984 resultados para C. S.Lewis
El objetivo general de la presente investigación está orientado a analizar en profundidad la perspectiva filosófico-pragmatista que desarrollara Clarence Irving Lewis en torno a la teorÃa del conocimiento, señalando las vinculaciones e implicancias de la misma para su teorÃa de la valoración y para la ética temas que consideramos centrales en las agendas de investigación actuales en epistemologÃa. Todo ello con el propósito de contribuir a una mejor comprensión de su importancia e incidencia en el marco de la corriente pragmatista, de determinar el carácter original y novedoso de sus aportes al campo de la epistemologÃa, y de evaluar su potencial para pensar las prácticas cognitivas y cientÃficas actuales. Cabe señalar que C. I. Lewis forma parte de la tradición del pragmatismo clásico, un movimiento filosófico surgido en EEUU a finales del s. XIX en torno a la obra de pensadores como C. S. Peirce, W. James, J. Dewey y G. H. Mead. Si bien esta lÃnea de pensamiento ha sido criticada y en muchos aspectos malinterpretada, desde hace ya unas décadas ha resurgido un neto interés en dicho pensamiento desde perspectivas interpretativas de innegable valor para el campo de la epistemologÃa, de la vida social y de la ética; más allá de las coincidencias y divergencias que sin duda sigue suscitando. En lo que respecta especialmente a Lewis, ha sido sin duda uno de los epistemólogos más importantes de la filosofÃa norteamericana durante el siglo XX. Su largo paso por Harvard, como estudiante y como profesor, le significó una importante formación, una vinculación con grandes pensadores de la filosofÃa local y continental, y una indudable influencia en las generaciones que le sucedieron. Sin embargo, su filosofÃa no ha recibido la atención que merece en su propio contexto y, mucho menos, en la filosofÃa de habla hispana. Ha sido, además, objeto de diferentes interpretaciones y asociaciones, muchas de las cuales lo desvincularon de la corriente del pragmatismo clásico opacando sus más lúcidos aportes teóricos. Frente a este estado de la cuestión y teniendo en cuenta, por otra parte, el resurgimiento que ha tenido el pensamiento pragmatista en las últimas décadas y el renovado interés que se registra en torno a sus perspectivas interpretativas para el terreno de la epistemologÃa, la filosofÃa polÃtica y la ética, es que nos proponemos los siguientes objetivos especÃficos de trabajo. En primer lugar, recobrar el pensamiento lewisiano analizando en profundidad su novedosa posición, denominada "pragmatismo conceptualista", sistematizando sus conceptos especÃficos y sus tesis fundamentales. En segundo lugar, dar cuenta de su filiación pragmatista para asà habilitar lo que, a nuestro juicio y tal como pretendemos mostrar aquÃ, constituye una mejor y más cabal comprensión de su propuesta integral; o, dicho en sentido inverso, abordar desde una perspectiva global su propuesta filosófica en torno al conocimiento de modo de poner en evidencia su innegable veta pragmatista. En tercer lugar, dar a conocer para el caso de la filosofÃa hispanoparlante lo que consideramos una de las teorÃas gnoseológicas más complejas, potentes y acabadas del siglo XX (sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que es casi desconocida en dicho contexto y que no ha sido traducida al español), de manera tal de habilitar su incorporación a las reflexiones actuales vinculadas al resurgimiento que tiene desde hace unas décadas el pragmatismo. En cuarto lugar, dar cuenta de algunos problemas o puntos de tensión que presenta su teorÃa y revisar algunas de las principales crÃticas que ha recibido. Finalmente y acorde a todo lo anterior, evaluar la pertinencia, los aportes y la incidencia de la perspectiva lewisiana en el campo del conocimiento para asà contribuir a las discusiones más actuales en epistemologÃa y filosofÃa de las