981 resultados para Blood metabolites
Trans-10,cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) supplementation causes milk fat depression in dairy cows, but CLA effects on glucose metabolism are not clear. The objective of the study was to investigate glucose metabolism, especially endogenous glucose production (eGP) and glucose oxidation (GOx), as well as hepatic genes involved in endogenous glucose production in Holstein cows supplemented either with 50 g of rumen-protected CLA (9% trans-10,cis-12 and 10% cis-9,trans-11; CLA; n=10) or 50 g of control fat (24% C18:2; Ctrl; n=10) from wk 2 before parturition to wk 9 of lactation. Animal performance data were recorded and blood metabolites and hormones were taken weekly from 2 wk before to 12 wk after parturition. During wk 3 and 9 after parturition, glucose tolerance tests were performed and eGP and GOx were measured by [U-(13)C] glucose infusion. Liver biopsies were taken at the same time to measure total fat and glycogen concentrations and gene expression of pyruvate carboxylase, cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, glucose-6-phosphatase, and carnitine palmitoyl-transferase 1. Conjugated linoleic acid feeding reduced milk fat, but increased milk lactose output; milk yield was higher starting 5 wk after parturition in CLA-fed cows than in Ctrl-fed cows. Energy balance was more negative during CLA supplementation, and plasma concentrations of glucose were higher immediately after calving in CLA-fed cows. Conjugated linoleic acid supplementation did not affect insulin release during glucose tolerance tests, but reduced eGP in wk 3, and eGP and GOx increased with time after parturition. Hepatic gene expression of cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase tended to be lower in CLA-fed cows than in Ctrl-fed cows. In spite of lower eGP in CLA-fed cows, lactose output and plasma glucose concentrations were greater in CLA-fed cows than in Ctrl-fed cows. This suggests a CLA-related glucose sparing effect most likely due to lower glucose utilization for milk fat synthesis and probably because of a more efficient whole-body energy utilization in CLA-fed cows.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o padrão de vigor e status metabólico através da determinação da frequência dos sinais objetivos e metabólitos sanguíneos após o nascimento, possivelmente associados à transferência de imunidade passiva, além de determinar o melhor horário para o uso do refratômetro de Brix na avaliação da transferência de imunidade passiva em bezerros neonatos após a ingestão de colostro. No primeiro experimento foram utilizados 46 bezerros neonatos de ambos os sexos, nascidos entre setembro de 2013 e julho de 2014. A avaliação do vigor dos animais foi realizada entre 15 e 30 minutos após o nascimento com o auxílio da escala APGAR modificada pela Universidade de Guelph. A colheita de sangue para análise de metabólitos seguiu os horários de 0h (antes da ingestão), 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 48h contadas a partir da ingestão do colostro. Os parâmetros sanguíneos foram determinados por kit enzimático específico para cada parâmetro em Sistema Automático para Bioquímica. Todos os animais utilizados neste estudo foram oriundos de partos eutócicos e apresentaram, de acordo com a escala APGAR, vigor satisfatório. As concentrações de metabólicos sanguíneos dos neonatos mostraram que o consumo de colostro aumentou a disponibilidade de energia e a concentração de frações proteicas, comumente utilizadas como indicativos da transferência de imunidade passiva. No segundo experimento foram utilizados 47 bezerros neonatos de ambos os sexos, nascidos entre março e julho de 2014. O colostro foi ordenhado após o parto e a qualidade determinada com auxílio do colostrômetro e do refratômetro digital. A colheita do sangue para a análise dos parâmetros sanguíneos seguiu os horários de 0h (antes da ingestão), 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 48h, 72h, 96 e 120h, contadas a partir da ingestão do colostro. A concentração de proteína total foi determinada por refratômetro de Brix e por kit enzimático em Sistema Automático para Bioquímica. Os demais parâmetros sanguíneos foram determinados por kit enzimático específico para cada parâmetro em Sistema Automático para Bioquímica. A contagem global e diferenciada das células sanguíneas foi realizada nos tempos 0, 12 e 24h após o fornecimento do colostro. O colostro se manteve na faixa de boa qualidade, segundo os critérios de classificação de medidas pelo colostrômetro e refratômetro digital de Brix. O consumo de colostro foi o principal fator de variação dos parâmetros estudados neste trabalho. A avaliação da transferência de imunidade passiva em bezerros recém-nascidos deve ser realizada por volta das 24 horas após a ingestão do colostro, pois neste momento a absorção de macromoléculas colostrais já está encerrada e a PT alcança estabilidade. A partir deste período, não é possível determinar se as frações proteicas avaliadas são de origem colostral ou endógena, o que não garante avaliação segura sobre a transferência de imunidade passiva.
