998 resultados para Blender, grafica 3d
Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di realizzare un modello tridimensionale del lungomare di Riccione, mediante l'uso di programmi di modellazione, grafica e CAD (computer aided design). Lo scopo è di riprodurre un intero ambiente virtuale che l'utente sia libero di esplorare e in cui possa muoversi in totale libertà. Il possibile utilizzo di un tale progetto è quindi essenzialmente divulgativo o a fini turistici, poiché permette di far conoscere il lungomare di Riccione e di farlo esplorare attivamente dall'utente attraverso il computer comodamente da casa. Questo potrebbe successivamente invogliare gli utenti a visitare dal vivo la città, destando curiosità in merito agli arredi turistici precedentemente osservati in maniera virtuale.
El mundo de la animación 3D está en plena actualidad en este momento. Salas de cine, programas de televisión y la publicidad nos muestran constantemente personajes y objetos animados creados por ordenador. Son muchos los programas que pueden usarse para la realización de animación en 3D. En este proyecto vamos a centrarnos en Blender. Blender es un programa de animación y modelado que se puede obtener de manera gratuita por internet. Se trata de un programa de software libre, por lo que constantemente está siendo modificado gracias a la aportación de usuarios anónimos por internet. El objetivo de este proyecto es la creación de un corto de animación de un minuto de duración con Blender, para lo cual serán necesarias una serie de pautas iniciales sobre cómo funciona Blender y sus posibilidades. La primera parte de este proyecto es una guía básica sobre Blender y sus características. Capítulo a capítulo se irán describiendo la interfaz del programa y la creación de objetos (modelado, asignación de materiales y texturas) para luego aprender a animarlos y a visualizarlos como imágenes o video. La segunda parte se centra en el corto MOL. Creado a partir de los conocimientos adquiridos en la guía anterior, añadiendo en algunos casos, nuevas propiedades necesarias para su elaboración. Se describirán cada uno de los elementos y su creación. Esta guía pretende ser un referente para aquel que quiera introducirse en el mundo de la animación 3D con Blender. The world of 3D animation is a trending topic nowadays. Cinema, television and advertising constantly show us characters and animated objects created with computer graphics. There are many programs that can be used to perform 3D animations. In this project we will focus on Blender. Blender is a modeling and animation program that is available for free online. Blender is an open source program, so it is constantly being modified and improved by anonymous online users. The objective of this project is to create a one-minute animation short with Blender, for which we will require an initial set of guidelines on how Blender works and its possibilities. The first part of this project is a basic guide and will only cover basic features of Blender. In each chapter we will describe the interface and how to create objects (modeling, assigning materials and textures) and then we will learn to animate these objects and to display them as images or video. The second part focuses on the short film MOL. Created from the knowledge gained in the previous guide adding, in same cases, new properties necessary for its creation. We will describe each of the elements involved in the making of. This guide is intended to be a referent guide for anyone who wants to enter the world of 3D animation with Blender.
Na medida em que os produtos e os processos de criação são cada vez mais mediados digitalmente, existe uma reflexão recente acerca da relação entre as imagens e as ferramentas usadas para a sua produção. A relação natural e estreita entre a dimensão conceptual e a dimensão física abre a discussão ao nível da semântica e dos processos da projetação e manipulação das imagens, nas quais estão naturalmente incluídas as ferramentas CAD. Tendo o desenho um papel inequívoco e fundamental no exercício da projetação e da modelação 3D é pertinente perceber a relação e a articulação entre estas duas ferramentas. Reconhecendo o desenho como uma ferramenta de domínio físico capaz de expressar o pensamento que opera a transformação de concepções abstratas em concepções concretas, reconhecê-lo refletido na dimensão virtual através de um software CAD 3D não é trivial, já que este, na generalidade, é processado através de um pensamento cujo contexto é distante da materialidade. Metodologicamente, abordaremos esta questão procurando a verificação da hipótese através de uma proposta de exercício prático que procura avaliar o efeito que as imagens analógicas poderão ter sobre o reconhecimento e operatividade da ferramenta Blender num enquadramento académico. Pretende-se, pois, perceber como o desenho analógico pode integrar o processo de modelação 3D e qual a relação que mantém com quem elas opera. A articulação do desenho com as ferramentas de produção de design, especificamente CAD 3D, permitirá compreender na especialidade a articulação entre ferramentas de diferentes naturezas tanto no processo da projetação quanto na criação de artefactos visuais. Assim como poderá lançar a discussão acerca das estratégias pedagógicas de ensino do desenho e do 3D num curso de Design.
