981 resultados para Computational thinking


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There is intense activity in the area of theoretical chemistry of gold. It is now possible to predict new molecular species, and more recently, solids by combining relativistic methodology with isoelectronic thinking. In this thesis we predict a series of solid sheet-type crystals for Group-11 cyanides, MCN (M=Cu, Ag, Au), and Group-2 and 12 carbides MC2 (M=Be-Ba, Zn-Hg). The idea of sheets is then extended to nanostrips which can be bent to nanorings. The bending energies and deformation frequencies can be systematized by treating these molecules as an elastic bodies. In these species Au atoms act as an 'intermolecular glue'. Further suggested molecular species are the new uncongested aurocarbons, and the neutral Au_nHg_m clusters. Many of the suggested species are expected to be stabilized by aurophilic interactions. We also estimate the MP2 basis-set limit of the aurophilicity for the model compounds [ClAuPH_3]_2 and [P(AuPH_3)_4]^+. Beside investigating the size of the basis-set applied, our research confirms that the 19-VE TZVP+2f level, used a decade ago, already produced 74 % of the present aurophilic attraction energy for the [ClAuPH_3]_2 dimer. Likewise we verify the preferred C4v structure for the [P(AuPH_3)_4]^+ cation at the MP2 level. We also perform the first calculation on model aurophilic systems using the SCS-MP2 method and compare the results to high-accuracy CCSD(T) ones. The recently obtained high-resolution microwave spectra on MCN molecules (M=Cu, Ag, Au) provide an excellent testing ground for quantum chemistry. MP2 or CCSD(T) calculations, correlating all 19 valence electrons of Au and including BSSE and SO corrections, are able to give bond lengths to 0.6 pm, or better. Our calculated vibrational frequencies are expected to be better than the currently available experimental estimates. Qualitative evidence for multiple Au-C bonding in triatomic AuCN is also found.


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Importance of the field: The shift in focus from ligand based design approaches to target based discovery over the last two to three decades has been a major milestone in drug discovery research. Currently, it is witnessing another major paradigm shift by leaning towards the holistic systems based approaches rather the reductionist single molecule based methods. The effect of this new trend is likely to be felt strongly in terms of new strategies for therapeutic intervention, new targets individually and in combinations, and design of specific and safer drugs. Computational modeling and simulation form important constituents of new-age biology because they are essential to comprehend the large-scale data generated by high-throughput experiments and to generate hypotheses, which are typically iterated with experimental validation. Areas covered in this review: This review focuses on the repertoire of systems-level computational approaches currently available for target identification. The review starts with a discussion on levels of abstraction of biological systems and describes different modeling methodologies that are available for this purpose. The review then focuses on how such modeling and simulations can be applied for drug target discovery. Finally, it discusses methods for studying other important issues such as understanding targetability, identifying target combinations and predicting drug resistance, and considering them during the target identification stage itself. What the reader will gain: The reader will get an account of the various approaches for target discovery and the need for systems approaches, followed by an overview of the different modeling and simulation approaches that have been developed. An idea of the promise and limitations of the various approaches and perspectives for future development will also be obtained. Take home message: Systems thinking has now come of age enabling a `bird's eye view' of the biological systems under study, at the same time allowing us to `zoom in', where necessary, for a detailed description of individual components. A number of different methods available for computational modeling and simulation of biological systems can be used effectively for drug target discovery.


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One thing is (a) to develop a system that handles some task to one's satisfaction, and also has a universally recognized myrthful side to its output. Another thing is (b) to provide an analysis of why you are getting such a byproduct. Yet another thing is (c) to develop a model that incorporates reflection about some phenomenon in humor for its own sake. This paper selects for discussion especially Alibi, going on to describe the preliminaries of Columbus. The former, which fits in (a), is a planner with an explanatory capability. It invents pretexts. It's no legal defense, but it is relevant to evidential thinking in AI & Law. Some of the output pretext are myrthful. Not in the sense they are silly: they are not. A key factor seems to be the very alacrity at explaining out detail after detail of globally damning evidence. I attempt a reanalysis of Alibi in respect of (b). As to Columbus, it fits instead in (c). We introduce here the basics of this (unimplemented) model, developed to account for a sample text in parody.


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For over a decade the graphic calculator has been promoted not only as a computational tool but also as a thinking tool — for example, as an aid to enhance conceptual understanding, as a problem-solving tool and as a means of enabling students to engage in meaningful investigations. However, research studies focusing on these aspects have shown mixed results and have mostly focused on graphs and functions. This paper reports on one aspect of a case study in a year 10 mathematics classroom — the role of the graphic calculator as a thinking tool. Data from observations of nine statistics lessons and interviews with the teacher and five students are analysed from three perspectives: the teacher’s intentions with respect to the use of the graphic calculator as a tool to promote conceptual understanding as opposed to procedural competence; the opportunities afforded during the lessons for student investigation; and students’ views of how the graphic calculator enhanced conceptual understanding. The results provide insights into ways in which students perceive the graphic calculator as promoting conceptual understanding, as well as some of the difficulties encountered in practice in a classroom.


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For over a decade, the graphic calculator has been promoted not only as a computational tool, but also as a thinking tool - for example, as an aid to enhance conceptual understanding, as a problem-solving tool and as a means of enabling students to engage in meaningful investigations. However, research studies focusing on these aspects have shown mixed results and have mostly focused on graphs and functions.

