948 resultados para Cárdenas, José Alejo.


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El fracaso de los proyectos revolucionarios, la instauración de gobiernos militares a lo largo del continente y las discusiones sobre la validez de las grandes narrativas del siglo XIX, que introducen la denominada condición posmoderna, suscitan en América Latina a finales del siglo XX una reelectura desmitificadora del pasado (Pons, 2000). En esta dinámica participan novelas como La muerte de Artemio Cruz (1962) de Carlos Fuentes, El siglo de las luces (1962) de Alejo Carpentier y Yo, el supremo (1974) de Augusto Roa Bastos. Tales novelas inauguran una serie signada por la revisión crítica del pasado en la que podemos inscribir las novelas La revolución es un sueño eterno (1987) de Andrés Rivera, La astucia de la razón (1990) de José Pablo Feinmann y La campaña (1990) de Carlos Fuentes. En el presente artículo observaremos filiaciones y oposiciones en el modo en que estas tres últimas novelas representan el objeto discursivo revolución


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El fracaso de los proyectos revolucionarios, la instauración de gobiernos militares a lo largo del continente y las discusiones sobre la validez de las grandes narrativas del siglo XIX, que introducen la denominada condición posmoderna, suscitan en América Latina a finales del siglo XX una reelectura desmitificadora del pasado (Pons, 2000). En esta dinámica participan novelas como La muerte de Artemio Cruz (1962) de Carlos Fuentes, El siglo de las luces (1962) de Alejo Carpentier y Yo, el supremo (1974) de Augusto Roa Bastos. Tales novelas inauguran una serie signada por la revisión crítica del pasado en la que podemos inscribir las novelas La revolución es un sueño eterno (1987) de Andrés Rivera, La astucia de la razón (1990) de José Pablo Feinmann y La campaña (1990) de Carlos Fuentes. En el presente artículo observaremos filiaciones y oposiciones en el modo en que estas tres últimas novelas representan el objeto discursivo revolución


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Capítulo del libro Arquitectura española del exilio, de Juan José Martín Frechilla


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El embarazo en la adolescencia es un problema que no solamente cambia el futuro de la joven adolescente, sino el de su familia y hasta el de la sociedad. Muchos estudios establecen que son los factores socioeconómicos la causa de la mayor morbimortalidad encontrada en madres adolecentes y sus hijos. En este trabajo planteamos que más que estos factores, es la edad meterna lo que influye en nuestro medio al igual que otros factores psicosociales. Se estudiaron 250 embarazadas adolescentes y 250 adultas procedentes de dos hospitales públicos, escogidas al azar durante un año. Al ingreso para el parto, se les aplicó un cuestionario mediante entrevista y se les examinó fisicamente. También se examinó al recién nacido. Se relacionaron los factores de riesgo descritos en la literatura médica y encontrados en las embarazadas [que en nuestro estudio afectaron por igual a las madres adolescentes y a las madres adultas] con la morbimortalidad neonatal y materna, determinándose mayor afectación entre las adolescentes y sus hijos. Más que los factores de riesgo socieconómicos fueron los biológicos los que se identifican como causa de los efectos negativos encontrados. Los aspectos psicosociales no tuvieron resultados significativos. Finalmente podemos decir que admás de los factores de riesgo biológicos, la edad materna influyó en los resultados de morbimortalidad neonatal y morbilidad materna encontrados.


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Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo en 105 pacientes ingresados con diagnóstico de cáncer de próstata, en el serivicio de urología del H. José Carrasco Arteaga en los años 2003-2007. Se utilizó para la recolección de datos el cuestionario. Se encontró que la edad de la mayoría de los pacientes, oscila entre 70 a 79 años: 35.2promedio de 73 años y desvio estándar de 11,12, la raza mestiza predomina con un 99y el nivel de instrucción primaria es de 66.7. Pocos de ellos tienen antecedentes familiares de cáncer de próstata, tan solo un 4.8, tampoco se han expuesto a químicos 80, aunque cierto número ha estado en contacto con pesticidas 13.3, pinturas 4.8y lubricantes 1.9, la mayoría no realiza ejercicio físico 99, y el 97.1consumen una dieta hidrocarbonada


