993 resultados para Camões, a máquina do mundo repensada


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Fecha finalización tomada del código del documento


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El trabajo no ha sido publicado


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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The Support Vector Machines (SVM) has attracted increasing attention in machine learning area, particularly on classification and patterns recognition. However, in some cases it is not easy to determinate accurately the class which given pattern belongs. This thesis involves the construction of a intervalar pattern classifier using SVM in association with intervalar theory, in order to model the separation of a pattern set between distinct classes with precision, aiming to obtain an optimized separation capable to treat imprecisions contained in the initial data and generated during the computational processing. The SVM is a linear machine. In order to allow it to solve real-world problems (usually nonlinear problems), it is necessary to treat the pattern set, know as input set, transforming from nonlinear nature to linear problem. The kernel machines are responsible to do this mapping. To create the intervalar extension of SVM, both for linear and nonlinear problems, it was necessary define intervalar kernel and the Mercer s theorem (which caracterize a kernel function) to intervalar function


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In the last decade, the renewable energy sources have present a major propulsion in the world due to several factors: political, environmental, financial and others. Within this context, we have in particular the energy obtained through wind, wind energy - that has highlighted with rapid growth in recent years, including in Brazil, mostly in the Northeast, due to it s benefit-cost between the clean energies. In this context, we propose to compare the variable structure adaptive pole placement control (VS-APPC) with a traditional control technique proportional integral controller (PI), applied to set the control of machine side in a conversion system using a wind generator based on Double-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). Robustness and performance tests were carried out to the uncertainties of the internal parameters of the machine and variations of speed reference.


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El presente trabajo examina las relaciones de Roberto Arlt con el mundo de la literatura a fin de desmentir la imagen de un “advenedizo" o “semianalfabeto" que ciertas críticas y también algunas afirmaciones del propio autor han contribuido a crear. Por el contrario, se intenta demostrar que si lo que Arlt se propuso (y en cierto modo logró) fue dinamitar el edificio literario de su época, las armas con las que contó estaban en los libros, en los arsenales literarios que supo frecuentar.


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El siguiente artículo analiza la intensa reflexión sobre los medios de comunicación como lo propone la novela Saber perder (2008) del autor, guionista y director de cine David Trueba. El texto se inscribe en una línea genealógica trazada por, entre otros, Juan Goytisolo y su reflexión acerca de la medialidad de los recuerdos, Julio Llamazares y su estética de la percepción, pasando por Antonio Muñoz Molina y su uso de referencias intermediales para llegar finalmente a Ray Loriga y su invención de un acoplamiento medial entre hombre y máquina. David Trueba perfila el entrecruzamiento de realidad, percepción y medios en función de un análisis de las sociedades mediales que nos rodean: los personajes nos descubren hasta qué grado su percepción del mundo así como sus deseos íntimos están marcados y hasta modelados por distintos dispositivos mediales. En la medida en que las percepciones de estos personajes determinan la perspectiva del narrador creando así una novela poliperspectiva los medios ganan una dimensión narratológica


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El siguiente artículo analiza la intensa reflexión sobre los medios de comunicación como lo propone la novela Saber perder (2008) del autor, guionista y director de cine David Trueba. El texto se inscribe en una línea genealógica trazada por, entre otros, Juan Goytisolo y su reflexión acerca de la medialidad de los recuerdos, Julio Llamazares y su estética de la percepción, pasando por Antonio Muñoz Molina y su uso de referencias intermediales para llegar finalmente a Ray Loriga y su invención de un acoplamiento medial entre hombre y máquina. David Trueba perfila el entrecruzamiento de realidad, percepción y medios en función de un análisis de las sociedades mediales que nos rodean: los personajes nos descubren hasta qué grado su percepción del mundo así como sus deseos íntimos están marcados y hasta modelados por distintos dispositivos mediales. En la medida en que las percepciones de estos personajes determinan la perspectiva del narrador creando así una novela poliperspectiva los medios ganan una dimensión narratológica


