946 resultados para Capacitance meters
Gradually smart grids and smart meters are closer to the home consumers. Several countries has developed studies focused in the impacts arising from the introduction of these technologies and one of the main advantages are related to energy efficiency, observed through the awareness of the population on behalf of a more efficient consumption. These benefits are felt directly by consumers through the savings on electricity bills and also by the concessionaires through the minimization of losses in transmission and distribution, system stability, smaller loading during peak hours, among others. In this article two projects that demonstrate the potential energy savings through smart meters and smart grids are presented. The first performed in Korea, focusing on the installation of smart meters and the impact of use of user interfaces. The second performed in Portugal, focusing on the control of loads in a residence with distributed generation.
The paper presents a RFDSCA automated synthesis procedure. This algorithm determines several RFDSCA circuits from the top-level system specifications all with the same maximum performance. The genetic synthesis tool optimizes a fitness function proportional to the RFDSCA quality factor and uses the epsiv-concept and maximin sorting scheme to achieve a set of solutions well distributed along a non-dominated front. To confirm the results of the algorithm, three RFDSCAs were simulated in SpectreRF and one of them was implemented and tested. The design used a 0.25 mum BiCMOS process. All the results (synthesized, simulated and measured) are very close, which indicate that the genetic synthesis method is a very useful tool to design optimum performance RFDSCAs.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
In this work project I propose an innovative service – Electricity Feedback with Smart Meters through TV – to be considered as an additional test in the residential electricity use feedback trials currently being conducted in EDP’s InovCity project. My proposal is based on relevant past and current research studies, both Portuguese and international, which explain and support the proposed operationalization and characteristics of this new service. Furthermore, a careful analysis about the segmentation framing, the best market entry strategy and the consequences of adopting a joint venture with cable TV operators, is also provided. Finally, I present a SWOT analysis and highlight critical issues affecting the effectiveness of feedback which require further research.
In this bachelor's thesis a relay card for capacitance measurements was designed, built and tested. The study was made for the research and development laboratory of VTI Technologies, which manufactures capacitive silicon micro electro mechanical accelerometers and pressure sensors. As the size of the sensors is decreasing the capacitance value of the sensors also decreases. The decreased capacitance causes a need for new and more accurate measurement systems. The technology used in the instrument measuring the capacitance dictates a framework how the relay card should be designed, thus the operating principle of the instrument must be known. To achieve accurate results the measurement instrument and its functions needed to be used correctly. The relay card was designed using printed circuit board design methods that minimize interference coupling to the measurement. The relay card that was designed in this study is modular. It consists of a separate CPU card, which was used to control the add-on cards connected to it. The CPU card was controlled from a computer through a serial bus. Two add-on cards for the CPU card were designed in this study. The first one was the measurement card, which could be used to measure 32 capacitive sensors. The second add-on card was the MUX card, which could be used to switch between two measurement cards. The capacitance measurements carried out through the MUX card and the measurement cards were characterized with a series of test measurements. The test measurement data was then analysed. The relay card design was confirmed to work and offer accurate measurement results up to a measurement frequency of 10 MHz. The length of the measurement cables limited the measurement frequency.
We present an analytical model to interpret nanoscale capacitance microscopy measurements on thin dielectric films. The model displays a logarithmic dependence on the tip-sample distance and on the film thickness-dielectric constant ratio and shows an excellent agreement with finite-element numerical simulations and experimental results on a broad range of values. Based on these results, we discuss the capabilities of nanoscale capacitance microscopy for the quantitative extraction of the dielectric constant and the thickness of thin dielectric films at the nanoscale.
OBJECTIVE: Acute mountain sickness is a frequent and debilitating complication of high-altitude exposure, but there is little information on the prevalence and time course of acute mountain sickness in children and adolescents after rapid ascent by mechanical transportation to 3500 m, an altitude at which major tourist destinations are located throughout the world. METHODS: We performed serial assessments of acute mountain sickness (Lake Louise scores) in 48 healthy nonacclimatized children and adolescents (mean +/- SD age: 13.7 +/- 0.3 years; 20 girls and 28 boys), with no previous high-altitude experience, 6, 18, and 42 hours after arrival at the Jungfraujoch high-altitude research station (3450 m), which was reached through a 2.5-hour train ascent. RESULTS: We found that the overall prevalence of acute mountain sickness during the first 3 days at high altitude was 37.5%. Rates were similar for the 2 genders and decreased progressively during the stay (25% at 6 hours, 21% at 18 hours, and 8% at 42 hours). None of the subjects needed to be evacuated to lower altitude. Five subjects needed symptomatic treatment and responded well. CONCLUSION: After rapid ascent to high altitude, the prevalence of acute mountain sickness in children and adolescents was relatively low; the clinical manifestations were benign and resolved rapidly. These findings suggest that, for the majority of healthy nonacclimatized children and adolescents, travel to 3500 m is safe and pharmacologic prophylaxis for acute mountain sickness is not needed.
