985 resultados para CALICHEMICIN-GAMMA-1


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B cells are the primary targets of infection for mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV). However, for productive retroviral infection, T cell stimulation through the virally-encoded superantigen (SAG) is necessary. It activates B cells and leads to cell division and differentiation. To characterize the role of B cell differentiation for the MMTV life cycle, we studied the course of infection in transgenic mice deficient for CD28/CTLA4-B7 interactions (mCTLA4-H gamma 1 transgenic mice). B cell infection occurred in CTLA4-H gamma 1 transgenic mice as integrated proviral DNA could be detected in draining lymph node cells early after infection by polymerase chain reaction analysis. In mice expressing I-E, B cells were able to present the viral SAG efficiently to V beta 6+ T cells. These cells expanded specifically and were triggered to express the activation marker CD69. Further stages of progression of infection appeared to be defective. Kinetics experiments indicated that T and B cell stimulation stopped more rapidly than in control mice. B cells acquired an activated CD69+ phenotype, were induced to produce IgM but only partially switched to IgG secretion. Finally, the dissemination of infected cells to other lymph nodes and spleen was reduced and the peripheral deletion of V beta 6+ T cells was minimal. In contrast, in mice lacking I-E, T cell stimulation was also impaired and B cell activation undetectable. These data implicate B7-dependent cellular interactions for superantigenic T cell stimulation by low-affinity TCR ligands and suggest a role of B cell differentiation in viral dissemination and peripheral T cell deletion.


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We present a combined shape and mechanical anisotropy evolution model for a two-phase inclusion-bearing rock subject to large deformation. A single elliptical inclusion embedded in a homogeneous but anisotropic matrix is used to represent a simplified shape evolution enforced on all inclusions. The mechanical anisotropy develops due to the alignment of elongated inclusions. The effective anisotropy is quantified using the differential effective medium (DEM) approach. The model can be run for any deformation path and an arbitrary viscosity ratio between the inclusion and host phase. We focus on the case of simple shear and weak inclusions. The shape evolution of the representative inclusion is largely insensitive to the anisotropy development and to parameter variations in the studied range. An initial hardening stage is observed up to a shear strain of gamma = 1 irrespective of the inclusion fraction. The hardening is followed by a softening stage related to the developing anisotropy and its progressive rotation toward the shear direction. The traction needed to maintain a constant shear rate exhibits a fivefold drop at gamma = 5 in the limiting case of an inviscid inclusion. Numerical simulations show that our analytical model provides a good approximation to the actual evolution of a two-phase inclusion-host composite. However, the inclusions develop complex sigmoidal shapes resulting in the formation of an S-C fabric. We attribute the observed drop in the effective normal viscosity to this structural development. We study the localization potential in a rock column bearing varying fraction of inclusions. In the inviscid inclusion case, a strain jump from gamma = 3 to gamma = 100 is observed for a change of the inclusion fraction from 20% to 33%.


