998 resultados para Biological maturation


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Experiments to design physical activity programs that optimize their osteogenic potential are difficult to accomplish in humans. The aim of this article is to review the contributions that animal studies have made to knowledge of the loading conditions that are osteogenic to the skeleton during growth, as well as to consider to what extent animal studies fail to provide valid models of physical activity and skeletal maturation. Controlled loading studies demonstrate that static loads are ineffective, and that bone formation is threshold driven and dependent on strain rate, amplitude, and duration of loading. Only a few loading cycles per session are required, and distributed bouts are more osteogenic than sessions of long duration. Finally, animal models fail to inform us of the most appropriate ways to account for the variations in biological maturation that occur in our studies of children and adolescents, requiring the use of techniques for studying human growth and development.


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Introdução O zinco é um importante elemento traço que auxilia na capacidade antioxidante, além de participar da maturação biológica. Em atletas, a suplementação de zinco tem efeito positivo nos parâmetros hematológicos e pode melhorar o rendimento esportivo. Sua deficiência é comumente observada nesses grupo e pode estar associada à diminuição da força física assim como da massa corporal, além de ter efeito significativo no crescimento. Assim os objetivos do presente estudo foram: comparar os métodos de avaliação da maturidade biológica e suas relações com variáveis antropométricas e de rendimento físico de acordo com o estado de zinco em jovens jogadores de futebol; comparar diferentes métodos de avaliação da composição corporal em jovens jogadores de futebol esratificados de acordo com os níveis plasmáticos de zinco e investigar o efeito do zinco suplementar na maturação biológica, no crescimento, na composição corporal e na força muscular de jogadores de futebol púberes do sexo masculino. Materiais e métodos Foram avaliados em dois momentos 48 jovens do sexo masculino (13±1 anos, massa corporal de 48±10kg, estatura de 160±10cm e zinco plasmático de 12,1±2,2 μmol/L). Todos eram jogadores de futebol de um tradicional clube do Rio de Janeiro e foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos. Durante 12 semanas o grupo placebo (n=28) recebeu cápsulas de amido de milho e o grupo suplementado (n=20) recebeu cápsulas de gluconato de Zn (22mg/dia). O valor de 11,0 μmol/L foi considerado como ponto de corte para classificação dos jovens em normozincêmicos ou hipozincêmicos. No início da manhã, após jejum noturno, foram coletados sangue e urina para determinação da concentração de zinco. A massa corporal, alturas (do vértex, acromial, dactiloidal, iliocristal, trocantérica e sentado), composição corporal, força e maturidade esquelética (TW3) também foram determinadas por metodologias validadas. Resultados As comparações entre as categorias maturacionais definidas por cada método de avaliação mostraram que a idade óssea foi o único método que permitiu a identificação de diferenças entre as três categorias, em ao menos duas variáeis relacionadas ao rendimento (massa livre de gordura (MLG) e força na mão dominante (FMD) – p<0,0001). O método da pilosidade axilar foi capaz de discriminar apenas para a FMD (p<0,0001). Embora tenha fornecido quatro categorias maturacionais, o método por dosagem da testosterona não possibilitou a identificação de diferenças entre as categorias relativas a MLG, a FMD e as dobras cutâneas(DC). Quando observamos os métodos de avaliação da composição corporal não foram identificadas diferenças sigificativas entre os grupos hipozincêmico e normozincêmico no percentagem de gordura(PG) nem na MLG obtidas através dos métodos da absortometria de dupla energia (DXA) (p=0,06076 e p=0,5638 respectivamente), das DC (p=0,6840 and 0,5087) e através da bioimpedância elétrica (BIA) (p=0,3475 and p=0,3475). Entre os diferentes métodos também não foi encontrada diferenças significativas (PG: p=0,1272 e p=0,3231 - MLG: p=0,9229 and p=0,8933 para os grupos hipozincêmico e normozincêmico, respectivamente). As correlações entre os métodos foram significativas (PG: r= 0,3414 a 0,9765 e p<0,0001 a 0,0133 - MLG: r=0,9533 a 0,9998 e p<0,0001). Fortes coeficientes de determinação foram obtidos nas regressões múltiplas dos valores do DXA com a equação de Slaughter na estimativa da PG (r=0,86; r2=0,928 e SEE=2,37%) e ainda maiores para MLG (r=0,98; r2=0,990 e SEE=1,18kg). Valores menores foram encontrados para as outras equações com DC e para BIA. Ao analisar os efeitos da suplementação de zinco sobre o crescimento, a maturação, a composição corporal e a força, observou-se que somente as alterações ocorridas nos indicadores de crescimento foram significativas (p=0,0312), sendo que todas as demais não foram significativas - idade óssea (p=0,1391), massa livre de gordura (p=0,0593), percentual de massa gorda (p=0,2212) e força na mão dominante (p=0,6569). Conclusões Observando diferentes métodos de avaliação da maturidade biológica e as categorias por eles definidas, o método da idade óssea (IO) mostrou ser melhor, visto que ele permitiu identificar diferenças entre as três categorias possíveis, nas variáveis MLG e FMD, ao contrário dos outros métodos. Para a avaliação da composição corporal, os métodos baseados nas DC foram melhores que BIA, quando DXA não estiver disponível. A comparação entre os métodos baseados nas DC mostrou que a melhor associação foi obtida com a equação de Slaughter, seguida pela equação de Lohman com a utilização da IO ao invés da idade cronológica. Os níveis de zinco plasmático parecem não serem influenciados pela composição corporal, o que certamente justifica mais estudos. Os resultados da análise dos efeitos da suplementação de zinco no crescimento, na maturação, na composição corporal e na força, nos levam a concluir que o crescimento teve alteração positiva significativa e que os valores das demais variáveis estudadas (maturação, composição corporal e força muscular) não sofreram alterações significativas relacionadas à suplementação de zinco nos jovens jogadores de futebol do sexo masculino, na faixa etária dos 12 aos 14 anos.


