344 resultados para Cashews nuts


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An approach was developed to estimate molecular weight distribution of water-soluble Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn species in Brazil nut, cupuassu seed and coconut pulp by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) coupled on-line to ultra-violet (UV) and off-line to graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS) detectors and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). SEC-UV analytical signals showed the prevalence of high molecular weight (HMW) species (79-1.7 kDa for Brazil nut, 50-1.7 kDa for coconut pulp, and 34-1.7 kDa for cupuassu seeds). The Brazil nut SEC-UV, GF-AAS and MALDI-TOF mass spectra gave confirmation of the association of the elements with water-soluble compounds. The elemental profiles were associated with fractions of compounds of molecular weight 1.2-16 kDa for Brazil nut, 1.7-13 kDa for coconut pulp, and 1.2-7.6 kDa for cupuassu seeds. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this work Cu and Fe bioavailability in cashew nuts was evaluated using in vitro method. Extractions with simulated gastric and intestinal fluids and dialysis procedures were applied for this purpose. The proteins separation and quantification were performed by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) coupled on-line to ultra-violet (UV) and off-line to simultaneous multielement atomic absorption spectrometry (SIMAAS). The SEC-UV and SIMAAS profiles of the protein fractions obtained by alkaline extraction (NaOH) and precipitation with HCl indicated the presence of high and low molecular weight species in the range between >75 kDa and 9.3 kDa. Almost 83% of Cu and 78% of Fe were extracted during cashew nut digestion and 90% of both elements were dialyzed. With these results it is possible to assume that 75% of Cu and 70% of Fe present in cashew nut could be bioavailable. The SEC-UV and SIMAAS chromatographic profiles obtained after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion reveal that Cu and Fe not dialyzed can be associated to a compound of 9.2 kDa. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A method for the multi-elemental determination of metals (Al, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Sr and Zn), metalloids (B and Si), and non-metals (Cl, P and 5) in the babassu nut and mesocarp, sapucaia nut, coconut pulp, cupuassu pulp and seed, and cashew nut by axially viewed inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry is presented. A diluted oxidant mixture (2 ml HNO(3) + 1 ml H(2)O(2) + 3 ml H(2)O) was used to achieve the complete decomposition of the organic matrix in a closed-vessel microwave oven. The accuracy of the entire proposed method was confirmed by standard reference material analysis (peach leaves-NIST SRM1547). The certified values showed a good agreement at a 95% confidence limit (Student`s t-test). The average RSD for repeatability of calibration solutions measurements were in the range of 1.1-6.7%. Limits of quantification (LOQ = 10 x LOD) were in the level of 0.00072-0.0532 mg/l. The macro and micronutrient ranges in the different nuts and seeds did not exceed the dietary reference intake (DRI), except for Mn in the babassu nut. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The main consideration in recovering the macadamia kernal is to crack the spherical nutshell without damaging the kernal. Five mechanical cracking tools were tested, and the fracture mechanisms of nutshells, under various cracking loads, were studied. A classical theoretical approach and a numerical method were both used to investigate the influence of crack face closure on the stress intensity factor for a cracked spherical shell subjected to membrane forces and bending moments.


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The thesis outlines effective methods of designing and constructing chiral nano-porous materials. These materials may facilitate cheaper and large-scale production of chiral molecules, such as pharmaceuticals and bioactives. Computer models of target materials correlated well with laboratory experiments and effective synthetic strategies for manufacture were developed.


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Many situations exist in rural areas of developing countries where the help of simple technology can make substantial positive impacts on living conditions, finance, and in this case; sustainability. In the Melanesia region, there are numerous areas identified as needing improvement, including indigenous food preservation which will be addressed with a proposed solar thermal solution utilizing locally available materials as much as possible for low cost local construction. The current knowledge of the drying requirements for the product chosen in this study is quite limited. However, it is believed that solar thermal drying might be feasible for the remote sunny regions as in Melanesia. This paper describes the processes involved in determining the drying parameters of the Canarium indicum nut, and the proposed solar dryer designs that have been considered for the particular environmental conditions and product specifications. Through the selection process, a mixed mode, low-tunnel solar dryer was chosen as the best match to satisfy the different parameters.