ciencias, asà como también a las reflexiones éticas y axiológicas Ãntimamente vinculadas a ellas. En función de los objetivos anteriormente señalados, proponemos una metodologÃa consistente en abordar analÃticamente la concepción filosófica de Lewis a lo largo de diferentes escritos, centrándonos básicamente en su teorÃa del conocimiento; situar contextualmente su pensamiento tratando de reconstruir su trayecto filosófico a través de distintos tópicos e intereses; mostrar las influencias que recibió y las que supo ejercer a partir de diferentes intercambios con profesores, colegas y alumnos; y abordar algunos de los problemas gnoseológicos más importantes a los que Lewis pretendió dar respuesta, señalando el tono especÃfico de los debates en los que se enmarcaban y analizando puntualmente algunas de las crÃticas de mayor relevancia que se le han formulado y que, a nuestro juicio, han incidido en la recepción de sus propuestas. Todo ello, en orden a dar cuenta crÃtica y argumentalmente de las siguientes tesis: que (1) Lewis es un pragmatista, a pesar de las importantes interpretaciones en contrario realizadas por destacados filósofos contemporáneos; que (2) su propuesta constituye un genuino sistema filosófico de ideas sólidamente articuladas sobre el trasfondo de su perspectiva pragmatista; que (3) si asumimos las dos tesis anteriores muchas de las dificultades interpretativas que por momentos pone de manifiesto la teorÃa lewisiana se resuelven reforzando consistentemente dichas premisas; lo cual nos permite pensar que (4) en muchos casos Lewis ha sido mal comprendido precisamente porque se lo ha desvinculado del pragmatismo o porque se han desarticulado algunas partes de su teorÃa, de su sistema como un todo; y finalmente, y en consonancia con los objetivos principales del trabajo, la tesis según la cual (5) la interpretación en clave pragmatista de Lewis ofrece una perspectiva integral de su teorÃa que resuelve ciertas aporÃas al mismo tiempo que permite visualizar un conjunto de aportes que resultan significativos para las discusiones epistemológicas actuales; todos éstos resultados que, a su vez, nos estimulan a seguir en nuestra dirección interpretativa. Por último, ofrecemos algunas conclusiones finales que muestran resumidamente los argumentos que nos permiten respaldar las afirmaciones anteriormente señaladas, que recapitulan en lÃneas generales los puntos más significativos desarrollados a lo largo del trabajo, y que retoman de manera orgánica las conclusiones parciales obtenidas. Asimismo, ofrecemos un conjunto de hipótesis que podrÃan orientar una futura investigación que de continuidad al trabajo aquà presentado y que se fundan en la convicción de que la propuesta de Lewis tiene todavÃa mucho que aportar y que su incorporación a las reflexiones actuales puede resultar muy enriquecedora
Josef Pieper e C. S. Lewis são dois dos principais filósofos do nosso tempo. A presente pesquisa visa analisar as doutrinas desses pensadores sobre o amor e extrair as consequências para a educação. Pieper e Lewis são importantes intelectuais, respeitados por todo o mundo acadêmico, por conta de suas obras, originais e profundas, como pensadores cristãos. Seus estudos sobre o amor cada autor com seu próprio ponto de vista são incontornáveis para todos que se ocupam da educação. Lewis e Pieper compartilham uma metodologia centrada na linguagem, o que leva à compreensão da essência comum aos amores (Pieper) e dos quatro amores: afeto, amizade, eros e caridade (Lewis). E ambos voltam-se para a linguagem comum. Quanto mais a palavra amor é distorcida e deturpada hoje em dia, tanto mais é necessária uma análise filosófica como a de Pieper e Lewis. De acordo com os autores, a educação para o amor remete à Antropologia Filosófica e esta dissertação apresenta a conexão entre a concepção de amor e a de homem, e a educação que a elas se segue.