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Children fromdevelopedanddevelopingcountriesdifferintheirbodysizeandshapedueto markeddifferencesacrosstheirlifehistorycausedbysocial,economicandculturaldifferenceswhicharealsolinkedtotheirmotorperformance(MP).Weusedallometricmodelsto identifysize/shapecharacteristicsassociatedwithMPtestsbetweenBrazilianandPeruvianschoolchildren.Atotalof4,560subjects,2,385girlsand2,175boysaged9–15years werestudied.Heightandweightweremeasured;biological maturation wasestimated with thematurityoffsettechnique;MPmeasuresincludedthe12minuterun(12MR),handgrip strength(HG),standinglongjump(SLJ)andtheshuttlerunspeed(SR)tests;physicalactivity(PA)wasassessedusingtheBaeckequestionnaire.Amultiplicativeallometricmodel wasadoptedtoadjustforbodysizedifferencesacrosscountries.Reciprocalponderalindex (RPI)wasfoundtobethemostsuitablebodyshapeindicatorassociatedwiththe12MR, SLJ,HGandSRperformance.Apositivematurationoffset parameterwasalsoassociated withabetterperformanceinSLJ,HGandSRtests.Sexdifferenceswerefoundinallmotor tests.BrazilianyouthshowedbetterscoresinMPthantheirPeruvianpeers,evenwhen controlling fortheirbodysizedifferencesThecurrentstudyidentifiedthekeybodysize associatedwithfourbodymass-dependentMPtests.Biological maturationandPAwere associatedwithstrengthandmotorperformance.Sexdifferenceswerefoundinallmotor tests,aswellasacrosscountriesfavoringBrazilianchildrenevenwhenaccountingfortheir bodysize/shapedifferences.


