307 resultados para Bothrops jararaca


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In this study we optimized an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to evaluate bothropic venom levels in biological samples. These samples were obtained by two distinct protocols. In the first one, Swiss mice were injected with 1 LD 50 of Bothrops jararaca (B. jararaca) venom and 15 minutes later, animals were treated with ovine antibothropic serum. Blood and spleen homogenate samples were obtained 6 hours after antiserum therapy. Ovine antibothropic serum significantly neutralized venom levels in serum and spleen. In the second protocol, BALB/c mice were injected with 1 LD 50 of bothropic venom by either intraperitoneal (IP) or intradermal (ID) route and venom levels were evaluated 1, 3 and 6 hours after, in blood, spleen homogenates and urine. Serum and splenic venom levels were significantly higher in animals envenomed by IP route comparing with animals envenomed by ID route. Higher venom levels were also detected in urine samples from animals envenomed by IP route. However, these differences were not statistically significant. These results demonstrated that the optimized ELISA was adequate to quantify venom levels in different biological samples. This assay could, therefore, substitute the in vivo neutralizing assay and also be useful to evaluate the severity of human and experimental envenomations.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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No Brasil ocorrem aproximadamente 20.000 acidentes ofídicos anuais, sendo um grande problema de Saúde Pública. As serpentes do gênero Bothrops são responsáveis por aproximadamente 90% dos casos, destacando-se a espécie Bothrops jararaca, responsável por aproximadamente 93% dentre os acidentes botrópicos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar o perfil epidemiológico dos acidentes causados por B. jararaca e avaliar possíveis influências das variáveis biológicas encontradas nos exemplares que causaram acidentes no Estado de São Paulo. Para realização desse estudo foram tomadas como base espécimes de Bothrops jararaca que causaram acidentes nos períodos de 1959 a 2011 preservadas na Coleção Vital Brasil do Instituto Butantan. Essas serpentes (N=1526) foram dissecadas e analisadas. Dados relativos à epidemiologia dos acidentes, período de atividade sazonal, processos reprodutivos e dieta foram coletados. O levantamento e análise dos dados dos acidentes mostraram que 71% dos acidentes são causados por filhotes, enquanto apenas 29% são causados por adultos. Análises preliminares mostraram que fêmeas causaram mais acidentes do que machos independente de serem filhotes ou adultos. O padrão sazonal dos acidentes foi diferente entre os filhotes e adultos de B. jararaca, o que deve estar relacionado às atividades de forrageamento, termorregulação e principalmente aos eventos reprodutivos. O perfil epidemiológico dos acidentados apontou uma maior incidência de acidentes em situações de trabalhos rurais, no caso, a maioria dos acidentados são homens jovens que foram atingidos nas mãos durante o dia


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: Snake bite is a neglected public health problem in communities in rural areas of several countries. Bothrops jararaca causes many snake bites in Brazil and previous studies have demonstrated that the pharmacological activities displayed by its venom undergo a significant ontogenetic shift. Similarly, the venom proteome of B. jararaca exhibits a considerable variation upon neonate to adult transition, which is associated with changes in diet from ectothermic prey in early life to endothermic prey in adulthood. Moreover, it has been shown that the Brazilian commercial antibothropic antivenom, which is produced by immunization with adult venom, is less effective in neutralizing newborn venom effects. On the other hand, venom gland transcripts of newborn snakes are poorly known since all transcriptomic studies have been carried out using mRNA from adult specimens. Methods/Principal Findings: Here we analyzed venom gland cDNA libraries of newborn and adult B. jararaca in order to evaluate whether the variability demonstrated for its venom proteome and pharmacological activities was correlated with differences in the structure of toxin transcripts. The analysis revealed that the variability in B. jararaca venom gland transcriptomes is quantitative, as illustrated by the very high content of metalloproteinases in the newborn venom glands. Moreover, the variability is also characterized by the structural diversity of SVMP precursors found in newborn and adult transcriptomes. In the adult transcriptome, however, the content of metalloproteinase precursors considerably diminishes and the number of transcripts of serine proteinases, C-type lectins and bradykinin-potentiating peptides increase. Moreover, the comparison of the content of ESTs encoding toxins in adult male and female venom glands showed some genderrelated differences. Conclusions/Significance: We demonstrate a substantial shift in toxin transcripts upon snake development and a marked decrease in the metalloproteinase P-III/P-I class ratio which are correlated with changes in the venom proteome complexity and pharmacological activities.


