82 resultados para Clerks


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Report on the Iowa Judicial Branch – County Clerks of District Courts, a part of the State of Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2015


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This study examines the diaconia work of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church from the standpoint of clients. The role of diaconia work has grown since the early 1990s recession, and since it established itself as one of the actors along with other social organizations. Previous studies have described the changing role of diaconal work, especially from the standpoint of diaconia workers and co-operators. This research goes back to examine, beyond the activities of the diaconia work of everyday practices, its relations of ruling which are determining practices. The theoretical and methodological framework rises from the thinking of Dorothy E. Smith, the creator of institutional ethnography. Its origins are in feminism, Marxism, phenomenology, etnomethodology, and symbolic interactionism. However, it does not represent any school. Unlike the objectivity-based traditional sociology, institutional ethnography has its starting point in everyday life, and people s subjective experience of it. Everyday life is just a starting point, and is used to examine everyday life s experiences of hidden relations of ruling, linking people and organizations. The level of generalization is just on the relations of ruling. The research task is to examine those meanings of diaconia work which are embedded in its clients experiences. The research task is investigated with two questions: how diaconia work among its clients takes shape and what kinds of relations of ruling exist in diaconia work. The meanings of diaconia work come through an examination of the relations of ruling, which create new forms of diaconal work compared with previous studies. For the study, two kinds of data were collected: a questionnaire and ethnographic fieldwork. The first data set was collected from diaconal workers using the questionnaire. It gives background information of the diaconia work process from the standpoint of the clients. In the ethnographic study there were two phases. The first ethnographic material was collected from one local parish by observing, interviewing clients and diaconal workers and gathering documents. The number of observations was 36 customer appointments, and 29 interviews. The second ethnographic material was included as a part of the analysis, in which ruling relations in people s experiences were collected from the transcribed data. Close reading and narrative analysis are used as analysing methods. The analysis has three phases. First, the experiences are identified with close reading; the following step is to select some of the institutional processes that are shaping those experiences and are relevant for the research. At the third stage, those processes are investigated in order to describe analytically how they determine people s experience. The analysis produces another narrative about diaconia work, which provides tools for examining the diaconal work from a new perspective. Through the analysis it is possible to see diaconia as an exchange ratio, in which the exchange takes place between a client and a diaconia worker, but also more broadly with other actors, such as social workers, shop clerks, or with other parishioners. The exchange ratio is examined from the perspective of power which is embedded in the client s experiences. The analysis reveals that the most important relations of ruling are humiliation and randomness in the exchange ratio of diaconia work; valuating spirituality above the bodily being; and replacing official social work. The results give a map about the relations of ruling of diaconia work which gives tools to look at diaconia work s meanings to the clients. The hidden element of humiliation in the exchange ratio breaks the current picture of diaconia work. The ethos of the holistic encounters and empathic practices are shown to be of another kind when spirituality is preferred to the bodily being. Nevertheless, diaconia appears to be a place for a respectful encounter, especially in situations where the public sector s actors are retreating on liability or clients are in a life crisis. The collapse of the welfare state structures imposes on diaconia work tasks that have not previously belonged to it. At the local level, clients receive partners from diaconia workers in order to advocate them in the welfare system. Actions to influence the wider societal structures are not reached because of lacking resources. An awareness of the oppressive practices of diaconia work and their critical reviewing are the keys to the development of diaconia work, since there are such practices even in holistic and respectful diaconia work. While the research raises new information for the development of diaconia work, it also opens up new aspects for developing other kinds of social work by emphasizing the importance of taking people s experiences seriously. Keywords: diaconia work, institutional ethnography, Dorothy E. Smith, experience, customer, relations of ruling.