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Antecedentes. La ejecución de las Normas de Bioseguridad, es una responsabilidad de la institución donde se incluye a todos los funcionarios. En el servicio de partos existen elementos nocivos o potencialmente peligrosos, como los productos biológicos provenientes de los pacientes y los reactivos químicos de diferente naturaleza. Es necesario reconocer estos peligros para establecer y aplicar medidas de prevención y seguridad (1). Objetivo: Determinar los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas del personal médico y de enfermería en la sala de partos del hospital José Carrasco Arteaga, en la aplicación de las normas de bioseguridad en la atención del recién nacido, Cuenca 2015. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo - descriptivo, la muestra estaba constituida por 50 profesionales de la sala de partos del Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga. Las técnicas de investigación fueron la encuesta, la observación y la revisión bibliográfica, los instrumentos utilizados fueron ficha de registro, y la encuesta. Los resultados fueron analizados en tablas simples y de contingencia mediante los programas de Word. Excel y SPSS versión 21. Resultados: el 98% del personal desecha correctamente el material corto punzantes, el 86% del personal siempre lava sus manos antes y después de atender a la madre. Conclusiones: Al finalizar podemos decir que el 98% de los profesionales conoce lo que es bioseguridad, pero el 80% de los profesionales no aplica estas normas en el servicio. Para mejorar esto se debe elaborar y mejorar estrategias de capacitación.


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Establecer la prevalencia de no adherencia a la terapéutica farmacológica y relacionarla con las variables: sexo, edad, escolaridad, tipo de beneficiario de la seguridad social, conocimiento de la enfermedad, tiempo de tratamiento, tratamiento farmacológico, dosis, sincronía en el consumo de fármacos, efectos colaterales, acceso a medicamentos, información médico paciente y apoyo para el cumplimiento - Métodos y materiales: se realizó un estudio transversal; el universo fueron los pacientes hipertensos atendidos en Julio del 2007; la muestra fue aleatoria, 93 pacientes; se realizó una visita posterior a la captación en casa y se aplicó un formulario con las variables en estudio; se realizó el conteo de medicamentos. Cumplidores fueron quienes consumieron entre 80 y 100 % de los medicamentos tomados a la misma hora el día anterior y el de la visita. No cumplidores fueron los que consumieron menos del 80 % y más del 100 % o quienes tenían entre 80 y 100 % pero su horario variaba entre un día y otro. - Resultados: la prevalencia fue del 79,57 %. No hubo asociación estadísticamente significativa con las variables estudiadas. Los resultados de las variables fueron: edad menor a 66 años, RP 1,21; consumo asincrónico de fármacos, RP 1,17; no acceso a medicamentos, RP 1,17; tratamiento multifármaco, RP 1,13; ser afiliado activo, voluntario, campesino, artesanal, RP 1,04; efectos colaterales de los medicamentos, RP 1,04. - Conclusión: la prevalencia de no adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico es elevada. Los factores considerados asociados no fueron estadísticamente significativos en la presente investigación


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El interés de esta monografía es evaluar la relación entre el orden institucional del Estado colombiano y las lógicas del control territorial de los paramilitares sobre el Urabá antioqueño durante el periodo 1997-2007. Se analiza y explica cómo los grupos paramilitares aprovecharon el contexto de debilidad institucional del Urabá antioqueño para consolidar estructuras paraestatales que instrumentalizaron y cooptaron la institucionalidad del Estado con la pretensión de reproducir las condiciones necesarias para su sostenimiento. Así como las consecuencias sobre la Institucionalidad regional a causa de la consolidación de un control político de corte autoritario y clientelista, la obstaculización de la afirmación del monopolio de la violencia estatal, y la protección de un modelo económico particular sustentado en la violencia. Para ello, como parámetros generales se siguen las funciones estatales descritas por Charles Tilly, la descripción de los estados entre estados de Kinsgton y Spears y la teoría de la cooptación del Estado de Jorge Garay.


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What is the secret mesmerism that death possesses and under the operation of which a modern architect – strident, confident, resolute – becomes rueful, pessimistic, or melancholic?1 Five years before Le Corbusier’s death at sea in 1965, the architect reluctantly agreed to adopt the project for L’Église Saint-Pierre de Firminy in Firminy-Vert (1960–2006), following the death of its original architect, André Sive, from leukemia in 1958.2 Le Corbusier had already developed, in 1956, the plan for an enclave in the new “green” Firminy town, which included his youth and culture center and a stadium and swimming pool; the church and a “boîte à miracles” near the youth center were inserted into the plan in the ’60s. (Le Corbusier was also invited, in 1962, to produce another plan for three Unités d’Habitation outside Firminy-Vert.) The Saint-Pierre church should have been the zenith of the quartet (the largest urban concentration of works by Le Corbusier in Europe, and what the architect Henri Ciriani termed Le Corbusier’s “acropolis”3) but in the early course of the project, Le Corbusier would suffer the diocese’s serial objections to his vision for the church – not unlike the difficulties he experienced with Notre Dame du Haut at Ronchamp (1950–1954) and the resistance to his proposed monastery of Sainte-Marie de la Tourette (1957–1960). In 1964, the bishop of Saint-Étienne requested that Le Corbusier relocate the church to a new site, but Le Corbusier refused and the diocese subsequently withdrew from the project. (With neither the approval, funds, nor the participation of the bishop, by then the cardinal archbishop of Lyon, the first stone of the church was finally laid on the site in 1970.) Le Corbusier’s ambivalence toward the project, even prior to his quarrels with the bishop, reveals...