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Glycosylation is an important post-translational modification of snake venom proteins and contributes to venom proteome complexity. Many snake venom components are known to be glycosylated, however, very little is known about the carbohydrate structures present in venom glycoproteins. Previous studies showed that the ontogenetic shift in diet, from ectothermic prey in early life to endothermic prey in adulthood, and shift in animal size are associated with changes in the venom proteome of the snake Bothrops jararaca. In this study we explored the composition of the N-glycome released from newborn and adult B. jararaca venom proteins. We used an ion trap mass spectrometer (IT-MS) to disassemble glycan structures based on the use of several pathways of MS (MSn) and demonstrate the presence of some structural isomers in both newborn and adult venom B. jararaca N-glycans. The main N-glycans identified in both venoms are of the hybrid/complex type however some mannose-rich type structures were also detected. The N-glycan composition of newborn and adult venoms did not vary indicating that differences in the utilization of the N-glycosylation motif could be the explanation for the differences in the glycosylation levels indicated by the differential electrophoretic profiles previously reported for B. jararaca newborn and adult venoms. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Abstract: Background: The testis-specific isoform of angiotensin-converting enzyme (tACE) is exclusively expressed in germ cells during spermatogenesis. Although the exact role of tACE in male fertility is unknown, it clearly plays a critical function in spermatogenesis. The dipeptidase domain of tACE is identical to the C-terminal catalytic domain of somatic ACE (sACE). Bradykinin potentiating peptides (BPPs) from snake venoms are the first natural sACE inhibitors described and their structure–activity relationship studies were the basis for the development of antihypertensive drugs such as captopril. In recent years, it has been showed that a number of BPPs – including BPP-10c – are able to distinguish between the N- and C-active sites of sACE, what is not applicable to captopril. Considering the similarity between tACE and sACE (and since BPPs are able to distinguish between the two active sites of sACE), the effects of the BPP-10c and captopril on the structure and function of the seminiferous epithelium were characterized in the present study. BPP-10c and captopril were administered in male Swiss mice by intraperitoneal injection (4.7 μmol/kg for 15 days) and histological sections of testes were analyzed. Classification of seminiferous tubules and stage analysis were carried out for quantitative evaluation of germ cells of the seminiferous epithelium. The blood-testis barrier (BTB) permeability and distribution of claudin-1 in the seminiferous epithelium were analyzed by hypertonic fixative method and immunohistochemical analyses of testes, respectively. Results: The morphology of seminiferous tubules from animals treated with BPP-10c showed an intense disruption of the epithelium, presence of atypical multinucleated cells in the lumen and degenerated germ cells in the adluminal compartment. BPP-10c led to an increase in the number of round spermatids and total support capacity of Sertoli cell in stages I, V, VII/VIII of the seminiferous epithelium cycle, without affecting BTB permeability and the distribution of claudin-1 in the seminiferous epithelium. Interestingly, no morphological or morphometric alterations were observed in animals treated with captopril. Conclusions: The major finding of the present study was that BPP-10c, and not captopril, modifies spermatogenesis by causing hyperplasia of round spermatids in stages I, V, and VII/VIII of the spermatogenic cycle.


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Antiophidic activity from decoct of Jatropha gossypiifolia L. leaves against Bothrops jararaca venom. Snakebites are a serious worldwide public health problem. In Latin America, about 90 % of accidents are attributed to snakes from Bothrops genus. Currently, the main available treatment is the antivenom serum therapy, which has some disadvantages such as inability to neutralize local effects, risk of immunological reactions, high cost and difficult access in some regions. In this context, the search for alternative therapies to treat snakebites is relevant. Jatropha gossypiifolia L., a medicinal plant popularly known in Brazil as “pinhão-roxo”, is very used in folk medicine as antiophidic. So, the aim of this study is to evaluate the antiophidic properties of this species against enzymatic and biological activities from Bothrops jararaca snake venom. The aqueous leaf extract of J. gossypiifolia was prepared by decoction. The inhibition studies were performed in vitro, by pre-incubation of a fixed amount of venom with different amounts of extract from J. gossypiifolia for 60 min at 37 °C, and in vivo, through oral or intraperitoneal treatment of animals, in different doses, 60 min before venom injection. The proteolytic activity upon azocasein was efficiently inhibited, indicating inhibitory action upon metalloproteinases (SVMPs) and/or serine proteases (SVSPs). The extract inhibited the fibrinogenolytic activity, which was also confirmed by zymography, where it was possible to observe that the extract preferentially inhibits fibrinogenolytic enzymes of 26 and 28 kDa. The coagulant activity upon fibrinogen and plasma were significantly inhibited, suggesting an inhibitory action upon thrombin-like enzymes (SVTLEs), as well as upon clotting factor activators toxins. The extract prolonged the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), suggesting an inhibitory action toward not only to SVTLEs, but also against endogenous thrombin. The defibrinogenating activity in vivo was efficiently inhibited by the extract on oral route, confirming the previous results. The local hemorrhagic activity was also significantly inhibited by oral route, indicating an inhibitory action upon SVMPs. The phospholipase activity in vitro was not inhibited. Nevertheless, the edematogenic and myotoxic activities were efficiently inhibited, by oral and intraperitoneal route, which may indicate an inhibitory effect of the extract upon Lys49 phospholipase (PLA2) and/ or SVMPs, or also an anti-inflammatory action against endogenous chemical mediators. Regarding the possible action mechanism, was observed that the extract did not presented proteolytic activity, however, presented protein precipitating action. In addition, the extract showed significant antioxidant activity in different models, which could justify, at least partially, the antiophidic activity presented. The metal chelating action presented by extract could be correlated with SVMPs inhibition, once these enzymes are metal-dependent. The phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of sugars, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, terpenes and/or steroids and proteins, from which the flavonoids could be pointed as major compounds, based on chromatographic profile obtained by thin layer chromatography (TLC). In conclusion, the results demonstrate that the J. gossypiifolia leaves decoct present potential antiophidic activity, including action upon snakebite local effects, suggesting that this species may be used as a new source of bioactive molecules against bothropic venom.