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The increase in the incidence of food allergy is a growing problem for the western world. This review will focus on the findings from several macromolecular epithelial transport experiments and drug permeability studies to provide a recent comprehension of food allergen intestinal epithelial cell transport and the allergen-epithelial relationship. Specifically, this review will aim to answer whether allergens can permeate the intestinal barrier directly via intestinal epithelial cells, and whether this mode of transport affects downstream immune reactions. By improving our understanding of the interactions which take place during exposure of food allergens with the intestinal epithelium, we can begin to understand whether the epithelial barrier plays a major role in the allergic sensitization process rather than simply restricting the entry of allergens to the underlying lamina propria.


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O baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) é uma leguminosa abundante no Cerrado brasileiro, cuja castanha pode ser explorada através do uso sustentável para o aproveitamento das frações proteicas e lipídicas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as proteínas desta castanha, presentes na farinha desengordurada e no concentrado proteico, quanto as suas propriedades funcionais, ao perfil das frações proteicas e à digestibilidade in vitro. A farinha desengordurada com hexano foi submetida à extração no pH de maior solubilidade das proteínas, obtendo-se o concentrado proteico. O perfil eletroforético das frações proteicas foi avaliado em gel de SDS-PAGE. As propriedades funcionais indicaram a possibilidade de emprego em diversos alimentos, assim como a soja, conferindo capacidade de absorção de água, capacidade de absorção de óleo, propriedades emulsificantes e espumabilidade. As globulinas, seguidas das albuminas, são as frações majoritárias da farinha e do concentrado proteico, respectivamente. A digestibilidade foi superior no concentrado em relação à farinha desengordurada.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to characterize oils extracted from Bertholletia excelsa, Lecythis pisonis, Dipteryx lacunifera, Carya illinoensis and Juglans regia, regarding their characterization and fatty acid profile. Design/methodology/approach: The oils were extracted from oilseeds by cold pressing and physico-chemical characterization was performed by using standard methods for oils and fats. The oxidative stability and fatty acid profile also were determined. Findings: According to the results, the physico-chemical properties of oils from nuts and walnuts were comparable to those of good quality conventional oils. The oil seeds are a good source of unsaturated fatty acids, especially oleic and linoleic acids. Research limitations/implications: Implies the identification of fatty acid profile and physico-chemical properties of oils extracted from nuts and walnuts, and to prevent certain types of diseases. Originality/value: The paper identifies a new source of essential fatty acids extracted from oilseeds. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Diversas estratégias para preparo de amostra, determinação e fracionamento, tais como espectrometria de absorção atômica com atomização eletrotérmica em forno de grafite (GF AAS) e espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma acoplado indutivamente com configuração axial (ICP OES), foram empregadas para o fracionamento de bário em Castanha-do-Pará. Esse alimento é amplamente apreciado tanto pelo valor nutricional, quanto pelo sabor agradável. A análise química de Castanha-do-Pará não é trivial devido à matriz complexa. O fracionamento de bário em Castanha-do-Pará foi estudado devido à toxicidade desse elemento e a correlação entre a forma química e a absorção. Os teores totais de bário nas amostras de Castanha-do-Pará variaram entre 860 e 2084 mg kg-1. Extrações sequenciais foram feitas com base na solubilidade em diferentes meios e composição química envolvendo lipídios, proteínas e compostos de baixa massa molecular (LMW). Teores mais elevados de bário foram determinados nas frações LMW e insolúvel em água que variaram entre 778-1606 e 551-1520 mg kg-1, respectivamente. Esses resultados indicaram a indisponibilidade de bário presente nesse alimento ao organismo humano. Baseando-se nos teores de bário e enxofre nas diferentes frações e em cálculos estequiométricos para as possíveis reações envolvidas pode-se inferir que bário se encontra principalmente na forma de BaSO4. Experimentos termogravimétricos também confirmaram essa suposição.