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Background The Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 (GBD 2013) aims to bring together all available epidemiological data using a coherent measurement framework, standardised estimation methods, and transparent data sources to enable comparisons of health loss over time and across causes, age–sex groups, and countries. The GBD can be used to generate summary measures such as disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) and healthy life expectancy (HALE) that make possible comparative assessments of broad epidemiological patterns across countries and time. These summary measures can also be used to quantify the component of variation in epidemiology that is related to sociodemographic development. Methods We used the published GBD 2013 data for age-specific mortality, years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLLs), and years lived with disability (YLDs) to calculate DALYs and HALE for 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2013 for 188 countries. We calculated HALE using the Sullivan method; 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs) represent uncertainty in age-specific death rates and YLDs per person for each country, age, sex, and year. We estimated DALYs for 306 causes for each country as the sum of YLLs and YLDs; 95% UIs represent uncertainty in YLL and YLD rates. We quantified patterns of the epidemiological transition with a composite indicator of sociodemographic status, which we constructed from income per person, average years of schooling after age 15 years, and the total fertility rate and mean age of the population. We applied hierarchical regression to DALY rates by cause across countries to decompose variance related to the sociodemographic status variable, country, and time. Findings Worldwide, from 1990 to 2013, life expectancy at birth rose by 6·2 years (95% UI 5·6–6·6), from 65·3 years (65·0–65·6) in 1990 to 71·5 years (71·0–71·9) in 2013, HALE at birth rose by 5·4 years (4·9–5·8), from 56·9 years (54·5–59·1) to 62·3 years (59·7–64·8), total DALYs fell by 3·6% (0·3–7·4), and age-standardised DALY rates per 100 000 people fell by 26·7% (24·6–29·1). For communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional disorders, global DALY numbers, crude rates, and age-standardised rates have all declined between 1990 and 2013, whereas for non–communicable diseases, global DALYs have been increasing, DALY rates have remained nearly constant, and age-standardised DALY rates declined during the same period. From 2005 to 2013, the number of DALYs increased for most specific non-communicable diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and neoplasms, in addition to dengue, food-borne trematodes, and leishmaniasis; DALYs decreased for nearly all other causes. By 2013, the five leading causes of DALYs were ischaemic heart disease, lower respiratory infections, cerebrovascular disease, low back and neck pain, and road injuries. Sociodemographic status explained more than 50% of the variance between countries and over time for diarrhoea, lower respiratory infections, and other common infectious diseases; maternal disorders; neonatal disorders; nutritional deficiencies; other communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases; musculoskeletal disorders; and other non-communicable diseases. However, sociodemographic status explained less than 10% of the variance in DALY rates for cardiovascular diseases; chronic respiratory diseases; cirrhosis; diabetes, urogenital, blood, and endocrine diseases; unintentional injuries; and self-harm and interpersonal violence. Predictably, increased sociodemographic status was associated with a shift in burden from YLLs to YLDs, driven by declines in YLLs and increases in YLDs from musculoskeletal disorders, neurological disorders, and mental and substance use disorders. In most country-specific estimates, the increase in life expectancy was greater than that in HALE. Leading causes of DALYs are highly variable across countries. Interpretation Global health is improving. Population growth and ageing have driven up numbers of DALYs, but crude rates have remained relatively constant, showing that progress in health does not mean fewer demands on health systems. The notion of an epidemiological transition—in which increasing sociodemographic status brings structured change in disease burden—is useful, but there is tremendous variation in burden of disease that is not associated with sociodemographic status. This further underscores the need for country-specific assessments of DALYs and HALE to appropriately inform health policy decisions and attendant actions.