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The knowledge about intra- and inter-individual variation can stimulate attempts at description, interpretation and prediction of motor co-ordination (MC). Aim: To analyse change, stability and prediction of motor co-ordination (MC) in children. Subjects and methods: A total of 158 children, 83 boys and 75 girls, aged 6, 7 and 8 years, were evaluated in 2006 and re-evaluated in 2012 at 12, 13 and 14 years of age. MC was assessed through the Kiphard-Schilling’s body co-ordination test and growth, skeletal maturity, physical fitness, fundamental motor skills (FMS), physical activity and socioeconomic status (SES) were measured and/or estimated. Results: Repeated-measures MANOVA indicated that there was a significant effect of group, sex and time on a linear combination of the MC tests. Univariate tests revealed that group 3 (8–14 years) scored significantly better than group 1 (6–12 years) in all MC tests and boys performed better than girls in hopping for height and moving sideways. Scores in MC were also higher at follow-up than at baseline. Inter-age correlations for MC were between 0.15–0.74. Childhood predictors of MC were growth, physical fitness, FMS, physical activity and SES. Biological maturation did not contribute to prediction of MC. Conclusion: MC seemed moderately stable from childhood through adolescence and, additionally, inter-individual predictors at adolescence were growth, FMS, physical fitness, physical activity and SES.


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The purpose of this study was to validate and cross-validate the Beunen-Malina-Freitas method for non-invasive prediction of adult height in girls. A sample of 420 girls aged 10–15 years from the Madeira Growth Study were measured at yearly intervals and then 8 years later. Anthropometric dimensions (lengths, breadths, circumferences, and skinfolds) were measured; skeletal age was assessed using the Tanner-Whitehouse 3 method and menarcheal status (present or absent) was recorded. Adult height was measured and predicted using stepwise, forward, and maximum R2 regression techniques. Multiple correlations, mean differences, standard errors of prediction, and error boundaries were calculated. A sample of the Leuven Longitudinal Twin Study was used to cross-validate the regressions. Age-specific coefficients of determination (R2) between predicted and measured adult height varied between 0.57 and 0.96, while standard errors of prediction varied between 1.1 and 3.9 cm. The cross-validation confirmed the validity of the Beunen-Malina-Freitas method in girls aged 12–15 years, but at lower ages the cross-validation was less consistent. We conclude that the Beunen-Malina-Freitas method is valid for the prediction of adult height in girls aged 12–15 years. It is applicable to European populations or populations of European ancestry.


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he aims of this cross-sectional study were to examine the developmental characteristics (biological maturation and body size) associated with gross motor coordination problems in 5193 Peruvian children (2787 girls) aged 6–14 years from different geographical locations, and to investigate how the probability that children suffer with gross motor coordination problems varies with physical fitness. Children with gross motor coordination problems were more likely to have lower flexibility and explosive strength levels, having adjusted for age, sex, maturation and study site. Older children were more likely to suffer from gross motor coordination problems, as were those with greater body mass index. However, more mature children were less likely to have gross motor coordination problems, although children who live at sea level or at high altitude were more likely to suffer from gross motor coordination problems than children living in the jungle. Our results provide evidence that children and adolescents with lower physical fitness are more likely to have gross motor coordination difficulties. The identification of youths with gross motor coordination problems and providing them with effective intervention programs is an important priority in order to overcome such developmental problems, and help to improve their general health status.


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Children fromdevelopedanddevelopingcountriesdifferintheirbodysizeandshapedueto markeddifferencesacrosstheirlifehistorycausedbysocial,economicandculturaldifferenceswhicharealsolinkedtotheirmotorperformance(MP).Weusedallometricmodelsto identifysize/shapecharacteristicsassociatedwithMPtestsbetweenBrazilianandPeruvianschoolchildren.Atotalof4,560subjects,2,385girlsand2,175boysaged9–15years werestudied.Heightandweightweremeasured;biological maturation wasestimated with thematurityoffsettechnique;MPmeasuresincludedthe12minuterun(12MR),handgrip strength(HG),standinglongjump(SLJ)andtheshuttlerunspeed(SR)tests;physicalactivity(PA)wasassessedusingtheBaeckequestionnaire.Amultiplicativeallometricmodel wasadoptedtoadjustforbodysizedifferencesacrosscountries.Reciprocalponderalindex (RPI)wasfoundtobethemostsuitablebodyshapeindicatorassociatedwiththe12MR, SLJ,HGandSRperformance.Apositivematurationoffset parameterwasalsoassociated withabetterperformanceinSLJ,HGandSRtests.Sexdifferenceswerefoundinallmotor tests.BrazilianyouthshowedbetterscoresinMPthantheirPeruvianpeers,evenwhen controlling fortheirbodysizedifferencesThecurrentstudyidentifiedthekeybodysize associatedwithfourbodymass-dependentMPtests.Biological maturationandPAwere associatedwithstrengthandmotorperformance.Sexdifferenceswerefoundinallmotor tests,aswellasacrosscountriesfavoringBrazilianchildrenevenwhenaccountingfortheir bodysize/shapedifferences.


