870 resultados para Coating. Load
Refractory castables are composed of fractions of fine to fairly coarse particles. The fine fraction is constituted primarily of raw materials and calcium aluminate cement, which becomes hydrated, forming chemical bonds that stiffen the concrete during the curing process. The present study focused on an evaluation of several characteristics of two refractory castables with similar chemical compositions but containing aggregates of different sizes. The features evaluated were the maximum load, the fracture energy, and the ""relative crack-propagation work"" of the two castables heat-treated at 110, 650, 1100 and 1550 degrees C. The results enabled us to draw the following conclusions: the heat treatment temperature exerts a significant influence on the matrix/aggregate interaction, different microstructures form in the castables with temperature, and a relationship was noted between the maximum load and the fracture energy. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
Three-dimensional discretizations used in numerical analyses of tunnel construction normally include excavation step lengths much shorter than tunnel cross-section dimensions. Simulations have usually worked around this problem by using excavation steps that are much larger than the actual physical steps used in a real tunnel excavation. In contrast, the analyses performed in this study were based on finely discretized meshes capable of reproducing the excavation lengths actually used in tunnels, and the results obtained for internal forces are up to 100% greater than those found in other analyses available in the literature. Whereas most reports conclude that internal forces depend on support delay length alone, this study shows that geometric path dependency (reflected by excavation round length) is very strong, even considering linear elasticity. Moreover, many other solutions found in the literature have also neglected the importance of the relative stiffness between the ground mass and support structure, probably owing to the relatively coarse meshes used in these studies. The analyses presented here show that relative stiffness may account for internal force discrepancies in the order of 60%. A dimensionless expression that takes all these parameters into account is presented as a good approximation for the load transfer mechanism at the tunnel face.
A study was performed regarding the effect of the relation between fill time, volume treated per cycle, and influent concentration at different applied organic loadings on the stability and efficiency of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor containing immobilized biomass on polyurethane foam with recirculation of the liquid phase (AnSBBR) applied to the treatment of wastewater from a personal care industry. Total cycle length of the reactor was 8 h (480 min). Fill times were 10 min in the batch operation, 4 h in the fed-batch operation, and a 10-min batch followed by a 4-h fed batch in the mixed operation. Settling time was not necessary since the biomass was immobilized and decant time was 10 min. Volume of liquid medium in the reactor was 2.5 L, whereas volume treated per cycle ranged from 0.88 to 2.5 L in accordance with fill time. Influent concentration varied from 300 to 1,425 mg COD/L, resulting in an applied volumetric organic load of 0.9 and 1.5 g COD/L.d. Recirculation flow rate was 20 L/h, and the reactor was maintained at 30 A degrees C. Values of organic matter removal efficiency of filtered effluent samples were below 71% in the batch operations and above 74% in the operations of fed batch followed by batch. Feeding wastewater during part of the operational cycle was beneficial to the system, as it resulted in indirect control over the conversion of substrate into intermediates that would negatively interfere with the biochemical reactions regarding the degradation of organic matter. As a result, the average substrate consumption increased, leading to higher organic removal efficiencies in the fed-batch operations.
An investigation was performed regarding the application of a mechanically stirred anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor containing immobilized biomass on inert polyurethane foam (AnSBBR) to the treatment of soluble metalworking fluids to remove organic matter and produce methane. The effect of increasing organic matter and reactor fill time, as well as shock load, on reactor stability and efficiency have been analyzed. The 5-L AnSBBR was operated at 30 A degrees C in 8-h cycles, agitation of 400 rpm, and treated 2.0 L effluent per cycle. Organic matter was increased by increasing the influent concentration (500, 1,000, 2,000, and 3,000 mg chemical oxygen demand (COD)/L). Fill times investigated were in the batch mode (fill time 10 min) and fed-batch followed by batch (fill time 4 h). In the batch mode, organic matter removal efficiencies were 87%, 86%, and 80% for influent concentrations of 500, 1,000, and 2,000 mgCOD/L (1.50, 3.12, and 6.08 gCOD/L.d), respectively. At 3,000 mgCOD/L (9.38 gCOD/L.d), operational stability could not be achieved. The reactor managed to maintain stability when a shock load twice as high the feed concentration was applied, evidencing the robustness of the reactor to potential concentration variations in the wastewater being treated. Increasing the fill time to 4 h did not improve removal efficiency, which was 72% for 2,000 mgCOD/L. Thus, gradual feeding did not improve organic matter removal. The concentration of methane formed at 6.08 gCOD/L was 5.20 mmolCH(4), which corresponded to 78% of the biogas composition. The behavior of the reactor during batch and fed-batch feeding could be explained by a kinetic model that considers organic matter consumption, production, and consumption of total volatile acids and methane production.
