977 resultados para Computer Technologies


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Los relevamientos recientes sobre sectores productivos que demandan ingenieros en la Argentina demuestran que nos encontramos en una etapa de redefinición de la calificación laboral, de rediseño de sus saberes y de las exigencias de contratación inducidas por las nuevas formas de producción, la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías informatizadas, el trabajo en red y el desarrollo de las comunicaciones. En este artículo, se sintetizan varios años de trabajos de los Laboratorios de Monitoreo de Inserción de Graduados. Se parte de las características del desarrollo industrial de las últimas décadas y de los cambios en las demandas de las empresas de cada región, clasificándolas en aquellas que mantuvieron conductas tradicionales y aquellas que plantean rupturas con las estrategias anteriores, con o sin éxito en la mejora de sus situaciones estructurales. Se analizan los retos de las instituciones formadoras de ingenieros y las demandas de saberes y calificaciones discriminando las distintas especialidades


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El presente trabajo da cuenta de una investigación llevada a cabo entre mediados y fines de los años `90 como parte de la acreditación académica del grado de Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación. La misma aborda como tema de estudio el campo de la Educación Superior y las Tecnologías Informáticas, particularmente el uso pedagógico-didáctico que se hace de dichas tecnologías a partir de su introducción en las prácticas de enseñanza. Metodológicamente se trabajó en dos etapas con de estilos de indagación diferenciados, pero a la vez imbricados. La primera consistió en recoger la mirada institucional respecto a la introducción de dichas tecnologías. A tales efectos, se seleccionó como población del estudio a miembros responsables de la conducción institucional de algunas de las Unidades Académicas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata e Institutos Superiores de Formación Docentes -públicos y privados- de la provincia de Bs. As. Mientras que la segunda etapa se configuró a partir de los hallazgos de la anterior dando lugar a la necesidad de profundizar, mediante un estudio de casos, en el análisis de prácticas de enseñanza en las que se produce la inclusión de las tecnologías informáticas. Intentando visualizar en ellas, no sólo, la introducción de un artefacto novedoso sino la presencia de elementos de una cultura de innovación educativa que den cuenta de procesos de reflexión y de cambio en dichas prácticas. Las conclusiones arribadas posibilitaron integrar la dimensión institucional con la dimensión áulica; conocer prácticas de enseñanza que intentan, desde su espacio de trabajo, modificar la estructura de clase tradicional, acercando a los alumnos otras posibilidades de acceso al conocimiento y vislumbrar, en forma incipiente y en función de las posibilidades profesionales y personales de cada profesor, niveles de reflexión de su propia práctica con el propósito de mejorarlas.


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Los relevamientos recientes sobre sectores productivos que demandan ingenieros en la Argentina demuestran que nos encontramos en una etapa de redefinición de la calificación laboral, de rediseño de sus saberes y de las exigencias de contratación inducidas por las nuevas formas de producción, la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías informatizadas, el trabajo en red y el desarrollo de las comunicaciones. En este artículo, se sintetizan varios años de trabajos de los Laboratorios de Monitoreo de Inserción de Graduados. Se parte de las características del desarrollo industrial de las últimas décadas y de los cambios en las demandas de las empresas de cada región, clasificándolas en aquellas que mantuvieron conductas tradicionales y aquellas que plantean rupturas con las estrategias anteriores, con o sin éxito en la mejora de sus situaciones estructurales. Se analizan los retos de las instituciones formadoras de ingenieros y las demandas de saberes y calificaciones discriminando las distintas especialidades


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El presente trabajo da cuenta de una investigación llevada a cabo entre mediados y fines de los años `90 como parte de la acreditación académica del grado de Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación. La misma aborda como tema de estudio el campo de la Educación Superior y las Tecnologías Informáticas, particularmente el uso pedagógico-didáctico que se hace de dichas tecnologías a partir de su introducción en las prácticas de enseñanza. Metodológicamente se trabajó en dos etapas con de estilos de indagación diferenciados, pero a la vez imbricados. La primera consistió en recoger la mirada institucional respecto a la introducción de dichas tecnologías. A tales efectos, se seleccionó como población del estudio a miembros responsables de la conducción institucional de algunas de las Unidades Académicas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata e Institutos Superiores de Formación Docentes -públicos y privados- de la provincia de Bs. As. Mientras que la segunda etapa se configuró a partir de los hallazgos de la anterior dando lugar a la necesidad de profundizar, mediante un estudio de casos, en el análisis de prácticas de enseñanza en las que se produce la inclusión de las tecnologías informáticas. Intentando visualizar en ellas, no sólo, la introducción de un artefacto novedoso sino la presencia de elementos de una cultura de innovación educativa que den cuenta de procesos de reflexión y de cambio en dichas prácticas. Las conclusiones arribadas posibilitaron integrar la dimensión institucional con la dimensión áulica; conocer prácticas de enseñanza que intentan, desde su espacio de trabajo, modificar la estructura de clase tradicional, acercando a los alumnos otras posibilidades de acceso al conocimiento y vislumbrar, en forma incipiente y en función de las posibilidades profesionales y personales de cada profesor, niveles de reflexión de su propia práctica con el propósito de mejorarlas.


