993 resultados para Board games


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Summary : This 'mini-exhibition' arose as an opportunity to showcase recent acquisitions as well as established holdings of significant items of tennis related heritage within the Tennis Australia Heritage Collections. In general, the Collections have two main strengths, and the mini-exhibition was designed to communicate these. The first strength is the ability to show the evolution of tennis technology and practices over time, from the beginnings of modern tennis in the 1860s, to today. This evolution is a result of tennis being influenced by changes in the wider world, such as the Industrial Revolution. The second strength of the Collections is in showing the impact and influence of tennis on society. Many items in the Collections are evidence of the immense and enduring popularity of the sport across the world. The Collections contain many beautiful, rare and fascinating items of decorative arts, fashion, literature and social history which feature tennis as a motif. These items show the reverse influence - the deep impression tennis has made outside of the sport itself.  This mini-exhibition focuses on these two themes. Some displays focus on the first theme. They demonstrate the evolution of tennis racquets, tennis balls, instructional publications and other tennis related equipment over the past century and a half. Other displays focus on the second theme. There are cases which examine tennis' influence upon global popular culture, in board games, fashion and decorative arts from around the world.  The mini-exhibition includes items from the U.s, U.K., Germany, France, Austria, Japan and Australia, demonstrating the global phenomenon that tennis quickly became, and showcasing the international scope of the Collections.  Each case contains text panels listing the objects and their specifications, and panels providing contextual information about the display. The miniexhibition is expected to be on display until November 2009. A case-bycase breakdown of objects, with images and a layout map follows.


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The inter-subjectivity is the answer in the search for the solution of complex problems, which concerns interfaces of knowledge, respecting their borders. This paradigm is essential in the author's work. So, the search on screen is based on this perspective, by using inter-subject groups of work conduced by professionals of Computer Science, Social Communication, Architecture and Urbanism, Pedagogy, Psicopegagogy, Nutritional Science, Endocrinology, Occupational Therapy and Nursing, it was also part of this group an 8 year old child, daughter of one of the professional who took part of the group. This thesis aims to present the course of investigation developed, analyzing the action of inter-subject Occupational Therapy and Nutrition on the promotion of learning nutritional concepts through educative-nutritional games in order to prevent child's obesity in an educative context. The research was analytic, interventionist and almost experimental. It took place in a public school in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, between August and December 2004. It was selected a sample non-probabilistic, by convenience, of 200 children, born from 1994 to 1996. It was selected almost nonprobabilistically, by convenience, 200 children born between 1994 and 1996. To analyze the results it was used a triangulation, associated by quantitative and qualitative approaches. The basis collect happened through games specially manufactured to these research- video-games, board games, memory games, puzzles, scramble, searching words and iterative basics. There were semi-structured interviews, direct and structured observations and focus in-groups. It was noticed the efficiency of educativenutritional games in the learning process, which lead to a changing of attitude towards the eating choices. These games gave similar results in relation to the compared variations preferences, experience and attitudes, theses attitudes were observed through the game; and the categories to compare the possibility of learning by playing, the fantasy in the learning process, learning concepts of nutritional education and the need of help in the learning process (mediation). It was proved that educativenutritional games could be used to teach nutritional concepts, in an inter-subjective action of Occupational Therapy and Nutrition in schools. The simultaneous application of these games lead to the optimization of child s learning process. It should be emphasized the need of studies about the adaptation of tools used in a child s Nutritional Education, with the help of inter-subjective action. Because just one subject, in a fractionated way can give an answer to complex problems and help to a change of the reality with effectiveness and resolution


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O presente trabalho consiste em uma investigação acerca das concepções de estudantes sobre o que é um inseto. Partiu-se do pressuposto de que os alunos expressam concepções errôneas no momento de identificar os representantes do táxon Insecta e que isso é consequência das experiências do cotidiano e de erros conceituais oriundos da formação escolar incorreta. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram investigar sobre concepções alternativas acerca dos insetos com alunos do ensino fundamental II e propor situações para promoção de uma aprendizagem mais ativa. Os dados para analise foram coletados em três turmas de escolas diferentes: uma escola em Nova Parnamirim, da rede privada, e duas da rede pública municipal de ensino: uma do município de Natal/RN e a outra do município de Parnamirim/RN. Utilizou-se como instrumento um questionário aplicado em duas fases. Na primeira etapa foram feitas três questões abertas e duas fechadas. Na segunda, aplicaram-se mais três questões. Nesta oportunidade foram apresentados aos alunos uma lista com imagens de insetos e animais considerados não insetos. Os resultados dos questionários mostraram que os alunos apresentaram na sua maioria, 62%, sentimentos negativos sobre os insetos, expressos por palavras depreciativas, entre elas: nojentos, feios, asquerosos, perigosos, sendo estes mais da metade dos alunos da amostra. Sentimentos positivos representaram 20%: fazem bem ao homem, Deus criou, são bons, são bonitos, e 18% apresentaram neutralidade nessas categorias. Outro resultado apresentado foi que 82% generalizaram os animais artrópodes como sendo insetos. Como forma de resolver problemas relacionados as concepções uma unidade didática foi aplicada em uma das escolas envolvidas na pesquisa, validando assim um instrumento pedagógico que incluiu atividade lúdica constituída de um jogo de tabuleiro proporcionador de uma vivência de aprendizagem focada em conceitos científicos sobre os insetos fáceis de serem apreendidos


