983 resultados para Children’s Environmental behaviours


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Interventions using applied behaviour analysis (ABA) are widely used with children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Individuals who work with this population are important to target for ABA education. This study evaluated the efficacy of a self-directed program in increasing parent and student ABA knowledge and skills, self-efficacy, and new skill development in children with ASD. Study 1 was a pilot study of the newly developed evaluation materials. Study 2 tested the self-instructional package with three parents of children with ASD, three university students, and eight children diagnosed with ASD. Parents and students were given the Simple Steps ABA training package to use independently and were measured using a multiple baseline across participants and/or skills design. After training, ABA knowledge scores and self-efficacy showed variable improvement as did children’s appropriate behaviours. These results suggest that more research is needed to determine the efficacy of a self-instructional ABA package.


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As a result of the issues of care and conservation and sustainable utilisation, the proper management of mangrove forests have become more pressing than ever. Much recent ecological and toxicological debate has been centered around the question of validity of making predictions about the future of mangrove ecosystemas a result of the newly evolved environmental policy. Though muchinformation exist on the biodiversity, floristic composition and characteristics, geographical distribution and uses of mangroves, systematic documentation of the various sedimentological and geochemical phenomena in relation to the mangrove flora are scarce. Hazardous, persistent, man-made chemicals and waste produces are entering the mangrove ecosystem at from the adjacent watersheds which strengthened alarming rates the indispensible need for further researches on the environmental behaviours, fate and the effect of such products. Studies on the effect of heavy metals, pesticides and the other toxic signals through bioassay and toxicity tests on mangrove species as well as in sediments definitely will furnish ample clues to establish the actual operative mechanisms of these environments. A thorough review of literature made in this angle reveals that some attempts have already been initiated the world over the record the physico-chemical characteristics of major abiotic components such as sediments and water of many mangrove ecosystem, however, adequate information is lacking in the Indian Environmental Science scenario. The present investigation is an attempt to record the sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of sediments as well as the heavy metal enrichment in the various species ofmangrove flora of three important mangrove ecosystems of Kerala, located at Veli (SouthKerala), Kochi (Central Kerala) and Kannur (North Kerala). The results of the above investigation have been analysed statistically, discussed based on the available literature and presented in this thesis under seven chapters


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El trastorno de hiperactividad y déficit de atención (THDA), es definido clínicamente como una alteración en el comportamiento, caracterizada por inatención, hiperactividad e impulsividad. Estos aspectos son clasificados en tres subtipos, que son: Inatento, hiperactivo impulsivo y mixto. Clínicamente se describe un espectro amplio que incluye desordenes académicos, trastornos de aprendizaje, déficit cognitivo, trastornos de conducta, personalidad antisocial, pobres relaciones interpersonales y aumento de la ansiedad, que pueden continuar hasta la adultez. A nivel global se ha estimado una prevalencia entre el 1% y el 22%, con amplias variaciones, dadas por la edad, procedencia y características sociales. En Colombia, se han realizado estudios en Bogotá y Antioquia, que han permitido establecer una prevalencia del 5% y 15%, respectivamente. La causa específica no ha sido totalmente esclarecida, sin embargo se ha calculado una heredabilidad cercana al 80% en algunas poblaciones, demostrando el papel fundamental de la genética en la etiología de la enfermedad. Los factores genéticos involucrados se relacionan con cambios neuroquímicos de los sistemas dopaminérgicos, serotoninérgicos y noradrenérgicos, particularmente en los sistemas frontales subcorticales, corteza cerebral prefrontal, en las regiones ventral, medial, dorsolateral y la porción anterior del cíngulo. Basados en los datos de estudios previos que sugieren una herencia poligénica multifactorial, se han realizado esfuerzos continuos en la búsqueda de genes candidatos, a través de diferentes estrategias. Particularmente los receptores Alfa 2 adrenérgicos, se encuentran en la corteza cerebral, cumpliendo funciones de asociación, memoria y es el sitio de acción de fármacos utilizados comúnmente en el tratamiento de este trastorno, siendo esta la principal evidencia de la asociación de este receptor con el desarrollo del THDA. Hasta la fecha se han descrito más de 80 polimorfismos en el gen (ADRA2A), algunos de los cuales se han asociado con la entidad. Sin embargo, los resultados son controversiales y varían según la metodología diagnóstica empleada y la población estudiada, antecedentes y comorbilidades. Este trabajo pretende establecer si las variaciones en la secuencia codificante del gen ADRA2A, podrían relacionarse con el fenotipo del Trastorno de Hiperactividad y el Déficit de Atención.