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Máster en Dirección Empresarial desde la Innovación y la internacionalización. Curso 2013/2014


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Clinical clerks learn more than they are taught and not all they learn can be measured. As a result, curriculum leaders evaluate clinical educational environments. The quantitative Dundee Ready Environment Measure (DREEM) is a de facto standard for that purpose. Its 50 items and 5 subscales were developed by consensus. Reasoning that an instrument would perform best if it were underpinned by a clearly conceptualized link between environment and learning as well as psychometric evidence, we developed the mixed methods Manchester Clinical Placement Index (MCPI), eliminated redundant items, and published validity evidence for its 8 item and 2 subscale structure. Here, we set out to compare MCPI with DREEM. 104 students on full-time clinical placements completed both measures three times during a single academic year. There was good agreement and at least as good discrimination between placements with the smaller MCPI. Total MCPI scores and the mean score of its 5-item learning environment subscale allowed ten raters to distinguish between the quality of educational environments. Twenty raters were needed for the 3-item MCPI training subscale and the DREEM scale and its subscales. MCPI compares favourably with DREEM in that one-sixth the number of items perform at least as well psychometrically, it provides formative free text data, and it is founded on the widely shared assumption that communities of practice make good learning environments.


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Die nachfolgend berichteten Ergebnisse basieren auf einem vignettenbasierten 2x2-Szenario-Experiment, in das die Situationsfaktoren Entdeckungswahrscheinlichkeit und Vorteilswert sowie die Personenfaktoren Organisationaler Zynismus, das Fünf-Faktoren-Modell der Persönlichkeit und Intelligenz einbezogen wurden. In diesem Bericht werden vorrangig die Ergebnisse zur Persönlichkeitsdimension Gewissenhaftigkeit vorgestellt, einem der Faktoren des Fünf-Faktoren-Modells der Persönlichkeit. Diese Ergebnisse werden ausführlich berichtet, weil sie von besonderer Bedeutung für das vom TÜV Hannover/Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. finanzierte Forschungsprojekt Korruption – Risikofaktoren der Person und der Situation (Laufzeit 2011 bis 2015) sind. Die nachfolgend berichtete Untersuchung zeigt, dass ein akteurszentrierter Ansatz in der Korruptionsursachenforschung grundsätzlich sinnvoll ist. Es wurden 113 Auszubildende in den Bereichen Banken- und Versicherungen sowie Sozialversicherung befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Korruption als verbreitete Verhaltensweise angesehen wird, die jedoch als verwerflich gilt. Während die einbezogenen Situationsfaktoren keine nennenswerten Effekte auf die Korruptionsbereitschaft hatten, führten einige der Personenfaktoren zu signifikanten Ergebnissen. Gewissenhaftigkeit kommt hierbei als Schutzfaktor vor korrupten Handlungen besondere Bedeutung zu.


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This document is a land deed between Alex Outlaw and Calvin Spencer.


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“One cannot analyse a legal concept outside the economic and socio-cultural context in which it was applied” – such is the longstanding thesis of António Manuel Hespanha. I argue that Hespanha’s line of argument relative to legal concepts is also applicable, mutatis mutandis, to legal agents: the magistrates, advocates, notaries, solicitors and clerks who lived and exercised their professions in a given time and place. The question, then, is how to understand the actions of these individuals in particular contexts – more specifically in late 18th century and 19th century Goa. The main goal of the present thesis was to comprehend how westernized and Catholic Goan elite of Brahman and Chardó origin who provided the majority of Goan legal agents used Portuguese law to their own advantage. It can be divided into five key points. The first one is the importance of the Constitutional liberalism regime (with all the juridical, judicial, administrative and political changes that it has brought, namely the parliamentary representation) and its relations with the perismo – a local political and ideological tendency nurtured by Goan native Catholic elite. It was explored in the chapter 2 of this thesis. The second key point is the repeated attempts made by Goan native Catholic elite to implement the jury system in local courts. It was studied in the chapter 3. Chapter 4 aims to understand the participation of the native Catholic elite in the codification process of the uses and traditions of the indigenous peoples in New Conquests territory. The fourth key point is the involvement of those elites not only in the conflict of civil and ecclesiastical jurisdictions but also in the succession of the Royal House of Sunda. It was analyzed in the chapter 5. The functions of an advocate could be delegated to someone who, though lacking a law degree, possessed sufficient knowledge to perform this role satisfactorily. Those who held a special licence to practice law were known as provisionários (from provisão, or licence, as opposed to the letrados, or lettered). In the Goa of the second half of the 18th century and the 19th century, such provisionários were abundant, the vast majority coming from the native Catholic elite. The characteristics of those provisionários, the role played by the Portuguese letrados in Goa and the difficult relations between both groups were studied in the chapter 6.


