990 resultados para Cell Polarity


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Cellular polarity concerns the spatial asymmetric organization of cellular components and structures. Such organization is important not only for biological behavior at the individual cell level, but also for the 3D organization of tissues and organs in living organisms. Processes like cell migration and motility, asymmetric inheritance, and spatial organization of daughter cells in tissues are all dependent of cell polarity. Many of these processes are compromised during aging and cellular senescence. For example, permeability epithelium barriers are leakier during aging; elderly people have impaired vascular function and increased frequency of cancer, and asymmetrical inheritance is compromised in senescent cells, including stem cells. Here, we review the cellular regulation of polarity, as well as the signaling mechanisms and respective redox regulation of the pathways involved in defining cellular polarity. Emphasis will be put on the role of cytoskeleton and the AMP-activated protein kinase pathway. We also discuss how nutrients can affect polarity-dependent processes, both by direct exposure of the gastrointestinal epithelium to nutrients and by indirect effects elicited by the metabolism of nutrients, such as activation of antioxidant response and phase-II detoxification enzymes through the transcription factor nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2). In summary, cellular polarity emerges as a key process whose redox deregulation is hypothesized to have a central role in aging and cellular senescence.


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Interaction between differentiating neurons and the extracellular environment guides the establishment of cell polarity during nervous system development. Developing neurons read the physical properties of the local substrate in a contact-dependent manner and retrieve essential guidance cues. In previous works we demonstrated that PC12 cell interaction with nanogratings (alternating lines of ridges and grooves of submicron size) promotes bipolarity and alignment to the substrate topography. Here, we investigate the role of focal adhesions, cell contractility, and actin dynamics in this process. Exploiting nanoimprint lithography techniques and a cyclic olefin copolymer, we engineered biocompatible nanostructured substrates designed for high-resolution live-cell microscopy. Our results reveal that neuronal polarization and contact guidance are based on a geometrical constraint of focal adhesions resulting in an angular modulation of their maturation and persistence. We report on ROCK1/2-myosin-II pathway activity and demonstrate that ROCK-mediated contractility contributes to polarity selection during neuronal differentiation. Importantly, the selection process confined the generation of actin-supported membrane protrusions and the initiation of new neurites at the poles. Maintenance of the established polarity was independent from NGF stimulation. Altogether our results imply that focal adhesions and cell contractility stably link the topographical configuration of the extracellular environment to a corresponding neuronal polarity state.


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The differentiation of neurons and the outgrowth of neurites depends on microtubule-associated proteins such as tau protein. To study this process, we have used the model of Sf9 cells, which allows efficient transfection with microtubule-associated proteins (via baculovirus vectors) and observation of the resulting neurite-like extensions. We compared the phosphorylation of tau23 (the embryonic form of human tau) with mutants in which critical phosphorylation sites were deleted by mutating Ser or Thr residues into Ala. One can broadly distinguish two types of sites, the KXGS motifs in the repeats (which regulate the affinity of tau to microtubules) and the SP or TP motifs in the domains flanking the repeats (which contain epitopes for antibodies diagnostic of Alzheimer’s disease). Here we report that both types of sites can be phosphorylated by endogenous kinases of Sf9 cells, and that the phosphorylation pattern of the transfected tau is very similar to that of neurons, showing that Sf9 cells can be regarded as an approximate model for the neuronal balance between kinases and phosphatases. We show that mutations in the repeat domain and in the flanking domains have opposite effects. Mutations of KXGS motifs in the repeats (Ser262, 324, and 356) strongly inhibit the outgrowth of cell extensions induced by tau, even though this type of phosphorylation accounts for only a minor fraction of the total phosphate. This argues that the temporary detachment of tau from microtubules (by phosphorylation at KXGS motifs) is a necessary condition for establishing cell polarity at a critical point in space or time. Conversely, the phosphorylation at SP or TP motifs represents the majority of phosphate (>80%); mutations in these motifs cause an increase in cell extensions, indicating that this type of phosphorylation retards the differentiation of the cells.


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Budding yeast grow asymmetrically by the polarized delivery of proteins and lipids to specific sites on the plasma membrane. This requires the coordinated polarization of the actin cytoskeleton and the secretory apparatus. We identified Rho3 on the basis of its genetic interactions with several late-acting secretory genes. Mutational analysis of the Rho3 effector domain reveals three distinct functions in cell polarity: regulation of actin polarity, transport of exocytic vesicles from the mother cell to the bud, and docking and fusion of vesicles with the plasma membrane. We provide evidence that the vesicle delivery function of Rho3 is mediated by the unconventional myosin Myo2 and that the docking and fusion function is mediated by the exocyst component Exo70. These data suggest that Rho3 acts as a key regulator of cell polarity and exocytosis, coordinating several distinct events for delivery of proteins to specific sites on the cell surface.


