982 resultados para Civil – military relations


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This guide examines the role of restoration of public services within the broader context of stability operations. The extent to which public service reconstruction takes place depends on the mission, the level of resources, and the host country context. This paper provides guidance helpful to U.S. peacekeeping personnel in planning and executing stability operations tasks related to restoration of public sector services and infrastructure. It is designed to supplement existing and emerging guidance, and is specifically relevant to addressing the needs of public sector rebuilding in a post-conflict situation by peacekeeping forces. The material presented here draws both from theory and analytic frameworks and from on-the-ground experience of practitioners.


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The chapters presented in this volume have demonstrated first, Chinese and PLA leaders have a strong sense of mission and concern for China's security and well-being. Second, the PLA is committed to the transformation in military affairs with Chinese characteristics. Third, the PLA is eager to learn from the U.S. military to expand and improve its operational capabilities. Finally, the PLA has made progress in its transformation and operational capabilities. For a long time, American leaders have been surprised with the PLA's advances. This volume (and many of the previous volumes from past PLA conferences) show that these advances did not come out of the blue. Although much of the learning and many of the improvements are still far from what is desired (from Chinese expectations and American critiques), and some of the learning has even created contradictions for the PLA, these persistent and diligent learning practices will eventually bring the PLA to a higher level of proficiency in its capabilities. The emergence of a much more sophisticated PLA in the coming years should not be a surprise.


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Each issue in 2 vols., 1879-1905: v. 1. Legislative, executive and judicial. -- v. 2. Post Office Department and Postal Service.


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Why do states facing high levels of international threat sometimes have militaries that are heavily involved in politics and at other times relatively apolitical, professional militaries? I argue that the answer to this puzzle lies in a state's history of 'acute' international crises rather than its 'chronic' threat environment. Major international crises lead to professionalization and de-politicization of militaries in both the short- and long-term. International crises underscore the need for the military to defend the state and highlight military deficiencies in this regard. Accordingly, major international crises lead to military professionalization and withdrawal from politics in order to increase military effectiveness. This effect persists years, and decades, later due to generational shifts in the officer corps. As the "Crisis Generation" of officers become generals, they bring with them a preference for professionalization and de-politicization. They guide the military towards abstention from politics. I test this theory using a new global dataset on military officers in national governing bodies from 1964-2008 and find strong support for the theory. Major international crises lead to two waves of military withdrawal from government, years apart. Further statistical analysis finds that this effect is most strongly felt in the non-security areas of governing, while in some cases, international crises may lead to militaries increasing their involvement in security policy-making. Further, international crises that end poorly for a state — i.e., defeats or stalemates — are found to drive more rapid waves of military withdrawal from government. The statistical analysis is supported by a case illustration of civil-military relations in the People's Republic of China, which demonstrates that the crisis of the Korean War (1950-53) led to two waves of military professionalization and de-politicization, decades apart. The first occurred immediately after the war. The second wave, occurring in the 1980s, involved wholesale military withdrawal from governing bodies, which was made possible by the ascent of the "Crisis Generation" of officers in the military, who had served as junior officers in the Korean War, decades prior.


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La transformación de los regímenes latinoamericanos en democracias liberales, a partir de la década de los ochenta, ha sido un proceso que ha ocupado una buena parte de los esfuerzos de los estudios sobre América Latina. Existe no obstante, la duda de si las Fuerzas Armadas, que gobernaron ilegítimamente muchos de esos países, han transitado satisfactoriamente hasta la democracia. Una condición crucial para el éxito de las transiciones a la democracia es la transformación del papel de los militares. El análisis de estos cambios y la asunción de nuevos roles se analizaron el año 2010 en el seminario: Las relaciones civiles-militares en sociedades en transformación: América Latina y Europa. El resultado de lo allí discutido ve la luz en este número 36 de Documentos CIDOB. América Latina y en la obra Debating Civil Military Relations in Latin America.


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Estado del arte que recopila pronunciamientos de diversos autores sobre el papel de la Organización de Naciones Unidas, específicamente la Misión MINUGUA, en el proceso de reconstrucción posconflicto en Guatemala comprendido entre el año 1994 y 2004. Se basa en algunas dimensiones de la democratización como son el Estado de Derecho, la democracia representativa, la preeminencia del poder civil, y el fortalecimiento de la cultura democrática. Así mismo, tiene en cuenta los elementos de la justicia transicional, a saber: verdad, justicia y reparación.


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El presente trabajo investigativo expone la forma en que la doctrina de la Acción Integral dentro del ámbito militar, se desarrolla en la aplicación específica de un plan de gobierno como lo fue el Plan de Consolidación Integral de La Macarena, durante la administración del ex presidente Álvaro Uribe Vélez, todo esto en el ámbito de las relaciones cívico-militares en Colombia durante los años de estudio.


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Las relaciones político-militares entre Colombia y Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) se han orientado desde la década de los ochenta a la solución de dos asuntos fundamentales de la agenda bilateral, como son: por un lado, la Lucha contra las Drogas, y desde los ataques del 11 de septiembre de 2001, la Lucha Global contra el Terrorismo Internacional. A partir de esto, la alianza formada entre ambas naciones se ha manifestado, en términos materiales, en el incremento de ayudas económicas, material armamentístico, inteligencia, tropas y contratistas estadounidenses en Colombia, lo cual, acompañado de la alineación colombiana al discurso antiterrorista estadounidense han permitido que Colombia sea considerado por EE.UU. como un aliado estratégico en la región. Ante el escenario de las relaciones colombo-estadounidenses, la administración de Hugo Chávez Frías inició un programa de reorientación de la política de seguridad y defensa venezolana con el fin de garantizar la defensa integral del Estado, a partir del incremento en la adquisición de material bélico y reequipamiento militar, la profundización de las relaciones cívico-militares y el involucramiento directo de la sociedad civil en la defensa del Estado. Por lo anterior, este estudio se centra particularmente, en determinar en qué medida la reorientación de la doctrina de seguridad venezolana durante el gobierno de Chávez, en especial durante el periodo 2006-2010, hace parte de una estrategia defensiva frente a la amenaza identificada en la relación político-militar entre Colombia y Estados Unidos.