Patients who cannot secrete ABO and Lewis blood group antigens into body fluids, an ability controlled by a single gene on chromosome 19, are known to be at increased risk of certain autoimmune diseases associated with human leucocyte antigen (HLA) markers. This study investigated the possibility of an association with coeliac disease using red cell Lewis (Le) blood group phenotype to infer secretor status. Among 73 patients with coeliac disease who had Le a or b antigen, 48% were non-secretors (Le a + b-) compared with 27% of 137 blood donors (p = 0.004: odds ratio 2.49, 95% confidence intervals 1.37 to 4.51) and 26% of 62 medical and nursing staff controls (p = 0.014: odds ratio 2.65, 95% confidence intervals 1.27 to 5.50). Clinical characteristics did not differ between secretors and non-secretors with coeliac disease. Thus, the non-secretor state is significantly associated with coeliac disease, suggesting that genes on chromosome 19 may directly or indirectly participate in conferring susceptibility.
Washington Street profile covers 30th Street between Q and R streets N.W. Fayette Street profile covers 35th Street between Volta Place and Wisconsin Avenue N.W.
Both tracts border on Rock Creek.
Using self authorship as a theoretical framework, this chapter examines the relationship between personal epistemology and beliefs about children’s learning for students studying to be child care workers in Australia. Scenario-based interviews were used to investigate how students’ views of knowledge, identity and relationships with others were related to beliefs about how children learn. Implications for vocational education are discussed.
Optimal decision-making requires us to accurately pinpoint the basis of our thoughts, e.g. whether they originate from our memory or our imagination. This paper argues that the phenomenal qualities of our subjective experience provide permissible evidence to revise beliefs, particularly as it pertains to memory. I look to the source monitoring literature to reconcile circumstances where mnemic beliefs and mnemic qualia conflict. By separating the experience of remembering from biological facts of memory, unusual cases make sense, such as memory qualia without memory (e.g. déjà vu, false memories) or a failure to have memory qualia with memory (e.g. functional amnesia, unintentional plagiarism). I argue that a pragmatic, probabilistic approach to belief revision is a way to rationally incorporate information from conscious experience, whilst acknowledging its inherent difficulties as an epistemic source. I conclude with a Bayesian defense of source monitoring based on C.I. Lewis’ coherence argument for memorial knowledge.
Research related to personal epistemology in teacher education indicates that teachers’ beliefs about knowing and learning influence their pedagogical practices. In the current study, we interviewed 31 child care students to investigate the relationship between personal epistemology and beliefs about children’s learning as they engaged in teaching practices with young children. We drew on self authorship theory to analyze this data, which considers the evolving capacity of learners to analyze and make informed judgments about knowledge (personal epistemology)in the light of their professional identity (intrapersonal beliefs) and interdependent social relationships (interpersonal beliefs). The majority of students described practical personal epistemologies which involved either modeling, reflection on, or evaluation of practical strategies. These epistemologies have implications for child care teachers’ professional identities and their relationships with families, children, and staff in child care contexts.
Herbicide contamination from agriculture is a major issue worldwide, and has been identified as a threat to freshwater and marine environments in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area in Australia. The triazine herbicides are of particular concern because of potential adverse effects, both on photosynthetic organisms and upon vertebrate development. To date a number of bioremediation strategies have been proposed for triazine herbicides, but are unlikely to be implemented due to their reliance upon the release of genetically modified organisms. We propose an alternative strategy using a free-enzyme bioremediant, which is unconstrained by the issues surrounding the use of live organisms. Here we report an initial field trial with an enzyme-based product, demonstrating that the technology is technically capable of remediating water bodies contaminated with the most common triazine herbicide, atrazine.
