469 resultados para Biomphalaria tenagophila tenagophila


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São apresentadas as áreas colonizadas por Biomphalaria tenagophila (d'Orbigny, 1835) e B. occidentalis Paraense, 1981 no Estado de São Paulo (Brasil), destacando que a primeira espécie de planorbídeo é um importante hospedeiro intermediário de Schistosoma mansoni Sambon, 1907. Foi apresentada a distribuição geográfica de B. occidentalis pelo fato de esta espécie ter sido, até recentemente, confundida com B. tenagophila. Os dois planorbídeos habitam ambientes límnicos de extensas áreas do território paulista e foram identificados entre 3.160 lotes de bionfalárias coletados de setembro de 1981 a março de 1986, em todos os municípios do Estado. B. tenagophila foi diagnosticada em 1.602 lotes procedentes de 203 municípios e B. occidentalis em 255 de 97 municípios. São comentadas as circunstâncias biogeográficas relacionadas com a distribuição das espécies.


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Tratou-se de testar a atração miraxonal exercida nas gerações de B. tenagophila, selecionadas ou não selecionadas, para o caráter susceptibilidade à infecção por S. rnansoni SJ, sobre larvas do trematódeo da mesma linhagem, obtidas de moluscos selecionados e não selecionados para o mesmo caráter. Foi utilizado um aparelho de vidro, já testado anteriormente, constituído de duas câmaras ligadas por um canal e os caramujos ou sua água de condicionamento (SCW), colocados aleatoriamente em uma das câmaras. Observou-se em lupa estereoscópica a movimentação dos miracídios por 15 min. A análise dos resultados mostrou que a geração do molusco (selecionado ou não selecionado) foi o único fator importante na atração: os moluscos selecionados para o caráter susceptibilidade ou sua SCW, atraíram mais os miracídios.


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Com o objetivo de comparar a duração do período embrionário, a fecundidade e a fertilidade de Biomphalaria occidentalis Paraense, 1981 com a de B, tenagophila (d'Orbigny, 1835), exemplares de ambas as espécies foram criados em aquários dotados das mesmas características. Os ovos depostos pelos caramujos foram contados sob lupa binocular e seu desenvolvimento embrionário foi observado até a eclosão. Assim foi obtido o número total de posturas e de ovos por caramujo, bem como o número total de ovos eclodidos por postura para cada período de trinta dias, ou seja, a taxa de eclosão por período. O experimento teve a duração de doze meses e os resultados obtidos são válidos para condições de laboratório.


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Estudou-se o comportamento de amebócitos de Biomphalaria tenagophila infectadas por Schistosoma mansoni, por outros Digenea e a resistência à superinfecção, presente em infecções mistas. Foi verificada a atividade fagocitária dos amebócitos, o número destas células circulantes, a reação amebocitária nos tecidos, o perfil eletroforético da hemolinfa, além da reação de imunodifusão. Concluiu-se que moluscos infectados por outros Digenea apresentam resistência à superinfecção por S. mansoni, sendo que os amebócitos parecem não ter participação direta na destruição dos esporocistos de S. mansoni nesta eventualidade. Nos moluscos infectados observou-se maior número de amebócitos circulantes e aumento de capacidade fagocitária destas células.


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Estudou-se a resistência à infecção pelo S. mansoni em moluscos B. tenagophila inoculados com vários tipos de hemolinfa provenientes de moluscos infectados por S. mansoni da linhagem SJ ou por outros trematódeos avaliando-se, nestas circunstâncias, o comportamento dos amebócitos. Concluiu-se que dois tipos de mecanismos teriam agido provocando resistência à infecção pelo S. mansoni: celular e humoral. A reação do tipo celular ocorreu quando os moluscos eram inoculados com hemolinfa de moluscos infectados por S. mansoni B. tenagophila inoculadas com hemolinfa de moluscos infectados por furcocercárias longifurcadas sem ocelos, apresentaram elevada resistência à infecção posterior por S.mansoni.