The removal of sulfate and organic matter was assessed in an ASBR, which treated wastewater containing 500 mg COD L(-1) (3 g COD L(-1) d(-1)) in 8 h-cycles at 30 degrees C. The wastewater was enriched with sulfate at [COD/SO(4)(2-]) ratios of 1.34, 0.67 and 0.34 (8.8,4.5 and 2.2 gSO(4)(2-) L(-1) d(-1)). For each COD/[SO(4)(2-)] ratio fill times used were: 10 min (batch), 3 and 6 h (fed-batch), achieving sulfate reduction of 30%, 72% and 72% (COD/[SO(4)(2-)] of 1.34); 25%, 58% and 55% (COD/[SO(4)(2-)] of 0.67) and 23%, 37% and 27% (COD/[SO(4)(2-)] of 0.34), respectively, and organic matter removal of 87%, 68% and 80% (COD/[SO(4)(2-)] of 1.34); 78%, 75% and 69% (COD/[SO(4)(2-)] of 0.67) and 85%, 84% and 83% (COD/[SO(4)(2-)] of 0.34), respectively. The results showed that fed-batch operation improved sulfate reduction, whereas organic matter removals were similar for batch and fed-batch operation. In addition, increase in sulfate loading in the fed-batch operation improved organic matter removal. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Currently, there is an increasing demand for the production of biodiesel and, consequently, there will be an increasing need to treat wastewaters resulting from the production process of this biofuel. The main objective of this work was, therefore, to investigate the effect of applied volumetric organic load (AVOL) on the efficiency, stability, and methane production of an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor applied to the treatment of effluent from biodiesel production. As inert support, polyurethane foam cubes were used in the reactor and mixing was accomplished by recirculating the liquid phase. Increase in AVOL resulted in a drop in organic matter removal efficiency and increase in total volatile acids in the effluent. AVOLs of 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0 g COD L(-1) day(-1) resulted in removal efficiencies of 92%, 81%, 67%, and 50%, for effluent filtered samples, and 91%, 80%, 63%, and 47%, for non-filtered samples, respectively, whereas total volatile acids concentrations in the effluent amounted to 42, 145, 386 and 729 mg HAc L(-1), respectively. Moreover, on increasing AVOL from 1.5 to 4.5 g COD L(-1) day(-1) methane production increased from 29.5 to 55.5 N mL CH(4) g COD(-1). However, this production dropped to 36.0 N mL CH(4) g COD(-1) when AVOL was increased to 6.0 g COD L(-1) day(-1), likely due to the higher concentration of volatile acids in the reactor. Despite the higher concentration of volatile acids at the highest AVOL, alkalinity supplementation to the influent, in the form of sodium bicarbonate, at a ratio of 0.5-1.3 g NaHCO(3) g COD (fed) (-1) , was sufficient to maintain the pH near neutral and guarantee process stability during reactor operation.
In this study four irons were casted with different chromium and vanadium contents: 2.66% Cr, 5.01% Cr, 2.51% V and 5.19% V. Their microstructure is composed of: ledeburite, graphite and M(3)C carbides (cementite). Pin-abrasion tests were carried out using fixed alumina abrasive grains at different loads: 1, 2, 4.6 and 10 N. The wear surface and the abrasive paper were examined by scanning electron microscopy for identifying the wear micromechanism. The results reveal that the mass loss increased with the load increase, and the effect of the percentage of chromium on mass loss is inverted when the load is increased from 4.6 to 10 N; for 4.6 N the mass loss decreased when the chromium percentage was increased from 2.66% to 5.01%. Nevertheless, for 10 N the mass loss increased when the chromium percentage was increased. The worn surfaces of the materials tested at 1 N show microcutting caused by the abrasive tip that produces continuous microchips. The worn surfaces and the abrasive paper tested at 10 N show continuous microchips and brittle debris. The results show that high pressures produce a brittle wear mechanism and low pressures produce a more ductile wear micromechanism, for this, the applied pressure defines the dependence between the wear resistance and wear micromechanism. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Load cells are used extensively in engineering fields. This paper describes a novel structural optimization method for single- and multi-axis load cell structures. First, we briefly explain the topology optimization method that uses the solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) method. Next, we clarify the mechanical requirements and design specifications of the single- and multi-axis load cell structures, which are formulated as an objective function. In the case of multi-axis load cell structures, a methodology based on singular value decomposition is used. The sensitivities of the objective function with respect to the design variables are then formulated. On the basis of these formulations, an optimization algorithm is constructed using finite element methods and the method of moving asymptotes (MMA). Finally, we examine the characteristics of the optimization formulations and the resultant optimal configurations. We confirm the usefulness of our proposed methodology for the optimization of single- and multi-axis load cell structures.