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El siguiente artículo analiza la intensa reflexión sobre los medios de comunicación como lo propone la novela Saber perder (2008) del autor, guionista y director de cine David Trueba. El texto se inscribe en una línea genealógica trazada por, entre otros, Juan Goytisolo y su reflexión acerca de la medialidad de los recuerdos, Julio Llamazares y su estética de la percepción, pasando por Antonio Muñoz Molina y su uso de referencias intermediales para llegar finalmente a Ray Loriga y su invención de un acoplamiento medial entre hombre y máquina. David Trueba perfila el entrecruzamiento de realidad, percepción y medios en función de un análisis de las sociedades mediales que nos rodean: los personajes nos descubren hasta qué grado su percepción del mundo así como sus deseos íntimos están marcados y hasta modelados por distintos dispositivos mediales. En la medida en que las percepciones de estos personajes determinan la perspectiva del narrador creando así una novela poliperspectiva los medios ganan una dimensión narratológica


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Un método habitual de formarse una idea del futuro de la tecnología es leer a un reducido grupo de personajes, tales como Gates o Negroponte. Estos también confunden sus deseos con la realidad, tienden a ver el mundo en colorines y yerran, pero tienen sobre nosotros la ventaja de que sus palabras son las palabras de un selecto y denso colectivo de superespecialistas a sus órdenes. En parte, ellos son los dueños del futuro, lo están diseñando, construyendo o comprando en sus laboratorios o empresas. Tienen poder.


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El presente trabajo describe la construcción de una aplicación que controla a un Non Player Character (NPC), en un mundo virtual. La aplicación desarrollada, que tiene como nombre BotManager, realiza dos tareas fundamentales: 1) conectarse al repositorio de conocimiento, que en esta implementación es una ontología expresada en OWL, para obtener las acciones que debe realizar el NPC dentro del mundo virtual; y 2) ordenar al NPC que realice estas acciones en un mundo virtual creado con la plataforma OpenSimulator. BotManager puede tener variadas aplicaciones, por lo tanto puede ser usada como complemento en mundos virtuales aplicados a la educación, simulación, ocio, etc. Ahora bien, la principal razón que motivó el desarrollo del BotManager fue la de crear un sistema de demostración automática de tareas en un mundo virtual destinado a la educación/ entrenamiento. De esta forma, un Sistema Inteligente de Tutoría integrado con un mundo virtual podría demostrar paso a paso a un estudiante cómo realizar una tarea en el mundo virtual. La ontología que lee el BotManager extiende la ontología propuesta en la tesis “Una propuesta de modelado del estudiante basada en ontologías y diagnóstico pedagógico-cognitivo no monótono” de Julia Parraga en el 2011 (Ontología de Julia). La construcción y las pruebas del BotManager se llevaron a cabo en tres etapas: 1) creación de la Ontología de Acciones del NPC que extiende la Ontología de Julia; 2) diseño e implementación de la aplicación en C# que lee la ontología que contiene el plan de acción del NPC, y ordena al NPC realizar las acciones en el mundo virtual; y 3) pruebas de la aplicación con la práctica “preparación de una taza de cafe”, que es parte de un Laboratorio Virtual de Biotecnología. El BotManager se ha diseñado como una aplicación cliente que se conecta a un servidor de Open- Simulator. Por lo tanto, puede ejecutarse en una máquina distinta a la del servidor. Asimismo, en la implementación del BotManager se ha utilizado una librería gratuita denominada LibOpenMetaverse que permite controlar un NPC de forma remota.---ABSTRACT---This paper describes the construction of an application that controls a Non Player Character (NPC), in a virtual world. The application developed, called BotManager, performs two main tasks: 1) the connection to the repository of knowledge, which in this implementation is an ontology expressed in OWL, and retrieving the actions to be performed by the NPC within the virtual world; and 2) commanding the NPC to perform these actions in a virtual world created with the OpenSimulator platform. BotManager can have diverse applications, therefore it can be used as a complement in virtual worlds applied to education, simulation, entertainment, etc. However, the main reason behind the development of BotManager was to create an automatic demonstration of tasks in a virtual world for education / training. Thus, a virtual world integrated with an Intelligent Tutoring Systems could demonstrate step by step to a student how to perform a task in the virtual world. The ontology used by the BotManager extends ontology proposed in the thesis “A proposal for modeling ontologies based student and not monotonous teaching-cognitive diagnosis” by Julia Parraga in 2011 (Julia’s Ontology). Construction and testing of BotManager were conducted in three stages: 1) creation of the NPC Actions Ontology by extending the Julia’s Ontology; 2) design and implementation of the application in C# that reads the ontology containing the plan of action of the NPC, and commands the NPC to perform the read plan in the virtual world; and 3) testing of the application with the practice “preparing a cup of coffee”, which is part of a Virtual Laboratory of Biotechnology. The BotManager has been designed as a client application that connects to an OpenSimulator server. Therefore, it can run on a different machine to the server. To implement the BotManager we have used a free library called libopenmetaverse that allows us to control a NPC remotely.


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A number of studies in the areas of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences have employed machine learning tools to develop methods capable of identifying patterns in different sets of data. Despite its extinction in many countries of the developed world, Hansen’s disease is still a disease that affects a huge part of the population in countries such as India and Brazil. In this context, this research proposes to develop a method that makes it possible to understand in the future how Hansen’s disease affects facial muscles. By using surface electromyography, a system was adapted so as to capture the signals from the largest possible number of facial muscles. We have first looked upon the literature to learn about the way researchers around the globe have been working with diseases that affect the peripheral neural system and how electromyography has acted to contribute to the understanding of these diseases. From these data, a protocol was proposed to collect facial surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals so that these signals presented a high signal to noise ratio. After collecting the signals, we looked for a method that would enable the visualization of this information in a way to make it possible to guarantee that the method used presented satisfactory results. After identifying the method's efficiency, we tried to understand which information could be extracted from the electromyographic signal representing the collected data. Once studies demonstrating which information could contribute to a better understanding of this pathology were not to be found in literature, parameters of amplitude, frequency and entropy were extracted from the signal and a feature selection was made in order to look for the features that better distinguish a healthy individual from a pathological one. After, we tried to identify the classifier that best discriminates distinct individuals from different groups, and also the set of parameters of this classifier that would bring the best outcome. It was identified that the protocol proposed in this study and the adaptation with disposable electrodes available in market proved their effectiveness and capability of being used in different studies whose intention is to collect data from facial electromyography. The feature selection algorithm also showed that not all of the features extracted from the signal are significant for data classification, with some more relevant than others. The classifier Support Vector Machine (SVM) proved itself efficient when the adequate Kernel function was used with the muscle from which information was to be extracted. Each investigated muscle presented different results when the classifier used linear, radial and polynomial kernel functions. Even though we have focused on Hansen’s disease, the method applied here can be used to study facial electromyography in other pathologies.


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A number of studies in the areas of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences have employed machine learning tools to develop methods capable of identifying patterns in different sets of data. Despite its extinction in many countries of the developed world, Hansen’s disease is still a disease that affects a huge part of the population in countries such as India and Brazil. In this context, this research proposes to develop a method that makes it possible to understand in the future how Hansen’s disease affects facial muscles. By using surface electromyography, a system was adapted so as to capture the signals from the largest possible number of facial muscles. We have first looked upon the literature to learn about the way researchers around the globe have been working with diseases that affect the peripheral neural system and how electromyography has acted to contribute to the understanding of these diseases. From these data, a protocol was proposed to collect facial surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals so that these signals presented a high signal to noise ratio. After collecting the signals, we looked for a method that would enable the visualization of this information in a way to make it possible to guarantee that the method used presented satisfactory results. After identifying the method's efficiency, we tried to understand which information could be extracted from the electromyographic signal representing the collected data. Once studies demonstrating which information could contribute to a better understanding of this pathology were not to be found in literature, parameters of amplitude, frequency and entropy were extracted from the signal and a feature selection was made in order to look for the features that better distinguish a healthy individual from a pathological one. After, we tried to identify the classifier that best discriminates distinct individuals from different groups, and also the set of parameters of this classifier that would bring the best outcome. It was identified that the protocol proposed in this study and the adaptation with disposable electrodes available in market proved their effectiveness and capability of being used in different studies whose intention is to collect data from facial electromyography. The feature selection algorithm also showed that not all of the features extracted from the signal are significant for data classification, with some more relevant than others. The classifier Support Vector Machine (SVM) proved itself efficient when the adequate Kernel function was used with the muscle from which information was to be extracted. Each investigated muscle presented different results when the classifier used linear, radial and polynomial kernel functions. Even though we have focused on Hansen’s disease, the method applied here can be used to study facial electromyography in other pathologies.


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This interview (translated and published in Portuguese) was commissioned and conducted by the editors of the Brazilian Guide to Cultural Production 2010-2011 (Edicoes SESC SP, 2010). It covers a range of topics including definitions of the Creative Industries; the value of innovation and creativity in business and education; QUT's Creative Industries Faculty; and the relationship between creative industries and the arts.