1000 resultados para Contexto universitário
O conceito de empregabilidade tem sido crucial nos dias de hoje devido às mudanças que têm ocorrido na sociedade em geral. É imprescindível conhecer o este conceito bem como as transformações que têm ocorrido à volta dele e principalmente quais os seus antecedentes. Partindo da ideia que existe um investimento na procura de emprego, os side-bets foram considerados antecedentes da empregabilidade. O presente estudo teve como objectivo estudar a relação de antecedência dos side-bets com a percepção da empregabilidade, num contexto universitário, nomeadamente dos estudantes do mestrado. Os resultados permitiram concluir que os side-bets são antecedentes da empregabilidade. Contudo foram identificadas várias limitações que permitem encontrar estudos futuros bastante interessantes. Foram discutidas as implicações do presente estudo
This work deals with organizational support perception-OSP. This is done considering staff global beliefs, value of their contributions, care and well being related of individuals in an organization. These issues has been have been present in many researches since the 80s. It is important to analyze this matter considering all the changes that occurred nationally and internationally in the academic environment, characterized as being diversified in academic and managerial level. This occurs especially in Brazil since Federal Universities and their agents have suffered impact and restructuring. The research has emphasized the technical-managerial as well as professor staff level at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte aiming to deal with their unsatisfaction upon social political support. Thus, there was participation of 259 staff that were admitted from 2003 to 2005 in many sectors and units of the university. These subjects were submitted to a social and demographical query through an application of a scale of organizational support perception-OSP. Descriptive and multivariate analysis was done considering factors (management style of higher command), material support, wages, work overload, social support at work and ascending levels). Results show that there a hierarchy of the analyzed factors, the factor social support at work as being the first one with 3,31%, the factor management style of the higher command in second with 3,30%, then followed by the factor social support at work with 2,92%, in a sequence the factor material support, factor overload with 2,49% in the fourth position, and in the fifth place, the factor ascending with an average of 2,33% and in last the factor wages with 2,20%. It is concluded that the factors related to the more positive attributions of the OSP (social support at work), in a sequence material support opposing from the most negative factors of the OSP (wages, overload, ascending) reveal a reality that points out that the OSP is very much related to the individualized actions of the members of the organization (leader-member-group) rather than on structure and institutionalized actions carried out at UFRN
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
The issue about the vocational training of university teachers points the needing for further studies and reflections on the importance of the formative processes of teachers who currently work also in higher education. The present work intended to study the vocational training processes of some teachers of Geography Course at the University Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Rio Claro campus proposing methodological theoretical referrals about doing teaching in Geography area. Therefore, we made semi-structured interviews and questionnaires with teachers who fallowed us with the teaching activities. The purpose was trying to prepare a methodological referral from the challenges challenges and dilemmas of the practice of teaching identified during research, contributing for the qualifications of qualifications of higher teaching
This paper focuses on the practice of writing in the initial training. The research was conducted from an autobiographical perspective. The instruments used for data collection were the writings produced by me during my participation in the Institutional Scholarship Project Introduction to Teaching (Pibid) and my participation in the extension project Training Group: Dialogue and Otherness, those writings that bring my formative experience as a future teacher. The objectives was to analyze the writings produced by me in these contexts and through this analysis, understand what the issues that I problematized and what knowledge I was building from the experiences lived in the school context and in the university context. In view of understand the writing practices promoted in initial training, I have developed a literature search in the Annals of ENDIPE (National Meeting of Teaching and Teaching Practice) 2008, 2010 and 2012. This research seeks to contribute to the recognition of the training capability of autobiographical teaching writing
The interpersonal development can stimulate quality social relationship and promote people´s health. Interpersonal relationships are demanded by the university context, which requires the students to develop and to express socially skillful behaviors. However, diffi culties in interpersonal relationship in the university are common. Characterization studies can help the identifi cation of diffi culties and behavioral potentialities of students and promote effi cient trainings with college students This research aimed to: a) describe the prevalence of reports of university students who sought for psychological help, as the behavior called social skills, (b) identify the partners (family, boyfriend (a), friends, colleagues, teachers) with whom such responses are issued, (c) describe consequences reported by students that occur in the interaction with such parties. Data were obtained from semi structured interviews and IHS-Del Prette instrument. The interviews data were categorized by the analysis content and IHS-Del Prette data were computed according to concerning instructions. The outcomes describe potentialities and diffi culties that the students presented in relation to the social skills according to different aspects: university, work, love relationship, friends and family. The behaviors reported with higher frequency are related to speaking in public, talking to the partner about the relationship, speaking with friends and family members and fl irt. It was also observed that in all the categories the behaviors had as consequence more punishing than reinforcing events. The outcomes obtained of IHS-Del Prette found out that 50% of the sample showed [ok] poor social skills repertoire demanding training.
