981 resultados para Bioresource and Agricultural Engineering


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Anionic surface-initiated polymerization of ethylene oxide and styrene has been performed using multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) functionalized with anionic initiators. The surface of MWNTs was modified via covalent attachment of precursor anions such as 4-hydroxyethyl benzocyclobutene (BCBEO) and 1-benzocyclobutene-1′-phenylethylene (BCB-PE) through Diels-Alder cycloaddition at 235 °C. Surface-functionalized MWNTs-g-(BCB-EO) n and MWNTs-g-(BCB-PE) n with 23 and 54 wt % precursor initiators, respectively, were used for the polymerizations. Alkoxide anion on the surface of MWNTs-g-(BCB-EO) n was generated through reaction with potassium triphenylmethane for the polymerization of ethylene oxide in tetrahydrofuran and phenyl substituted alkyllithium was generated from the surface of MWNTs-g-(BCB-PE) n using sec-butyllithium for the polymerization of styrene in benzene. In both cases, the initiation was found to be very slow because of the heterogeneous reaction medium. However, the MWNTs gradually dispersed in the reaction medium during the polymerization. A pale green color was noticed in the case of ethylene oxide polymerization and the color of initiator as well as the propagating anions was not discernible visually in styrene polymerization. Polymer grafted nanocomposites, MWNTs-g-(BCB-PEO) n and MWNTs-g-(BCB-PS) n containing a very high percentage of hairy polymer with a small fraction of MWNTs (<1 wt %) were obtained. The conversion of ethylene oxide and the weight percent of PEO on the surface of the MWNTs increased with increasing reaction time indicating a controlled polymerization. The polymer-grafted MWNTs were characterized using FTIR, 1H NMR, Raman spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Size exclusion chromatography of the polymer grafted MWNTs revealed broad molecular weight distributions (1.3 < Mw/Mn < 1.8) indicating the presence of different sizes of polymer nanocomposites. The TEM images showed the presence of thick layers of polymer up to 30 nm around the MWNTs. The living nature of the growing polystyryllithium was used to produce diblock copolymer grafts using sequential polymerization of isoprene on the surface of MWNTs.


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Surface modification of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) through covalent functionalization is vital for the development of high-performance composite materials, chemosensors, nanoelectronics, photovoltaic devices, as well as for a range of biomedical applications. Several methods have been developed to functionalize CNTs. The introduction of acid groups by acid digestion disrupts the structural integrity of CNTs. Apart from shortening the tubes, oxidatively generated acid groups are inhomogenously located at the tips of broken CNTs and, hence, functionalization using acid groups as precursors does not give a statistical distribution of functional groups throughout the surface of the CNTs.


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We report the component E ┴ c of the pseudodielectric-function tensor <ε(E)> = <ε1(E)> + i< ε2(E)> of γ-phase single-crystal InSe, obtained from 1.5 to 9.2 eV by vacuum-ultraviolet spectroscopic ellipsometry with the sample at room temperature. Overlayer artifacts were reduced as far as possible by measuring fresh surfaces prepared by cleavage. Accurate critical-point energies of observed structures were obtained by a combined method of spectral analysis.


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Poplars consist of all species of the genus Populus, including cottonwoods, aspens, and the many interspecies hybrids in common use (Dickmann and Stuart 1983). Our working group focused on the fungal pathogens, arthropod herbivores, and weed competitors of Populus in the United States. However, bacterial and viral diseases of Populus are significant in Europe, and genetic engineering approaches toward their control or management are being studied. The key aspects of poplar biology important to understanding the use of pest resistance genes are described below.


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Recent experimental and theoretical studies have demonstrated that relative to singly tethered chains, the presence of polymer loops at interfaces significantly improves interfacial properties such as adhesion, friction, and wettability. In the present study, a simple system was studied to examine the formation of polymeric loops on a solid surface, where the grafting of carboxylic acid terminated telechelic polystyrene from the melt to an epoxy functionalized silicon is chosen. The impact of telechelic molecular weight, grafting temperature, and surface functionality on the telechelic attachment process is studied. It was found that grafting of the telechelic to the surface at both ends to form loops is the primary product of this grafting process. Moreover, examination of the kinetics of the grafting process indicates that it is reaction controlled. Fluorescence tagging of the dangling ends of singly bound chains provides a mechanism to monitor their time evolution during grafting, and these results indicate that the grafting process is accurately described by recent Monte Carlo simulation work. The results also provide a method to control the extent of loop formation at interfaces and therefore provide an opportunity to further understand the role of the loops in the interfacial properties in multicomponent polymer systems.