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da suplementação prolongada de grão de soja cru e integral (GSI) como fonte de ácido graxo Ω6 sobre o desempenho produtivo, perfil metabólico, qualidade oocitária e embrionária e função imune de vacas leiteiras no período de transição e início de lactação. Foram selecionadas 44 vacas da raça Holandesa, multíparas e gestantes, com parto previsto para 90 dias após o início da avaliação e fornecimento das dietas experimentais, porém em razão da ocorrência de enfermidades metabólicas ou infecciosas (3 abortos; 3 deslocamentos de abomaso; 3 enfermidades podais; 4 distocias) 13 animais foram retirados do experimento. As vacas foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em quatro grupos experimentais diferindo entre eles o início do fornecimento de grão de soja cru e integral (GSI) durante o pré-parto. A dieta era baseada na inclusão de 12% de GSI %MS, com aproximadamente 5,1% de extrato etéreo (EE) o início de seu fornecimento foi conforme descrito a seguir: Grupo 0: Animais não receberam dieta contendo GSI no pré-parto; Grupo 30: Início do fornecimento de dieta com GSI nos 30 dias finais da gestação; Grupo 60: Início do fornecimento de dieta com GSI nos 60 dias finais da gestação; Grupo 90: Início do fornecimento de dieta com GSI nos 90 dias finais da gestação. Após o parto, todas as vacas receberam dieta única com 5,1% de EE, baseada na inclusão de 12% de GSI %MS até 90 dias de lactação. Os animais foram arraçoados de acordo com o consumo de matéria seca no dia anterior, de forma a ser mantido porcentual de sobras das dietas, diariamente, entre 5 e 10%. As amostras dos alimentos e sobras foram coletadas diariamente e armazenadas a -20ºC. Semanalmente as amostras coletadas diariamente foram misturadas e foi retirada uma amostra composta referente a um período de uma semana, a fim de mensurar o consumo de matéria seca e nutrientes. Amostras de fezes foram coletadas nos dias -56, -21, 21, 56 e 84 dias em relação ao parto, com o propósito de mensurar a digestibilidade da matéria seca e nutrientes. A produção de leite foi mensurada diariamente e para a composição dos teores de gordura, proteína, lactose e perfil de ácidos graxos amostras foram coletadas semanalmente. As amostras de sangue para análise dos metabólitos sanguíneos foram coletadas semanalmente. Amostras de sangue para mensurar a atividade do sistema imune foram coletadas na semanas -8, -4, -2, -1 em relação ao parto, parto, +1, +2, +4 e +8 semanas no período pós-parto. Nos dias 21, 42, 63 e 84 do período pós-parto foram realizadas aspirações foliculares, com posterior fertilização in vitro dos oócitos. Todas as variáveis mensuradas foram analisadas pelo procedimento PROC MIXED do SAS 9.4 através de regressão polinomial, utilizando efeito fixo de tratamento, semana, interação tratamento*semana e efeito de animal dentro de tratamento como aleatório. Utilizou nível de 5% de significância. Foi observado efeito (P<0,05) linear crescente para CEE no pré-parto. Não foi observado diferenças no CMS e nutrientes no pós-parto. Não houve alteração da digestibilidade nos períodos pré e pós-parto. Não houve alteração no balanço de energia e nitrogênio nos periodos pré e pós-parto. Não foi observado diferença na produção, composição e teor dos componentes totais do leite. No perfil de ácidos graxos do leite houve efeito (P<0,05) linear descrescente para as concentrações de C16:1cis, C18:1 cis, total de C:18 insaturado, total de AG monoinsaturados, insaturados e a relação do total de AGS:AGI. Foi observado efeito linear (P<0,05) crescente para o total de AG aturado e efeito (P<0,05) quadrático para C18:2, CLAcis9-trans11, e total de AGPI. Foi observado efeito linear crescente (P<0,05) para colesterol total, LDL no préparto e linear decrescente (P<0,05) para GGT nos períodos pré e