Studies have shown that aversive conditions at the university may have great influence on academic achievement and the development of psychiatric disorders such as depression. In university context, social relations have been investigated over the years, but are scarce publications relating mental health and social skills. Thus, this paper compared a group of college students with a clinical depression with a group without clinical depression for the consequences and feelings that differents responses of social skills may have in social interactions with various interlocutors. A total of 128 students participated, 64 for clinical depression and 64 non-clinical. Questionário de Avaliação de Comportamentos e Contextos para Universitários – QHC – Universitários, Inventário de Fobia Social (Mini-Spin), Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI) and Entrevista clínica estruturada para o DSM-IV (SCID-I) were applied. The data were analyzed by test t of Student. The results show that students with depression have a great difficulty about the social skills regardless of which require more or less assertion and general way for all social interactions, either family, friends, roommate and partner.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The writings of this paper refer to several personal experiences as well as the various conflicts in the initial educational formation, where I'm reflecting about the formation intentions of this course. I do an analysis and a reflection of the pedagogical practices developed during graduation in institutional spaces, as well as the understanding of the complex context and teaching actions intrinsic to this, that are what constitute the structural dimensions which is where the formative process happens. This study is a narrative of initial formation as autobiographical. Memories and experiences are analyzed along with undergraduate education, exposing structural problems of course requiring a deeper analysis. In addition to analyse critically the institutional spaces of the (few) outreach programs, education and research that are the basis of the Brazilian University, the wellknown University quadripod. Under this perspective, the narrative brings the dichotomous design of the quadripod inside the University course, exposing the need to reflect on this fact, as it culminates in the formation of future teachers in physics. Nevertheless, the work seeks to raise awareness for the need for enhancement of teaching career at the University to address the teaching crisis which today proliferates in the educational institutions in Brazil, therefore it is necessary to the teachers to become aware of your profession and the vision as such. Only from this perspective one can discuss a proper teacher training, aiming at the integration of all activities, valuing all with the same importance
A temática envolvendo a pedagogia universitária vem se constituindo num campo epistemológico profícuo envolvendo a urgência da qualificação do trabalho docente no âmbito universitário. Esta pesquisa está contida numa das frentes que o Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Pedagogia Universitária (GEEPU) da UNESP de Rio Claro vem desenvolvendo sobre o trabalho dos professores universitários. O foco dessa pesquisa é o estudo acerca das concepções de projetos de extensão e na maneira que vem acontecendo essas ações apontando a necessidade do melhor entendimento da ação do professor mediante o papel da extensão correlacionado ao ensino e a pesquisa por meio dos seus projetos e programas nos Institutos de Biociências (IB), do Instituto de Geociência e Ciências Exatas (IGCE) da UNESP de Rio Claro e da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ/USP) UNESP/Rio Claro e na ESALQ/USP. Optamos por uma abordagem qualitativa por meio de um estudo de caso, onde foi realizada análise documental de todos os projetos de extensão das referidas universidades com a seleção de alguns deles junto aos seus respectivos coordenadores no sentido de melhor entender, compreender e aprender acerca desses projetos e suas possíveis correlações na qualificação do ensino e da pesquisa na ação profissional do professor universitário. Acreditamos que o referido estudo trouxe contribuições importantes na medida em que apontou um quadro preocupante no contexto universitário onde tanto a ação do docente e o papel da universidade devam ser amplamente revistos, discutidos e refletidos, garantindo a indissociabilidade do ensino, pesquisa e extensão em espaços institucionais que possam, de fato, garantir essa articulação
Este artigo contribui para a reflexão sobre a transmissão da cultura letrada no contexto universitário a partir de material etnográfico sobre estilos de aula, práticas pedagógicas e de formação do leitor. O impacto da tecnologia digital , o lugar do livro, a relação entre a pesquisa e a excelência acadêmica, e um novo perfil de aluno são discutidos tendo em vista o material coletado através de observação participante e entrevistas com um universo de professores universitários.