The stable isotopes of delta O-18 and delta C-13 in sagittal otolith carbonates were used to determine the stock structure of Grey Mackerel, Scomberomorus semifasciatus. Otoliths were collected from Grey Mackerel at ten locations representing much of their distributional and fisheries range across northern Australia from 2005 to 2007. Across this broad range (similar to 6500 km), fish from four broad locations-Western Australia (S1), Northern Territory and Gulf of Carpentaria (S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7), Queensland east coast mid and north sites (S8, S9) and Queensland east coast south site (S10)-had stable isotope values that were significantly different indicating stock separation. Otolith stable isotopes differed more between locations than among years within a location, indicating temporal stability across years. The spatial separation of these populations indicates a complex stock structure across northern Australia. Stocks of S. semifasciatus appear to be associated with large coastal embayments. These results indicate that optimal fisheries management may require a review of the current spatial arrangements, particularly in relation to the evidence of shared stocks in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Furthermore, as the population of S. semifasciatus in Western Australia exhibited high spatial separation from those at all the other locations examined, further research activities should focus on investigating additional locations within Western Australia for an enhanced determination of stock delineation. From the issue entitled "Proceedings of the 4th International Otolith Symposium, 24-28 August 2009, Monterey, California"
This book contains guidelines on market-driven production for export markets, with information on how the marketing chain operates and what risks are involved. Using rice flower as an example, the book gives growers strategies to enhance their market performance and improve the profitability of their enterprises. It outlines some practical suggestions for marketing rice flower in Japan, the United States, Taiwan and Hong Kong as well as in Australia, and also provides a draft standard for rice flower for export markets.
To quantify the impact that planting indigenous trees and shrubs in mixed communities (environmental plantings) have on net sequestration of carbon and other environmental or commercial benefits, precise and non-biased estimates of biomass are required. Because these plantings consist of several species, estimation of their biomass through allometric relationships is a challenging task. We explored methods to accurately estimate biomass through harvesting 3139 trees and shrubs from 22 plantings, and collating similar datasets from earlier studies, in non-arid (>300mm rainfallyear-1) regions of southern and eastern Australia. Site-and-species specific allometric equations were developed, as were three types of generalised, multi-site, allometric equations based on categories of species and growth-habits: (i) species-specific, (ii) genus and growth-habit, and (iii) universal growth-habit irrespective of genus. Biomass was measured at plot level at eight contrasting sites to test the accuracy of prediction of tonnes dry matter of above-ground biomass per hectare using different classes of allometric equations. A finer-scale analysis tested performance of these at an individual-tree level across a wider range of sites. Although the percentage error in prediction could be high at a given site (up to 45%), it was relatively low (<11%) when generalised allometry-predictions of biomass was used to make regional- or estate-level estimates across a range of sites. Precision, and thus accuracy, increased slightly with the level of specificity of allometry. Inclusion of site-specific factors in generic equations increased efficiency of prediction of above-ground biomass by as much as 8%. Site-and-species-specific equations are the most accurate for site-based predictions. Generic allometric equations developed here, particularly the generic species-specific equations, can be confidently applied to provide regional- or estate-level estimates of above-ground biomass and carbon. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
The root-lesion nematodes (RLN) Pratylenchus thornei and P. neglectus are widely distributed in Australian grain producing regions and can reduce the yield of intolerant wheat cultivars by up to 65 , costing the industry ~123 M AUD/year. Consequently, researchers in the northern, southern and western regions have independently developed procedures to evaluate the resistance of cereal cultivars to RLN. To compare results, each of the three laboratories phenotyped a set of 26 and 36 cereal cultivars for relative resistance/susceptibility to P. thornei and P. neglectus respectively. The northern and southern regions also investigated the effects of planting time and experiment duration on RLN reproduction and cultivar ranking. Results show the genetic correlation between cultivars tested using the northern and southern procedures evaluating P. thornei resistance was 0.93. Genetic correlations between experiments using the same procedure, but with different planting times, were 0.99 for both northern and southern procedures. The genetic correlation between cultivars tested using the northern, southern and western procedures evaluating P. neglectus resistance ranged from 0.71 to 0.95. Genetic correlations between experiments using the same procedure but with different planting times ranged from 0.91 to 0.99. This study established that, even though experiments were conducted in different geographic locations and with different trial management practices, the diverse nematode resistance screening procedures ranked cultivars similarly. Consequently, RLN resistance data can be pooled across regions to provide national consensus ratings of cultivars.