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We report on the results of the spectral and timing analysis of a BeppoSAX observation of the microquasar system LS 5039/RX J1826.2-1450. The source was found in a low-flux state with Fx(1-10 keV)= 4.7 x 10^{-12} erg cm^{-2} s^{-1}, which represents almost one order of magnitude lower than a previous RXTE observation 2.5 years before. The 0.1--10 keV spectrum is described by an absorbed power-law continuum with photon-number spectral index Gamma=1.8+-0.2 and hydrogen column density of NH=1.0^{+0.4}_{-0.3} x 10^{22} cm^{-2}. According to the orbital parameters of the system the BeppoSAX observation covers the time of an X-ray eclipse should one occur. However, the 1.6-10 keV light curve does not show evidence for such an event, which allows us to give an upper limit to the inclination of the system. The low X-ray flux detected during this observation is interpreted as a decrease in the mass accretion rate onto the compact object due to a decrease in the mass-loss rate from the primary.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Footemineite, ideally Ca2Mn2+square Mn22+Be4(PO4)(6)(OH)(4)-6H(2)O, triclinic, is a new member of the roscherite group. It occurs on thin fractures crossing quartz-microcline-spodumene pegmatite at the Foote mine, Kings Mountain, Cleveland County, North Carolina, U.S.A. Associated minerals are albite, analcime, eosphorite, siderite/rhodochrosite, fairfieldite, fluorapatite, quartz, milarite, and pyrite. Footemineite forms prismatic to bladed generally rough to barrel-shaped crystals up to about 1.5 mm long and I mm in diameter. Its color is yellow, the streak is white, and the luster is vitreous to slightly pearly. Footemineite is transparent and non-fluorescent. Twinning is simple, by reflection, with twin boundaries across the length of the crystals. Cleavage is good on {0 (1) over bar1}) and {100}. Density (calc.) is 2.873 g/cm(3). Footemineite is biaxial (-), n(alpha) = 1.620(2), n(beta) = 1.627(2), n(gamma) = 1.634(2) (white light). 2V(obs) = 80 degrees, 2V(calc) = 89.6 degrees. Orientation: X boolean AND b similar to 12 degrees, Y boolean AND c similar to 15 degrees, Z boolean AND a similar to 15 degrees. Elongation direction is c, dispersion: r > v or r < v, weak. Pleochroism: beta (brownish yellow) > alpha = gamma (yellow). Mossbauer and IR spectra are given. The chemical composition is (EDS mode electron microprobe, Li and Be by ICP-OES, Fe3+:Fe2+ y Mossbauer, H2O by TG data, wt%): Li2O 0.23, BeO 9.54, CaO 9.43, SrO 0.23, BaO 0.24, MgO 0.18, MnO 26.16, FeO 2.77, Fe2O3 0.62, Al2O3 0.14, P2O5 36.58, SiO2 0.42, H2O 13.1, total 99.64. The empirical formula is (Ca1.89Sr0.03Ba0.02)Sigma(1.94)(Mn-0.90(2+)square(0.10))Sigma(1.00)(square 0.78Li0.17Mg0.05) Sigma(1.00)(Mn3.252+Fe0.432+ Fe0.093+Al0.03)Sigma(3.80) Be-4.30(P5.81Si0.08O24)[(OH)3.64(H2O)0.36]Sigma(4.00)center dot 6.00H(2)O . The strongest reflection peaks of the powder diffraction pattern [d, angstrom (1, %) (hkl)] are 9.575 (53) (010), 5.998 (100) (0 (1) over bar1), 4.848 (26) (021), 3.192 (44) (210), 3.003 (14) (0 (2) over bar2), 2.803 (38) ((1) over bar 03), 2.650 (29) ((2) over bar 02), 2.424 (14) (231). Single-crystal unit-cell parameters are a = 6.788(2), b = 9.972(3), c = 10.014(2) A, (x = 73.84(2), beta = 85.34(2), gamma = 87.44(2)degrees,V = 648.74 angstrom(3), Z = 1. The space group is P (1) over bar. Crystal structure was refined to R = 0.0347 with 1273 independent reflections (F > 2(5). Footemineite is dimorphous with roscherite, and isostructural with atencioite. It is identical with the mineral from Foote mine described as ""triclinic roscherite."" The name is for the Foote mine, type locality for this and several other minerals.


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Let f be a homeomorphism of the closed annulus A that preserves the orientation, the boundary components and that has a lift (f) over tilde to the in finite strip (A) over tilde which is transitive. We show that, if the rotation number of (f) over tilde restricted to both boundary components of A is strictly positive, then there exists a closed nonempty connected set Gamma subset of (A) over tilde such that Gamma subset of] - infinity,0] x [0,1], Gamma is unbounded, the projection of to Gamma A is dense, Gamma - (1, 0) subset of Gamma and (f) over tilde(Gamma) subset of Gamma. Also, if p(1) is the projection on the first coordinate of (A) over tilde, then there exists d > 0 such that, for any (z) over tilde is an element of Gamma, lim sup (n ->infinity) p(1)((f) over tilde (n) ((Z) over tilde)) - p(1) ((Z) over tilde)/n < -d.


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We classify up to isomorphism the spaces of compact operators K(E, F), where E and F are Banach spaces of all continuous functions defined on the compact spaces 2(m) circle plus [0, alpha], the topological sum of Cantor cubes 2(m) and the intervals of ordinal numbers [0, alpha]. More precisely, we prove that if 2(m) and aleph(gamma) are not real-valued measurable cardinals and n >= aleph(0) is not sequential cardinal, then for every ordinals xi, eta, lambda and mu with xi >= omega(1), eta >= omega(1), lambda = mu < omega or lambda, mu is an element of [omega(gamma), omega(gamma+1)[, the following statements are equivalent: (a) K(C(2(m) circle plus [0, lambda]), C(2(n) circle plus [0, xi])) and K(C(2(m) circle plus [0, mu]), C(2(n) circle plus [0, eta]) are isomorphic. (b) Either C([0, xi]) is isomorphic to C([0, eta] or C([0, xi]) is isomorphic to C([0, alpha p]) and C([0, eta]) is isomorphic to C([0,alpha q]) for some regular cardinal alpha and finite ordinals p not equal q. Thus, it is relatively consistent with ZFC that this result furnishes a complete isomorphic classification of these spaces of compact operators. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Some dynamical properties of a particle suffering the action of a generic drag force are obtained for a dissipative Fermi Acceleration model. The dissipation is introduced via a viscous drag force, like a gas, and is assumed to be proportional to a power of the velocity: F alpha -nu(gamma). The dynamics is described by a two-dimensional nonlinear area-contracting mapping obtained via the solution of Newton's second law of motion. We prove analytically that the decay of high energy is given by a continued fraction which recovers the following expressions: (i) linear for gamma = 1; (ii) exponential for gamma = 2; and (iii) second-degree polynomial type for gamma = 1.5. Our results are discussed for both the complete version and the simplified version. The procedure used in the present paper can be extended to many different kinds of system, including a class of billiards problems.