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Genetic studies have identified Drosophila Naked Cuticle (Nkd) as an antagonist of the canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, but its mechanism of action remains obscure [Zeng, W., Wharton, K. A., Jr., Mack, J. A., Wang, K., Gadbaw, M., et al. (2000) Nature (London) 403, 789–795]. Here we have cloned a cDNA encoding a mammalian homolog of Drosophila Nkd, mNkd, and demonstrated that mNkd interacts directly with Dishevelled. Dishevelled is an intracellular mediator of both the canonical Wnt pathway and planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. Activation of the c-Jun-N-terminal kinase has been implicated in the PCP pathway. We showed that mNkd acts in a cell-autonomous manner not only to inhibit the canonical Wnt pathway but also to stimulate c-Jun-N-terminal kinase activity. Expression of mNkd disrupted convergent extension in Xenopus, consistent with a role for mNkd in the PCP pathway. These data suggest that mNkd may act as a switch to direct Dishevelled activity toward the PCP pathway, and away from the canonical Wnt pathway.


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Aip3p is an actin-interacting protein that regulates cell polarity in budding yeast. The Schizosaccharomyces pombe-sequencing project recently led to the identification of a homologue of Aip3p that we have named spAip3p. Our results confirm that spAip3p is a true functional homologue of Aip3p. When expressed in budding yeast, spAip3p localizes similarly to Aip3p during the cell cycle and complements the cell polarity defects of an aip3Δ strain. Two-hybrid analysis shows that spAip3p interacts with actin similarly to Aip3p. In fission yeast, spAip3p localizes to both cell ends during interphase and later organizes into two rings at the site of cytokinesis. spAip3p localization to cell ends is dependent on microtubule cytoskeleton, its localization to the cell middle is dependent on actin cytoskeleton, and both patterns of localization require an operative secretory pathway. Overexpression of spAip3p disrupts the actin cytoskeleton and cell polarity, leading to morphologically aberrant cells. Fission yeast, which normally rely on the microtubule cytoskeleton to establish their polarity axis, can use the actin cytoskeleton in the absence of microtubule function to establish a new polarity axis, leading to the formation of branched cells. spAip3p localizes to, and is required for, branch formation, confirming its role in actin-directed polarized cell growth in both Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


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Polarized growth in yeast requires cooperation between the polarized actin cytoskeleton and delivery of post-Golgi secretory vesicles. We have previously reported that loss of the major tropomyosin isoform, Tpm1p, results in cells sensitive to perturbations in cell polarity. To identify components that bridge these processes, we sought mutations with both a conditional defect in secretion and a partial defect in polarity. Thus, we set up a genetic screen for mutations that conferred a conditional growth defect, showed synthetic lethality with tpm1Δ, and simultaneously became denser at the restrictive temperature, a hallmark of secretion-defective cells. Of the 10 complementation groups recovered, the group with the largest number of independent isolates was functionally null alleles of RAS2. Consistent with this, ras2Δ and tpm1Δ are synthetically lethal at 35°C. We show that ras2Δ confers temperature-sensitive growth and temperature-dependent depolarization of the actin cytoskeleton. Furthermore, we show that at elevated temperatures ras2Δ cells are partially defective in endocytosis and show a delocalization of two key polarity markers, Myo2p and Cdc42p. However, the conditional enhanced density phenotype of ras2Δ cells is not a defect in secretion. All the phenotypes of ras2Δ cells can be fully suppressed by expression of yeast RAS1 or RAS2 genes, human Ha-ras, or the double disruption of the stress response genes msn2Δmsn4Δ. Although the best characterized pathway of Ras function in yeast involves activation of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A pathway, activation of the protein kinase A pathway does not fully suppress the actin polarity defects, suggesting that there is an additional pathway from Ras2p to Msn2/4p. Thus, Ras2p regulates cytoskeletal polarity in yeast under conditions of mild temperature stress through the stress response pathway.