Coatings based on NiCrAlC intermetallic based alloy were applied on AISI 316L stainless steel substrates using a high velocity oxygen fuel torch. The influence of the spray parameters on friction and abrasive wear resistance were investigated using an instrumented rubber wheel abrasion test, able to measure the friction forces. The corrosion behaviour of the coatings were studied with electrochemical techniques and compared with the corrosion resistance of the substrate material. Specimens prepared using lower O(2)/C(3)H(8) ratios showed smaller porosity values. The abrasion wear rate of the NiCrAlC coatings was much smaller than that described in the literature for bulk as cast materials with similar composition and one order of magnitude higher than bulk cast and heat treated (aged) NiCrAlC alloy. All coatings showed higher corrosion resistance than the AISI 316L substrate in HCl (5%) aqueous solution at 40 degrees C.
To improve the surface characteristics of epoxy resin coatings, a treatment by fluorine-containing plasma was used to develop a coating with low surface free energy and improved chemical resistance. Through the coating analysis it was possible to verify information about the CF(n) bond formation and the fluorination depth. The best plasma process parameters presented the best fluorination depth, 90 nm, and fluorine concentration was nearly 30%. The improvement in contact angle of water was 50% and of raw petroleum was 130%. Salt spray test proves that the coating fluorination decreases the chance of substrate corrosion.
Saran F-310 resin (Dow Chemical Co, Midland, MI) has been widely used to coat soil clods for density and size measurements; however, the manufacturer has recently stopped producing this resin and supplies are difficult to obtain. Hence, we evaluated the feasibility of using Lazzudur 7502 (Sherwin-Williams, Cleveland, OH) automotive varnish to coat soil clods for density measurement. Preliminary evaluations showed that immersion of clods in the varnish did nor affect clod cohesion and that a single immersion in Lazzudur with 30 min of post-immersion drying produced density results nor significantly (P < 0.05) different to those obtained using saran. This technique was tested across seven soils and no significant (P < 0.05) difference was found in the density of the clods measured using the two coating methods. This work suggests that automotive varnish can he used as an alternative to saran resin for clod density measurements.
This study investigates the effects of chronic methionine intake on bradykinin (BK)-relaxation. Vascular reactivity experiments were performed on carotid rings from male Wistar rats. Treatment with methionine (0.1, 1 or 2 g kg(-1) per day) for 8 and 16 weeks, but not for 2 and 4 weeks, reduced the relaxation induced by BK. Indomethacin, a non-selective cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor, and SQ29548, a selective thromboxane A(2) (TXA(2))/prostaglandin H(2) (PGH(2)) receptor antagonist prevented the reduction in BK-relaxation observed in the carotid from methionine-treated rats. Conversely, AH6809, a selective prostaglandin F(2 alpha) (PGF(2 alpha)) receptor antagonist did not alter BK-relaxation in the carotid from methionine-treated rats. The nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitors L-NAME, L-NNA and 7-nitroindazole reduced the relaxation induced by BK in carotids from control and methionine-treated rats. In summary, we found that chronic methionine intake impairs the endothelium-dependent relaxation induced by BK and this effect is due to an increased production of endothelial vasoconstrictor prostanoids (possibly TXA(2)) that counteracts the relaxant action displayed by the peptide.
This article presents an evaluation of the effects of the spouted bed design and operating conditions on system fluiddynamics and process performance during enteric coating of hard gelatine capsules. The design parameters studied were the column diameter (150 mm and 200 mm), the included angle of the conical base, gamma (60 degrees or 40 degrees) and the presence or absence of a Venturi inserted before the inlet air orifice. The process variables studied were the ratio between the feed flow rate of the coating suspension to the spouting gas flow rate (W(s)/W(g)), the mass of capsules loaded to the equipment (M(0)), and the ratio between the Spouting gas flow rate to the gas flow rate at minimum spouting condition (Q/Q(ms)). The response variables were the rate of increase of the capsules mass (K(1)), and the adhesion efficiency (eta). The linear regression equation for the dependent variable K, in terms of the independent variables adequately described the process with an r(2) value of 0.872. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that increasing of W(s)/W(g), Q/Q(ms) and gamma significantly increased the adhesion efficiency. Adhesion efficiencies higher than 90% were achieved by selecting precise coating conditions, indicating the feasibility of the process for coating of hard gelatine capsules. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Brain electrical activity related to working memory was recorded at 15 scalp electrodes during a visuospatial delayed response task. Participants (N = 18) touched the remembered position of a target on a computer screen after either a 1 or 8 sec delay. These memory trials were compared to sensory trials in which the target remained present throughout the delay and response periods. Distracter stimuli identical to the target were briefly presented during the delay on 30% of trials. Responses were less accurate in memory than sensory trials, especially after the long delay. During the delay slow potentials developed that were significantly more negative in memory than sensory trials. The difference between memory and sensory trials was greater at anterior than posterior electrodes. On trials with distracters, the slow potentials generated by memory trials showed further enhancement of negativity whereas there were minimal effects on accuracy of performance. The results provide evidence that engagement of visuospatial working memory generates slow wave negativity with a timing and distribution consistent with frontal activation. Enhanced brain activity associated with working memory is required to maintain performance in the presence of distraction. © 1997 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology