966 resultados para Columbia Gradens
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Sedjrrlents deposited in the Late Quaternary marine sUbrnergences that follov'ted the deglaciation of Ontario} Quebec., and 6ritlst-1 Columbia often contaln an abundant nlarlne invertebrate macrofauna. The rnacrofauna~ dotYllnated by aragonitic pelecypods} is fully preserved In their original mineralogy and cherrlistry 8S deternl1ned by x-ray dlffractlon., scannlng electron tl-,lcroscoDY., trace and r1l1 nor elet11ent analyses and stable isotopes. Ttle trace elernent and stable isotope geochen-Ilstry of chernlcal1y unaltered aragorlitlc molluscs can be used to determine paleoter1-lperatures and paleosallnltles." HO\Never} corrections need to be tllade \fvtlen deterrTIlnlng oxygen-isotope paleotenlperi:ttures due to the lnfluence of isotopically 11gtlt glaciol rneltv-laters and reduced sal1nltles. Ttle eastern Laurentide Ice Sheet probably had an o:~ygen lS0tOP1C composition as low as -8e) 0/00 (Sr1[IW). In additl0fl} corrections need to be rnade to the carbonlsotope values, before salinity deterrnlnatlons are t11ade., due to the reJjuctlon of the terrestrial carbon bl0rnass during glac1al maxlrna. Using geochernlcal data frot11 537 marlne n-'8crolnvertebrates frorTI 72 localities in soutt-,easter Ontarl0 and southern Quebec, it tras been deterrnined that the Late Quaternary Char1lplaln Sea \N6S density stratified along salinity and temperatlJre gradients. The deep-\h/aters of tt-,e Charnplaln Sea tlad salinities that ranged frorn 31 to 36 ppt} and terrlperatures of 00 to 5°C. Conversely.. the st1alloy./-\f*later regirrle of ttle Ctlarnplaln Sea tlad sal1nltles that ranged fron-, 24 to 33 ppt} Y.tltt1 terrlperatures ranglng from 5° to 15°C. Tr,8 rrlajorl rnlnor1 and trace e1et1-,ent geochernlcal analysls of 155 marine lnvertebrates frorn 4 10C611t1es of tt-,e Late Quaternary Ft. Langley Forrnatlon and Capl1ano Sedlments;. souttl\Nestern Brltlsh Columblal suggest l t~lat the 'waters of the o-,arlne lnundation that fol1o....ved the retreating Cordl11eran Ice Sheet had sal1nltles ranglng frorn 32 to 3f. DPt.
Les Indigènes canadiens vivent une rapide transition nutritionnelle marquée par une consommation accrue des produits commercialisés au dépit des aliments traditionnels. Ce mémoire cherche à identifier les patrons alimentaires associés à une meilleure alimentation des femmes autochtones vivant dans les réserves en Colombie Britannique. L’échantillon (n=493) a été sélectionné de l’étude ‘First Nations Food, Nutrition, and Environment Study’. L’étude a utilisé des rappels alimentaires de 24 heures. Pour identifier les patrons alimentaires, un indice de qualité alimentaire (QA) basé sur 10 éléments nutritionnels (fibre alimentaire, gras totaux/saturés, folate, magnésium, calcium, fer, vitamines A, C, D) a permis de classifier les sujets en trois groupes (tertiles). Ces groupes ont été comparés sur leur consommation de 25 groupes alimentaires (GAs) en employant des tests statistiques non-paramétriques (Kruskal-Wallis et ANCOVA). Une analyse discriminante (AD) a confirmé les GAs associés à la QA. La QA des sujets était globalement faible car aucun rappel n’a rencontré les consommations recommandées pour tous les 10 éléments nutritionnels. L'AD a confirmé que les GAs associés de façon significative à la QA étaient ‘légumes et produits végétaux’, ‘fruits’, ‘aliments traditionnels’, ‘produits laitiers faibles en gras’, ‘soupes et bouillons’, et ‘autres viandes commercialisées’ (coefficients standardisés= 0,324; 0,295; 0,292; 0,282; 0,157; -0.189 respectivement). Le pourcentage de classifications correctes était 83.8%. Nos résultats appuient la promotion des choix alimentaires recommandés par le « Guide Alimentaire Canadien- Premières Nations, Inuits, et Métis ». Une consommation accrue de légumes, fruits, produits laitiers faibles en gras, et aliments traditionnels caractérise les meilleurs patrons alimentaires.
Contexte: L'utilisation de suppléments alimentaires est répandue chez les populations américaines et canadiennes en général, mais on en sait peu sur la consommation de suppléments alimentaires dans la population autochtone canadienne. Objectif: L'objectif général de cette étude est de prendre en compte l'utilisation de suppléments alimentaires dans l'évaluation nutritionnelle des apports alimentaires des adultes des Premières nations vivant dans les réserves en Colombie-Britannique et Manitoba. Conception: Les données ont été recueillies par l’étude ‘First Nations Food, Nutrition, and Environment Study’ de 1103 (Colombie-Britannique) et 706 (Manitoba) adultes des Premières Nations âgés de 19 à 70 ans. L'étude a utilisé un rappel alimentaire des dernières 24 heures (avec un deuxième rappel pour un sous-échantillon) pour évaluer la diète alimentaire. L'utilisation de suppléments alimentaires et des antiacides ont été recueillis par un questionnaire de fréquence. En utilisant le logiciel SIDE pour tenir compte des variations intra-individuelles dans la prise alimentaire et la technique du bootstrap pour obtenir des estimations représentatives des différentes régions, l'utilisation de suppléments de la vitamine A, D, C et de calcium ont été intégrées aux estimations de la consommation alimentaire. Résultats: Environ 30% des adultes des Premières Nations de la Colombie-Britannique et seulement 13,2% des adultes des Premières Nations du Manitoba âgés entre 19-70 ans vivant dans les réserves ont déclaré utiliser au moins un supplément alimentaire durant les 30 jours précédents. Lors de l'examen des nutriments d'intérêt, un plus faible pourcentage de la population en a fait usage, de 14,8 à 18,5% en Colombie-Britannique et de 4,9 à 8% de la population du Manitoba. La prévalence de l'usage de tout supplément alimentaire était plus élevée chez les femmes que chez les hommes dans tous les groupes d'âge et augmente avec l'âge dans les deux sexes. La plus forte prévalence d'un apport insuffisant provenant de la nourriture a été observée pour la vitamine D et le calcium en Colombie-Britannique et Manitoba, variant de 75 à 100%, et de la vitamine A dans le Manitoba (73-96%). Après avoir examiné l'utilisation de suppléments alimentaires, plus des trois quarts des participants n’ont toujours pas réussi à répondre au besoin moyen estimatif pour ces nutriments. La vitamine C est l'oligo-élément avec le plus faible pourcentage sous le besoin moyen estimatif (avec au sans suppléments) pour la Colombie-Britannique et le Manitoba. Conclusion: La majorité des adultes des Premières nations de la Colombie-Britannique et du Manitoba, même après prise en compte de l'utilisation de suppléments alimentaires, avaient des apports en vitamines A, D et des apports de calcium sous les niveaux recommandés. L'utilisation de compléments alimentaires n'a pas contribué de façon significative à l'apport total en nutriments sélectionnés sauf pour la vitamine C dans certains groupes d'âge.
Six Degrees: The New Science of Networks (Sociology, W3233, Spring 2006) Original URL: http://cdg.columbia.edu/cdg/courses/spring06/sixDegrees/syllabus.jsp
The Networks and Complexity in Social Systems course commences with an overview of the nascent field of complex networks, dividing it into three related but distinct strands: Statistical description of large scale networks, viewed as static objects; the dynamic evolution of networks, where now the structure of the network is understood in terms of a growth process; and dynamical processes that take place on fixed networks; that is, "networked dynamical systems". (A fourth area of potential research ties all the previous three strands together under the rubric of co-evolution of networks and dynamics, but very little research has been done in this vein and so it is omitted.) The remainder of the course treats each of the three strands in greater detail, introducing technical knowledge as required, summarizing the research papers that have introduced the principal ideas, and pointing out directions for future development. With regard to networked dynamical systems, the course treats in detail the more specific topic of information propagation in networks, in part because this topic is of great relevance to social science, and in part because it has received the most attention in the literature to date.
