967 resultados para Box Behnken


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of the present study was to obtain microparticles of hydrochlorothiazide, a diuretic drug that practically insoluble in water, by spray drying and to investigate the influence of process parameters using a three-level, three-factor Box-Behnken design. Process yields, moisture content, particle size, flowability, and solubility were used to evaluate the spray-dried microparticles. The data were analyzed by response surface methodology using analysis of variance. The independent variables studied were outlet temperature, atomization pressure, and drug content. The formulations were prepared using polyvinylpyrrolidone and colloidal silicon dioxide as the hydrophilic carrier and drying aid, respectively. The microparticle yield ranged from 18.15 to 59.02% and resulted in adequate flow (17 to 32 degrees), moisture content between 2.52 to 6.18%, and mean particle size from 45 to 59 mu m. The analysis of variance showed that the factors studied influenced the yields, moisture content, angle of repose, and solubility. Thermal analysis and X-ray diffractometry evidenced no drug interactions or chemical modifications. Photomicrographs obtained by scanning electron microscopy showed spherical particles. The solubility and dissolution rates of hydrochlorothiazide were remarkably improved when compared with pure drug. Therefore, the results confirmed the high potential of the spray-drying technique to obtain microparticulate hydrochlorothiazide with enhanced pharmaceutical and dissolution properties.


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Il presente elaborato di tesi valuta l’effetto delle condizioni di estrazione dei composti fenolici in un sottoprodotto della lavorazione industriale delle patate, la buccia, con l’obiettivo di poter valorizzare tale residuo di processo per utilizzi futuri. Al fine di ottimizzare le condizioni di estrazione, si è deciso di utilizzare il disegno sperimentale Box-Behnken (DBB) mediante la variazione di tre fattori (tempo, tipologia di solvente, rapporto campione/solvente) e per un totale di 15 determinazioni. I dati risultanti dalla determinazione dei composti fenolici totali e dell’attività antiossidante hanno messo in evidenza come la buccia di patate, sottoprodotto del processo di lavorazione industriale, sia un prodotto interessante per il proprio contenuto in composti fenolici ad elevata attività antiossidante. Tuttavia, la scelta delle condizioni ottimali di estrazione è fondamentale al fine di evitare la sottostima del contenuto in composti bioattivi, che deriverebbe da una incompleta estrazione degli stessi dalla matrice alimentare. Il disegno Box-Behnken ha permesso di stabilire le condizioni ottimali di estrazione dei composti fenolici e per questo sará utilizzato in futuro per lo screening di diversi campioni procedenti dalla produzione industriale. L’estrazione ottimale dei composti di interesse ha comunque evidenziato come la buccia di patata sia una fonte di composti fenolici ad attivitá antiossidante che potrá essere utilizzata sia come ingrediente alimentare che in campo nutraceutico.


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Produced water is a major problem associated with the crude oil extraction activity. The monitoring of the levels of metals in the waste is constant and requires the use of sensitive analytical techniques. However, the determination of trace elements can often require a pre-concentration step. The objective of this study was to develop a simple and rapid analytical method for the extraction and pre-concentration based on extraction phenomenon cloud point for the determination of Cd, Pb and Tl in produced water samples by spectrometry of high resolution Absorption source continues and atomization graphite furnace. The Box Behnken design was used to obtain the optimal condition of extraction of analytes. The factors were evaluated: concentration of complexing agent (o,o-dietilditilfosfato ammonium, DDTP), the concentration of hydrochloric acid and concentration of surfactant (Triton X -114). The optimal condition obtained through extraction was: 0,6% m v-1 DDTP, HCl 0,3 mol L-1 and 0,2% m v-1 of Triton X - 114 for Pb; 0,7% m v-1 DDTP, HCl 0,8 mol L-1 and 0,2% m v-1 Triton X-114 for Cd. For Tl was evidenced that best extraction condition occurs with no DDTP, the extraction conditions were HCl 1,0 mol L-1 e 1,0% m v-1 de Triton X - 114. The limits of detection for the proposed method were 0,005 µg L-1 , 0,03 µg L-1 and 0,09 µg L-1 to Cd, Pb and Tl, Respectively. Enrichment factors Were greater than 10 times. The method was applied to the water produced in the Potiguar basin, and addition and recovery tests were performed, and values were between 81% and 120%. The precision was expressed with relative standard deviation (RSD) is less than 5%