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In a genome-wide RNA-mediated interference screen for genes required in membrane traffic - including endocytic uptake, recycling from endosomes to the plasma membrane, and secretion - we identified 168 candidate endocytosis regulators and 100 candidate secretion regulators. Many of these candidates are highly conserved among metazoans but have not been previously implicated in these processes. Among the positives from the screen, we identified PAR-3, PAR-6, PKC-3 and CDC-42, proteins that are well known for their importance in the generation of embryonic and epithelial-cell polarity. Further analysis showed that endocytic transport in Caenorhabditis elegans coelomocytes and human HeLa cells was also compromised after perturbation of CDC-42/Cdc42 or PAR-6/Par6 function, indicating a general requirement for these proteins in regulating endocytic traffic. Consistent with these results, we found that tagged CDC-42/Cdc42 is enriched on recycling endosomes in C. elegans and mammalian cells, suggesting a direct function in the regulation of transport.


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Background & Aims - Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection leads to progressive liver disease, frequently culminating in fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The mechanisms underlying liver injury in chronic hepatitis C are poorly understood. This study evaluated the role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in hepatocyte polarity and HCV infection. Methods - We used polarized hepatoma cell lines and the recently described infectious HCV Japanese fulminant hepatitis (JFH)-1 cell culture system to study the role of VEGF in regulating hepatoma permeability and HCV infection. Results - VEGF negatively regulates hepatocellular tight junction integrity and cell polarity by a novel VEGF receptor 2–dependent pathway. VEGF reduced hepatoma tight junction integrity, induced a re-organization of occludin, and promoted HCV entry. Conversely, inhibition of hepatoma expressed VEGF with the receptor kinase inhibitor sorafenib or with neutralizing anti-VEGF antibodies promoted polarization and inhibited HCV entry, showing an autocrine pathway. HCV infection of primary hepatocytes or hepatoma cell lines promoted VEGF expression and reduced their polarity. Importantly, treatment of HCV-infected cells with VEGF inhibitors restored their ability to polarize, showing a VEGF-dependent pathway. Conclusions - Hepatic polarity is critical to normal liver physiology. HCV infection promotes VEGF expression that depolarizes hepatoma cells, promoting viral transmission and lymphocyte migration into the parenchyma that may promote hepatocyte injury.


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Using budding yeast, we investigated a negative interaction network among genes for tRNA modifications previously implicated in anticodon-codon interaction: 5-methoxy-carbonyl-methyl-2-thio-uridine (mcm5s2U34: ELP3, URM1), pseudouridine (Ψ38/39: DEG1) and cyclic N6-threonyl-carbamoyl-adenosine (ct6A37: TCD1). In line with functional cross talk between these modifications, we find that combined removal of either ct6A37 or Ψ38/39 and mcm5U34 or s2U34 results in morphologically altered cells with synthetic growth defects. Phenotypic suppression by tRNA overexpression suggests that these defects are caused by malfunction of tRNALysUUU or tRNAGlnUUG, respectively. Indeed, mRNA translation and synthesis of the Gln-rich prion Rnq1 are severely impaired in the absence of Ψ38/39 and mcm5U34 or s2U34, and this defect can be rescued by overexpression of tRNAGlnUUG. Surprisingly, we find that combined modification defects in the anticodon loops of different tRNAs induce similar cell polarity- and nuclear segregation defects that are accompanied by increased aggregation of cellular proteins. Since conditional expression of an artificial aggregation-prone protein triggered similar cytological aberrancies, protein aggregation is likely responsible for loss of morphogenesis and cytokinesis control in mutants with inappropriate tRNA anticodon loop modifications.


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Colonisation of the maternal uterine wall by the trophoblast involves a series of alterations in the behaviour and morphology of trophoblast cells. Villous cytotrophoblast cells change from a well-organised coherently layered phenotype to one that is extravillous, acquiring a proliferative, migratory and invasive capacity, to facilitate fetal-maternal interaction. These changes are similar to those of other developmental processes falling under the umbrella of an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Modulation of cell adhesion and cell polarity occurs through changes in cell-cell junctional molecules, such as the cadherins. The cadherins, particularly the classical cadherins (e.g. Epithelial-(E)-cadherin), and their link to adaptors called catenins at cell-cell contacts, are important for maintaining cell attachment and the layered phenotype of the villous cytotrophoblast. In contrast, reduced expression and re-organization of cadherins from these cell junctional regions promote a loosened connection between cells, coupled with reduced apico-basal polarity. Certain non-classical cadherins play an active role in cell migration processes. In addition to the classical cadherins, two other cadherins which have been reported in placental tissues are vascular endothelial (VE) cadherin and cadherin-11. Cadherin molecules are well placed to be key regulators of trophoblast cell behaviour, analogous to their role in other developmental EMTs. This review addresses cadherin expression and function in normal and diseased human placental tissues, especially in fetal growth restriction and pre-eclampsia where trophoblast invasion is reduced.