Rapport de synthèse :Grâce au développement de moyens de transport modernes, de plus en plus d'enfants et d'adolescents se rendent en haute altitude dans le cadre de leurs loisirs. Le mal aigu des montagnes est une complication fréquente des séjours en haute altitude. Ses symptômes en sont des maux de tête, une fatigue, des troubles du sommeil, des nausées et des vertiges. La vitesse d'ascension, |'attitude maximale atteinte, une susceptibilité individuelle ainsi qu'une acclimatation antérieure a l'attitude sont tous des facteurs influant sur le risque de développer un mal aigu des montagnes et sur sa sévérité. Bien que très fréquente chez l'adulte, nous ne possédions, au moment d'entreprendre |'étude faisant |'objet de cette thèse, que peu de données solides concernant la prévalence de cette affection chez l'enfant ainsi que sur son évolution au cours du temps. Cette étude a pour but de mesurer la prévalence du mal aigu des montagnes, et son évolution au cours du temps au sein d'un groupe d'enfants et d'adolescents dans des conditions contrôlées. C'est à dire en éliminant |'influence de facteurs confondants tels que l'importance de l'exercice physique fourni ou une différence dans la vitesse d'ascension. Pour ce faire nous avons évalué la présence de mal aigu des montagnes dans un groupe de 48 garçons et de filles âgés de 11 à 17 ans en bonne santé habituelle, n'ayant jamais séjourné en haute altitude au préalable. Afin d'évaluer la présence ou non de mal aigu des montagnes nous avons utilisé une version française du « Lake Louise Score >>. Les mesures furent effectuées 6,24 et 48 heures après |`arrivée à la station de recherche de la Jungfraujoch située à 3'450m. L'ascension a consisté en un trajet de train durant 2h30. Nos observations montrent que la prévalence du mal aigu des montagnes durant les 3 premiers jours ne dépasse jamais les 25%. Elle est similaire pour les deux sexes et diminue au cours du séjour. (17% après 24 heures, 8% après 48 heures) Aucun sujet n'a dû être évacué à une altitude inférieure, Cinq sujets ont eu besoin de recourir à un traitement symptomatique et y ont bien répondu Les résultats de cette étude démontrent que dans le groupe d'âge étudié, après une ascension rapide en haute altitude, la prévalence du mal aigu des montagnes est relativement faible, ses manifestations cliniques sont bénignes et, |lorsqu'' elles sont présentes, se résolvent rapidement. Ces observations suggèrent que pour la majorité des enfants et des adolescents en bonne santé et non habitués a |'attitude, un séjour en haute altitude ne présente pas de risque et une prophylaxie pharmacologique du mal aigu des montagnes n'est pas nécessaire.
Objective The authors have sought to study the calibration of a clinical PKA meter (Diamentor E2) and a calibrator for clinical meters (PDC) in the Laboratory of Ionizing Radiation Metrology at Instituto de Energia e Ambiente - Universidade de São Paulo. Materials and Methods Different qualities of both incident and transmitted beams were utilized in conditions similar to a clinical setting, analyzing the influence from the reference dosimeter, from the distance between meters, from the filtration and from the average beam energy. Calibrations were performed directly against a standard 30 cm3 cylindrical chamber or a parallel-plate monitor chamber, and indirectly against the PDC meter. Results The lowest energy dependence was observed for transmitted beams. The cross calibration between the Diamentor E2 and the PDC meters, and the PDC presented the greatest propagation of uncertainties. Conclusion The calibration coefficient of the PDC meter showed to be more stable with voltage, while the Diamentor E2 calibration coefficient was more variable. On the other hand, the PDC meter presented greater uncertainty in readings (5.0%) than with the use of the monitor chamber (3.5%) as a reference.
The present study deals with innovation diffusion as the central component of innovation process and takes smart meters as a concrete example from the electric power industry. Smart meters are seen as key enablers of the industry-wide shift towards smart grids and are recognized by the European Union as means of reaching its environmental and energy goals. However, the spread of smart meters through the market, especially in Central East Europe (CEE), is not corresponding to the expectations and identified benefits. The current work synthesizes available data for the under-researched geographical region of CEE and clarifies the process of smart meter diffusion and drivers behind it. In addition to innovation theories the methods applied are rate of adoption and thematic analysis. The results prove the large gap between optimal and actual diffusion as well as the lagging position of CEE in comparison to the EU’s market leaders. The smart metering market is driven from bottom-up and the majority of CEE countries have already carried out or started the initial activities. Therefore, in coming years more intensive smart meters deployment will be seen.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different crown diameters on the early growth of eucalyptus intercropped with Brachiaria decumbens in a silvopastoral system. The experiment was conducted in a B. decumbens established pasture, where hybrid eucalyptus urograndis (clone GG100) was planted, spaced 8 x 3 m. A randomized block design was used, with six replicates. Treatments consisted of five crown diameters (0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 m) surrounding the eucalyptus plants. Five weeding hoes were performed throughout the experiment, according to the different crown diameters, aiming to maintain the eucalyptus plants free from B. decumbens interference. At 90, 180, 270, and 360 DAP, the height and the diameter of the eucalyptus plants were evaluated, and at 360 DAP, surface biomass and leaf area were evaluated. At 90 DAP, it was verified that the non-weeded plants had lower growth, compared to those submitted to crowns. Crown diameters of 2.51 and 2.64 m allowed greater growth in height and diameter at ground level of eucalyptus plants, respectively, in all periods evaluated. Biomass production and leaf area per plant at 360 DAP were also influenced by the different crown diameters. It was concluded that crown diameter around 2 meters provided favorable conditions for early growth of eucalyptus and less involvement in the area occupied by forage.