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Background The Global Burden of Disease, Injuries, and Risk Factor study 2013 (GBD 2013) is the first of a series of annual updates of the GBD. Risk factor quantification, particularly of modifiable risk factors, can help to identify emerging threats to population health and opportunities for prevention. The GBD 2013 provides a timely opportunity to update the comparative risk assessment with new data for exposure, relative risks, and evidence on the appropriate counterfactual risk distribution. Methods Attributable deaths, years of life lost, years lived with disability, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) have been estimated for 79 risks or clusters of risks using the GBD 2010 methods. Risk–outcome pairs meeting explicit evidence criteria were assessed for 188 countries for the period 1990–2013 by age and sex using three inputs: risk exposure, relative risks, and the theoretical minimum risk exposure level (TMREL). Risks are organised into a hierarchy with blocks of behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks at the first level of the hierarchy. The next level in the hierarchy includes nine clusters of related risks and two individual risks, with more detail provided at levels 3 and 4 of the hierarchy. Compared with GBD 2010, six new risk factors have been added: handwashing practices, occupational exposure to trichloroethylene, childhood wasting, childhood stunting, unsafe sex, and low glomerular filtration rate. For most risks, data for exposure were synthesised with a Bayesian meta-regression method, DisMod-MR 2.0, or spatial-temporal Gaussian process regression. Relative risks were based on meta-regressions of published cohort and intervention studies. Attributable burden for clusters of risks and all risks combined took into account evidence on the mediation of some risks such as high body-mass index (BMI) through other risks such as high systolic blood pressure and high cholesterol. Findings All risks combined account for 57·2% (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 55·8–58·5) of deaths and 41·6% (40·1–43·0) of DALYs. Risks quantified account for 87·9% (86·5–89·3) of cardiovascular disease DALYs, ranging to a low of 0% for neonatal disorders and neglected tropical diseases and malaria. In terms of global DALYs in 2013, six risks or clusters of risks each caused more than 5% of DALYs: dietary risks accounting for 11·3 million deaths and 241·4 million DALYs, high systolic blood pressure for 10·4 million deaths and 208·1 million DALYs, child and maternal malnutrition for 1·7 million deaths and 176·9 million DALYs, tobacco smoke for 6·1 million deaths and 143·5 million DALYs, air pollution for 5·5 million deaths and 141·5 million DALYs, and high BMI for 4·4 million deaths and 134·0 million DALYs. Risk factor patterns vary across regions and countries and with time. In sub-Saharan Africa, the leading risk factors are child and maternal malnutrition, unsafe sex, and unsafe water, sanitation, and handwashing. In women, in nearly all countries in the Americas, north Africa, and the Middle East, and in many other high-income countries, high BMI is the leading risk factor, with high systolic blood pressure as the leading risk in most of Central and Eastern Europe and south and east Asia. For men, high systolic blood pressure or tobacco use are the leading risks in nearly all high-income countries, in north Africa and the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. For men and women, unsafe sex is the leading risk in a corridor from Kenya to South Africa. Interpretation Behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks can explain half of global mortality and more than one-third of global DALYs providing many opportunities for prevention. Of the larger risks, the attributable burden of high BMI has increased in the past 23 years. In view of the prominence of behavioural risk factors, behavioural and social science research on interventions for these risks should be strengthened. Many prevention and primary care policy options are available now to act on key risks.


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This work examines the urban modernization of San José, Costa Rica, between 1880 and 1930, using a cultural approach to trace the emergence of the bourgeois city in a small Central American capital, within the context of order and progress. As proposed by Henri Lefebvre, Manuel Castells and Edward Soja, space is given its rightful place as protagonist. The city, subject of this study, is explored as a seat of social power and as the embodiment of a cultural transformation that took shape in that space, a transformation spearheaded by the dominant social group, the Liberal elite. An analysis of the product built environment allows us to understand why the city grew in a determined manner: how the urban space became organized and how its infrastructure and services distributed. Although the emphasis is on the Liberal heyday from 1880-1930, this study also examines the history of the city since its origins in the late colonial period through its consolidation as a capital during the independent era, in order to characterize the nineteenth century colonial city that prevailed up to 1890 s. A diverse array of primary sources including official acts, memoirs, newspaper sources, maps and plans, photographs, and travelogues are used to study the initial phase of San Jose s urban growth. The investigation places the first period of modern urban growth at the turn of the nineteenth century within the prevailing ideological and political context of Positivism and Liberalism. The ideas of the city s elite regarding progress were translated into and reflected in the physical transformation of the city and in the social construction of space. Not only the transformations but also the limits and contradictions of the process of urban change are examined. At the same time, the reorganization of the city s physical space and the beginnings of the ensanche are studied. Hygiene as an engine of urban renovation is explored by studying the period s new public infrastructure (including pipelines, sewer systems, and the use of asphalt pavement) as part of the Saneamiento of San José. The modernization of public space is analyzed through a study of the first parks, boulevards and monuments and the emergence of a new urban culture prominently displayed in these green spaces. Parks and boulevards were new public and secular places of power within the modern city, used by the elite to display and educate the urban population into the new civic and secular traditions. The study goes on to explore the idealized image of the modern city through an analysis of European and North American travelogues and photography. The new esthetic of theatrical-spectacular representation of the modern city constructed a visual guide of how to understand and come to know the city. A partial and selective image of generalized urban change presented only the bourgeois facade and excluded everything that challenged the idea of progress. The enduring patterns of spatial and symbolic exclusion built into Costa Rica s capital city at the dawn of the twentieth century shed important light on the long-term political social and cultural processes that have created the troubled urban landscapes of contemporary Latin America.