pós-parto. Foi observado efeito quadrático (P<0,05) para HDL no pré-parto e AST no pós-parto. Em relação a atividade do sistema imune foi observado efeito linear (P<0,05) crescente para o percentual de CD3+ ativos no pós-parto, para o percentual de monócitos que produziram espécie reativa de oxigênio (ERO) no pós-parto quando foram estimulados por S.aureus e E.coli e para a intensidade de imunofluorescência de ERO para ganulócitos no pós-parto quando estimulados por S.aureus. Foi observado efeito (P<0,05) quadrático para o percentual de granulócitos, mononucleares, CD8+ ativos no pós-parto e para o percentual de granulócitos que produziram ERO no pós-parto quando estimulados por E.coli. A suplementação prolongada com GSI no pré-parto melhora a atividade do sistema imune, não melhora a qualidade oocitária e embrionária bem como não influencia negativamente os parametros produtivos de vacas leiteiras no período de transição e início de lactação
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da utilização de sucedâneo lácteo com alto conteúdo proteico de origem vegetal no desempenho e saúde de bezerros, e avaliar métodos de reidratação para o tratamento de diarreias. No primeiro estudo foram utilizados 33 bezerros da raça Holandês distribuídos nos tratamentos: 1) Alto volume e baixa proteína (AV/BP): 8 litros, 21,4% PB; 2) Alto volume e alta proteína (AV/AP): 8 litros, 23,7% PB e 3) Baixo volume e alta proteína (BV/AP): 6 litros, 23,7% PB. Os bezerros foram alojados em abrigos individuais, com livre acesso a água e concentrado. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos para o desempenho animal (P>0,05). Os tratamentos AV/BP e AV/AP resultaram em maior consumo de sucedâneo (P<0,05), mas não afetaram o consumo de concentrado nem o consumo total (P>0,05). O escore fecal foi maior (P>0,05) para animais nos tratamentos AV/AP e BV/AP. Os animais nos tratamentos AV/BP permaneceram maior número de dias em diarreia (P<0,05), em comparação aqueles aleitados com BV/AP, os quais tiveram menos dias com vida (P<0,05). A concentração de lactato foi maior (P<0,05) para animais nos tratamentos AV/BP e AV/AP enquanto a concentração de proteína total foi maior (P<0,05) nos tratamentos AV/BP e BV/AP. Sucedâneos com elevado conteúdo de proteína de origem vegetal afetam negativamente o desempenho de bezerros podendo levar o animal a morte. No segundo estudo foram comparados três soluções de hidratação oral quanto a sua eficiência em repor eletrólitos e água, além de manter o desempenho de bezerros. Foram utilizados 42 bezerros mestiços Holandês-Jersey, distribuídos nos tratamentos: 1) Soro comum, 2) Glutellac® e 3) Soro comum + Aminogut®. Os animais foram aleitados com 4 L/d de sucedâneo lácteo até a oitava semana de vida quando foram desaleitados de forma abrupta. As terapias de reidratação foram oferecidas quando os animais apresentavam escore fecal >= 3 na escala de 1 a 5. Não houve efeito das terapias de reidratação no desempenho nem em metabólitos sanguíneos (P>0,05). O consumo voluntário de água foi maior para os animais reidratados com Glutellac®, mas o consumo total maior para os animais reidratados com Soro comum. As concentrações de HCO3 e Na+ foram maiores para os animais no tratamento Glutellac® (P=0,088 e P=0,073 respectivamente), sendo a concentração de glicose também afetada pelo protocolo de hidratação (P<0,05). A concentração de HCO3 aumentou do primeiro para o segundo dia, a de K+ e glicose diminuíram do primeiro para o segundo dia, enquanto que o Beecf teve um comportamento variável segundo a terapia de reidratação utilizada. Houve efeito da interação tratamento x dia de avaliação apenas para a concentração de BUN (P<0,05). O pH, a concentração de Na+ e Beecf foram maiores em animais mais velhos, enquanto K+, hematócrito e hemoglobina, foram menores (P<0,05). O consumo voluntário de água foi maior em animais reidratados com Glutellac®, o que junto com a simplicidade de uso, representam as principais vantagens deste método de reidratação.