This paper reports on one aspect of a case study in a year 10 mathematics classroom - the role of the graphic calculator as a thinking tool. Data from observations of nine statistics lessons and interviews with the teacher and five students, are analysed from three perspective's: the teacher's intentions with respect to the use of the graphic calculator as a tool to promote conceptual understanding as opposed to procedural competence; the opportunities afforded during the lessons for student investigation; and students' views of how the graphic calculator enhanced conceptual understanding.

The results provide insights into ways in which students perceive the graphic calculator as promoting conceptual understanding, as well as some of the difficulties encountered in practice in a classroom where the teacher clearly intends to use the graphic calculator as a thinking tool.


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Emotion is generally argued to be an influence on the behavior of life systems, largely concerning flexibility and adaptivity. The way in which life systems acts in response to a particular situations of the environment, has revealed the decisive and crucial importance of this feature in the success of behaviors. And this source of inspiration has influenced the way of thinking artificial systems. During the last decades, artificial systems have undergone such an evolution that each day more are integrated in our daily life. They have become greater in complexity, and the subsequent effects are related to an increased demand of systems that ensure resilience, robustness, availability, security or safety among others. All of them questions that raise quite a fundamental challenges in control design. This thesis has been developed under the framework of the Autonomous System project, a.k.a the ASys-Project. Short-term objectives of immediate application are focused on to design improved systems, and the approaching of intelligence in control strategies. Besides this, long-term objectives underlying ASys-Project concentrate on high order capabilities such as cognition, awareness and autonomy. This thesis is placed within the general fields of Engineery and Emotion science, and provides a theoretical foundation for engineering and designing computational emotion for artificial systems. The starting question that has grounded this thesis aims the problem of emotion--based autonomy. And how to feedback systems with valuable meaning has conformed the general objective. Both the starting question and the general objective, have underlaid the study of emotion, the influence on systems behavior, the key foundations that justify this feature in life systems, how emotion is integrated within the normal operation, and how this entire problem of emotion can be explained in artificial systems. By assuming essential differences concerning structure, purpose and operation between life and artificial systems, the essential motivation has been the exploration of what emotion solves in nature to afterwards analyze analogies for man--made systems. This work provides a reference model in which a collection of entities, relationships, models, functions and informational artifacts, are all interacting to provide the system with non-explicit knowledge under the form of emotion-like relevances. This solution aims to provide a reference model under which to design solutions for emotional operation, but related to the real needs of artificial systems. The proposal consists of a multi-purpose architecture that implement two broad modules in order to attend: (a) the range of processes related to the environment affectation, and (b) the range or processes related to the emotion perception-like and the higher levels of reasoning. This has required an intense and critical analysis beyond the state of the art around the most relevant theories of emotion and technical systems, in order to obtain the required support for those foundations that sustain each model. The problem has been interpreted and is described on the basis of AGSys, an agent assumed with the minimum rationality as to provide the capability to perform emotional assessment. AGSys is a conceptualization of a Model-based Cognitive agent that embodies an inner agent ESys, the responsible of performing the emotional operation inside of AGSys. The solution consists of multiple computational modules working federated, and aimed at conforming a mutual feedback loop between AGSys and ESys. Throughout this solution, the environment and the effects that might influence over the system are described as different problems. While AGSys operates as a common system within the external environment, ESys is designed to operate within a conceptualized inner environment. And this inner environment is built on the basis of those relevances that might occur inside of AGSys in the interaction with the external environment. This allows for a high-quality separate reasoning concerning mission goals defined in AGSys, and emotional goals defined in ESys. This way, it is provided a possible path for high-level reasoning under the influence of goals congruence. High-level reasoning model uses knowledge about emotional goals stability, letting this way new directions in which mission goals might be assessed under the situational state of this stability. This high-level reasoning is grounded by the work of MEP, a model of emotion perception that is thought as an analogy of a well-known theory in emotion science. The work of this model is described under the operation of a recursive-like process labeled as R-Loop, together with a system of emotional goals that are assumed as individual agents. This way, AGSys integrates knowledge that concerns the relation between a perceived object, and the effect which this perception induces on the situational state of the emotional goals. This knowledge enables a high-order system of information that provides the sustain for a high-level reasoning. The extent to which this reasoning might be approached is just delineated and assumed as future work. This thesis has been studied beyond a long range of fields of knowledge. This knowledge can be structured into two main objectives: (a) the fields of psychology, cognitive science, neurology and biological sciences in order to obtain understanding concerning the problem of the emotional phenomena, and (b) a large amount of computer science branches such as Autonomic Computing (AC), Self-adaptive software, Self-X systems, Model Integrated Computing (MIC) or the paradigm of models@runtime among others, in order to obtain knowledge about tools for designing each part of the solution. The final approach has been mainly performed on the basis of the entire acquired knowledge, and described under the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Model-Based Systems (MBS), and additional mathematical formalizations to provide punctual understanding in those cases that it has been required. This approach describes a reference model to feedback systems with valuable meaning, allowing for reasoning with regard to (a) the relationship between the environment and the relevance of the effects on the system, and (b) dynamical evaluations concerning the inner situational state of the system as a result of those effects. And this reasoning provides a framework of distinguishable states of AGSys derived from its own circumstances, that can be assumed as artificial emotion.


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In this article we present a model of organization of a belief system based on a set of binary recursive functions that characterize the dynamic context that modifies the beliefs. The initial beliefs are modeled by a set of two-bit words that grow, update, and generate other beliefs as the different experiences of the dynamic context appear. Reason is presented as an emergent effect of the experience on the beliefs. The system presents a layered structure that allows a functional organization of the belief system. Our approach seems suitable to model different ways of thinking and to apply to different realistic scenarios such as ideologies.