866 resultados para Big Bang
Il presente lavoro intende offrire un riassunto dello “stato dell’arte” della Cosmologia: dopo averne ripercorso per sommi capi la storia degli ultimi cent’anni (cap.1), verrà illustrato il Modello Cosmologico Standard “ΛCDM” (cap.2), che è quello generalmente accettato dalla comunità scientifica allo stato attuale delle conoscenze; infine, si farà un breve “excursus” sulle questioni “aperte” e sui modelli cosmologici alternativi (cap.3).
Since the UsedSoft ruling of the CJEU in 2012, there has been the distinct feeling that – like the big bang - UsedSoft signals the start of a new beginning. As we enter this brave new world, the Copyright Directive will be read anew: misalignments in the treatment of physical and digital content will be resolved; accessibility and affordability for consumers will be heightened; and lock-in will be reduced as e-exhaustion takes hold. With UsedSoft as a precedent, the Court can do nothing but keep expanding its own ruling. For big bang theorists, it is only a matter of time until the digital first sale meteor strikes non-software downloads also. This paper looks at whether the UsedSoft ruling could indeed be the beginning of a wider doctrine of e-exhaustion, or if it is simply a one-shot comet restrained by provisions of the Computer Program Directive on which it was based. Fighting the latter corner, we have the strict word of the law; in the UsedSoft ruling, the Court appears to willingly bypass the international legal framework of the WCT. As far as expansion goes, the Copyright Directive was conceived specifically to implement the WCT, thus the legislative intent is clear. The Court would not, surely, invoke its modicum of creativity there also... With perhaps undue haste in a digital market of many unknowns, it seems this might well be the case. Provoking the big bang theory of e-exhaustion, the UsedSoft ruling can be read as distinctly purposive, but rather than having copyright norms in mind, the standard for the Court is the same free movement rules that underpin the exhaustion doctrine in the physical world. With an endowed sense of principled equivalence, the Court clearly wishes the tangible and intangible rules to be aligned. Against the backdrop of the European internal market, perhaps few legislative instruments would staunchly stand in its way. With firm objectives in mind, the UsedSoft ruling could be a rather disruptive meteor indeed.
Impact of the ‘Big bang’ enlargement on EU foreign policy – 10 years on. CEPS Commentary, 5 May 2014
The tendency within the EU today to blur distinctions between internal and external policies and between hard and soft security demands a more holistic and inclusive approach in tackling challenges and seizing opportunities if the EU is to make good on its foreign policy objectives. In his assessment of the impact of the ‘big bang’ enlargement on EU foreign policy a decade later, Steven Blockmans finds that the experience and expertise of the (by now not so) new member states has been and will continue to be indispensable for the European Union.
The main purpose of this work was to study population dynamic discrete models in which the growth of the population is described by generalized von Bertalanffy's functions, with an adjustment or correction factor of polynomial type. The consideration of this correction factor is made with the aim to introduce the Allee effect. To the class of generalized von Bertalanffy's functions is identified and characterized subclasses of strong and weak Allee's functions and functions with no Allee effect. This classification is founded on the concepts of strong and weak Allee's effects to population growth rates associated. A complete description of the dynamic behavior is given, where we provide necessary conditions for the occurrence of unconditional and essential extinction types. The bifurcation structures of the parameter plane are analyzed regarding the evolution of the Allee limit with the aim to understand how the transition from strong Allee effect to no Allee effect, passing through the weak Allee effect, is realized. To generalized von Bertalanffy's functions with strong and weak Allee effects is identified an Allee's effect region, to which is associated the concepts of chaotic semistability curve and Allee's bifurcation point. We verified that under some sufficient conditions, generalized von Bertalanffy's functions have a particular bifurcation structure: the big bang bifurcations of the so-called box-within-a-box type. To this family of maps, the Allee bifurcation points and the big bang bifurcation points are characterized by the symmetric of Allee's limit and by a null intrinsic growth rate. The present paper is also a significant contribution in the framework of the big bang bifurcation analysis for continuous 1D maps and unveil their relationship with the explosion birth and the extinction phenomena.
Questo elaborato tratta della traduzione dello humour. Lo humour fino a poco tempo fa era visto come trascurabile e intraducibile. Per questo motivo l'elaborato si concentra sulle varie strategie che si possono utilizzare per tradurre lo humour e spiega inoltre che in alcune circostanze, come in serie TV e film, la sua traduzione sia necessaria per la comprensione di essi.
