996 resultados para Canvis climàtics -- Atlàntic (Oceà)


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Fins ara, el desenvolupament del mercat interior ha patit les limitacions derivades de la manca d'una política energètica comú i, en el pla internacional, la UE, fortament dependent dels aprovisionaments externs, no ha estat capaç de parlar amb una sola veu a l'hora de negociar acords de subministrament amb els seus principals proveïdors de petroli i gas, i amb els països de trànsit. Sens dubte, la visió intergubernamentalista de la integració europea és la més indicada per explicar les mancances assenyalades en la mesura que la política energètica, especialment, en les vessants de la seguretat dels aprovisionaments i la independència energètica, forma part del nucli dur de la sobirania estatal. Només cal comprovar que, fins ara, tot i els continus avenços del mercat interior, els tractats han mantingut el vot per unanimitat del Consell pel que fa a les decisions relacionades amb l'energia, excloent, és clar, al Parlament Europeu (PE).. El Tractat de Lisboa introdueix un canvi de tendència en vincular la política energètica, alhora, al medi ambient i al "esperit de solidaritat entre els Estats membres "amb l'objectiu de garantir el funcionament del mercat de l'energia i la seguretat de l'abastament energètic en la Unió, i fomentar l'eficiència energètica i l'estalvi energètic i el desenvolupament d'energies noves i renovables i la interconnexió de les xarxes energètiques. Per primera vegada, el Parlament Europeu i el Consell establiran conjuntament (codecisió), les mesures necessàries per assolir els esmentats objectius. aquesta formulació reflecteix els canvis que està experimentant la política energètica a la Unió i que constitueixen l'objecte central d'aquest llibre: la seguretat de energètica i seva connexió amb el canvi climàtic.


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El trabajo está basado en la colaboración con el banco de datos terminológicos y lingüísticos del Gobierno de Canadá (Termium). Este trabajo terminológico ha nacido de la necesidad de ampliar un vocabulario sobre el cambio climático con equivalentes en inglés y en francés, a un vocabulario con equivalentes en inglés, francés, español y catalán.


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Nombroses investigacions han establert una relació directa entre l'activitat antròpica i el canvi climàtic. Una majoria aclaparadora de científics han demostrat que l’ascens progressiu de les temperatures de les darreres dècades ha estat degut ala incorporació artificial a l’atmosfera de gasos que accentuen l’efecte hivernacle (GEH). És evident que els efectes del canvi climàtic afecten la dinàmica de la Terra


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The long-term mean properties of the global climate system and those of turbulent fluid systems are reviewed from a thermodynamic viewpoint. Two general expressions are derived for a rate of entropy production due to thermal and viscous dissipation (turbulent dissipation) in a fluid system. It is shown with these expressions that maximum entropy production in the Earth s climate system suggested by Paltridge, as well as maximum transport properties of heat or momentum in a turbulent system suggested by Malkus and Busse, correspond to a state in which the rate of entropy production due to the turbulent dissipation is at a maximum. Entropy production due to absorption of solar radiation in the climate system is found to be irrelevant to the maximized properties associated with turbulence. The hypothesis of maximum entropy production also seems to be applicable to the planetary atmospheres of Mars and Titan and perhaps to mantle convection. Lorenz s conjecture on maximum generation of available potential energy is shown to be akin to this hypothesis with a few minor approximations. A possible mechanism by which turbulent fluid systems adjust themselves to the states of maximum entropy production is presented as a selffeedback mechanism for the generation of available potential energy. These results tend to support the hypothesis of maximum entropy production that underlies a wide variety of nonlinear fluid systems, including our planet as well as other planets and stars


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Classic climatic models use constitutive laws without any response time. A more realistic approach to the natural processes governing climate dynamics must introduce response time for heat and radiation fluxes. Extended irreversible thermodynamics (EIT) is a good thermodynamical framework for introducing nonclassical constitutive laws. In the present study EIT has been used to analyze a Budyko–Sellers one-dimensional energybalance model developed by G. R. North. The results present self-sustained periodic oscillations when the response time is greater than a critical value. The high-frequency (few kiloyears) damped and nondamped oscillations obtained can be related to abrupt climatic changes without any variation in the external forcing of the system