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The current study investigated the longitudinal relationships between BI, life events, and anxiety in a sample of 102 behaviourally inhibited (BI) and 100 uninhibited (BUI) children aged 3 to 4 years. Children’s parents completed questionnaires on BI, stressful life events, and anxiety symptoms, and were administered a diagnostic interview three times in a 5-year period. In line with our hypotheses, negative life events, and negative behaviour- dependent life events (i.e. life events that are related to the children’s own behaviours) in particular, and the impact of negative life events, were predictive of increases in subsequent anxiety symptoms, the likelihood of having an anxiety disorder, and increased number of anxiety diagnoses over the five year follow-up period. Experiencing more positive, behaviour-independent life events decreased the risk of being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Furthermore, differences were found in life events between BI and BUI children. That is, BI children experienced fewer positive and specifically positive behaviour-dependent life events, and the impact of these positive life events was also lower in BI children than in BUI children. However, BI did not interact with life events in the prediction of anxiety problems as hypothesized. Therefore, this study seems to indicate that BI and life events act as additive risk factors in the development of anxiety problems.


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This paper explores the relationship between consumers’ knowledge and behaviours related to environmental issues and carbon offsets. We found that consumers were generally less knowledgeable about carbon offsets than about general environmental issues and increased knowledge about environmental issues does not result in more responsible environmental behaviours. Therefore, consumers may misunderstand claims made by marketers in relation to carbon offsets and thus public policy intervention is required.


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Sustainable development is an international problem as it affects everyone everywhere.Up until recently, it has been pursued on a national scale leading from a confused understanding of sustainability from the international community. The various international summits and meetings on the topic have allowed establishment of general guidelines and attitudes that need to be taken by national policy writers. Because of the lack of understanding on the topic, as it encompasses many aspects of social, economic and environmental behaviours, there has been a general individual interpretation of these ideas that has then shaped national policies. These policies differ in nature and therefore must be analysed to identify these differences and their implications on the built environment. The Melbourne 2030 plan and the London plan are two of the leading and highly mentioned policies stemming from the advanced nature of the respective economies. These nations’ polices have implications that trickle down to the very core of building design and lead stakeholders in certain directions as opposed to others. The research attempts to highlight the paths taken by these different nations and what influence this has had on the overall state of sustainable development in the localised communities respectively. Analysing the state of sustainable development ideas from the international, to the national and down to the local policy strategies will give a clear picture of the state of policy direction in the localised context. Looking then at two buildings in these contexts identifies how policy can play a major role in shaping sustainable design related outcomes. The research finds that the UK and London plan is well-structured and pays close attention to the built environment while there is much less evidence of this in the Australia and Melbourne policy plans. This can be seen in the overall outcome of the chosen building case studies where the chosen London building shows more promise in its sophisticated use of technologies to achieve a highly sustainable building as compared to the chosen Melbourne building. It has been suggested that because of the differences in rating tools and their applications, there may be problems in successfully comparing two buildings in different contexts. This gives rise to the question of global sustainability where it is understood that sustainability is a global problem and cannot be tackled on a fragmented basis. This then may suggest that the international stage of sustainable understanding should be holistic in that it should be tackled at a global stage instead of the current fragmented national stage.