Aquest treball elabora una proposta de traducció per al doblatge del capítol pilot de The Big Bang Theory, que combina llenguatge col•loquial i llenguatge científic.L’objectiu és doble: elaborar un llenguatge col•loquial creïble però a la vegada genuí i emprar els equivalents catalans adequats per als termes científics originals.
Much of the published work regarding the Isotropic Singularity is performed under the assumption that the matter source for the cosmological model is a barotropic perfect fluid, or even a perfect fluid with a gamma-law equation of state. There are, however, some general properties of cosmological models which admit an Isotropic Singularity, irrespective of the matter source. In particular, we show that the Isotropic Singularity is a point-like singularity and that vacuum space-times cannot admit an Isotropic Singularity. The relationships between the Isotropic Singularity, and the energy conditions, and the Hubble parameter is explored. A review of work by the authors, regarding the Isotropic Singularity, is presented.
Foi Galileu quem propôs o método experimental moderno a propósito de alguns problemas da Mecânica, e foi por essa via que foram também estabelecidads as leis fundamentais do Electromagnetismo. A partir daqui a evolução das Teorias Físicas dá-se através duma relação dialética Teoria/ Prática, que levou à realização de duas experimentações fundacionais para confirmar a Gravitação de Newtou e a Relatividade Especial de Einstein. A Relatividade Geral ou Geometrodinâmica Einsteiniana suscitou por sua vez algumas das experiências mais espectaculares da Física Relativista. A interdependência da Mecânica Relativista e do Electromagnetismo tomada evidente pelas medidas de radiação EMG feitas pelos radiotelescópios de hoje, suscitou a aspiração e busca de Teorias Unitárias que abrangessem todos os fenômenos da Natureza. E foi justamente a Radioastronomia que revelou as singularidades do campo einsteiniano - o Big Bang e os Buracos Negros. A busca actual duma Teoria do Todo pela unificação de todas as forças da Natureza, as de índole electromagnética e a gravitacional, chegou porém a um impasse que suscita algumas questões de índole gnoseológica.
We present a general class of solutions to Einstein's field equations with two spacelike commuting Killing vectors by assuming the separation of variables of the metric components. The solutions can be interpreted as inhomogeneous cosmological models. We show that the singularity structure of the solutions varies depending on the different particular choices of the parameters and metric functions. There exist solutions with a universal big-bang singularity, solutions with timelike singularities in the Weyl tensor only, solutions with singularities in both the Ricci and the Weyl tensors, and also singularity-free solutions. We prove that the singularity-free solutions have a well-defined cylindrical symmetry and that they are generalizations of other singularity-free solutions obtained recently.
Teniendo en cuenta tres casos dentro del contexto del conflicto armado donde la jurisdicción penal colombiana estudia la admisión o exclusión de medios probatorios producidos a partir de injerencias de comunicaciones, encontramos que no siempre se aplica la regla de exclusión cuando no cuentan con una orden judicial previa. Ante este problema, buscamos como se ha solucionado, teniendo como referente la el Derecho Internacional Humanitario, el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos. Lo anterior nos da base para entender la regla de exclusión de que se ha venido desarrollando dentro del Derecho Internacional Penal. Si bien estas reglas nos sirven para solucionar estos tres casos, terminan siendo contradictorios a lo que ha venido desarrollando la Corte Constitucional. De esta manera, si bien esta Corte consideró que la regla de Estatuto de Roma, va en concordancia con la nuestra regla de exclusión nacional, tal afirmación es errónea.
Examina la historia de esta ciencia considerada la más antigua de todas por el interés que desde la antigüedad ha suscitado en los hombres el conocimiento de los complejos movimientos de los objetos celestiales.También, se repasan los orígenes del universo con la violenta explosión ocurrida hace billones de años, llamada Big Bang. Se estudia el sistema solar, formado de planetas, lunas e innumerables cuerpos más pequeños como asteroides y cometas. Se completa con una observación de las estrellas y galaxias en el cielo de la noche, con cartas estelares y perfiles de constelaciones y, por último, se añade una guía con la posición mes a mes de las constelaciones septentrionales y australes.