998 resultados para Boulder Canyon
During a 25-hour hydrographic times series at two stations near the head of Monterey Submarine Canyon, an internal tide was observed with an amplitude of 80 to 115 m in water depths of 120 and 220 m respectively. These large oscillations produced daily variations in hydrographic and chemical parameters that were of the same magnitude as seasonal variations in Monterey Bay. Computed velocities associated with the internal tide were on the order of 10 em/sec, and this tidally induced circulation may have a significant role in the exchange of deep water between Monterey Submarine Canyon and the open ocean. (PDF contains 49 pages)
(Document pdf contains 19 pages)
Bloke eskalada modalitatea bere osotasunean aztertzea oso erabilgarria izango da entrenamenduaren planifikazioa modu egokian egiteko. Badaude gai honi buruzko zenbait liburu eta artikulu, baina modalitateko eskakizun guztiak batzen dituen eta zientzian oinarritzen den bat faltan botatzen da. Lanean, eskakizun fisiko, tekniko eta psikologikoak aztertzen dira. Bloke eskaladan gaitasun fisikoak dira gehien aztertutako faktoreak, elementu ezberdinen inguruan datuak eskainiko ditut ondorioz. Arlo tekniko eta batez ere psikologikoan datu gutxiago daude, baina ondorio baliagarriak ateratzeko balio izan dit. Ondorio aipagarrienak atera ditut hurrengo atalean, aipatutako informazioak erlazionatuta bait daude. Bukatzeko, bloke eskaladaren entrenamendurako aspektu garrantzitsuenak identifikatzen dira, modalitate honetako entrenatzaileei literatura zientifikoan oinarritutako zenbait entrenamendu helburu eskaintzeko asmoz.
The eastern part of the Ventura Basin contains great thicknesses of non-marine Tertiary sediments. The lower formations of the Tertiary strata outcrop in the Tick Canyon Area and are described in this report. Emphasis is placed on the description of the Vasquez formation which is the lowest Tertiary unit in the Tick Canyon Area and which contains the only Tertiary lavas found in the East Ventura Basin.