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Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), apart from being a functional food rich in carotenoids, vitamins and minerals, is also an important source of phenolic compounds [1 ,2]. As antioxidants, these functional molecules play an important role in the prevention of human pathologies and have many applications in nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical industries. Therefore, the recovery of added-value phenolic compounds from natural sources, such as tomato surplus or industrial by-products, is highly desirable. Herein, the microwave-assisted extraction of the main phenolic acids and flavonoids from tomato was optimized. A S-Ieve! full factorial Box-Behnken design was implemented and response surface methodology used for analysis. The extraction time (0-20 min), temperature (60-180 "C), ethanol percentage (0-100%), solidlliquid ratio (5-45 g/L) and microwave power (0-400 W) were studied as independent variables. The phenolic profile of the studied tomato variety was initially characterized by HPLC-DAD-ESIIMS [2]. Then, the effect of the different extraction conditions, as defined by the used experimental design, on the target compounds was monitored by HPLC-DAD, using their UV spectra and retention time for identification and a series of calibrations based on external standards for quantification. The proposed model was successfully implemented and statistically validated. The microwave power had no effect on the extraction process. Comparing with the optimal extraction conditions for flavonoids, which demanded a short processing time (2 min), a low temperature (60 "C) and solidlliquid ratio (5 g/L), and pure ethanol, phenolic acids required a longer processing time ( 4.38 min), a higher temperature (145.6 •c) and solidlliquid ratio (45 g/L), and water as extraction solvent. Additionally, the studied tomato variety was highlighted as a source of added-value phenolic acids and flavonoids.


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The production of natural extracts requires suitable processing conditions to maximize the preservation of the bioactive ingredients. Herein, a microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) process was optimized, by means of response surface methodology (RSM), to maximize the recovery of phenolic acids and flavonoids and obtain antioxidant ingredients from tomato. A 5-level full factorial Box-Behnken design was successfully implemented for MAE optimization, in which the processing time (t), temperature (T), ethanol concentration (Et) and solid/liquid ratio (S/L) were relevant independent variables. The proposed model was validated based on the high values of the adjusted coefficient of determination and on the non-significant differences between experimental and predicted values. The global optimum processing conditions (t=20 min; T=180 ºC; Et=0 %; and S/L=45 g/L) provided tomato extracts with high potential as nutraceuticals or as active ingredients in the design of functional foods. Additionally, the round tomato variety was highlighted as a source of added-value phenolic acids and flavonoids.


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Purpose: To optimize the extraction conditions of polysaccharides from Polygonum perfoliatum L. (PSDP) and to evaluate their anti-tumor activities on A549 cell line. Methods: Extraction of PSDP was optimized using Box-Behnken design (BBD). Three factors of response surface methodology (RSM) including extraction time, ratio of water to raw material and number of extractions were employed to optimize the yield of PSDP. The cytotoxic effect of PSDP on human lung carcinoma A549 cell line was evaluated in vivo, while its effects on expressions of caspase3, caspase-9, Bcl-2 and Bax were determined by western blot assay. Result: BBD was significant and applicable to PSDP extraction. Based on the contour plots, response surface plots and variance analysis, it predicted that the optimum conditions for PSDP extraction were: 1.58 h (extraction time); 30.18 mL/g (ratio of water to raw material); and 2.02 (number of extractions). PSDP had significant inhibitory effect on the growth of A549 cells in a concentration- and timedependent manner (p < 0.05). After treatment with PSDP, caspase-3, caspase-9 and Bax were significantly up-regulated (p < 0.05), whereas Bcl-2 was down-regulated, all concentration-dependently. Conclusion: RSM analysis is an appropriate method to optimize PSDP extraction. The results also indicate that PSDP has significant anti-tumor effect against A549 cells, most likely via inducing mitochondria-mediated apoptosis.


