966 resultados para Chi-square


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In oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OCSCC and OPSCC) exist an association between clinical and histopathological parameters with cell proliferation, basal lamina, connective tissue degradation and surrounding stroma markers. We evaluated these associations in Chilean patients. A convenience sample of 37 cases of OCSCC (n=16) and OPSCC (n=21) was analyzed clinically (TNM, clinical stage) and histologically (WHO grade of differentiation, pattern of tumor invasion). We assessed the expression of p53, Ki67, HOXA1, HOXB7, type IV collagen (ColIV) and carcinoma-associated fibroblast (α-SMA-positive cells). Additionally we conducted a univariate/bivariate analysis to assess the relationship of these variables with survival rates. Males were mostly affected (56.2% OCSCC, 76.2% OPSCC). Patients were mainly diagnosed at III/IV clinical stages (68.8% OCSCC, 90.5% OPSCC) with a predominantly infiltrative pattern invasion (62.9% OCSCC, 57.1% OPSCC). Significant association between regional lymph nodes (N) and clinical stage with OCSCC-HOXB7 expression (Chi-Square test P < 0.05) was observed. In OPSCC a statistically significant association exists between p53, Ki67 with gender (Chi-Square test P < 0.05). In OCSCC and OPSCC was statistically significant association between ki67 with HOXA1, HOXB7, and between these last two antigens (Pearson's Correlation test P < 0.05). Furthermore OPSCC-p53 showed significant correlation when it was compared with α-SMA (Kendall's Tau-c test P < 0.05). Only OCSCC-pattern invasion and OPSCC-primary tumor (T) pattern resulted associated with survival at the end of the follow up period (Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio, P < 0.05). Clinical, histological and immunohistochemical features are similar to seen in other countries. Cancer proliferation markers were associated strongly from each other. Our sample highlights prognostic value of T and pattern of invasion, but the conclusions may be limited and should be considered with caution (small sample). Many cases were diagnosed in the advanced stages of the disease, which suggests that the diagnosis of OCSCC and OPSCC is made late.


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To evaluate the prevalence and associated risk factors for urinary incontinence, as well as its association with multimorbidity among Brazilian women aged 50 or over. This was a secondary analysis of a cross-sectional population-based study including 622 women 50 years or older, conducted in the city of Campinas-SP-Brazil. The dependent variable was Urinary Incontinence (UI), defined as any complaint of urine loss. The independent variables were sociodemographic data, health-related habits, self-perception of health and functional capacity evaluation. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Chi-square test and Poisson regression. The mean age of the women was 64. UI was prevalent in 52.3% of these women: Mixed UI (26.6%), Urge UI (13.2%) and Stress UI (12.4%). Factors associated with a higher prevalence of UI were hypertension (OR 1.21, CI 1:01-1:47, P = 0.004), osteoarthritis (OR 1.24, CI 1:03-1:50, P = 0.022), physical activity ≥3 days/week (OR 1.21, CI 1:01-1:44, P = 0.039), BMI ≥ 25 at the time of the interview (OR 1.25, CI 1:04-1:49, P = 0.018), negative self-perception of health (OR 1.23, CI 1:06-1:44 P = 0.007) and limitations in daily living activities (PR 1:56 CI 1:16-2:10, P = 0.004). The prevalence of UI was high. Mixed incontinence was the most frequent type of UI. Many associated factors can be prevented or improved. Thus, health policies targeted at these combined factors could reduce their prevalence rate and possibly decrease the prevalence of UI. Neurourol. Urodynam. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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To assess the value of vaginal screening cytology after hysterectomy for benign disease. This cross-sectional study used cytology audit data from 2,512,039 screening tests in the metropolitan region of Campinas from 2000 to 2012; the object was to compare the prevalence of abnormal tests in women who had undergone a hysterectomy for benign diseases (n=53,891) to that of women who had had no hysterectomy. Prevalence ratios (95% confidence intervals, 95% CI) were determined, and chi-square analysis, modified by the Cochrane-Armitage test for trend, was used to investigate the effects of age. The prevalence of atypical squamous cells (ASC), low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion or squamous-cell carcinoma (HSIL/SCC) was 0.13%, 0.04% and 0.03%, respectively, in women who had undergone hysterectomy, and 0.93%, 0.51% and 0.26% in women who had not undergone hysterectomy. The prevalence ratios for ASC, LSIL and HSIL/SCC were 0.14 (0.11-0.17), 0.08 (0.06-0.13) and 0.13 (0.08-0.20), respectively, in women with a hysterectomy versus those without. For HSIL/SCC, the prevalence ratios were 0.09 and 0.29, respectively, for women <50 or ≥50years. The prevalence rates in women with a previous hysterectomy showed no significant variation with age. The prevalence rates of ASC, LSIL and HSIL/SCC were significantly lower in women with a previous hysterectomy for benign disease compared with those observed in women with an intact uterine cervix. This study reinforces the view that there is no evidence that cytological screening is beneficial for women who have had a hysterectomy for benign disease.