This paper investigates a discrepancy concerning resilience. International institutions such as ISDR try to promote resilience as a notion useful for preventing disasters. And some searchers, mainly coming from ecology, such as Resilience Alliance group, found the notion relevant enough to promote it as a brand for their studies on disaster prevention. Yet, the second part of the paper will verify how other searchers are still not convinced by the relevance of the notion. Territorial managers are reluctant as well, in line with the poor number of policies trying to bring resilience to reality, be it in Columbia or in France. How can we make sense of this discrepancy? The paper will stress on various political, institutional and cultural conditionings hidden behind the notion. It will also enlighten the contradictions embedded within the notion, because resilience, as disaster, depends on the scales and the actors the analysis relies on first. Which resilience to whom and at what scale? These are critical questions that should be addressed in order to give sense to these contradictions. Resilience has no absolute meaning. However, it helps identifying trends towards future disasters. This is one of the main reasons why it may be found useful.
Livestock grazing in the shortgrass steppe of the Intermountain region of British Columbia is predicted to have significant effects on grassland habitats and their associated ground-nesting bird communities. We tested whether grazed and ungrazed sites could be discriminated on the basis of their vegetation communities, whether the abundance of two ground-nesting bird species, Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus) and Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta), differed between grazed and ungrazed sites, and whether vegetation variables found to differ between grazed and ungrazed plots could be used to predict the abundance of the two bird species at a fine scale. Grazed sites were easily distinguishable from a site that had been ungrazed for >30 years based on the structure and composition of their vegetation communities. However, more detailed grazing categories could not be distinguished on the basis of vegetation characteristics. Despite the existence of grazing effects on vegetation structure and composition, we found no consistent differences in abundance of Vesper Sparrows and Western Meadowlarks between the grazed and ungrazed sites. However, there was weak evidence that the abundance of both species was higher at fine-scale plots (100 m radius point count station) with less bare ground and taller vegetation. Bare ground cover was lower on grazed plots, but vegetation was taller on ungrazed plots. Combined, our results suggest that low intensity grazing leads to grassland habitat change with both negative and positive effects on Vesper Sparrows and Western Meadowlarks, resulting in no net change in their broad-scale abundance.
In an attempt to improve our understanding of the Paleoproterozoic geodynamic evolution, a paleomagnetic study was performed on 10 sites of acid volcanic rocks of the Colider Suite, southwestern Amazonian Craton. These rocks have a well-dated zircon U-Pb mean age of 1789 +/- 7 Ma. Alternating field and thermal demagnetization revealed northern (southern) directions with moderate to high upward (downward) inclinations. Rock magnetism experiments and magnetic mineralogy show that this characteristic magnetization is carried by Ti-poor magnetite or by hematite that replaces magnetite by late-magmatic cleuteric alteration. Both magnetite and hematite carry the same characteristic component. The mean direction (Dm = 183.0 degrees, Im = 53.5 degrees, N = 10, alpha(95) = 9.8 degrees, K = 25.2) yielded a paleomagnetic pole located at 298.8 degrees E, 63.3 degrees S (alpha(95) = 10.2 degrees, K = 23.6), which is classified with a quality factor Q = 5. Paleogeographic reconstructions using this pole and other reliable Paleoproterozoic poles suggest that Laurentia, Baltica, North China Craton and Amazonian Craton were located in laterally contiguous positions forming a large continental mass at 1790 Ma ago. This is reinforced by geological evidence which support the existence of the supercontinent Columbia in Paleoproterozoic times. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Church Women United In Columbia was founded in 1915 as the Women’s Interdenominational Missionary Union whose purpose was to work for the betterment of social and economic conditions in the city of Columbia, South Carolina. The collection consists of constitutions, bylaws, minutes, correspondence, reports, financial records, newsletters, newspaper clippings, lists, and other records relating to the history and civic activities of the organization.