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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A brinquedoteca hospitalar é um direito legalmente assegurado às crianças por meio da Lei 11.104/05, entretanto ainda não concretizado integralmente no país. O presente estudo objetivou descrever e analisar as condições de serviços e espaços disponibilizados pelas brinquedotecas hospitalares em Belém do Pará. Fizeram parte da pesquisa quatro hospitais que possuem este serviço. A pesquisa envolveu 10 técnicos e 39 crianças e seus acompanhantes. Para os técnicos foram utilizados um roteiro de Entrevista; a Escala Autoavaliativa de Índices de Qualidade (EAIQ), sendo do tipo Likert, composta por 27 itens fechados e três abertos. Para as crianças e seus responsáveis foram aplicados roteiros de entrevista. Foram realizados também observações e registro fotográfico. A coleta de dados foi iniciada após a assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido, as entrevistas e a aplicação da EAIQ foram feitas individualmente. Os dados oriundos das entrevistas foram agrupados em categorias a partir dos tópicos presentes nos roteiros e os da escala segundo a literatura, ambos analisados qualitativamente. Dentre os principais resultados encontrados estão: a- Todos os hospitais do estudo eram público; b- no tocante a conceituação do espaço, as resposta dos técnicos e acompanhantes esteve em consonância com a literatura e a legislação vigente; c- existem poucos registros acerca da implantação e funcionamento dos espaços; d- as equipes se diferiram tanto em relação ao número de membros quanto à formação, sendo que em metade delas falta uma rotina sistemática de reuniões, contudo foram avaliadas positivamente pela clientela, e- verificou-se que três delas funcionam no mínimo cinco dias por semana e que todas oferecem atividades livres, dirigidas; f- no tocante ao acervo lúdico, este se diferenciou em relação à quantidade, mas as instituições dispunham de brinquedos de faz-de-conta, blocos de montar e jogos de tabuleiro, g- verificou-se que as crianças apresentaram pouca restrição às brincadeiras que gostariam de realizar no hospital e relataram que o local preferido dentro desse contexto é aquele em que podem brincar. O estudo permitiu traçar um perfil destas brinquedotecas, verificar os aspectos que favorecem a concretização dos objetivos desses espaços e reflexões sobre possibilidades de melhorias.


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Historically, teachers have always searched for a connection with their students to make education interesting and a vital experience. In the 19th century, pedagogue Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi taught children how to sum using wood blocks. His successors have followed his legacy and today they use a wide variety of media, including board games, in order to reach out to their students. These methods are denominated educational technologies, which are defined as the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. With the advent of the information technologies, teachers have at their disposal new media with which they can increase the interest of their students. This technologic revolution is changing the present educational model. The objective of this dissertation is to develop an educational videogame in order to help students learn mathematics. To reach this goal, the videogame has been developed with the game engine Unity as the main tool. Additionally, agile software development methodologies as well as other software engineering techniques have also been used. The result is Riskmatica, an educational videogame based on geographical domination in which knowledge is the best weapon. The players must conquer enemy teritories answering correctly a mathecatical question. Moreover the videogame has the functionality required to configure a new game and input new questions. To conclude, this project has created an educational technology which greatly appeals to students and that can be used by the educators to improve their lessons in mathematics.---RESUMEN---A lo largo de la historia, los educadores siempre han buscado conectar con los alumnos para poder captar su interés y hacer que la educación se convierta en una experiencia vital. El pedagogo Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi conseguía esto en el siglo XIX, enseñando a niños a contar con bloques de madera. Sus sucesores han seguido su legado y hoy en día utilizan variedad de medios con los que motivar a sus alumnos, en algunos casos los juegos de mesa. Estos métodos son denominados tecnologías educativas, que se definen como los estudios y prácticas éticas que facilitan y mejoran la enseñanza, mediante la creación, el uso y el empleo de procesos y recursos tecnológicos. Con el advenimiento de las tecnologías de la información, los educadores tienen a su disposición un nuevo medio con el que llegar al alumnado. Esta revolución tecnológica está cambiando el modelo educativo actual. El objetivo de este proyecto es el de crear un videojuego educativo que ayude a los alumnos a estudiar matemáticas. Para lograrlo se ha utilizado el popular motor de videojuego Unity como herramienta principal. También se han empleado metodologías ágiles de desarrollo además de otras técnicas de ingeniería del software. El resultado es Riskmática, un videojuego educativo de dominación geográfica en el que el arma más eficaz es el conocimiento. Los jugadores deberán conquistar territorios a sus adversarios mediante la respuesta de preguntas de carácter matemático. Además el videojuego cuenta con la funcionalidad necesaria para configurar una partida e introducir nuevas preguntas. Como conlusión, este proyecto ha logrado crear una tecnología educativa muy atractiva para los alumnos con la que los profesores pueden mejorar la enseñanza de las matemáticas.