Los protocolos de medición antropométrica se caracterizan por la profusión de medidas discretas o localizadas, en un intento para caracterizar completamente la forma corporal del sujeto -- Dichos protocolos se utilizan intensivamente en campos como medicina deportiva, forense y/o reconstructiva, diseño de prótesis, ergonomía, en la confección de prendas, accesorios, etc -- Con el avance de algoritmos de recuperación de formas a partir de muestreos (digitalizaciones) la caracterización antropométrica se ha alterado significativamente -- El articulo presente muestra el proceso de caracterización digital de forma corpórea, incluyendo los protocolos de medición sobre el sujeto, el ambiente computacional - DigitLAB- (desarrollado en el CII-CAD-CAM-CG de la Universidad EAFIT) para recuperación de superficies, hasta los modelos geométricos finales -- Se presentan comparaciones de los resultados obtenidos con DigitLAB y con paquetes comerciales de recuperación de forma 3D -- Los resultados de DigitLAB resultan superiores, debido principalmente al hecho de que este toma ventaja de los patrones de las digitalizaciones (planares de contacto, por rejilla de pixels - range images -, etc.) y provee módulos de tratamiento geométrico - estadístico de los datos para poder aplicar efectivamente los algoritmos de recuperación de forma -- Se presenta un caso de estudio dirigido a la industria de la confección, y otros efectuados sobre conjuntos de prueba comunes en el ámbito científico para la homologación de algoritmos
This paper presents a prototype tracking system for tracking people in enclosed indoor environments where there is a high rate of occlusions. The system uses a stereo camera for acquisition, and is capable of disambiguating occlusions using a combination of depth map analysis, a two step ellipse fitting people detection process, the use of motion models and Kalman filters and a novel fit metric, based on computationally simple object statistics. Testing shows that our fit metric outperforms commonly used position based metrics and histogram based metrics, resulting in more accurate tracking of people.
Hybrid face recognition, using image (2D) and structural (3D) information, has explored the fusion of Nearest Neighbour classifiers. This paper examines the effectiveness of feature modelling for each individual modality, 2D and 3D. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the fusion of feature modelling techniques for the 2D and 3D modalities yields performance improvements over the individual classifiers. By fusing the feature modelling classifiers for each modality with equal weights the average Equal Error Rate improves from 12.60% for the 2D classifier and 12.10% for the 3D classifier to 7.38% for the Hybrid 2D+3D clasiffier.
The main aim of radiotherapy is to deliver a dose of radiation that is high enough to destroy the tumour cells while at the same time minimising the damage to normal healthy tissues. Clinically, this has been achieved by assigning a prescription dose to the tumour volume and a set of dose constraints on critical structures. Once an optimal treatment plan has been achieved the dosimetry is assessed using the physical parameters of dose and volume. There has been an interest in using radiobiological parameters to evaluate and predict the outcome of a treatment plan in terms of both a tumour control probability (TCP) and a normal tissue complication probability (NTCP). In this study, simple radiobiological models that are available in a commercial treatment planning system were used to compare three dimensional conformal radiotherapy treatments (3D-CRT) and intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) treatments of the prostate. Initially both 3D-CRT and IMRT were planned for 2 Gy/fraction to a total dose of 60 Gy to the prostate. The sensitivity of the TCP and the NTCP to both conventional dose escalation and hypo-fractionation was investigated. The biological responses were calculated using the Källman S-model. The complication free tumour control probability (P+) is generated from the combined NTCP and TCP response values. It has been suggested that the alpha/beta ratio for prostate carcinoma cells may be lower than for most other tumour cell types. The effect of this on the modelled biological response for the different fractionation schedules was also investigated.
Digital Songlines (DSL) is an Australasian CRC for Interaction Design (ACID) project that is developing protocols, methodologies and toolkits to facilitate the collection, education and sharing of indigenous cultural heritage knowledge. This paper outlines the goals achieved over the last three years in the development of the Digital Songlines game engine (DSE) toolkit that is used for Australian Indigenous storytelling. The project explores the sharing of indigenous Australian Aboriginal storytelling in a sensitive manner using a game engine. The use of the game engine in the field of Cultural Heritage is expanding. They are an important tool for the recording and re-presentation of historically, culturally, and sociologically significant places, infrastructure, and artefacts, as well as the stories that are associated with them. The DSL implementation of a game engine to share storytelling provides an educational interface. Where the DSL implementation of a game engine in a CH application differs from others is in the nature of the game environment itself. It is modelled on the 'country' (the 'place' of their heritage which is so important to the clients' collective identity) and authentic fauna and flora that provides a highly contextualised setting for the stories to be told. This paper provides an overview on the development of the DSL game engine.