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En este trabajo se presenta un estudio de los parámetros dinámicos de terremotos ocurridos bajo las dorsales del Atlántico y Oriental del Pacífico, así como de la variación regional del coeficiente de atenuación de las ondas Rayleigh para la región oriental del Pacífico. Se ha obtenido un coeficiente de atenuación anormalmente alto bajo la dorsal del Pacífico e importantes diferencias en las condiciones de similaridad para las dos dorsales. Comparando los parámetros dinámicos obtenidos para las dorsales (zonas de tensión) con parámetros obtenidos para zonas de subducción (zonas de compresión), resultan ser similares excepto para la caída de esfuerzos. Los resultados obtenidos se interpretan en función de la actividad tectónica de las dorsales.


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A list of opisthobranch molluscs species from the western Mediterranean and nearby Atlantic is presented. These species have natural products that are of interest because of their chemical structure, origin and/or function in benthic ecosystems. This review contains data on the origin and activity of these molecules, collection sites of the animals, and their bibliographic references. A discussion of these subjects is also included.


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[spa] En lo que concierne al cambio climático, los pronósticos de cercanos picos de combustible fósiles parecen buenas noticias pues la mayoría de las emisiones proceden de la quema de combustibles fósiles. Sin embargo, esto podría resultar engañoso de confirmarse las enormes estimaciones de reservas de carbón pues puede divisarse un intercambio de combustible fósiles con baja concentración de carbono (petróleo y gas) por otros de mayor (carbón). Ciñéndonos a esta hipótesis desarrollamos escenarios donde tan pronto el petróleo y el gas natural alcanzan su cénit la extracción de carbón crece lo necesario para compensar el descenso de los primeros. Estimamos las emisiones que se deriva de tales supuestos y las comparamos con el peor escenario del IPCC. Si bien dicho escenario parece improbable concluimos que los picos de petróleo y gas no son suficientes para evitar peligrosas sendas de gases de efecto invernadero. Las concentraciones de CO2 halladas superan con creces las 450 ppm sin signos de remisión.


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[spa] En lo que concierne al cambio climático, los pronósticos de cercanos picos de combustible fósiles parecen buenas noticias pues la mayoría de las emisiones proceden de la quema de combustibles fósiles. Sin embargo, esto podría resultar engañoso de confirmarse las enormes estimaciones de reservas de carbón pues puede divisarse un intercambio de combustible fósiles con baja concentración de carbono (petróleo y gas) por otros de mayor (carbón). Ciñéndonos a esta hipótesis desarrollamos escenarios donde tan pronto el petróleo y el gas natural alcanzan su cénit la extracción de carbón crece lo necesario para compensar el descenso de los primeros. Estimamos las emisiones que se deriva de tales supuestos y las comparamos con el peor escenario del IPCC. Si bien dicho escenario parece improbable concluimos que los picos de petróleo y gas no son suficientes para evitar peligrosas sendas de gases de efecto invernadero. Las concentraciones de CO2 halladas superan con creces las 450 ppm sin signos de remisión.


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On the basis of two parallel data sets refering to phenological events in open scrubs and pastures at two sites (Balaguer and Vic), the authors present a comprehensive report of the phenology of these Mediterranean communities. Four main phenophases (vegetative growth, flowering, fruiting and resting) were recorded monthly in 11 communities over 15 months. The results allow comparisons to be drawn between localities and communities, both at community and species levels, and to consider the effects of contemporary climatic data. This yielded useful information on general trends and on the particular responses of each community type to their corresponding constraints.