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The influence of additions of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 wt.% Ag in the isothermal aging kinetics of the Cu-8 wt.% Al alloy was studied using microhardness measurements, differential scanning calorimetry, optical and scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractometry. The results indicate that the presence of silver is responsible for the shift of the equilibrium concentration to higher Al contents, allowing the formation of the gamma(1) phase (Al4Cu9) in this alloy. For Ag additions up to 6% the dominant kinetic process is Ag precipitation and for additions from 8 to 12% Ag the nucleation of the perlitic phase dominates. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The thermal behavior of Cu-Al alloys with 17, 19 and 21 at.%Al was examined by differential thermal analysis (DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The presence of the gamma phase (Al4Cu9) was clearly detected for the Cu-19 at.%Al alloy and caused the alpha (2) phase disordering process in two stages. The tendency to increase the alpha (2) dissolution precipitates with the increase in the Al content seems to be reverted for compositions at about 21 at.%Al and the heating/cooling ratio seems to influence the thermal response of this process. The presence of the endothermic peak corresponding to the beta (1)--> beta transformation depends on an incomplete beta decomposition reaction. The variation of the heating rate showed that the beta (1)-->(alpha+gamma (1)) decomposition is the dominant reaction for alloys containing 19 and 21 at.%Al.


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The corrosion resistance of three of the constituent phases in high copper dental amalgams has been investigated by electrochemical methods in 0.9% NaCl solution. Polarization curves show corrosion potentials most positive for gamma(1)-Ag2Hg3, followed by Ag-Cu, and gamma-Ag3Sn in agreement with the order of corrosion resistance deduced from the corrosion currents. Complex plane impedance plots at the open circuit potential showed distorted semicircles with diffusional components at low frequency for Ag-Hg and Ag-Cu, while for gamma-Ag3Sn a layer of corrosion products is formed, partially or completely covering the surface of the electrode. Impedance and noise spectra have been compared in the frequency domain, and show good agreement. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The non-occurrence of the beta' -> (alpha+ gamma(1)) decomposition reaction in the Cu-9 wt.% Al-6 wt.% Ag alloy, on ageing between 200 and 450 degrees C, is discussed considering the influence of Ag on point defects redistribution and energy difference between martensite and the ordered parent phase. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Dental amalgams, formed by reaction of mercury with a powder alloy containing mainly Ag, Sn, Cu and Zn, have a complex metallurgical structure which can contain up to six phases. Their observed corrosion is thus a complex process, which involves contributions from each of the phases present as well as intergranular corrosion. It is thus of interest to investigate the corrosion of individual phases present in dental amalgams. In this work the corrosion behaviour in 0.9% NaCl solution of Ag-Hg, Ag-Sn and Sn-Hg phase components of dental amalgams was investigated by electrochemical methods. The corrosion resistance was found to decrease in the order gamma (1)-Ag2\Hg3, gamma -Ag3Sn and gamma (2)-Sn7Hg. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The influence of 4 wt.%Ag addition on the isothermal decomposition kinetics of the beta' phase in the Cu-9wt.%Al alloy was studied by microhardness measurements, optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis, and X-ray diffractometry. The results showed that the presence of Ag decreases the beta' --> (alpha + gamma(1)) decomposition reaction rate in the Cu-9%Al-4%Ag alloy, an effect that may be associated to the gamma(1) phase which catalyses the Ag precipitation, making it faster than the decomposition reaction, and thus, stabilizing the martensitic phase. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of the disordered (Cu)-alpha phase in the isothermal aging kinetics of the Cu-19 at.%Al alloy was studied using microhardness measurements, optical and scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractometry. The results indicate that the beta'-->(alpha+gamma (1)) decomposition reaction rate increases with the increase of the temperature in the range between 150 and 500 degreesC and at 600 degreesC the reaction is delayed by the alpha phase precipitation. The value obtained for the activation energy indicates an interface diffusion controlled reaction. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.