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Previous research has shown that engaging in proenvironmental behaviours can have a stygmatising effect for those who take part in those activities. This suggests that the identity consequences of proenvironmental behaviours may act as a barrier to engaging in these types of actions. This idea was investigated in a study assessing whether university students’ preferences for status-related or proenvironmental actions was influenced by prevailing group norms. Participants in the control condition and the status norm condition were equally willing to selfpresent as high status and pro-environment, however, participants in the environmental norm condition were more willing to self-present as pro-environment than status concerned. These results suggest that willingness to engage in pro-environmental behaviours may be higher in contexts where the identity consequences of these actions are positive. Preliminary results from a second study investigating identity consequences of pro-environmental behaviour will also be presented. Implications of the findings for strategies or campaigns aimed at increasing environmentally sustainable behaviour will be discussed.


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Este artículo tiene dos objetivos principales. En primer lugar, trazar un recorrido por las experiencias colaborativas a través de la fotografía y el video en Antropología, y en segundo lugar, contextualizar y mostrar los resultados de una investigación realizada recientemente sobre proyectos de fotografía participativa impulsados desde colectivos de fotógrafos documentales. Para estos objetivos me he centrado en trabajos pioneros y en autores que han puesto a prueba este tipo de metodologías con niños y adolescentes, escenario de mi trabajo de campo. Esta investigación, que está en sus comienzos, pretende buscar sinergias con otros profesionales y poder así establecer teorías y colaboraciones de cara a próximos proyectos de investigación aplicada a través del uso de los medios audiovisuales.


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The authors investigated (a) the relationship between feeling connected to nature and pro-environmental behaviours; and (b) the relationship between environmental values and environmental behaviours. Seventy-six students completed an online survey that measured connectedness to nature, egoistic, altruistic and biospheric values, and pro-environmental behaviours. This study suggests that finding ways to increase community feelings of connectedness to nature, and developing altruistic and biospheric values may lead to increased pro-environmental behaviours in the short term and positively address climate change issues in the longer term.


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O projeto "Minas e Memórias da Urgeiriça" focaliza-se nos contributos da arte enquanto vetor de sensibilização ambiental, entendida como um veículo privilegiado para promover comportamentos e atitudes mais sustentáveis, responsáveis e cívicas, apelando para a mudança ou para o reforço de boas práticas ambientais. O projeto foi implementado no Concelho de Nelas, distrito de Viseu, baseando-se na história socioambiental das Minas da Urgeiriça, localizadas na freguesia de Canas de Senhorim. Abarcou um conjunto de atividades de índoles pedagógico e artístico, que se interligaram coerentemente, iniciando-se com o seminário “Urgeiriça: Antes, Agora e Depois?”, seguindo-se a performance “Escuridão” complementada pelos cantares de hinos dos ex-trabalhadores das Minas da Urgeiriça, culminando na visita à instalação artística “Escavações”. Os resultados estão ancorados em duas premissas fundamentais: por um lado, os testemunhos reais dos ex-trabalhadores mineiros expressaram a influência da ação do homem sobre a natureza de forma descomedida e irresponsável, que continua a acarretar consequências nefastas para o ser humano, e por outro, demonstraram as intervenções a que o local se sujeitou (da exploração desenfreada de recursos até à progressiva requalificação). Para tal, conseguiu-se revitalizar e reforçar as memórias do espaço (físico e mental) e materializá-las através da arte como forma de sensibilizar a comunidade local acerca das ações resultantes da interação do homem versus ambiente, sendo encaradas como meio privilegiado de desenvolvimento comunitário, gerador de competências e de mudanças.