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The present study aims to identify the framework of personal, organizational and technical variables that contribute to the viability and successful of innovative educational practices with video games within the school context to enhance the multiple intelligences. For this purpose, advantage was taken on the information previously collected through a questionnaire about the views, thoughts and experiences of a group of teachers of childhood and primary education (N=25) who voluntarily participated in a blended training activity from Center of Teachers (CEFIRE) of Valencia, around a community of practice aimed at promoting and advising projects for implementing educational video games in the classroom. The mixed methodology adopted has allowed the following: a) describe the relationship between their degree of development and daily use made of ICT in the classroom, their level of familiarity with video games,  their previous experience to integrate them for educational purposes..., and their participation in projects that focus on game-based learning; b) conduct content analysis of the opinions and thoughts expressed in a forum for teachers on innovation on and methodological strategies adopted reflected in a virtual board; and c) develop a SWOT analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats inherent in the implementation of experience with video games in the classroom. Among the conclusions, it is highlighted that, even though most did not have specific training or enough technological resources and the planning and implementation of innovation required them a great investment of time, their personal interest, the support given by members of the online community of practice, helped to encourage their activity, along with receptivity, positive attitude and high motivation of students with the experience. These aspects have been crucial to promote successful innovative practices with video games.


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This artistic-scientific process aims to innovate the concept of Interactive Comics by adding them into the concept of RPG games and Single-Adventures. To make it properly done, there will be some issues about Interactivity, history of the Comic Strip and Mangas, and their techniques of use. Also, there will be other issues involving Electronic Comics and Interactive Comics, in addition to the concept of the RPG games and Single-Adventures, so that the reader of this paper could understand the practical result of every issue combined into one. The identification of these issues is made from a bibliographic and iconographic research, and it will also be displayed throughout the content. Some decisions will be thrown along this paper for the reader to decide and, therefore, understand the Interactivity process in a better way. The combined issues’ result will be presented in my interactive website, http://a3studios.com.br/iss/home (address not final) or http://amstarproductions.net (final address), where the readers will have to experience the “Play&Read” phenomenon. Furthermore, this work is inserted in the line of the research Artistic Processes and Procedures of the Department of Fine Arts from the Art Institute of UNESP, whose methodology used was the Freinet Educational Cybernetics, developed in the research group Media Arts and Videoclip leaded by the leading advisor for this Final Course Work. The result and discussion of artistic and scientific research were reported in monographs such as this that I present, with the following versions: PDF version for dissemination in the virtual repository of the Institute of Arts’ Library; hardcover version for physical collection at the Library of Institute of Arts; The Printed Version for the board of examiners; and an appropriated template version for submission to International Scientific Congress in the area of Arts.


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While imperfect information games are an excellent model of real-world problems and tasks, they are often difficult for computer programs to play at a high level of proficiency, especially if they involve major uncertainty and a very large state space. Kriegspiel, a variant of chess making it similar to a wargame, is a perfect example: while the game was studied for decades from a game-theoretical viewpoint, it was only very recently that the first practical algorithms for playing it began to appear. This thesis presents, documents and tests a multi-sided effort towards making a strong Kriegspiel player, using heuristic searching, retrograde analysis and Monte Carlo tree search algorithms to achieve increasingly higher levels of play. The resulting program is currently the strongest computer player in the world and plays at an above-average human level.


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In this article we present a didactic experience developed by the GIE (Group of Educational Innovation) “Pensamiento Matemático” of the Polytechnics University of Madrid (UPM), in order to bring secondary students and university students closer to Mathematics. It deals with the development of a virtual board game called Mate-trivial. The mechanics of the game is to win points by going around the board which consists of four types of squares identified by colours: “Statistics and Probability”, “Calculus and Analysis”, “Algebra and Geometry” and “Arithmetic and Number Theory ”. When landing on a square, a question of its category is set out: a correct answer wins 200 points, if wrong it loses 100 points, and not answering causes no effect on the points, but all the same, two minutes out of the 20 minutes that each game lasts are lost. For the game to be over it is necessary, before those 20 minutes run out, to reach the central square and succeed in the final task: four chained questions, one of each type, which must be all answered correctly. It is possible to choose between two levels to play: Level 1, for pre-university students and Level 2 for university students. A prototype of the game is available at the website “Aula de Pensamiento Matemático” developed by the GIE: http://innovacioneducativa.upm.es/pensamientomatematico/. This activity lies within a set of didactic actions which the GIE is developing in the framework of the project “Collaborative Strategies between University and Secondary School Education for the teaching and learning of Mathematics: An Application to solve problems while playing”, a transversal project financed by the UPM.