999 resultados para Biology, Entomology


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The cellular and molecular characteristics of a cell line (BME26) derived from embryos of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus were studied. The cells contained glycogen inclusions, numerous mitochondria, and vesicles with heterogeneous electron densities dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. Vesicles contained lipids and sequestered palladium meso-porphyrin (Pd-mP) and rhodamine-hemoglobin, suggesting their involvement in the autophagic and endocytic pathways. The cells phagocytosed yeast and expressed genes encoding the antimicrobial peptides (microplusin and defensin). A cDNA library was made and 898 unique mRNA sequences were obtained. Among them, 556 sequences were not significantly similar to any sequence found in public databases. Annotation using Gene Ontology revealed transcripts related to several different functional classes. We identified transcripts involved in immune response such as ferritin, serine proteases, protease inhibitors,. antimicrobial peptides, heat shock protein, glutathione S-transferase, peroxidase, and NADPH oxidase. BME26 cells transfected with a plasmid carrying a red fluorescent protein reporter gene (DsRed2) transiently expressed DsRed2 for up to 5 weeks. We conclude that BME26 can be used to experimentally analyze diverse biological processes that occur in R. (B.) microplus such as the innate immune response to tick-borne pathogens. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Larvae of Zabrotes subfasciatus secrete alpha-amylases that are insensitive to the alpha-amylase inhibitor found in seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris. By analyzing amylase activities during larval development on P. vulgaris, we detected activity of the constitutive amylase and the two inducible amylase isoforms at all stages. When larvae were transferred from the non alpha-amylase inhibitor containing seeds of Vigna unguiculata to P. vulgaris, the inducible alpha-amylases were expressed at the same level as in control larvae fed on P. vulgaris. Interestingly, when larvae were transferred from seeds of P. vulgaris to those of V. unguiculata, inducible alpha-amylases continued to be expressed at a level similar to that found in control larvae fed P. vulgaris continuously. When 10-day-old larvae were removed from seeds of V. unguiculata and transferred into capsules containing flour of P. vulgaris cotyledons, and thus maintained until completing 17 days ( age when the larvae stopped feeding), we could detect higher activity of the inducible alpha-amylases. However, when larvae of the same age were transferred from P. vulgaris into capsules containing flour of V. unguiculata, the inducible alpha-amylases remained up-regulated. These results suggest that the larvae of Z. subfasciatus have the ability to induce insensitive amylases early in their development. A short period of feeding on P. vulgaris cotyledon flour was sufficient to irreversibly induce the inducible alpha-amylase isoforms. Incubations of brush border membrane vesicles with the alpha-amylase inhibitor 1 from P. vulgaris suggest that the inhibitor is recognized by putative receptors found in the midgut microvillar membranes. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Insect digestive chymotrypsins are present in a large variety of insect orders but their substrate specificity still remains unclear. Ewer insect chymotrypsins from 3 different insect orders (Dictyoptera, Coleoptera and two Lepidoptera) were isolated using affinity chromatography. Enzymes presented molecular masses in the range of 20 to 31 kDa and pH optima in the range of 7.5 to 10.0. Kinetic characterization. using different, colorimetric and fluorescent substrates indicated that insect chymotrypsins differ from, bovine chymotrypsin in their primary specificity toward small substrates (like N-benzoyl-L-Tyr p-nitroanilide) rather than on their preference for large substrates (exemplified by Succynil-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe P-nitroanilide). Chloromethyl ketones (TPCK, N-alpha-tosyl-L-Phe chloromethyl ketone and Z-GGF-CK, N-carbobenzoxy-Gly-Gly-phe-CK) inactivated all chymotrypsins legated. Inactivation rates follow apparent first-order kinetics with variable second order rates (TPCK, 42 to 130 M(-1)s(-1); Z-GGF-CK, 150 to 450 M(-1)s(-1) that may be remarkably low for S. frugiperda chymotrypsin (TPCK, 6 M(-1)s(-1); Z-GGF-CK, 6.1 M(-1) s(-1)). Homology modelling and sequence alignment showed that. in lepidopteran chymotrypsins, differences in the amino acid residues in the neighborhood of the catalytic His 57 may affect its pKa, value. This is Proposed as the cause of the decrease in His 57 reactivity toward chloromethyl ketones. Such amino acid replacement in the active site is proposed. to be an adaptation to the presence of dietary ketones. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The genome sequence of Aedes aegypti was recently reported. A significant amount of Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) were sequenced to aid in the gene prediction process. In the present work we describe an integrated analysis of the genomic and EST data, focusing on genes with preferential expression in larvae (LG), adults (AG) and in both stages (SG). A total of 913 genes (5.4% of the transcript complement) are LG, including ion transporters and cuticle proteins that are important for ion homeostasis and defense. From a starting set of 245 genes encoding the trypsin domain, we identified 66 putative LG, AG, and SG trypsins by manual curation. Phylogenetic analyses showed that AG trypsins are divergent from their larval counterparts (LG), grouping with blood-induced trypsins from Anopheles gambiae and Simulium vittatum. These results support the hypothesis that blood-feeding arose only once, in the ancestral Culicomorpha. Peritrophins are proteins that interlock chitin fibrils to form the peritrophic membrane (PM) that compartmentalizes the food in the midgut. These proteins are recognized by having chitin-binding domains with 6 conserved Cys and may also present mucin-like domains (regions expected to be highly O-glycosylated). PM may be formed by a ring of cells (type 2, seen in Ae. aegypti larvae and Drosophila melanogaster) or by most midgut cells (type 1, found in Ae. aegypti adult and Tribolium castaneum). LG and D. melanogaster peritrophins have more complex domain structures than AG and T. castaneum peritrophins. Furthermore, mucin-like domains of peritrophins from T. castaneum (feeding on rough food) are lengthier than those of adult Ae. aegypti (blood-feeding). This suggests, for the first time, that type 1 and type 2 PM may have variable molecular architectures determined by different peritrophins and/or ancillary proteins, which may be partly modulated by diet.