O presente trabalho apresenta uma reflexão sobre o papel da teologia no estudo da religião, no atual contexto universitário brasileiro. A tese principal deste trabalho está fundamentada na idéia de que a teologia, no estudo da religião, deve ser compreendida como hermenêutica teológica de orientação antropológica, e ver o seu exercício como interpretação da linguagem da fé e da existência cristã.
Deaf teachers presence at superior education triggers a series of reactions due to cultural differences. They feel the discomfort. The cultural difference defies the established power relations. From that emerge the trading spaces with their constant shocks about problems that affect the deaf teacher participation. The thesis goes through practice, resistance, resilience and political thinking of the deaf teacher at the Superior Education. Authors like: Foucault (2004), Hall (2009), Bhabha (1998), Touraine (2009) and Veiga-Netto (2010) underlie the concept of power relations that permeate this study. Perlin (2003); Ladd (2002) subsidize with the cultural focus. The investigation came from the question: How deaf teachers make their political stands in power relations established to the construction of their narratives at Superior Education? It had the goal of identify and chart the deaf teachers narratives at Superior Education. Leaving from the interview-narrative qualitative approach it was constituted a corpus with the collected narratives. These narratives were identified in order to achieve a thematic map express in the last chapter where the constant facts of the trading spaces of Superior Education shocks unfolds. The results point to an infinity of debates. The deaf teachers do not only present initial conditions of distress, doubt and difficulty at Superior Education, but also the disposition to discuss more the everyday power chains, waged by trading spaces. The identification of the narratives was vitally important to confirm the value of cultural and linguistic recognition as strategy for new politics to the structural power relations at the university context.
O fenómeno de massificação do Ensino Superior que surgiu décadas atrás, tem colocado em relevância o tema da adaptação dos estudantes ao novo contexto universitário. As instituições de Ensino vêem-se confrontadas em se adaptar as exigências de uma população estudantil heterogénea. Por outro lado, os estudantes deparam-se com inúmeros desafios que apelam a uma maior autonomia no sentido de uma melhor adaptação à mudança. No presente estudo, pretende-se essencialmente analisar a influência do locus de controlo na adaptação dos alunos do primeiro ano de Ensino Superior do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga. Noventa e três alunos concordaram em participar no preenchimento de dois questionários, o Questionário de Vivências Académicas (versão reduzida), QVA-r (Almeida, Soares & Ferreira, 1999) e a escala I-E de Rotter (1966). Os resultados apontam para a existência de uma correlação negativa entre o locus de controlo externo e a adaptação, sugerindo que quanto mais externo é o tipo de locus de controlo menor é a adaptação do indivíduo. Ademais, também foram encontradas relações entre algumas variáveis sócio-demográficas na adaptação dos alunos do primeiro ano. / The massification phenomena of Higher Education, appeared decades ago, it has emphasized the theme of students adaptation to the new college context. The Teaching institutions are confronted with new demands of a more and more heterogeneous student population. On another hand, students come across with countless challenges, urging to a greater autonomy towards a better changing adaptation. At the present study, it is essentially intended to analyze the locus of control influence in the adaptation of Higher Education first year students, in Instituto Superior Miguel Torga. Ninety three students agreed to participate and fill in two questionnaires, Questionário de Vivências Académicas (short version) (Almeida, Soares & Ferreira, 1999) and Rotter´s I-E scale (1966). The results, point to the existence of a negative correlation between external locus of control and adaptation, suggesting the more external is the locus of control, the less is individual adaptation. Furthermore, it has also been found relations between some socio-demographic variables in first year student’s adaptation.