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The knowledge about intra- and inter-individual variation can stimulate attempts at description, interpretation and prediction of motor co-ordination (MC). Aim: To analyse change, stability and prediction of motor co-ordination (MC) in children. Subjects and methods: A total of 158 children, 83 boys and 75 girls, aged 6, 7 and 8 years, were evaluated in 2006 and re-evaluated in 2012 at 12, 13 and 14 years of age. MC was assessed through the Kiphard-Schilling’s body co-ordination test and growth, skeletal maturity, physical fitness, fundamental motor skills (FMS), physical activity and socioeconomic status (SES) were measured and/or estimated. Results: Repeated-measures MANOVA indicated that there was a significant effect of group, sex and time on a linear combination of the MC tests. Univariate tests revealed that group 3 (8–14 years) scored significantly better than group 1 (6–12 years) in all MC tests and boys performed better than girls in hopping for height and moving sideways. Scores in MC were also higher at follow-up than at baseline. Inter-age correlations for MC were between 0.15–0.74. Childhood predictors of MC were growth, physical fitness, FMS, physical activity and SES. Biological maturation did not contribute to prediction of MC. Conclusion: MC seemed moderately stable from childhood through adolescence and, additionally, inter-individual predictors at adolescence were growth, FMS, physical fitness, physical activity and SES.


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The purpose of this study was to validate and cross-validate the Beunen-Malina-Freitas method for non-invasive prediction of adult height in girls. A sample of 420 girls aged 10–15 years from the Madeira Growth Study were measured at yearly intervals and then 8 years later. Anthropometric dimensions (lengths, breadths, circumferences, and skinfolds) were measured; skeletal age was assessed using the Tanner-Whitehouse 3 method and menarcheal status (present or absent) was recorded. Adult height was measured and predicted using stepwise, forward, and maximum R2 regression techniques. Multiple correlations, mean differences, standard errors of prediction, and error boundaries were calculated. A sample of the Leuven Longitudinal Twin Study was used to cross-validate the regressions. Age-specific coefficients of determination (R2) between predicted and measured adult height varied between 0.57 and 0.96, while standard errors of prediction varied between 1.1 and 3.9 cm. The cross-validation confirmed the validity of the Beunen-Malina-Freitas method in girls aged 12–15 years, but at lower ages the cross-validation was less consistent. We conclude that the Beunen-Malina-Freitas method is valid for the prediction of adult height in girls aged 12–15 years. It is applicable to European populations or populations of European ancestry.


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he aims of this cross-sectional study were to examine the developmental characteristics (biological maturation and body size) associated with gross motor coordination problems in 5193 Peruvian children (2787 girls) aged 6–14 years from different geographical locations, and to investigate how the probability that children suffer with gross motor coordination problems varies with physical fitness. Children with gross motor coordination problems were more likely to have lower flexibility and explosive strength levels, having adjusted for age, sex, maturation and study site. Older children were more likely to suffer from gross motor coordination problems, as were those with greater body mass index. However, more mature children were less likely to have gross motor coordination problems, although children who live at sea level or at high altitude were more likely to suffer from gross motor coordination problems than children living in the jungle. Our results provide evidence that children and adolescents with lower physical fitness are more likely to have gross motor coordination difficulties. The identification of youths with gross motor coordination problems and providing them with effective intervention programs is an important priority in order to overcome such developmental problems, and help to improve their general health status.