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Insect chymotrypsins are distinctively sensitive to plant protein inhibitors, suggesting that they differ in subsite architecture and hence in substrate specificities. Purified digestive chymotrypsins from insects of three different orders were assayed with internally quenched fluorescent oligopeptides with three different amino acids at P1 (Tyr, Phe, and Leu) and 13 amino acid replacements in positions P1`, P2, and P3. The binding energy (Delta G(s), calculated from Km values) and the activation energy (Delta G(T)(double dagger), determined from k(cat)/K-m values) were calculated. The hydrophobicities of each subsite were calculated from the efficiency of hydrolysis of the different amino acid replacements at that subsite. The results showed that except for S1, the other subsites (S2, S3, and S1`) vary among chymotrypsins. This result contrasts with insect trypsin data that revealed a trend along evolution, putatively associated with resistance to plant inhibitors. In spite of those differences, the data suggested that in lepidopteran chymotrypsins S2 and S1` bind the substrate ground state, whereas only S1` binds the transition state, supporting aspects of the present accepted mechanism of catalysis. 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A cDNA coding for a Tenebrio molitor midgut protein named peritrophic membrane ancillary protein (PMAP) was cloned and sequenced. The complete cDNA codes for a protein of 595 amino acids with six insect-allergen-related-repeats that may be grouped in A (predicted globular)- and B (predicted nonglobular)-types forming an ABABAB structure. The PMAP-cDNA was expressed in Pichia pastoris and the recombinant protein (64 kDa) was purified to homogeneity and used to raise antibodies in rabbits. The specific antibody detected PMAP peptides (22 kDa) in the anterior and middle midgut tissue, luminal contents, peritrophic membrane and feces. These peptides derive from PMAP, as supported by mass spectrometry, and resemble those formed by the in vitro action of trypsin on recombinant PMAP. Both in vitro and in vivo PMAP processing seem to occur by attack of trypsin to susceptible bonds in the coils predicted to link AB pairs, thus releasing the putative functional AB structures. The AB-domain structure of PMAP is found in homologous proteins from several insect orders, except lepidopterans that have the apparently derived protein known as nitrile-specifier protein. Immunocytolocalization shows that PMAP is secreted by exocytosis and becomes entrapped in the glycocalyx, before being released into midgut contents. Circumstantial evidence suggests that PMAP-like proteins have a role in peritrophic membrane type 2 formation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Diuron is one of the most commonly found N-phenylurea herbicides in marine/estuarine waters that promotes toxic effects by inhibiting photosynthesis and affecting the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in autotrophs. Since photo- and thermoacclimation are also ROS-mediated processes, this work evaluates a hypothetical additive effect of high light (HL) and chilling (12 degrees C) on 50 nM diuron toxicity to the highly-photosynthetically active apices of the red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii. Additive inhibition of photosynthesis was mainly evidenced by significant decreases of quantum yield of photosystem II and electron transfer rates upon co-stressors exposure to diuron-treated algae. Under extreme 12 degrees C/HL/diuron conditions, unexpected lower correlations between H(2)O(2) concentrations in seawater and radical-sensitive protein thiols were concomitantly measured with the highest indexes of photoinhibition (parameter beta). Altogether, these data support the hypothesis that co-stressors chilling/HL additively inhibit photosynthesis in diuron-exposed K. alvarezii but with less involvement of H(2)O(2) in injury effects than with only chilling or HL. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Spodoptera frugiperda beta-1,3-glucanase (SLam) was purified from larval midgut. It has a molecular mass of 37.5 kDa, an alkaline optimum pH of 9.0, is active against beta-1,3-glucan (laminarin), but cannot hydrolyze yeast beta-1,3-1,6-glucan or other polysaccharides. The enzyme is an endoglucanase with low processivity (0.4), and is not inhibited by high concentrations of substrate. In contrast to other digestive beta-1,3-glucanases from insects, SLam is unable to lyse Saccharomyces cerevisae cells. The cDNA encoding SLam was cloned and sequenced, showing that the protein belongs to glycosyl hydrolase family 16 as other insect glucanases and glucan-binding proteins. Multiple sequence alignment of beta-1,3-glucanases and beta-glucan-binding protein supports the assumption that the beta-1,3-glucanase gene duplicated in the ancestor of mollusks and arthropods. One copy originated the derived beta-1,3-glucanases by the loss of an extended N-terminal region and the beta-glucan-binding proteins by the loss of the catalytic residues. SLam homology modeling suggests that E228 may affect the ionization of the catalytic residues, thus displacing the enzyme pH optimum. SLam antiserum reacts with a single protein in the insect midgut. Immunocytolocalization shows that the enzyme is present in secretory vesicles and glycocalyx from columnar cells. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Trehalase (EC hydrolyzes only alpha, alpha`- trehalose and is present in a variety of organisms, but is most important in insects and fungi. Crystallographic data showed that bacterial trehalase has 0312 and E496 as the catalytical residues and three Arg residues in the active site. Those residues have homologous in all family 37 trehalases including Spodoptera frugiperda trehalase (0322, E520, R169, R227, R287). To test the role of these residues, mutants of trehalase were produced. All mutants were at least four orders of magnitude less active than wild type trehalase and no structural difference between these mutants and wild type enzyme were discernible by circular dichroism. D322A and E520 pH-activity profile lacked the alkaline arm and the acid arm, respectively, suggesting that D322 is the acid and E520 the basic catalyst. Azide increases E520A activity three times, confirming its action as the basic catalyst. Taking into account the decrease in activity after substitution for alanine residue, the three arginine residues are as important as the catalytical ones to trehalase activity. This clarifies the previous misidentification of an Arg residue as the acid catalyst. As far as we know, this is the first report on the functional identification residues important for trehalase activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The major beta-1,3-glucanase from Tenebrio molitor (TLam) was purified to homogeneity (yield, 6%; enrichment, 113 fold; specific activity, 4.4 U/mg). TLam has a molecular weight of 50 kDa and a pH optimum of 6. It is an encloglucanase that hydrolyzes beta-1,3-glucans as laminarin and yeast beta-1,3-1,6-glucan, but is inactive toward other polysaccharides (as unbranched beta-1,3-glucans or mixed beta-1,3-1,4-glucan from cereals) or disaccharides. The enzyme is not inhibited by high substrate concentrations and has low processivity (0.6). TLam has two ionizable groups involved in catalysis, and His, Tyr and Arg residues plus a divalent ion at the active site. A Cys residue important for TLam activity is exposed after laminarin binding. The cDNA coding for this enzyme was cloned and sequenced. It belongs to glycoside hydrolase family 16, and is related to other insect glucanases and glucan-binding proteins. Sequence analysis and homology modeling allowed the identification of some residues (E174, E179, H204, Y304, R127 and R181) at the active site of the enzyme, which may be important for TLam activity. TLam efficiently lyses fungal cells, suggesting a role in making available walls and cell contents to digestion and in protecting the midgut from pathogen infections. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Both soluble (SfTre1) and membrane-bound (SfTre2) trehalases occur along the midgut of Spodoptera frugiperda larvae. Released SfTre2 was purified as a 67 kDa protein. Its K(m) (1.6 mM) and thermal stability (half life 10 min at 62 degrees C) are different from the previously isolated soluble trehalase (K(m) = 0.47 mM; 100% stable at 62 degrees C). Two cDNAs coding for S. frugiperda trehalases have been cloned using primers based on consensus sequences of trehalases and having as templates a cDNA library prepared from total polyA-containing RNA extracted from midguts. One cDNA codes for a trehalase that has a predicted transmembrane sequence and was defined as SfTre2. The other, after being cloned and expressed, results in a recombinant trehalase with a K(m) value and thermal stability like those of native soluble trehalase. This enzyme was defined as SfTre1 and, after it was used to generate antibodies, it was immunolocalized at the secretory vesicles and at the glycocalyx of columnar cells. Escherichia coli trehalase 3D structure and sequence alignment with SfTre1 support a proposal regarding the residue modulating the pKa value of the proton donor.