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Los relevamientos recientes sobre sectores productivos que demandan ingenieros en la Argentina demuestran que nos encontramos en una etapa de redefinición de la calificación laboral, de rediseño de sus saberes y de las exigencias de contratación inducidas por las nuevas formas de producción, la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías informatizadas, el trabajo en red y el desarrollo de las comunicaciones. En este artículo, se sintetizan varios años de trabajos de los Laboratorios de Monitoreo de Inserción de Graduados. Se parte de las características del desarrollo industrial de las últimas décadas y de los cambios en las demandas de las empresas de cada región, clasificándolas en aquellas que mantuvieron conductas tradicionales y aquellas que plantean rupturas con las estrategias anteriores, con o sin éxito en la mejora de sus situaciones estructurales. Se analizan los retos de las instituciones formadoras de ingenieros y las demandas de saberes y calificaciones discriminando las distintas especialidades


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This paper discusses three important aspects of John Sinclair’s legacy: the corpus, lexicography, and the notion of ‘corpus-driven’. The corpus represents his concern with the nature of linguistic evidence. Lexicography is for him the canonical mode of language description at the lexical level. And his belief that the corpus should ‘drive’ the description is reflected in his constant attempts to utilize the emergent computer technologies to automate the initial stages of analysis and defer the intuitive, interpretative contributions of linguists to increasingly later stages in the process. Sinclair’s model of corpus-driven lexicography has spread far beyond its initial implementation at Cobuild, to most EFL dictionaries, to native-speaker dictionaries (e.g. the New Oxford Dictionary of English, and many national language dictionaries in emerging or re-emerging speech communities) and bilingual dictionaries (e.g. Collins, Oxford-Hachette).


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Recent advances in electronic and computer technologies lead to wide-spread deployment of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). WSNs have wide range applications, including military sensing and tracking, environment monitoring, smart environments, etc. Many WSNs have mission-critical tasks, such as military applications. Thus, the security issues in WSNs are kept in the foreground among research areas. Compared with other wireless networks, such as ad hoc, and cellular networks, security in WSNs is more complicated due to the constrained capabilities of sensor nodes and the properties of the deployment, such as large scale, hostile environment, etc. Security issues mainly come from attacks. In general, the attacks in WSNs can be classified as external attacks and internal attacks. In an external attack, the attacking node is not an authorized participant of the sensor network. Cryptography and other security methods can prevent some of external attacks. However, node compromise, the major and unique problem that leads to internal attacks, will eliminate all the efforts to prevent attacks. Knowing the probability of node compromise will help systems to detect and defend against it. Although there are some approaches that can be used to detect and defend against node compromise, few of them have the ability to estimate the probability of node compromise. Hence, we develop basic uniform, basic gradient, intelligent uniform and intelligent gradient models for node compromise distribution in order to adapt to different application environments by using probability theory. These models allow systems to estimate the probability of node compromise. Applying these models in system security designs can improve system security and decrease the overheads nearly in every security area. Moreover, based on these models, we design a novel secure routing algorithm to defend against the routing security issue that comes from the nodes that have already been compromised but have not been detected by the node compromise detecting mechanism. The routing paths in our algorithm detour those nodes which have already been detected as compromised nodes or have larger probabilities of being compromised. Simulation results show that our algorithm is effective to protect routing paths from node compromise whether detected or not.


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The outcome of this research is an Intelligent Retrieval System for Conditions of Contract Documents. The objective of the research is to improve the method of retrieving data from a computer version of a construction Conditions of Contract document. SmartDoc, a prototype computer system has been developed for this purpose. The system provides recommendations to aid the user in the process of retrieving clauses from the construction Conditions of Contract document. The prototype system integrates two computer technologies: hypermedia and expert systems. Hypermedia is utilized to provide a dynamic way for retrieving data from the document. Expert systems technology is utilized to build a set of rules that activate the recommendations to aid the user during the process of retrieval of clauses. The rules are based on experts knowledge. The prototype system helps the user retrieve related clauses that are not explicitly cross-referenced but, according to expert experience, are relevant to the topic that the user is interested in.