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To evaluate the sleep bruxism, malocclusions, orofacial dysfunctions and salivary levels of cortisol and alpha-amylase in asthmatic children. 108 7-9-yr-old children were selected from Policlinic Santa Teresinha Doutor Antonio Haddad Dib (asthmatics, n=53) and from public schools (controls, n=55), Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Sleep bruxism diagnosis was confirmed by parental report of grinding sounds and the presence of shiny and polish facets on incisors and/or first permanent molars. The index of orthodontic treatment need was used for occlusion evaluation. Orofacial dysfunctions were evaluated using the nordic orofacial test-screening (NOT-S). Salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase were expressed as awakening response (AR), calculated as the difference between levels immediately after awakening and 30min after waking, and diurnal decline (DD), calculated as the difference between levels at 30min after waking and at bedtime. Data were analyzed using Shapiro-Wilk/Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Chi-square, unpaired t test/Mann-Whitney and paired t/Wilcoxon tests. Sleep bruxism was more prevalent in children with asthma than controls (47.2% vs. 27.3%, p<0.05). Asthmatics had higher scores of NOT-S total and interview (p<0.05). Dysfunctions on sensory function and chewing and swallowing were more frequent in asthmatics (p<0.05). Salivary cortisol AR on weekend was significantly higher for asthmatics (p<0.05). Salivary cortisol DD was significantly higher on weekday than weekend for controls (p<0.05). There were no significant differences in alpha-amylase values in and between groups. The presence of asthma in children was associated with sleep bruxism, negative perception of sensory, chewing and swallowing functions, and higher concentrations of salivary cortisol on weekend.


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Dysphagia is relatively common in individuals with neurological disorders. To describe the swallowing management and investigate associated factors with swallowing in a case series of patients with Parkinson's disease. It is a long-term study with 24 patients. The patients were observed in a five-year period (2006-2011). They underwent Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing, Functional Oral Intake Scale and therapeutic intervention every three months. In the therapeutic intervention they received orientation about exercises to improve swallowing. The Chi-square, Kruskal-Wallis and Fisher's tests were used. The period of time for improvement or worsening of swallowing was described by Kaplan-Meier analysis. During the follow-up, ten patients improved, five stayed the same and nine worsened their swallowing functionality. The median time for improvement was ten months. Prior to the worsening there was a median time of 33 months of follow-up. There was no associated factor with improvement or worsening of swallowing. The maneuvers frequently indicated in therapeutic intervention were: chin-tuck, bolus consistency, bolus effect, strengthening-tongue, multiple swallows and vocal exercises. The swallowing management was characterized by swallowing assessment every three months with indication of compensatory and rehabilitation maneuvers, aiming to maintain the oral feeding without risks. There was no associated factor with swallowing functionality in this case series.


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To evaluate p16(INK) (4a) immunoexpression in CIN1 lesions looking for differences between cases that progress to CIN2/3 maintain CIN1 diagnosis, or spontaneously regress. Seventy-four CIN1 biopsies were studied. In the follow-up, a second biopsy was performed and 28.7% showed no lesion (regression), 37.9% maintained CIN1, and 33.4% progressed to CIN2/3. Immunostaining for p16(INK) (4a) was performed in the first biopsy and it was considered positive when there was strong and diffuse staining of the basal and parabasal layers. Pearson's chi-square was used to compare the groups (p ≤ 0.05). The age of the patients was similar. There was no significant difference in p16(INK) (4a) immunoexpression in the groups, however, statistical analyses showed a significant association when only the progression and regression groups were compared (p = 0.042). Considering p16(INK) (4a) positivity and the progression to CIN2/3, the sensitivity, specificity, positive, and negative predictive values in our cohort were 45%, 75%, 47%, and 94%, respectively. We emphasize that CIN1 with p16(INK) (4a) staining was associated with lesion progression, but the sensitivity was not high. However, the negative predictive value was more reliable (94%) and p16(INK) (4a) may represent a useful biomarker that can identify CIN1 lesions that need particular attention, complementing morphology.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Fisica


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a participação da protrusão mandibular ortopédica e da posição condilar na prevalência de sinais e sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular (DTM). METODOLOGIA: a amostra foi composta por 60 indivíduos divididos em 3 grupos, sendo o grupo I correspondente a indivíduos não tratados; o grupo II composto por jovens em tratamento com o Bionator; e o grupo III por jovens já tratados com este aparelho. Os indivíduos da amostra responderam a um questionário relativo aos principais sintomas de DTM, permitindo a classificação dos mesmos de acordo com a presença e severidade dessas disfunções. Esses jovens também se submeteram à avaliação da movimentação mandibular, palpação dos músculos mastigatórios e inspeção de ruídos articulares. Radiografias transcranianas padronizadas das ATMs direita e esquerda foram realizadas, para obtenção do grau de concentricidade condilar. RESULTADOS: os testes ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis e qui-quadrado foram utilizados para análise dos dados. De acordo com os resultados do questionário anamnésico, 66,67% da amostra foram classificados com ausência de DTM; 30% com DTM leve e apenas 3,33% com DTM moderada, sem diferença entre os grupos estudados (p > 0,05). Quanto à concentricidade condilar, o grupo II apresentou os valores de menor concentricidade (côndilos mais anteriorizados), com diferença estatisticamente significante em relação ao grupo I (p < 0,05). Uma associação entre a concentricidade condilar e a prevalência de DTM, no entanto, não foi encontrada. CONCLUSÃO: a protrusão ortopédica, apesar de alterar a posição dos côndilos, não aumentou a prevalência de DTM na população estudada.