Vanadium compounds mimic most of the metabolic effects of insulin, suggesting that it might be useful to improve utilization of dietary carbohydrate. This work evaluated the effect of dietary ammonium metavanadate (H(4)NO(3)V) on the growth performance and energy metabolism of pacu, an omnivorous South America characin. Two hundred and eighty-eight fish were distributed into four blocks according to the body weight (21.8 +/- 1.7, 28.5 +/- 2.0, 28.4 +/- 1.9, 35.7 +/- 1.9 g), stocked in 24 plastic tanks and fed twice daily with isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets containing six levels of H(4)NO(3)V (0, 10, 50, 100, 300 and 1000 mg kg(-1)) for 60 days. Increasing levels of dietary ammonium metavanadate did not improve growth (P > 0.05), and the highest level of inclusion (1000 mg kg(-1)) reduced performance (P < 0.05). Blood glucose levels decreased (P < 0.05) in fish fed 300 and 1000 mg kg(-1) H(4)NO(3)V, but no differences were observed in other blood metabolites. A slight increase in muscle lipid content was observed in fish fed a diet containing 300 mg kg(-1) H(4)NO(3)V. Based on the results of this study, there is no benefit in supplementing pacu diets with metavanadate.
An HPLC method has been developed and validated for the rapid determination of mercaptopurine and four of its metabolites; thioguanine, thiouric acid, thioxanthine and methylmercaptopurine in plasma and red blood cells. The method involves a simple treatment procedure based on deproteinisation by perchloric acid followed by acid hydrolysis and heating for 45 min at 100 degrees C. The developed method was linear over the concentration range studied with a correlation coefficient >0.994 for all compounds in both plasma and erythrocytes. The lower limits of quantification were 13, 14, 3, 2, 95 pmol/8 x 101 RBCs and 2, 5, 2, 3, 20 ng/ml plasma for thioguanine, thiouric acid, mercaptopurine, thioxanthine and methylmercaptopurine, respectively. The method described is selective and sensitive enough to analyse the different metabolites in a single run under isocratic conditions. Furthermore, it has been shown to be applicable for monitoring these metabolites in paediatric patients due to the low volume requirement (200 mu l of plasma or erythrocytes) and has been successfully applied for investigating population pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenetics and non-adherence to therapy in these patients. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A universal and robust analytical method for the determination of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and two of its metabolites Δ9-(11-OH)-tetrahydrocannabinol (11-OH-THC) and 11-nor-Δ9-carboxy-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-COOH) in human whole blood was developed and validated for use in forensic toxicology. Protein precipitation, integrated solid phase extraction and on-line enrichment followed by high-performance liquid chromatography separation and detection with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer were combined. The linear ranges used for the three cannabinoids were from 0.5 to 20 ng/mL for THC and 11-OH-THC and from 2.5 to 100 ng/mL for THC-COOH, therefore covering the requirements for forensic use. Correlation coefficients of 0.9980 or better were achieved for all three analytes. No relevant hydrolysis was observed for THC-COOH glucuronide with this procedure--in contrast to our previous GC-MS procedure, which obviously lead to an artificial increase of the THC-COOH concentration due to the hydrolysis of the glucuronide-conjugate occurring at high pH during the phase-transfer catalyzed methylation step.