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Recent advances in electronic and computer technologies lead to wide-spread deployment of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). WSNs have wide range applications, including military sensing and tracking, environment monitoring, smart environments, etc. Many WSNs have mission-critical tasks, such as military applications. Thus, the security issues in WSNs are kept in the foreground among research areas. Compared with other wireless networks, such as ad hoc, and cellular networks, security in WSNs is more complicated due to the constrained capabilities of sensor nodes and the properties of the deployment, such as large scale, hostile environment, etc. Security issues mainly come from attacks. In general, the attacks in WSNs can be classified as external attacks and internal attacks. In an external attack, the attacking node is not an authorized participant of the sensor network. Cryptography and other security methods can prevent some of external attacks. However, node compromise, the major and unique problem that leads to internal attacks, will eliminate all the efforts to prevent attacks. Knowing the probability of node compromise will help systems to detect and defend against it. Although there are some approaches that can be used to detect and defend against node compromise, few of them have the ability to estimate the probability of node compromise. Hence, we develop basic uniform, basic gradient, intelligent uniform and intelligent gradient models for node compromise distribution in order to adapt to different application environments by using probability theory. These models allow systems to estimate the probability of node compromise. Applying these models in system security designs can improve system security and decrease the overheads nearly in every security area. Moreover, based on these models, we design a novel secure routing algorithm to defend against the routing security issue that comes from the nodes that have already been compromised but have not been detected by the node compromise detecting mechanism. The routing paths in our algorithm detour those nodes which have already been detected as compromised nodes or have larger probabilities of being compromised. Simulation results show that our algorithm is effective to protect routing paths from node compromise whether detected or not.


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In this short note we present the approximate construction of closed Poncelet configurations using the simulation of a mathematical pendulum. Although the idea goes back to the work of Jacobi, only the use of modern computer technologies assures the success of the construction. We present also some remarks on using such problems in project based university courses and we present a Matlab program able to produce animated Poncelet configurations with given period. In the same spirit we construct Steiner configurations and we give a few teaching oriented remarks on the Poncelet grid theorem. (DIPF/authors)


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Vivimos en sociedades en las que la producción, el flujo de información y la centralidad de ésta en las actividades humanas, alcanzan niveles ni siquiera soñados pocas décadas atrás. La razón de este salto cualitativo en el papel social de la información radica, fundamentalmente, en la utilización de tecnologías electrónicas e informáticas, sumamente eficaces y relativamente baratas, para el procesamiento, manejo y difusión de la información.Estas tecnologías han estado controladas por poderosos sectores sociales que actúan en el plano internacional y transnacional, los cuales las han modelado según sus propios intereses.Emplear estas tecnologías implica la posibilidad de moverse en un rango de enorme amplitud, en el que se acrecientan extraordinariamente los espacios de acción de los sujetos que allí se desenvuelven, lo mismo que su disponibilidad de recursos.


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My dissertation emphasizes the use of narrative structuralism and narrative theories about storytelling in order to build a discourse between the fields of New Media and Rhetoric and Composition. Propp's morphological analysis and the breaking down of stories into component pieces aides in the discussion of storytelling as it appears in and is mediated by digital and computer technologies. New Media and Rhetoric and Composition are aided by shared concerns for textual production and consumption. In using the notion of "kairotic reading" (KR), I show the interconnectedness and interdisciplinarity required in the development of pedagogy utilized to teach students to develop into reflective practitioners that are aware of their rhetorical surroundings and can made sound judgments concerning their own message generation and consumption in the workplace. KR is a transferable skill that is beneficial to students and teachers alike. The dissertation research utilizes theories of New Media and New Media-influenced practitioners, including Jenkins' theory of convergence, Bourdieu's notion of taste, Gee's term "semiotic domains," and Manovich's "modification." These theoretical pieces are combined in order to show how KR can be extended by convergent narrative practices. In order to build connections with New Media, the consideration and inclusion of Kress and van Leeuwen's multimodality, Selber's "reflective practitioners," and Selfe's definition of multimodal composing allow for a greater establishment of conversation order to create a richer conversation around the implications of metacognitive development and practitioner reflexivity with scholars in New Media. My research also includes analysis of two popular media franchises Deborah Harkness' A Discovery of Witches and Fox's Bones television series to show similarities and differences among convergence-linked and multimodal narratives. Lastly, I also provide example assignments that can be taken, further developed, and utilized in classrooms engaging in multimodal composing practices. This dissertation pushes consideration of New Media into the work already being performed by those in Rhetoric and Composition.