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Receipt from the city clerk’s office of St. Catharines to H.K. Woodruff for payment of $11.20 for additional cemetery land. Accompanying this document is a crudely drawn map of graves along Queenston Road and rough notes on Deed no. 419, Oct. 16, 1901.


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Le Livre Roisin est l'un des rares coutumiers français du XIIIe siècle. Il contient les coutumes de la ville de Lille, mises par écrit en 1267, puis recopiées et enrichies en 1297, en 1349 et enfin de façon continue jusqu'au XVIe siècle. Une dernière copie officielle fut faite en 1618-1619. L'analyse approfondie du plus ancien manuscrit du Livre Roisin qui nous soit parvenu, celui de 1349, révèle les secrets de son élaboration. Les nombreuses chartes, actes, arrêts et bans joints au coutumier à proprement parler durant plus de deux siècles donnent une vue d'ensemble des lois qui régissaient les Lillois du Moyen Âge. Au passage, les producteurs du recueil, les clercs de ville, ont laissé des traces de leur travail, de telle sorte qu'il est possible de dresser l'inventaire de leurs responsabilités et comprendre l'importance de ces officiers tant dans la perspective des institutions municipales médiévales que dans celle de l'historien, pour qui ils font partie de la chaîne de transmission des textes. De leur côté, les récepteurs, tout aussi discrets mais présents, se manifestent dans le détail de la procédure judiciaire que contient le document. L'utilisation qu'ils en ont faite, tantôt pratique, tantôt mémorielle surgit. Il en ressort que le recueil fût à la fois un aide-mémoire et un outil de défense de l'identité urbaine et même picarde. Enfin, le Livre Roisin est un outil privilégié pour l'étude de l'histoire de la ville, puisque sa rédaction et chacune de ses copies sont ancrées dans des événements politiques aux conséquences majeures pour la ville de Lille.


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Le vieillissement de la population est un phénomène démographique auquel est confronté le Québec. Dans ce contexte, la protection des personnes inaptes et vulnérables, prendra de plus en plus d'importance au cours des prochaines années. Ces personnes doivent bénéficier d'une protection adéquate lors de l'ouverture d'un régime de protection à leur égard. Considérant que l'ouverture d'un régime de protection au majeur inapte est toujours le résultat d'une décision judiciaire, le greffier de la Cour supérieure du Québec a un rôle fondamental à jouer à l'occasion dans le processus judiciaire. À titre d'officier de justice, il a compétence pour prononcer le jugement d'ouverture du régime de protection. Par conséquent, le présent mémoire consiste à vérifier si les majeurs inaptes sont bien protégés par le rôle et les pouvoirs de l'officier de justice. Pour ce faire, le sujet à l'étude a fait l'objet d'une double approche. Dans un premier temps, le cadre juridique à l'intérieur duquel le greffier doit exécuter ses fonctions sera étudié. Dans un deuxième temps, les résultats et l'analyse d'une enquête empirique auprès des greffiers de la Cour supérieure du Québec seront exposés. Cette démarche permet une approche comparative entre la théorie et la pratique en la matière et permet de constater qu'il peut y avoir un écart entre les deux.


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This paper presents the design and development of a frame based approach for speech to sign language machine translation system in the domain of railways and banking. This work aims to utilize the capability of Artificial intelligence for the improvement of physically challenged, deaf-mute people. Our work concentrates on the sign language used by the deaf community of Indian subcontinent which is called Indian Sign Language (ISL). Input to the system is the clerk’s speech and the output of this system is a 3D virtual human character playing the signs for the uttered phrases. The system builds up 3D animation from pre-recorded motion capture data. Our work proposes to build a Malayalam to ISL