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Despite monolayer cultures being widely used for cancer drug development and testing, 2D cultures tend to be hypersensitive to chemotherapy and are relatively poor predictors of whether a drug will provide clinical benefit. Whilst generally more complicated, three dimensional (3D) culture systems often better recapitulate true cancer architecture and provide a more accurate drug response. As a step towards making 3D cancer cultures more accessible, we have developed a microwell platform and surface modification protocol to enable high throughput manufacture of 3D cancer aggregates. Herein we use this novel system to characterize prostate cancer cell microaggregates, including growth kinetics and drug sensitivity. Our results indicate that prostate cancer cells are viable in this system, however some non-cancerous prostate cell lines are not. This system allows us to consistently control for the presence or absence of an apoptotic core in the 3D cancer microaggregates. Similar to tumor tissues, the 3D microaggregates display poor polarity. Critically the response of 3D microaggregates to the chemotherapeutic drug, docetaxel, is more consistent with in vivo results than the equivalent 2D controls. Cumulatively, our results demonstrate that these prostate cancer microaggregates better recapitulate the morphology of prostate tumors compared to 2D and can be used for high-throughput drug testing.


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The equilibrium between cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis is crucial for maintaining homeostasis in epithelial tissues. In order for the epithelium to function properly, individual cells must gain normal structural and functional polarity. The junctional proteins have an important role both in binding the cells together and in taking part in cell signaling. Cadherins form adherens junctions. Cadherins initiate the polarization process by first recognizing and binding the neighboring cells together, and then guiding the formation of tight junctions. Tight junctions form a barrier in dividing the plasma membranes to apical and basolateral membrane domains. In glandular tissues, single layered and polarized epithelium is folded into tubes or spheres, in which the basal side of the epithelial layer faces the outer basal membrane, and the apical side the lumen. In carcinogenesis, the differentiated architecture of an epithelial layer is disrupted. Filling of the luminal space is a hallmark of early epithelial tumors in tubular and glandular structures. In order for the transformed tumor cells to populate the lumen, enhanced proliferation as well as inhibition of apoptosis is required. Most advances in cancer biology have been achieved by using two-dimensional (2D) cell culture models, in which the cells are cultured on flat surfaces as monolayers. However, the 2D cultures are limited in their capacity to recapitulate the structural and functional features of tubular structures and to represent cell growth and differentiation in vivo. The development of three-dimensional (3D) cell culture methods enables the cells to grow and to be studied in a more natural environment. Despite the wide use of 2D cell culture models and the development of novel 3D culture methods, it is not clear how the change of the dimensionality of culture conditions alters the polarization and transformation process and the molecular mechanisms behind them. Src is a well-known oncogene. It is found in focal and adherens junctions of cultured cells. Active src disrupts cell-cell junctions and interferes with cell-matrix binding. It promotes cell motility and survival. Src transformation in 2D disrupts adherens junctions and the fibroblastic phenotype of the cells. In 3D, the adherens junctions are weakened, and in glandular structures, the lumen is filled with nonpolarized vital cells. Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells are an epithelial cell type commonly used as a model for cell polarization. Its-src-transformed variants are useful model systems for analyzing the changes in cell morphology, and they play a role in src-induced malignant transformation. This study investigates src-transformed cells in 3D cell cultures as a model for malignant transformation. The following questions were posed. Firstly: What is the role of the composition and stiffness of the extracellular matrix (ECM) on the polarization and transformation of ts v-src MDCK cells in 3D cell cultures? Secondly: How do the culture conditions affect gene expression? What is the effect of v-src transformation in 2D and in 3D cell models? How does the shift from 2D to 3D affect cell polarity and gene expression? Thirdly: What is the role of survivin and its regulator phosphatase and tensin homolog protein (PTEN) in cell polarization and transformation, and in determining cell fate? How does their expression correlate with impaired mitochondrial function in transformed cells? In order to answer the above questions, novel methods of culturing and monitoring cells had to be created: novel 3D methods of culturing epithelial cells were engineered, enabling real time monitoring of a polarization and transformation process, and functional testing of 3D cell cultures. Novel 3D cell culture models and imaging techniques were created for the study. Attention was focused especially on confocal microscopy and live-cell imaging. Src-transformation disturbed the polarization of the epithelium by disrupting cell adhesion, and sensitized the cells to their environment. With active src, the morphology of the cell cluster depended on the composition and stiffness of the matrix. Gene expression studies revealed a broader impact of src transformation than mere continuous activity of src-kinase. In 2D cultures, src transformation altered the expression of immunological, actin cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix (ECM). In 3D, the genes regulating cell division, inhibition of apoptosis, cell metabolism, mitochondrial function, actin cytoskeleton and mechano-sensing proteins were altered. Surprisingly, changing the culture conditions from 2D to 3D affected also gene expression considerably. The microarray hit survivin, an inhibitor of apoptosis, played a crucial role in the survival and proliferation of src-transformed cells.