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Preferential adsorption of poly(2-vinylpyridine)-deuterated polystyrene-poly(2-vinylpyridine) (PVP-dPS-PVP) triblock copolymers from toluene onto silicon leads to the formation of dPS loops tethered by the PVP end blocks. Using neutron reflectometry, we have determined the segment density profiles of these looped polymer brushes in toluene, a good solvent for the dPS block, and in cyclohexane at 20 °C (poor solvent), 32 °C, (near-Θ solvent), and 50 °C (marginal solvent). While the swelling behavior qualitatively agrees with that observed for singly grafted brushes, there are interesting differences in the local structural details: In a good solvent, the segment density profiles are composed of an inner parabolic region and a long, extended tail. In cyclohexane, the profiles are described by exponential decays. We ascribe these features to a novel polydispersity effect that arises due to tethering the PS loops by both ends. The results also show that the less dense layers undergo more significant changes in swollen height as solvent quality is changed and that the looped brushes of different molecular weight, asymmetry, and tethering density adhere to scaling relationships derived for lightly cross-linked polymer gels.


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Structural composite lumber (SCL) products often possess significantly higher design values than the top grades of solid lumber, making it a popular choice for both residential and commercial applications. The enhanced mechanical properties of SCL are mainly due to defect randomization and densification of the wood fiber, both largely functions of the size, shape and composition (species) of the wood element. Traditionally, SCL manufacturers have used thin, rectangular elements produced from either moderate density softwoods or low density hardwoods. Higher density hardwood species have been avoided, as they require higher pressures to adequately densify and consolidate the wood furnish. These higher pressures can lead to increased manufacturing costs, damage to the wood fiber and/or a product that is too dense, making it heavy and unreceptive to common mechanical fastening techniques. In the northeastern United States high density, diffuse-porous hardwoods (such as maple, beech and birch) are abundant. Use of these species as primary furnish for a SCL product may allow for a competitive advantage in terms of resource cost against products that rely on veneer grade logs. Proximity to this abundant and relatively inexpensive resource may facilitate entry of SCL production facilities in the northeastern United States, where currently none exist. However, modifications to current strand sizes, geometries or production techniques will likely be required to allow for use of these species. A new SCL product concept has been invented allowing for use of these high density hardwoods. The product, referred to as long-strand structural composite lumber (LSSCL), uses strands of significantly larger cross sectional areas and volumes than existing SCL products. In spite of the large strand size, satisfactory consolidation is achieved without excessive densification of the wood fiber through use of a symmetrical strand geometric cross-section. LSSCL density is similar to that of existing SCL products, but is due mainly to the inherent density of the species, rather than through densification. An experiment was designed and conducted producing LSSCL from both large (7/16”) and small (1/4”) strands, of both square and triangular geometric cross sections. Testing results indicate that the large, triangular strands produce LSSCL beams with projected design values of: Modulus of elasticity (MOEapp) – 1,750,000 psi; Allowable bending stress (Fb) – 2750 psi; Allowable shear stress (Fv) – 260 psi. Several modifications are recommended which may lead to improvement of these values, likely allowing for competition against existing SCL products.


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A spring-mounted rasp bar sheller for com is described herein. The sheller comprises a plurality of spaced apart rasp bars mounted on a combine or sheller cylinder. Each of the rasp bars has studs secured thereto which extend therefrom through the cylinder backing plates. Springs are mounted on the studs behind the backing plates for yieldably urging the rasp bar inwardly towards the backing plate. Centrifugal force causes the rasp bar to move out radially towards the concave as the cylinder is rotated. During shelling, impact forces on the rasp bars deflect them radially inwardly. Filler plates are also disclosed for preventing the com from becoming lodged between the backing plate and the rasp bars.