Introduction : For the past decade, three dimensional (3D) culture has served as a foundation for regenerative medicine study. With an increasing awareness of the importance of cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions which are lacking in 2D culture system, 3D culture system has been employed for many other applications namely cancer research. Through development of various biomaterials and utilization of tissue engineering technology, many in vivo physiological responses are now better understood. The cellular and molecular communication of cancer cells and their microenvironment, for instance can be studied in vitro in 3D culture system without relying on animal models alone. Predilection of prostate cancer (CaP) to bone remains obscure due to the complexity of the mechanisms and lack of proper model for the studies. In this study, we aim to investigate the interaction between CaP cells and osteoblasts simulating the natural bone metastasis. We also further investigate the invasiveness of CaP cells and response of androgen sensitve CaP cells, LNCaP to synthetic androgen.----- Method : Human osteoblast (hOB) scaffolds were prepared by seeding hOB on medical grade polycaprolactone-tricalcium phosphate (mPLC-TCP) scaffolds and induced to produce bone matrix. CaP cell lines namely wild type PC3 (PC3-N), overexpressed prostate specific antigen PC3 (PC3k3s5) and LNCaP were seeded on hOB scaffolds as co-cultures. Morphology of cells was examined by Phalloidin-DAPI and SEM imaging. Gelatin zymography was performed on the 48 hours conditioned media (CM) from co-cultures to determine matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity. Gene expression of hOB/LNCaP co-cultures which were treated for 48 hours with 1nM synthetic androgen R1881 were analysed by quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR).----- Results : Co-culture of PCC/hOB revealed that the morphology of PCCs on the tissue engineered bone matrix varied from homogenous to heterogenous clusters. Enzymatically inactive pro-MMP2 was detected in CM from hOBs and PCCs cultured on scaffolds. Elevation in MMP9 activity was found only in hOB/PC3N co-culture. hOB/LNCaP co-culture showed increase in expression of key enzymes associated with steroid production which also corresponded to an increase in prostate specific antigen (PSA) and MMP9.----- Conclusions : Upregulation of MMP9 indicates involvement of ECM degradation during cancer invasion and bone metastases. Expression of enzymes involved in CaP progression, PSA, which is not expressed in osteoblasts, demonstrates that crosstalk between PCCs and osteoblasts may play a part in the aggressiveness of CaP. The presence of steroidogenic enzymes, particularly, RDH5, in osteoblasts and stimulated expression in co-culture, may indicate osteoblast production of potent androgens, fuelling cancer cell proliferation. Based on these results, this practical 3D culture system may provide greater understanding into CaP mediated bone metastasis. This allows the role of the CaP/hOB interaction with regards to invasive property and steroidogenesis to be further explored.
Experience plays an important role in building management. “How often will this asset need repair?” or “How much time is this repair going to take?” are types of questions that project and facility managers face daily in planning activities. Failure or success in developing good schedules, budgets and other project management tasks depend on the project manager's ability to obtain reliable information to be able to answer these types of questions. Young practitioners tend to rely on information that is based on regional averages and provided by publishing companies. This is in contrast to experienced project managers who tend to rely heavily on personal experience. Another aspect of building management is that many practitioners are seeking to improve available scheduling algorithms, estimating spreadsheets and other project management tools. Such “micro-scale” levels of research are important in providing the required tools for the project manager's tasks. However, even with such tools, low quality input information will produce inaccurate schedules and budgets as output. Thus, it is also important to have a broad approach to research at a more “macro-scale.” Recent trends show that the Architectural, Engineering, Construction (AEC) industry is experiencing explosive growth in its capabilities to generate and collect data. There is a great deal of valuable knowledge that can be obtained from the appropriate use of this data and therefore the need has arisen to analyse this increasing amount of available data. Data Mining can be applied as a powerful tool to extract relevant and useful information from this sea of data. Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) and Data Mining (DM) are tools that allow identification of valid, useful, and previously unknown patterns so large amounts of project data may be analysed. These technologies combine techniques from machine learning, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, statistics, databases, and visualization to automatically extract concepts, interrelationships, and patterns of interest from large databases. The project involves the development of a prototype tool to support facility managers, building owners and designers. This final report presents the AIMMTM prototype system and documents how and what data mining techniques can be applied, the results of their application and the benefits gained from the system. The AIMMTM system is capable of searching for useful patterns of knowledge and correlations within the existing building maintenance data to support decision making about future maintenance operations. The application of the AIMMTM prototype system on building models and their maintenance data (supplied by industry partners) utilises various data mining algorithms and the maintenance data is analysed using interactive visual tools. The application of the AIMMTM prototype system to help in improving maintenance management and building life cycle includes: (i) data preparation and cleaning, (ii) integrating meaningful domain attributes, (iii) performing extensive data mining experiments in which visual analysis (using stacked histograms), classification and clustering techniques, associative rule mining algorithm such as “Apriori” and (iv) filtering and refining data mining results, including the potential implications of these results for improving maintenance management. Maintenance data of a variety of asset types were selected for demonstration with the aim of discovering meaningful patterns to assist facility managers in strategic planning and provide a knowledge base to help shape future requirements and design briefing. Utilising the prototype system developed here, positive and interesting results regarding patterns and structures of data have been obtained.