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This thesis seeks to answer, if communication challenges in virtual teams can be overcome with the help of computer-mediated communication. Virtual teams are becoming more common work method in many global companies. In order for virtual teams to reach their maximum potential, effective asynchronous and synchronous methods for communication are needed. The thesis covers communication in virtual teams, as well as leadership and trust building in virtual environments with the help of CMC. First, the communication challenges in virtual teams are identified by using a framework of knowledge sharing barriers in virtual teams by Rosen et al. (2007) Secondly, the leadership and trust in virtual teams are defined in the context of CMC. The performance of virtual teams is evaluated in the case study by exploiting these three dimensions. With the help of a case study of two virtual teams, the practical issues related to selecting and implementing communication technologies as well as overcoming knowledge sharing barriers is being discussed. The case studies involve a complex inter-organisational setting, where four companies are working together in order to maintain a new IT system. The communication difficulties are related to inadequate communication technologies, lack of trust and the undefined relationships of the stakeholders and the team members. As a result, it is suggested that communication technologies are needed in order to improve the virtual team performance, but are not however solely capable of solving the communication challenges in virtual teams. In addition, suitable leadership and trust between team members are required in order to improve the knowledge sharing and communication in virtual teams.


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Modern organisms are adapted to a wide variety of habitats and lifestyles. The processes of evolution have led to complex, interdependent, well-designed mechanisms of todays world and this research challenge is to transpose these innovative solutions to resolve problems in the context of architectural design practice, e.g., to relate design by nature with design by human. In a design by human environment, design synthesis can be performed with the use of rapid prototyping techniques that will enable to transform almost instantaneously any 2D design representation into a physical three-dimensional model, through a rapid prototyping printer machine. Rapid prototyping processes add layers of material one on top of another until a complete model is built and an analogy can be established with design by nature where the natural lay down of earth layers shapes the earth surface, a natural process occurring repeatedly over long periods of time. Concurrence in design will particularly benefit from rapid prototyping techniques, as the prime purpose of physical prototyping is to promptly assist iterative design, enabling design participants to work with a three-dimensional hardcopy and use it for the validation of their design-ideas. Concurrent design is a systematic approach aiming to facilitate the simultaneous involvment and commitment of all participants in the building design process, enabling both an effective reduction of time and costs at the design phase and a quality improvement of the design product. This paper presents the results of an exploratory survey investigating both how computer-aided design systems help designers to fully define the shape of their design-ideas and the extent of the application of rapid prototyping technologies coupled with Internet facilities by design practice. The findings suggest that design practitioners recognize that these technologies can greatly enhance concurrence in design, though acknowledging a lack of knowledge in relation to the issue of rapid prototyping.


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Mainstream hardware is becoming parallel, heterogeneous, and distributed on every desk, every home and in every pocket. As a consequence, in the last years software is having an epochal turn toward concurrency, distribution, interaction which is pushed by the evolution of hardware architectures and the growing of network availability. This calls for introducing further abstraction layers on top of those provided by classical mainstream programming paradigms, to tackle more effectively the new complexities that developers have to face in everyday programming. A convergence it is recognizable in the mainstream toward the adoption of the actor paradigm as a mean to unite object-oriented programming and concurrency. Nevertheless, we argue that the actor paradigm can only be considered a good starting point to provide a more comprehensive response to such a fundamental and radical change in software development. Accordingly, the main objective of this thesis is to propose Agent-Oriented Programming (AOP) as a high-level general purpose programming paradigm, natural evolution of actors and objects, introducing a further level of human-inspired concepts for programming software systems, meant to simplify the design and programming of concurrent, distributed, reactive/interactive programs. To this end, in the dissertation first we construct the required background by studying the state-of-the-art of both actor-oriented and agent-oriented programming, and then we focus on the engineering of integrated programming technologies for developing agent-based systems in their classical application domains: artificial intelligence and distributed artificial intelligence. Then, we shift the perspective moving from the development of intelligent software systems, toward general purpose software development. Using the expertise maturated during the phase of background construction, we introduce a general-purpose programming language named simpAL, which founds its roots on general principles and practices of software development, and at the same time provides an agent-oriented level of abstraction for the engineering of general purpose software systems.