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Wild bearded capuchin monkeys, Cebus libidinosus, use stone tools to crack palm nuts to obtain the kernel. In five experiments, we gave 10 monkeys from one wild group of bearded capuchins a choice of two nuts differing in resistance and size and/or two manufactured stones of the same shape, volume and composition but different mass. Monkeys consistently selected the nut that was easier to crack and the heavier stone. When choosing between two stones differing in mass by a ratio of 1.3:1, monkeys frequently touched the stones or tapped them with their fingers or with a nut. They showed these behaviours more frequently before making their first selection of a stone than afterward. These results suggest that capuchins discriminate between nuts and between stones, selecting materials that allow them to crack nuts with fewer strikes, and generate exploratory behaviours to discriminate stones of varying mass. In the final experiment, humans effectively discriminated the mass of stones using the same tapping and handling behaviours as capuchins. Capuchins explore objects in ways that allow them to perceive invariant properties (e.g. mass) of objects, enabling selection of objects for specific uses. We predict that species that use tools will generate behaviours that reveal invariant properties of objects such as mass; species that do not use tools are less likely to explore objects in this way. The precision with which individuals can judge invariant properties may differ considerably, and this also should predict prevalence of tool use across species. (C) 2010 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Wild bearded capuchins, Cebus libidinosus, in Fazenda Boa Vista, Brazil crack tough palm nuts using hammer stones. We analysed the contribution of intrinsic factors (body weight, behaviour), size of the nuts and the anvil surface (flat or pit) to the efficiency of cracking. We provided capuchins with local palm nuts and a single hammer stone at an anvil. From video we scored the capuchins` position and actions with the nut prior to each strike, and outcomes of each strike. The most efficient capuchin opened 15 nuts per 100 strikes (6.6 strikes per nut). The least efficient capuchin that succeeded in opening a nut opened 1.32 nuts per 100 strikes (more than 75 strikes per nut). Body weight and diameter of the nut best predicted whether a capuchin would crack a nut on a given strike. All the capuchins consistently placed nuts into pits. To provide an independent analysis of the effect of placing the nut into a pit, we filmed an adult human cracking nuts on the same anvil using the same stone. The human displaced the nut on proportionally fewer strikes when he placed it into a pit rather than on a flat surface. Thus the capuchins placed the nut in a more effective location on the anvil to crack it. Nut cracking as practised by bearded capuchins is a striking example of a plastic behaviour where costs and benefits vary enormously across individuals, and where efficiency requires years to attain. (C) 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Are wild bearded capuchin monkeys selective about where they place nuts on anvils, specifically the anvil pits, during nut cracking? In the present study, we examined (1) whether capuchins` preferences for particular pits are influenced by the effectiveness of the pit in cracking the nut and/or by the stability of the nut during striking, (2) how capuchins detect the affordances of novel pits and (3) the influence of social context on their selections. Anvil pits varied in horizontal dimension (small, medium and large) in experiment 1 and in depth (shallow, medium and deep) in experiment 2. In both experiments, three different pits were simultaneously presented, each on one anvil. We coded the capuchins` actions with the nut in each pit, and recorded the outcome of each strike. In both experiments, capuchins preferred the most effective pit, but not the most stabilizing pit, based on the number of first strikes, total strikes and nuts cracked. Their choice also reflected where the preceding individual had last struck. The capuchins explored the pits indirectly, placing nuts in them and striking nuts with a stone. The preference for pits was weaker than the preference for nuts and stones shown previously with the same monkeys. Our findings suggest that detecting affordances of pits through indirect action is less precise than through direct action, and that social context may also influence selection. We show that field experiments can demonstrate embodied cognition in species-typical activities in natural environments. (C) 2010 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fungal and mycotoxin contamination was investigated in field samples of nuts, shells and pods of the Brazil nut collected during different periods in Itacoatiara, State of Amazonas, Brazil: day 0, samples still on the tree: days 5, 10 and 15, samples in contact with soil for 5, 10 and 15 days, respectively. The most prevalent fungi were Aspergillus flavus in fruit pods and nuts and Fusarium spp. in shells. Penicillium spp. and A. flavus were isolated from soil, and Fusarium spp. and Penicillium spp. from air. Aflatoxins and cyclopiazonic acid were not detected in any of the samples analyzed. The high frequency of isolation of aflatoxigenic A. flavus strains from soil and Brazil nuts increases the chance of aflatoxin production in these substrates. These findings suggest a possible contamination before drying and indicate soil as the main source of fungal contamination of Brazil nuts. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.