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Different components of global change can have interacting effects on biodiversity and this may influence our ability to detect the specific consequences of climate change through biodiversity indicators. Here, we analyze whether climate change indicators can be affected by land use dynamics that are not directly determined by climate change. To this aim, we analyzed three community-level indicators of climate change impacts that are based on the optimal thermal environment and averagelatitude of the distribution of bird species present at local communities. We used multiple regression models to relate the variation in climate change indicators to: i) environmental temperature; and ii) three landscape gradients reflecting important current land use change processes (land abandonment, fire impacts and urbanization), all of them having forest areas at their positive extremes. We found that, with few exceptions, landscape gradients determined the figures of climate change indicators as strongly as temperature. Bird communities in forest habitats had colder-dwelling bird species with more northerndistributions than farmland, burnt or urban areas. Our results show that land use changes can reverse, hide or exacerbate our perception of climate change impacts when measured through community-level climate change indicators. We stress the need of an explicit incorporation of the interactions between climate change and land use dynamics to understand what are current climate change indicators indicating and be able to isolate real climate change impacts


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Climate change may pose challenges and opportunities to viticulture, and much research has focused in studying the likely impacts on grapes and wine production in different regions worldwide. This study assesses the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of the viticulture sector under changing climate conditions, based on a case study in El Penedès region, Catalonia. Farm assets, livelihood strategies, farmer-market interactions and climate changes perceptions are analysed through semi-structured interviews with different types of wineries and growers. Both types of actors are equally exposed to biophysical stressors but unevenly affected by socioeconomic changes. While wineries are vulnerable because of the current economic crisis and the lack of diversification of their work, which may affect their income or production, growers are mainly affected by the low prices of their products and the lack of fix contracts. These socioeconomic stressors strongly condition their capacity to adapt to climate change, meaning that growers prioritize their immediate income problems, rather than future socioeconomic or climate threats. Therefore, growers undertake reactive adaptation to climate changing conditions, mainly based on ancient knowledge, whilst wineries combine both reactive and anticipatory adaptation practices. These circumstances should be addressed in order to allow better anticipatory adaptation to be implemented, thus avoiding future climate threats.


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In the context of observed climate change impacts and their effect on agriculture and crop production, this study intends to assess the vulnerability of rural livelihoods through a study case in Karnataka, India. The social approach of climate change vulnerability in this study case includes defining and exploring factors that determine farmers’ vulnerability in four villages. Key informant interviews, farmer workshops and structured household interviews were used for data collection. To analyse the data, we adapted and applied three vulnerability indices: Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI), LVI-IPCC and the Livelihood Effect Index (LEI), and used descriptive statistical methods. The data was analysed at two scales: whole sample-level and household level. The results from applying the indices for the whole-sample level show that this community's vulnerability to climate change is moderate, whereas the household-level results show that most of the households' vulnerability is high-very high, while 15 key drivers of vulnerability were identified. Results and limitations of the study are discussed under the rural livelihoods framework, in which the indices are based, allowing a better understanding of the social behaviouraltrends, as well as an holistic and integrated view of the climate change, agriculture, and livelihoods processes shaping vulnerability. We conclude that these indices, although a straightforward method to assess vulnerability, have limitations that could account for inaccuracies and inability to be standardised for benchmarking, therefore we stress the need for further research.


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Aquesta Master Tesi té per objecte investigar la relació entre el canvi climàtic i el desenvolupament de destinacions turístiques madures. En concret, es pretén avançar en el coneixement que es té sobre: 1) com afectarà el canvi climàtic a les destinacions madures; 2) quines mesures s’estan prenent per a fer-hi front des de l’àmbit públic; i 3) en quina mesura la lluita contra el canvi climàtic pot alinear-se al costat dels processos de rejoveniment de les destinacions, de forma que ambdós es retroalimentin i generin sinèrgies positives perquè les destinacions turístiques les aprofitin per esdevenir més sostenibles i, a la vegada, es projectin cap al futur resultant més atractives. Per contrastar els avenços teòrics a nivell pràctic, s’ha decidit delimitar l’àrea geogràfica de la Costa Brava (Catalunya, Espanya) per tal de formular un estudi de cas, que consisteix en l’anàlisi de les Agendes 21 locals dels municipis de litoral. Aquesta anàlisi ha permès extreure conclusions que, si bé encara s’han de considerar a nivell prospectiu i les quals caldrà que siguin revalidades per la comunitat científica, igualment s’han de considerar valuoses per la seva aportació en les teories de gestió de destinacions turístiques i d’estratègies per fer front del canvi climàtic