planet. This builds on previous research identifying key drivers and strategies for corporate sustainability. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is conceptual in nature and underpinned by Gaia theory, ecosystems theory and the laws of thermodynamics. These three offer specific foci for sustainability research including holism, integration and synthesis: without which, sustainability research would be difficult to achieve. Findings – The paper identifies two major domains – “corporate” and “consumer” strategic sustainability. It examines the corporate domain in which routes are identified through responses to existing globalisation, corporate strategy and corporate culture. Research limitations/implications – The paper provides insight and preliminary conceptual development towards a full theoretical model of corporate and consumer strategic sustainability. The framework will guide future conceptual and empirical investigations and broaden and deepen our understanding of how firm's can construct strategic business models that incorporate sustainability. Originality/value – The paper offers a conceptual framework that develops the concept of “corporate strategic sustainability” and provides positive, practical solutions to incorporating sustainability into business models. It also challenges the current dominant socio-economic paradigm and sets the scene for a more positive eco-paradigm that serves the present and future needs of the planet, environment, businesses and human society.
This paper introduces the Corporate Culture Change Cycle: a continuous innovation methodology for transforming the psychological contract in an organisational context. The eight step process is based on the action learning model. The purpose of this methodology is to benchmark the psychological contract against eight changing values of the employment relationship as a basis for facilitating a process of aligning the changing needs of employer and employee. Both the Corporate Culture Change Cycle and the New Employment Relationship Model have been validated in several organisational settings and subsequently refined. This continuous innovation methodology addresses gaps in the psychological contract, change management and continuous innovation research literatures. The approach therefore should be of interest to researchers in these fields of study and from a practical perspective for managers wishing to transform their workplace cultures.
Whistleblowing has often been regarded as an intrusion into the commercial functioning of organisations, and whistle-blowers have frequently found their career prospects to go into steep decline. Recent evidence, however, suggests that individuals in organisations are increasingly being encouraged to report wrongdoings, with whistle-blowing being highlighted as an effective method of reducing the costs of fraudulent activities. This single organisation case study finds that many employees are still reluctant to report wrongdoings in their workplace. This is particularly the case in respect of male employees. It is also found that those employees who do whistle-blow are motivated by feelings of loyalty towards their organisation, rather than by self-interest.
This study develops a model (i.e., secondary values selection process - 2VS) to describe how values shared by individuals (i.e., secondary values) contribute to the creation of meaning and interpretation in organisations. Elements of the model are identified through exploration of two bodies of literature (a) cultural approaches to organisational studies, and (b) theories of evolution. Incorporated within the model are observable elements that support analysis and evaluation of the 2VS. Outcomes of the study are (a) development of a more complete understanding of the Selection Process in organising and (b) creation of a mechanism for cultural analysis of organisational settings.
Transcript: Workshop 3 – Capitalism Quo Vadis Conference on Ethics in Business – Corporate Culture & Spirituality European Parliament, Brussels 14th November 2008
In the corporate regulation landscape, 'meta-regulation' is a comparatively new legal approach. The sketchy role of state promulgated authoritative laws in pluralized society and scepticism in corporate self-regulation's role have resulted in the development of this legal approach. It has opened up possibilities to synthesize corporate governance to add social values in corporate self-regulation. The core of this approach is the fusion of responsive and reflexive legal strategies to combine regulators and regulatees for reaching a particular goal. This paper argues that it is a potential strategy that can be successfully deployed to develop a socially responsible corporate culture for the business enterprises, so that they will be able to acquire social, environmental and ethical values in their self-regulation sustainably. Taking Bangladeshi corporate laws as an instance, this paper also evaluates the scope of incorporating this approach in laws of the least developed common law countries in general.
This thesis examines the stewardship and investment style monitoring by managers and boards of U.S. equity funds. Results indicate that complying with a fund’s declared style, especially in value-growth dimension, remains a challenge for fund managers and boards, and that style-based investors should be aware of the risk of style drift since fund managers and boards do not always monitor the fund’s investment style as stated in the prospectus. Results also show that the quality of fund stewardship, as reflected by fund board quality, corporate culture, manager compensation, regulatory history, and fees are effective in ensuring that fund managers and boards perform their fiduciary obligation by increasing monitoring of the fund investment style.
Business literature reveals the importance of generating innovative products and services, but much of the innovation research has been conducted in large firms and not replicated in small firms. These firms are likely to have different perspectives on innovation, which means that they will probably behave differently to large firms. Our study aims to unpack how firms in Spatial Information perceive and engage in innovation as a part of their business operation. To investigate these questions we conduct 20 in depth interviews of top management team members in Spatial Information firms in Australia. We find that small firms define innovation very broadly and measure innovation by its effect on productivity or market success. Innovation is seen as crucial to survival and success in a competitive environment. Most firms engage in product and/or service innovations, while some also mentioned marketing, process and organisational innovations. Most innovations were more exploitative rather than exploratory with only a few being radical innovations. Innovation barriers include time and money constraints, corporate culture and Government tendering practices. Our study sheds a light on our understanding of innovation in an under-researched sector; that is spatial information industry.
[ES] Kukuxumusu S.L. es una organización que se dedica a la comercialización de dibujos que cuentan cosas en diferentes soportes de calidad para que sean comprados, usados y disfrutados por personas de toda edad, sexo y condición, que buscan en una camiseta, una taza, un llavero, etc., mensajes divertidos, originales y diferentes. Kukuxumusu desarrolla su actividad en los mercados del souvenir y del regalo. En el caso se analiza la estrategia global de comercialización seguida por Kukuxumusu en relación a su gama de productos, los canales de distribución y los instrumentos de comunicación que utiliza. Desde sus inicios en el año 1989 con la venta callejera de camisetas en las fiestas de San Fermín, Kukuxumusu se ha ido consolidando como una empresa con una sólida cultura corporativa, que ha ido creciendo aprovechando las oportunidades ofrecidas por las nuevas tecnologías y que tiene como bazas más importantes su gestión de marca y la diferenciación basada en aspectos intangibles.