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"Híbridos" de Biomphalaria tenagophila provenientes dos cruzamentos de linhagens albinas de Belo Horizonte (BH) ou de Joinvile (SC), com melânicos de Cabo Frio (CF), do Taim (Ta) ou de Curitiba (PR), submetidos à infecção pela cepa do Schistosoma mansoni de Belo Horizonte (=LE), apresentaram os seguintes resultados: em F1, os "híbridos" TaSC, PRSC e CFTa exibiram taxas de 4,5%, 12,5% e 11,2% de suscetibilidade; em F2, todos os "híbridos" foram negativos e em F3, um exemplar albino, filho de (CFBH) ². TaBH se infectou com a LE. Dentre os controles, a B. glabrata apresentou taxas de 66,7 a 93,6% de suscetibilidade à LE e a B. tenagophila de Joinvile exibiu taxas de infecção de 17,1 e 33,3% pela cepa SJ; e os "híbridos" BHTa e BHCF, taxas de 6,0 a 53,8% também pela cepa SJ. Houve grande influência da linhagem materna nas taxas de suscetibilidade. Devido ao fato de descendentes do cruzamento de linhagens refratárias a LE (CF, Ta e BH), terem se infectado, é recomendado o uso de "híbridos" para a detecção de gens de suscetibilidade em tais linhagens. São ainda discutidas, a necessidade do uso de maior número de miracídios nos testes de infecção e a falta de relação entre a freqüência de contatos parasitas-hospedeiros e as taxas de infectividade. Considerando que estas dependem de características genéticas preexistentes na população, a cepa LE seria uma variedade genética (ou raça) distinta da cepa SJ, dotada de pouca aptidão em infectar as diversas populações de B. tenagophila, exceto a de Joinvile (SC).


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Natural infection in Biomphalaria tenagophila with Schistosoma mansoni was observed for the first time in a small area, in Jaboticatubas, in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. In view of this finding, the Authors decided to carry out some detailed investigations, since B. glabrata has been known as the vector snail of schistosomiasis in that State. B. tenagophila was found naturally infected throughout the investigation period (15 months). Strains of the snail and of the parasite were isolated four times, and then maintained at the laboratory through B. tenagophila — hamster passages. The possibilities of B. tenagophila to play a role in the epidemiology of the human disease in the State of Minas Gerais, in the future, are discussed.


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Snails reared in cages colonized by periphyton grew from 5.0mm to 8.8mm shell diameter, each laid 0.5 batch of eggs per day and the overall survival during the period was 75%


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In presence of extracts of six flowering plants the Biomphalaria tenagophila was more attracted to four them in the following sequence: Nasturtium pumilum > Polygonum acre > Commelina sp. = Echinochloa crusgalli. The periphyton of these flowering plants attracted in the same way the B. tenagophila but without no preference for either of them. Reporting the results that behavior may be evaluated as a co-evolution between snail and plants.


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Due to the scarce information about the epidemiological features of schistosomiasis in which the vector is Biomphalaria tenagophila, an investigation was carried in Pedro de Toledo in 1980 where such peculiarity is observed. Stool examinations (Kato-Katz method) were performed in 4,741 individuals (22.8% positive to Schistosoma mansoni eggs) of this 583 had previously received chemoterapy and 4,158 remainders, untreated. The schistosomiasis prevalence in those two groups where respectively 31.7% and 21.6%. Epidemiological investigation showed that 83.6% were autochthonous cases from the studied area: the autochthonous prevalence rate, and the intensity of infection in the untreated autochthonous cases were higher in males than in females; the intensity in the latter untreated group was low, 58.5 eggs/g feces (geometric mean). Moreover, according to the age groups the intensity of infections correlated well (r s = 0.745) with the prevalence rates. Schistosomiasis was verified to occur mostly during the leisure time and by the use of water streams for housework in rural zone. Only 0.4% out of 1,137 snails was positive for S. mansoni cercariae, apparently unchanged from the 1978 study when the human prevalence was 12.0%. The studied area presented differences and similarities in relation to the other Brazilian areas were the main intermediate host is B. glabrata.