An HPLC method has been developed and validated for the rapid determination of mercaptopurine and four of its metabolites; thioguanine, thiouric acid, thioxanthine and methylmercaptopurine in plasma and red blood cells. The method involves a simple treatment procedure based on deproteinisation by perchloric acid followed by acid hydrolysis and heating for 45min at 100 degrees C. The developed method was linear over the concentration range studied with a correlation coefficient >0.994 for all compounds in both plasma and erythrocytes. The lower limits of quantification were 13, 14, 3, 2, 95pmol/8 x 10(8) RBCs and 2, 5, 2, 3, 20ng/ml plasma for thioguanine, thiouric acid, mercaptopurine, thioxanthine and methylmercaptopurine, respectively. The method described is selective and sensitive enough to analyse the different metabolites in a single run under isocratic conditions. Furthermore, it has been shown to be applicable for monitoring these metabolites in paediatric patients due to the low volume requirement (200microl of plasma or erythrocytes) and has been successfully applied for investigating population pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenetics and non-adherence to therapy in these patients.
An HPLC with SPE method has been developed for analysis of constituents in rat blood after oral administration of the extract of Acanthopanax senticosus (ASE). The plasma sample was prepared by SPE method equipped with Oasis HLB cartridge (3cc, 60 mg). The analysis was performed on a Dikma Diamonsil RP(18) column (4.6 mmx150 mm, 5 microm) with the gradient elution of solvent A (ACN) and solvent B (0.1% aqueous phosphoric acid, v/v) and the detection wavelength was set at 270 nm. The calibration curve was linear over the range of 0.156-15.625 microg/mL. The LOD was 60 ng/mL. The intraday precision was less than 5.80%, and the interday precision was less than 6.0%. The recovery was (87.30 +/- 1.73)%. As a result, 19 constituents were detected in rat plasma after oral administration of the ASE, including 11 original compounds in ASE and eight metabolites, and three of the metabolites originated from syringin in ASE. Six constituents were identified by comparing with the corresponding reference compounds.
Isofraxidin is one of the main bioactive constituents in the root of Acanthopanax senticosus, which has antifatigue, antistress, and immuno-accommondating effects. In this study, an ultraperformance LC (UPLC)-ESI MS method was developed for analyzing isofraxidin and its metabolites in rat plasma. The analysis was performed on a UPLC coupled with ESI MS (quadropole MS tandem TOF MS). The lower LOD (LLOD) for isofraxidin was 0.25 ng/mL, the intraday precision was less than 10%, the interday precision was less than 10%, and the extraction recovery was more than 80%. Isofraxidin and two metabolites (M1 and M2) were detected in rat plasma after oral administration of isofraxidin, and the molecular polarities of M1 and M2 were both increased compared to isofraxidin. The metabolites were identified as 5,6-dihydroxyl-7-methoxycoumarin and 5-hydroxyl-6,7-dimethoxycoumarin when subjected to parent ion spectra, product ion spectra, and extract mass and element composition analyses.