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Aims: The older the youngsters are, the more important role hobbies and leisure time activities have in their life. That is why various activities organized by the non-profit organizations have an important role concerning the development of food habits of youngsters. This study has three main themes. The themes and their respective study questions are: 1. The youngsters' conceptions on healthy eating and food choice: What kind of food do youngsters consider as healthy? How do they see their own eating habits from this point of view? 2. The youngsters and the significance of everyday food-related information: How do the youngsters perceive the role of different actors and these actors' role regarding their own food habits and food choice? 3. The possibilities of the organizations that work with youngsters to improve their food habits: What kind of role do the non-profit organizations have on the youngsters' food habits and healthy food choice? Methods: This study comprises of two types of data. First, a quantitative internet-based survey (N=582) was used to collect data on the 9th graders conceptions and understandings. The data was analyzed with the SPSS-program. Means, cross-tabulations, Pearson´s correlations and t-test were calculated from the data. The qualitative data was collected using interviews. The respondents were 12 experts from non-profit organizations. The interviews were analyzed with the qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions: The non-profit organizations studied have good possibilities to communicate with youngsters through their hobbies. As part of their activities these organizations are able to influence on health-promoting lifestyle and food habits of youngsters. In order to reach more youngsters, these organizations should actively act e.g. in virtual societies of youngsters. Youngsters will participate when activities are voluntary and exhilarating. From the point of food habits doing, learning and identifying are the most important factors to engage the young. Also the models of peers and adults are important. Non-profit organizations should offer youngsters activities but these organizations should also influence on society.


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It has been found usually to talk in the early childhood education in connection with the creativity about arts and skills and about play. In this treatise, the creativity is approached besides play but also from the point of view of the creativity of the everyday. The starting point for the study is the view according to which the creativity is complex interaction between a creative person and an environment. The theoretical body of the study is the Componential theory of creativity of Amabile (1996). The process which is open and product which is new and suitable or acceptable were defined creative. In the opinion of many researchers, the creativity is a phenomenon that has determined in a certain time and place so the creativity is examined from the point of view of the social constructionism. As creative processes in the day nursery it has been defined pretend play, child´s involvement and children´s agentive perception which is based on the Children´s agentive perception theory of Reunamo (2007). The purpose of the study is to clarify how the child's personal factors and the social environment affect the creative processes of children in the day nursery. This Master's thesis is based on the Children' s agentive perception uncovered study led by Jyrki Reunamo (2010) which was carried out in the spring of 2010 in Keski-Uusimaa and in Hämeenlinna and Taiwan. From the study, a name has also been used "on the sources of Orientation", a research project and development project. The study includes the children's evaluation sector, the observation sector, the children's interview sector and the evaluation sector of the pedagogic environment. 891 Children 1-7 year-old by age participated in the study. All the sectors which belong to the study of Reunamo were utilized in this treatise and the Finnish day nurseries or preschool groups which had participated in the study were marked off as the target group. The main component analysis, sum variables, the correlation coefficients, Mann-Whitney s U-test and Kruskall-Wallas test were used for the statistical examination of the quantitative material. In this treatise it was noticed, both the personal properties of the child and a social environment, that they affected all the examined creative processes which also had a significant connection with each other statistically. The definition of creativity was filled best by the participative answers. However, the number of the participative answers was only 8% in the questions concerning adults. That raised the question whether an attempt should be made to have effect so that the children's better participation also in the interaction with the adults would be possible in the educational culture of the day nursery. In the further study, the conscious building of the social environment which supports the creativity from a social constructionism point of view could indeed be an interesting task. The treatise is suitable for an examination of the interaction between the child's person and a social environment especially from the point of view of the creativity.