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A safety door for the discharge opening of a selfunloading wagon is disclosed herein. The wagon includes a material receiving box having a first conveyor therein for conveying the material towards one end thereof. A cross conveyor is mounted at the one end of the box for conveying the material outwardly from the box through the lower end of a discharge opening formed in the side of the box. A material beater means is rotatably mounted in the box above the cross conveyor. The safety door extends across the discharge opening to prevent the operator from reaching inwardly through the discharge opening. The safety door is self-closing and is opened by the material being discharged outwardly through the discharge opening.


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A blade guard for rotary lawn mowers comprising a plurality of spaced apart elongated members which extend longitudinally in the intended direction of travel of the mower device. The space between the forward ends of the elongated members and the forward end of the mower cowling is open and free from obstructions to permit the grass to be sucked upwardly for cutting by the mower blade. The elongated members have varying lengths to define an effective area substantially the same as the area defined by the unsharpened center portion of the mower blade when rotating so that the sharpened ends of the blade extend outwardly beyond the effective area of the guard means. The guard means is hinged to the mower cowling to permit convenient cleaning of the mower. An ignition interlock means is also connected to the guard.


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A compactor device for iarge round bales is disclosed comprising a horizontally disposed cylindrical housing containing a plunger, a double toggle mechanism connected to the plunger, a hydraulic cylinder connected to the double toggle mechanism for driving the plunger, and a stabilizer linkage connected to the plunger and the double toggle mechanism for maintaining the plunger in a vertical position during compaction of a bale.


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A corn shelling mechanism comprising an elongated concave means having one end thereof positioned below a rotatable cylinder. A continuous belt sheller is positioned above the concave in a spaced relationship with respect thereto. The corn ears are fed to the rotating cylinder by a feeder housing means with the ear receiving one or more impacts by the rasp bar of the cylinder before it travels out of range of the cylinder. The partially shelled ear passes between the belt sheller and the concave with the belt sheller urging the ears into engagement with the concave to complete the shelling operation.


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The weighing device comprises a tension load cell including an upper liquid chamber and a lower air chamber which has a volume much greater than the volume of the liquid chamber. The weight of a suspended load and the load supporting structure on the load cell are applied on both chambers. A gauge reads the liquid pressure in the upper chamber and a valve unit connectible to a source of air under pressure is connected to the air chamber. The load cell is tared by initially adjusting the air pressure in the lower chamber to produce a zero reading on the gauge. When a load is applied on the device, the volume displacement of the air chamber is small relative to the volume displacement of the liquid in the upper chamber. The volume of the air chamber thus remains substantially constant so that the gauge indicates directly the net weight of the applied load.


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A cutting knife assembly for a combine having an elongated platform with an auger means rotatably mounted thereon. The auger means has first and second helical fighting sections extending inwardly from its ends which are adapted to convey the cut crop to the center of the platform. A first endless chain is operatively positioned forwardly of the first flighting section and has a plurality of first cutting elements mounted thereon. A second endless chain is operatively positioned forwardly of the second flighting section and has a plurality of second cutting elements mounted thereon. The first and second chains are operated in opposing directions so that the first and second cutting elements move away from the center of the platform as the cutting elements cut the standing crop. The opposing action of the cutting elements causes the crop stems to be properly oriented with respect to the flighting sections so that the stems will be inclined towards the center of the platform in the same direction as the auger feed.


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A torque meter comprising hollow-keyed, input and output female shafts adapted to receive the male shafts of the power source and machine respectively. Each shaft has a circular flange whose face is perpendicular to the center line of the shafts. Each flange has a plurality of equally spaced cylindrical recesses machined into the inside face thereto adapted to receive conical inserts therein. Balls are contained by the conical inserts and transmit the rotational movement from the input to the output shaft. A stationary housing extends around the input and output shaft and has a transducer shell secured thereto. When force is applied to the input shaft to cause movement, the balls encounter torsional resistance which causes the balls to roll up the ramps of the conical seat inserts to separate the two torque flanges. The force transmitted through the balls causes rotation to the output shaft and produces tension to the stationary transducer shell. The stationary transducer shell is instrumented with semi-conductor strain gauges.