Metabolites are small molecules involved in cellular metabolism, which can be detected in biological samples using metabolomic techniques. Here we present the results of genome-wide association and meta-analyses for variation in the blood serum levels of 129 metabolites as measured by the Biocrates metabolomic platform. In a discovery sample of 7,478 individuals of European descent, we find 4,068 genome- and metabolome-wide significant (Z-test, P<1.09 × 10−9) associations between single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and metabolites, involving 59 independent SNPs and 85 metabolites. Five of the fifty-nine independent SNPs are new for serum metabolite levels, and were followed-up for replication in an independent sample (N=1,182). The novel SNPs are located in or near genes encoding metabolite transporter proteins or enzymes (SLC22A16, ARG1, AGPS and ACSL1) that have demonstrated biomedical or pharmaceutical importance. The further characterization of genetic influences on metabolic phenotypes is important for progress in biological and medical research.
The metabolic syndrome and type 1 diabetes are associated with brain alterations such as cognitive decline brain infarctions, atrophy, and white matter lesions. Despite the importance of these alterations, their pathomechanism is still poorly understood. This study was conducted to investigate brain glucose and metabolites in healthy individuals with an increased cardiovascular risk and in patients with type 1 diabetes in order to discover more information on the nature of the known brain alterations. We studied 43 20- to 45-year-old men. Study I compared two groups of non-diabetic men, one with an accumulation of cardiovascular risk factors and another without. Studies II to IV compared men with type 1 diabetes (duration of diabetes 6.7 ± 5.2 years, no microvascular complications) with non-diabetic men. Brain glucose, N-acetylaspartate (NAA), total creatine (tCr), choline, and myo-inositol (mI) were quantified with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in three cerebral regions: frontal cortex, frontal white matter, thalamus, and in cerebellar white matter. Data collection was performed for all participants during fasting glycemia and in a subgroup (Studies III and IV), also during a hyperglycemic clamp that increased plasma glucose concentration by 12 mmol/l. In non-diabetic men, the brain glucose concentration correlated linearly with plasma glucose concentration. The cardiovascular risk group (Study I) had a 13% higher plasma glucose concentration than the control group, but no difference in thalamic glucose content. The risk group thus had lower thalamic glucose content than expected. They also had 17% increased tCr (marker of oxidative metabolism). In the control group, tCr correlated with thalamic glucose content, but in the risk group, tCr correlated instead with fasting plasma glucose and 2-h plasma glucose concentration in the oral glucose tolerance test. Risk factors of the metabolic syndrome, most importantly insulin resistance, may thus influence brain metabolism. During fasting glycemia (Study II), regional variation in the cerebral glucose levels appeared in the non-diabetic subjects but not in those with diabetes. In diabetic patients, excess glucose had accumulated predominantly in the white matter where the metabolite alterations were also the most pronounced. Compared to the controls values, the white matter NAA (marker of neuronal metabolism) was 6% lower and mI (glia cell marker) 20% higher. Hyperglycemia is therefore a potent risk factor for diabetic brain disease and the metabolic brain alterations may appear even before any peripheral microvascular complications are detectable. During acute hyperglycemia (Study III), the increase in cerebral glucose content in the patients with type 1 diabetes was, dependent on brain region, between 1.1 and 2.0 mmol/l. An every-day hyperglycemic episode in a diabetic patient may therefore as much as double brain glucose concentration. While chronic hyperglycemia had led to accumulation of glucose in the white matter, acute hyperglycemia burdened predominantly the gray matter. Acute hyperglycemia also revealed that chronic fluctuation in blood glucose may be associated with alterations in glucose uptake or in metabolism in the thalamus. The cerebellar white matter appeared very differently from the cerebral (Study IV). In the non-diabetic men it contained twice as much glucose as the cerebrum. Diabetes had altered neither its glucose content nor the brain metabolites. The cerebellum seems therefore more resistant to the effects of hyperglycemia than is the cerebrum.