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O câncer colorretal (CCR) é o terceiro tipo de câncer mais incidente no mundo para o sexo masculino, o segundo para o sexo feminino e a radioterapia é um dos tratamentos de primeira linha no combate a este tipo de câncer. Durante a progressão do CCR as células sofrem alterações morfogenéticas, sendo a desorganização do complexo juncional apical (CJA) um dos eventos iniciais desse processo. As junções oclusivas (JTs) são um dos principais componentes da CJA e desempenham papel importante no controle do fluxo paracelular, na determinação da polaridade celular e na transdução de sinais relacionados com a progressão tumoral. As claudinas são proteínas transmembrana, constituintes das JTs e cumprem um importante papel no controle desses eventos. Alterações na expressão das claudinas são observadas em tumores de diferentes órgãos e têm sido relacionadas com a progressão tumoral. No entanto os mecanismos que regulam essas alterações e sua consequência na progressão do CCR são poucos conhecidos. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da superexpressão da claudina-3 na radiorresposta de células CCR. Nossos resultados mostraram que a superexpressão de claudina-3 minimiza alterações morfológicas causadas pela radiação, causa diminuição da resistência elétrica transepitelial e não tem efeito na permeabilidade a macromoléculas após a irradiação. Além disso, observamos que a superexpressão de claudina-3 aumenta o potencial proliferativo das células e que esta característica torna as células mais sensíveis a radiação. Porém quando avaliamos eventos celulares relacionados a progressão tumoral observamos que apesar da radiação diminuir a capacidade migratória das progênies, as células que superexpressam claudina-3 apresentam migração mais elevada. Além disso, verificamos que a superexpressão de claudina-3 diminui a invasão e a capacidade de formação de colônias frente ao tratamento com a radiação. Em seguida fomos avaliar o efeito da inibição das vias de proliferação (MEK/ERK) e sobrevivência (PI3K-Akt) na resposta das células que superexpressam claudina-3 frente a radiação. Observamos que a inibição de MEK é capaz de sensibilizar as células que superexpressam claudina-3 à radiação no ensaio de proliferação celular, no entanto a inibição de MEK e PI3K antes da exposição à radiação é capaz aumentar a migração e a capacidade de formação de colônias de células que superexpressam claudina-3 contribuindo para o aumento do potencial maligno. Em conjunto nossos resultados mostram que a superexpressão de claudina-3 contribui para um fenótipo mais maligno, no entanto frente ao tratamento com a radiação é capaz de sensibilizar as células.


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The growth of stem cells can be modulated by physical factors such as extracellular matrix nanotopography. We hypothesize that nanotopography modulates cell behavior by changing the integrin clustering and focal adhesion (FA) assembly, leading to changes in cytoskeletal organization and cell mechanical properties. Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) cultured on 350 nm gratings of tissue-culture polystyrene (TCPS) and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) showed decreased expression of integrin subunits alpha2, alpha , alpha V, beta2, beta 3 and beta 4 compared to the unpatterned controls. On gratings, the elongated hMSCs exhibited an aligned actin cytoskeleton, while on unpatterned controls, spreading cells showed a random but denser actin cytoskeleton network. Expression of cytoskeleton and FA components was also altered by the nanotopography as reflected in the mechanical properties measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM) indentation. On the rigid TCPS, hMSCs on gratings exhibited lower instantaneous and equilibrium Young's moduli and apparent viscosity. On the softer PDMS, the effects of nanotopography were not significant. However, hMSCs cultured on PDMS showed lower cell mechanical properties than those on TCPS, regardless of topography. These suggest that both nanotopography and substrate stiffness could be important in determining mechanical properties, while nanotopography may be more dominant in determining the organization of the cytoskeleton and FAs.