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This project describes a methodology optimization that would allow for a more efficient microwave assisted digestion process for petroleum samples. With the possible chance to vary various factors at once to see if any one factor was significant enough in the answers, experimental planning was used. Microwave assisted digestion allows, through the application of potency, an increasing number of collisions between the HNO3 and H2O2 molecules, favoring sample opening for complex matrixes. For this, a 24 factorial experimental planning was used, varying potency, time and the volumes for HNO3 65% and H2O2 30%. To achieve the desired answers, several elements were monitored (C, Cu, Cr, Fe, Ni, Zn and V) through Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). With this initial study it was noticed that the HNO3 was not a significant factor for any of the statistical studies for any of the analytes and the other 3 factors and their interactions showed statistical significance. A Box Behnken experimental planning was used taking in consideration 3 factors: H2O2 volume, time (min) and Potency (W), Nitric Acid kept at 4mL for a mass of 0,1g of petroleum. The results were extremely satisfying showing higher efficiency in the digestion process and taking in a responsibility between the answers for each analyte and the carbon monitoring was achieved in the following conditions: 7mL of H2O2, 700 Watts of potency and a reaction time of 7 minutes with 4mL de HNO3 for a mass of 0,1g of petroleum. The optimized digestion process was applied to four different petroleum samples and the analytes determined by ICP-OES


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In this study, the physico-chemical effects occasioned by the cold plasma discharge (CPD) on the photo-decolorization of Reactive Orange 16 (RO16) by 3D fabrics (spacer fabrics) loaded with ZnO:TiO2 nano-photocatalysts (nphs) were optimized via response surface methodology (RSM). CPD was employed to improve the surface characteristics of the spacer fabrics for nphs loading. Surface morphology and color variation were studied utilizing scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and CIE-Lab system, respectively. The effect of CPD on the wetting ability of the spacer fabrics was examined using dynamic adsorption measurement (DAM). Also, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) was utilized to investigate the durability of the nphs on the spacer fabrics. All the experiments were implemented in a Box-Behnken design (BBD) with three independent variables (CPD treatment time, dye concentration and irradiation time) in order to optimize the decolorization of RO16. The anticipated values of the decolorization efficiency were found to be in excellent agreement with the experimental values (R2 = 0.9996, Adjusted R2 = 0.9992). The kinetic analysis demonstrated that the photocatalytic decolorization followed the Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic model. In conclusion, this heterogeneous photocatalytic process is capable of decolorizing and mineralizing azoic reactive dye in textile wastewater. Moreover, the results confirmed that RSM based on the BBD was a suitable method to optimize the operating conditions of RO16 degradation.


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The finite element and boundary element methods are employed in this study to investigate the sound radiation characteristics of a box-type structure. It has been shown [T.R. Lin, J. Pan, Vibration characteristics of a box-type structure, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of ASME 131 (2009) 031004-1–031004-9] that modes of natural vibration of a box-type structure can be classified into six groups according to the symmetry properties of the three panel pairs forming the box. In this paper, we demonstrate that such properties also reveal information about sound radiation effectiveness of each group of modes. The changes of radiation efficiencies and directivity patterns with the wavenumber ratio (the ratio between the acoustic and the plate bending wavenumbers) are examined for typical modes from each group. Similar characteristics of modal radiation efficiencies between a box structure and a corresponding simply supported panel are observed. The change of sound radiation patterns as a function of the wavenumber ratio is also illustrated. It is found that the sound radiation directivity of each box mode can be correlated to that of elementary sound sources (monopole, dipole, etc.) at frequencies well below the critical frequency of the plates of the box. The sound radiation pattern on the box surface also closely related to the vibration amplitude distribution of the box structure at frequencies above the critical frequency. In the medium frequency range, the radiated sound field is dominated by the edge vibration pattern of the box. The radiation efficiency of all box modes reaches a peak at frequencies above the critical frequency, and gradually approaches unity at higher frequencies.


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In 2008 Tactical Tech published 'Mobiles in-a-box': a toolkit designed to help human rights organisations and advocates use mobile technology in their work in Africa. This chapter reflects on the participatory development process used to develop the toolkit.


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This paper examines the role of powerful entities and coalitions in shaping international accounting standards. Specifically, the focus is on the process by which the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) developed IFRS 6, Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources. In its Issues Paper, the IASB recommended that the successful efforts method be mandated for pre-production costs, eliminating the choice previously available between full cost and successful efforts methods. In spite of the endorsement of this view by a majority of the constituents who responded to the Issues Paper, the final outcome changed nothing, with choice being retained. A compelling explanation of this disparity between the visible inputs and outputs of the standard setting process is the existence of a “black box”, in which powerful extractive industries entities and coalitions covertly influenced the IASB to secure their own ends and ensure that the status quo was maintained