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Accidents caused by venomous animals represents a significant and serious public health problem in certain regions of Brazil, as well as in other parts of the world by the frequency with which they occur and the mortality they cause. The use of plant extracts as an antidote for poisoning cases is an ancient practice used in many communities that have no access to antivenom. Medicinal plants represent an important source of obtaining bioactive compounds able to assist directly in the treatment of poisoning or indirectly supplementing serum therapy currently used. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of extracts, fractions and isolated compounds from M. tenuiflora and H. speciosa in the inflammatory process induced by carrageenan and the venom of B. jararaca and T. serrulatus. The results showed that both M. tenuiflora and H. speciosa were capable of inhibiting cell migration and cytokines levels in peritonitis induced by carrageenin and venom of T. serrulatus. In poisoning by B. jararaca model, mice treated with the plants in studies decreased the leukocyte influx into the peritoneal cavity. Finally the M. tenuiflora and H. speciosa had antiphlogistic activity, reducing edema formation and exerted inhibitory action of leukocyte migration in local inflammation induced by the venom of B. jararaca. Through of Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) analysis was possible identified the presence of flavonoids ,saponins and/or terpenes in aqueous extract of M. tenuiflora. By High Performance Liquid Chromatography analysis, it was possible to identify the presence of rutin and chlorogenic acid in aqueous extract of H. speciosa. We conclude that the administration of extracts, fractions and isolated compounds of H. speciosa and M. tenuiflora resulted in inhibition of the inflammatory process in different experimental models. This study demonstrates for the first time the effect of M. tenuiflora and H. speciosa in inhibition of the inflammation caused by B. jararaca and T. serrulatus venom.


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Snakebites are a serious public health problem in tropical and subtropical countries and Bothrops genus is responsible for the accidents in Brazil and throughout Latin America (90% of cases). The local effects (pain, edema, hemorrhage and myonecrosis) and systemic (cardiovascular alterations, shock and blood clotting disorders) caused by the venom of Bothrops are due to the numerous protein and non-protein components, which are part of the constitution of the poison. The only form of therapy is scientifically validated antivenom serum therapy which, however, is not effective with respect to local effects produced, risk of immunological reactions, high cost and difficult access in some regions. Thus, the search for new alternatives to serum therapy becomes important, and in this context, many medicinal plants have been highlighted by the popular use as antiophidic. Among these plants, we can mention the species Jatropha mollissima (Euphorbiaceae) which has popular use in traditional medicine as antiophidic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antipyretic. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the neutralizing potential of local effects induced by the venom of Bothrops erythromelas and Bothrops jararaca with the aqueous extract of the leaves of J. mollissima. The leaf extracts were prepared by decoction, fractionated (by liquid-liquid partition) and characterized by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Antiophidic activity of the extract was evaluated in model of paw edema, peritonitis, bleeding and myotoxicity induced by venoms of B. jararaca and B. erythromelas. In all models, the extract was evaluated by intraperitoneal route at the doses of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg, administered 30 minutes prior to injection of the venom (pretreatment protocol). Stains suggestive of the presence of flavonoids: apigenin, luteolin, orientin, isoorientin, vitexin and vitexin-2-O-rhamnoside were detected in the extract by co-CCD. By means of HPLC were identified isoorientin, orientin, vitexin and isovitexin. All tested doses of J. mollissima extract reduced the paw edema induced by the venom with intensity similar to dexamethasone. The aqueous extract of J. mollissima leaves on all evaluated doses, inhibited cell migration induced by B. jararaca and B. erythromelas promoting inhibition of recruitment of mononuclear cells and the polymorphonuclear cells. Local bleeding induced by B. jararaca venom was significantly inhibited by the extract. Both venoms were inhibited by the extract in myotoxic activity. These results indicate that the aqueous extract of J. mollissima leaves have snakebite potential, particularly with respect to local effects, which may justify the use of this plant in traditional medicine and complementary therapy as anti-venom serum.