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This paper revises the bees currently considered to belong to the genus Rhectomia s.l. and proposes a species phylogeny based on morphological characters, using other Corynurina as outgroups. The results indicate that Rhinocorynura Schrottky renders Rhectomia s.l. paraphyletic. Consequently, Corynurella is removed from synonymy with Rhectomia s.s., and Paracorynurella gen.n. is proposed. The topology among these genera is: outgroup [(Rhectomia s.s. + Rhinocorynura) (Paracorynurella gen.n. + Corynurella)]. Nine species are assigned to Corynurella: C. brokopondoi sp.n., C. caerulea sp.n., C. cognata sp.n., C. decora sp.n., C. harrisoni (Engel), C. mourei Eickwort, C. nigra sp.n., C. singularis sp.n. and C. triangulata sp.n. Three new species are described in Paracorynurella gen.n.: type species P. betoi sp.n., P. excavata sp.n., P. reticulata sp.n.; P. difficillima (Ducke) comb.n. is transferred from Rhinocorynura. Three species are recognized in Rhectomia s.s.: R. catarina sp.n., R. liebherri Engel and R. pumilla Moure. The male of R. liebherri is described for the first time. Keys for the identification of the genera and species are provided.


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The larval endoparasitoid Toxoneuron nigriceps (Viereck) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) has a toolbox of biological weapons to secure for host colonization and the successful parasitization of its host Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The cDNA of a putative chitinase has been previously isolated and initially characterized from teratocytes of this parasitoid among the plethora of molecules available in the venom and calyx fluids injected by females, oral and/or anal secretions released by the parasitoid larvae and/or produced by the expression of genes of the symbiotic associated polydnavirus. This putative chitinase has been initially associated with the host cuticle digestion to allow for parasitoid egression and with the asepsis of the host environment, acting as an antimicrobial. As chitinases are commonly expressed in plants against plant pathogens, the chitinase derived from the teratocytes of T. nigriceps is a potential tool for the development of insect pest control methods based on the disruption of the perithrophic membrane of herbivores. Therefore, we aimed to characterize the activity of the putative chitinase from teratocytes of T. nigriceps (Tnchi) produced using the Escherichia coli expression system and its potential to control H. virescens larvae when expressed into transgenic tobacco plants. The purified E. coli-produced Tnchi protein showed no chitinolitic activity, but was active in binding with colloidal and crystalline chitins in water and with colloidal chitin in buffered solution (pH = 6.74). Transgenic tobacco plants showed no enhanced chitinolitic activity relative to control plants, but survival of three-day old larvae of H. virescens was severely affected when directly fed on transgenic tobacco leaves expressing the recombinant Tnchi protein. Some properties of the Tnchi protein and the potential use of Tnchi-transgenic plants to control plant pests are discussed. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This paper compares the responses of conventional and transgenic soybean to glyphosate application in terms of the contents of 17 detectable soluble amino acids in leaves, analyzed by HPLC and fluorescence detection. Glutamate, histidine, asparagine, arginine + alanine, glycine + threonine and isoleucine increased in conventional soybean leaves when compared to transgenic soybean leaves, whereas for other amino acids, no significant differences were recorded. Univariate analysis allowed us to make an approximate differentiation between conventional and transgenic lines, observing the changes of some variables by glyphosate application. In addition, by means of the multivariate analysis, using principal components analysis (PCA), cluster analysis (CA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) it was possible to identify and discriminate different groups based on the soybean genetic origin. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Male secondary sexual characters in Lepidoptera may be present or absent in species that otherwise appear to be closely related, an observation that has led to differences of opinion over the taxonomic usefulness of these structures above the species level. An evolutionary issue raised by this debate is whether male secondary sexual characters (1) can be regained after being lost evolutionarily, (2) are not lost after being evolved, or (3) are 'switched on and off' by genes that regulate development. A second evolutionary issue is the conditions under which male secondary sexual characters might be lost or gained evolutionarily. Because these structures are thought to promote species recognition, theory predicts evolutionary losses to be most likely in allopatry; evolutionary gains to be most likely during the process of secondarily establishing sympatry or during sympatric speciation. We updated the species-level taxonomy of the brilliant emerald winged Neotropical lycaenid butterfly genus Arcas and performed an analysis of phylogenetic relations among species to assess these evolutionary issues. We morphologically detail a scent pouch on the ventral hindwing of Areas and report that six species possess the pouch with androconia, one possesses the pouch without androconia, and the remaining two species have neither pouch nor androconia. In addition, eight Areas species have a morphologically species-specific male forewing scent pad, and one lacks a scent pad. This variation appears to be the result of three evolutionary losses and no gains of male secondary sexual organs. The four Areas species lacking a scent pouch or a scent pad are allopatric with their closest phylogenetic relatives while four of five with both of these structures are sympatric. Although Arcas is a small genus, these results are significantly more extreme than predicted by chance. For taxonomy, this study provides a rationale for the evolutionary loss of male secondary sexual structures and suggests that their absence, but itself, does not indicate a lack of relationship above the species level.