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Controlling parenting is associated with child anxiety however the direction of effects remains unclear. The present study implemented a Latin-square experimental design to assess the impact of parental control on children’s anxious affect, cognitions and behaviour. A non-clinical sample of 24 mothers of children aged 4-5 years were trained to engage in (a) controlling and (b) autonomy-granting behaviours in interaction with their child during the preparation of a speech. When mothers engaged in controlling parenting behaviours, children made more negative predictions about their performance prior to delivering their speech and reported feeling less happy about the task, and this was moderated by child trait anxiety. In addition, children with higher trait anxiety displayed a significant increase in observed child anxiety in the controlling condition. The pattern of results was maintained when differences in mothers’ levels of negativity and habitual levels of control were accounted for. These findings are consistent with theories that suggest that controlling parenting is a risk factor in the development of childhood anxiety.


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Objective: To determine if cues help young children discriminate among thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Participants: Ninety-six children aged 4–7 years from three schools in Norwich, UK. Design: Within each age band (4, 5, 6, 7), children were randomised to the cue or the no cue condition on a stratified basis ensuring that equal numbers of boys and girls from each school were in each of the eight cells (cue condition×age). Cues were glove puppets and post boxes. The effect of IQ was controlled. Measures: A discrimination task, in which children were asked to identify a thought, a feeling and a behaviour from each of six brief stories, and a brief IQ assessment were administered to children individually. Results: There was a significant effect of age and cue condition on performance; older children and those who were presented with the cue performed better. There were no gender differences and no interaction between cue condition and age. Conclusion: Many young children discriminated among thoughts, feelings and behaviours suggesting that they may be able to engage in this aspect of cognitive behaviour therapy. Simple cues (puppets and posting boxes) improved children’s performance and these may be useful therapeutic tools with young children.


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Many young children appear to have skills sufficient to engage in basic elements of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). Previous research has, however, typically used children from non-clinical populations. It is important to assess children with mental health problems on cognitive skills relevant to CBT and to compare their performance to children who are not identified as having mental health difficulties. In this study 193 6 and 7 year old children were assessed using a thought–feeling–behaviour discrimination task [Quakley et al. Behav. Res. Therapy 42 (2004) 343] and a brief IQ test (the WASI). Children were assigned to groups (at risk, borderline, low risk) according to ratings of their mental health made by their teachers and parents on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire [Goodman, J. Am. Acad. Child Adolescent Psych. 40 (2001) 1337]. After controlling for IQ, children ‘at risk’ of mental health problems performed significantly less well than children with a ‘low risk’ of mental health problems. Before receiving CBT, children’s meta-cognitive development should be assessed and additional help provided to those with meta-cognitive difficulties.


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Background. Efforts to increase the prevalence of children’s active school transport require evidence to inform the development of comprehensive interventions. This study used a multilevel ecological framework to investigate individual, social, and environmental factors associated with walking to and from school among elementary school-aged children, stratified by gender.
Method. Boys aged 10 to 13 years (n = 617) and girls aged 9 to 13 years (n = 681) attending 25 Australian primary schools located in high or low walkable neighborhoods completed a 1-week travel diary and a parent/child questionnaire on travel habits and attitudes.
Boys were more likely (odds ratio [OR] = 3.37; p < .05) to walk if their school neighborhood had high connectivity and low traffic and less likely to walk if they had to cross a busy road (OR = 0.49; p < .05). For girls, confidence in their ability to walk to or from school without an adult (OR = 2.03), school encouragement (OR = 2.43), scheduling commitments (OR = 0.41), and parent-perceived convenience of driving (OR = 0.24) were significantly associated (p < .05) with walking. Irrespective of gender and proximity to school, child-perceived convenience of walking (boys OR = 2.17 and girls OR = 1.84) and preference to walk to school (child perceived, boys OR = 5.57, girls OR = 1.84 and parent perceived, boys OR = 2.82, girls OR = 1.90) were consistently associated (p < .05) with walking to and from school.
Conclusion. Although there are gender differences in factors influencing children walking to and from school, proximity to school, the safety of the route, and family time constraints are consistent correlates. These need to be addressed if more children are to be encouraged to walk to and from school.