The natural product fumagillin exhibits potent antiproliferative and antiangiogenic properties. The semisynthetic analog PPI-2458, (3R,4S,5S,6R)-5-methoxy-4-(2R,3R)-2-methyl-3-(3-methylbut-2-enyl) oxiran-2-yl]-1-oxaspiro2.5]octan-6-yl] N-(2R)-1-amino-3-methyl-1-oxobutan-2-yl]carbamate, demonstrates rapid inactivation of its molecular target, methionine aminopeptidase-2 (MetAP2), and good efficacy in several rodent models of cancer and inflammation with oral dosing despite low apparent oral bioavailability. To probe the basis of its in vivo efficacy, the metabolism of PPI-2458 was studied in detail. Reaction phenotyping identified CYP3A4/5 as the major source of metabolism in humans. Six metabolites were isolated from liver microsomes and characterized by mass spectrometry and nuclear resonance spectroscopy, and their structures were confirmed by chemical synthesis. The synthetic metabolites showed correlated inhibition of MetAP2 enzymatic activity and vascular endothelial cell growth. In an ex vivo experiment, MetAP2 inhibition in white blood cells, thymus, and lymph nodes in rats after single dosing with PPI-2458 and the isolated metabolites was found to correlate with the in vitro activity of the individual species. In a phase 1 clinical study, PPI-2458 was administered to patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. At 15 mg administered orally every other day, MetAP2 in whole blood was 80% inactivated for up to 48 hours, although the exposure of the parent compound was only similar to 10% that of the summed cytochrome P450 metabolites. Taken together, the data confirm the participation of active metabolites in the in vivo efficacy of PPI-2458. The structures define a metabolic pathway for PPI-2458 that is distinct from that of TNP-470 ((3R, 4S, 5S, 6R)-5-methoxy-4-(2R, 3R)-2-methyl-3-(3-methylbut-2-enyl)oxiran-2-yl]-1-oxaspiro2.5]octan-6 -yl] N-(2-chloroacetyl)carbamate). The high level of MetAP2 inhibition achieved in vivo supports the value of fumagillin-derived therapeutics for angiogenic diseases.
Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are related to different aspects of diseases like pathogenesis, diagnosis and even prognosis. While in some diseases, levels of all the BCAAs are perturbed; in some cases, perturbation occurs in one or two while the rest remain unaltered. In case of ischemic heart disease, there is an enhanced level of plasma leucine and isoleucine but valine level remains unaltered. In `Hypervalinemia', valine is elevated in serum and urine, but not leucine and isoleucine. Therefore, identification of these metabolites and profiling of individual BCAA in a quantitative manner in body-fluid like blood plasma/serum have long been in demand. H-1 NMR resonances of the BCAAs overlap with each other which complicates quantification of individual BCAAs. Further, the situation is limited by the overlap of broad resonances of lipoprotein with the resonances of BCAAs. The widely used commercially available kits cannot differentially estimate the BCAAs. Here, we have achieved proper identification and characterization of these BCAAs in serum in a quantitative manner employing a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-based technique namely T-2-edited Correlation Spectroscopy (COSY). This approach can easily be extended to other body fluids like bile, follicular fluids, saliva, etc.
Impact of phosphamidon, an organophosphorus pesticide and its metabolites viz. dimethyl phosphoric acid and 2-chloro 2-diethyl carbamoylmethyl vinyl acid on histopathology of a common teleost, Labeo rohita was studied by exposing the fish to sub-lethal concentrations which were taken as 1/3rd of LC50 and were equal to 0.0123 ppm for phosphamidon, 0.0160 ppm for dimethyl phosphoric acid and 0.0167 ppm for 2-chloro 2-diethyl carbamoylmethyl vinyl acid respectively. The results revealed that hepatocytes in the liver were markedly swollen and exhibited hydropic degeneration. Fusion of primary lamellae and moderate congestion of blood vessels were evident in the gill. Intestine showed degeneration of mucosa and cellular infiltration in sub-mucosa. LC50 values and histopathological photomicrographs suggest that phosphamidon is more toxic as compared to dimethyl phosphoric and 2-chloro 2-diethyl carbamoylmethyl vinyl acid.