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In the São Paulo State, Brazil, where the Biomphalaria tenagophila is the intermediate host, the Ribeira Valley is an important endemic schistosomiasis mansoni area. During last eleven years there has been intense control measures focusing on schistosomiasis. The efforts have been concentrated in the municipalities of Pedro de Toledo and Itariri. We determined the susceptibility of B. tenagophila to sympatric strain of S. mansoni, both recently isolated from Itariri field. In 1988, this strain was isolated and maintained in the experimental model: Swiss mice - sympatric B. tenagophila. The second generation of the worm was evaluated. The snail were divided in the three groups of 60 snails each. One group was exposed to 1 miracidium and other to 10. The third group was the control. The mortality and the shedding of cercariae were checked during 78 days. After that, the positive snails were observed until they ceased to shed cercariae. The exposed molluscs showed mortality rates of 23% and 31% and infection indexes were of 8% and 60% to 1 and 10 miracidia respectively. The mortality was of 22% in the control group. The periods of shedding cercariae in the two groups were 82 and 104 days. We can conclude that B. tenagophila is an effective intermediate host to the sympatric strain of S. mansoni sympatric strain


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B. tenagophila snails from Ouro Branco, MG, showed positivity for S. mansoni, with infection rates of 5%, 10%, (SJ strain), and 1% (LE strain) using a pool of miracidia. The mollusks were found to be susceptive from the 3rd generation reared in laboratory onwards. The B. tenagophila (OB, MG) when individually exposed to 10 miracidia, showed infection rate of 2% for LE strain. B. glabrata snails from Gagé, MG, showed a positivity rate of 58% for S. mansoni (LE strain), under experimental conditions. The B. tenagophila from Cabo Frio, RJ and B. glabrata from Belo Horizonte, MG used as a control for SJ strain showed infection rates of 47% - 85% and 36% respectivily. For the LE strain, B. glabrata (BH, MG) used as control showed infection rate of 40% - 75%.


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A comparative study of the development of Schistosoma mansoni during the intra-molluscan phase was made by means of histological sections of Biomphalaria tenagophila, B. straminea and B. glabrata from Brazil. Two hundred snails of each species were individually exposed to 50 miracidia of the S. mansoni, AL line. No larvae were observed in the snails fixed 72 h after exposure. In specimens shedding cercariae, 31 days after exposure tissue reactions encapsulating the larvae were seen in B. tenagophila and B. straminea, in the head-foot, mantle collar and renal ducts. No tissue reactions occurred in the digestive glands of these two species. In B. glabrata the presence of numerous sporocysts and cercariae without tissue reactions was observed in the digestive gland, and other organs. The levels of infection of the snails and the average numbers of cercariae shed per day were 32.6% and 79±90 respectively for B. tenagophila, 11.3% and 112±100 for B. straminea and 75.3% and 432±436 for B. glabrata. The lower levels of infection and average numbers of cercariae shed by B. tenagophila and B. straminea are thus related to their more potent internal defense systems.


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Among the determinant factors in the resistance and susceptibility of Biomphalaria to Schistosoma mansoni, hemocytes play an important role. Aiming at studying S. mansoni/Biomphalaria interactions related to hemocytes, the first step is certainly connected with the standardization of this cell population in uninfected Biomphalaria. In this way, quantification of this cell population in hemolymph, as well as its phagocitary capacity, have been determined for the first time. Furthermore, using susceptible and resistant strains of B. glabrata and B. tenagophila, the hemocytegram and phagocytary capacity of hemocytes after infection with S. mansoni were determined too. Resistant and susceptible strains of B.glabrata (BA and BH, respectively), as well as resistant and susceptible strains of B. tenagophila (Taim and CF, respectively) were infected with 10 miracidia of the LE and SJ strains of S. mansoni, respectively. These infected snails and respective uninfected controls were assessed in relation to the number of circulating hemocytes and alteration in the phagocytary capacity, by using Zymozan and MTT. Reading was taken by means of a spectrophotometer at 5 hours and 1,2,5,10,20 and 30 days after infection. The results showed a decrease in population of the circulating phagocytary cells, 5 hours after infection. One day post-infection, the circulating cells of the susceptible snails showed an increased metabolic activity, but the same event could not be observed in the resistant strains. In the subsequent observation periods, significant differences among the strains studied could not be observed until the end of the experiment