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El propósito del presente estudio era generar los valores normativos de salto largo para niños de 9-17.9 años, e investigar las diferencias de sexo y grupo de edad


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As the most of the fish resources are known and exploited, protecting their generation is of the greatest importance. Aquaculture is one of the efficient procedures in protecting and reviving fish resources and knowing about the reproductive cycle and gonads development has an important role in approaching this aim. Liza abu belongs to the family Mugilidae that according to its resistance to the environmental condition and its fast growth , can be introduced as a fish with economical value. As there is no scientific data on the reproductive biology of this species , study on the reproductive biology and gonad development is considered as the aim of this research . For this purpose , 360 samples of this species were investigated during the period from February 2007 to January 2008 in Khozestan Province . After studing morphological and histological characteristics of gonad specimen , they were prepared through histological method. Samples were prepared through usual histological method and studied under light microscope. According to the results, the maturity stages of male and female Liza abu were separated to six different successive stages. In ovaries , these stages were as follow : In stage І, the oocytes were small , this stage was observed from July to October . In stage ІІ, considerable growth was observed in the oocytes . This stage was observed from October to January . In stage III, due to vitellogenesis, the maximum growth was observed and three layers of theca, granullosa and follicle cells were visible. This stage was observed during January and February . In stage IV, migration of germinal vesicle was observed and due to hydration of the oocytes , their diameter was increased. The ovaries were yellowish and in maximum size and ovules could be easily observed with naked-eye . This stage was observed in February and March . In stage V, spawning occured. This stage was observed in April . In stage VI, ovaries consisted of immature and atretic oocytes and also empty follicles. This stage was observed in May and June. In testes , these stages were as follow : In stage I , the testes were small in size and contained the spermatogonia which were the only cellular components.This stage was observed in August and September . In stage II (maturing virgin ) , the spermatogonia and the primary spermatocytes were visible. This stage was observed in October . In stage III (developing), intensive spermatogenesis was occured and the primary and the secondary spermatocytes were the most visible cells during this stage .This stage was observed from November to January. In stage IV(developed), cells of all stages of spermatogenesis could be seen but the secondary spermatocytes and spermatids were in large number. This stage was observed from January to March. In stage V , the testes were filled with sperms. This stage was observed in March and April .In stage VI, residual spermatozoa and the spermatogonia were visible in the testes. This stage was observed from May to August. According to cyclic changes in GSI, sexual maturation in breeding begins in January and spawning occurs in April. The ova diameter ranged from 30.75 μ in stage I to 472.19 μ in stage IV. In this study , the sex ratio was 1:2.7, and male and female percentage were 27.02% and 72.98% respectively. This means that females predominate males. In this study absolute fecundity was calculated and changing between 30805.44 to 431247.3 was observed and absolute fecundity was calculated 111275.3 in average.


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The present paper shows, for the first time, the membrane expression of the dendritic cell maturation marker CD83 on tumor cells from lung cancer patients. CD83 was also detected on freshly cultured fibroblast-like cells from these tissues and on several adherent human tumor cell lines (lung adenocarcinomas P9, A459 and A549, melanomas A375 and C81-61, breast adenocarcinomas SKBR-3 and MCF-7 and colon carcinoma AR42-J), but not in the non-adherent MOT leukemia cell line. CD83 may have immunosuppressive properties and its expression by cancer cells could have a role in facilitating tumor growth.


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A bioactive and bioresorbable scaffold fabricated from medical grade poly (epsilon-caprolactone) and incorporating 20% beta-tricalcium phosphate (mPCL–TCP) was recently developed for bone regeneration at load bearing sites. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate bone ingrowth into mPCL–TCP in a large animal model of lumbar interbody fusion. Six pigs underwent a 2-level (L3/4; L5/6) anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) implanted with mPCL–TCP þ 0.6 mg rhBMP-2 as treatment group while four other pigs implanted with autogenous bone graft served as control. Computed tomographic scanning and histology revealed complete defect bridging in all (100%) specimen from the treatment group as early as 3 months. Histological evidence of continuing bone remodeling and maturation was observed at 6 months. In the control group, only partial bridging was observed at 3 months and only 50% of segments in this group showed complete defect bridging at 6 months. Furthermore, 25% of segments in the control group showed evidence of graft fracture, resorption and pseudoarthrosis. In contrast, no evidence of graft fractures, pseudoarthrosis or foreign body reaction was observed in the treatment group. These results reveal that mPCL–TCP scaffolds could act as bone graft substitutes by providing a suitable environment for bone regeneration in a dynamic load bearing setting such as in a porcine model of interbody spine fusion.