965 resultados para Becker, Howard S.


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In this chapter, John Howards policy speech to The Sydney Institute, a conservative think tank, on October 11, 2007 as the Australian Prime Minister of the day, is analysed within the frame of discourse analysis to make visible how the speech works in old ways to dress up neoliberal policy as new and reformist. Taking centre stage, Howard pointed to concrete steps undertaken to achieve what he called a “new reconciliation.” This cynical manoeuvre, which put reconciliation back onto the election agenda (after it was earlier derided for its divisive and muddle headed symbolism), constituted a “neoliberal quickstep” (Reiger, 2006) or quickfix of sorts. The speech was also used as a place to reintroduce the Northern Territory Intervention, which at the time was purported to be a response to child abuse and Indigenous community dysfunction.


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The Howard East rural area has experienced a rapid growth of small block subdivisions and horticulture over the last 40 years, which has been based on groundwater supply. Early bores in the area provide part of the water supply for Darwin City and are maintained and monitored by NT Power & Water Corporation. The Territory government (NRETAS) has established a monitoring network, and now 48 bores are monitored. However, in the area there are over 2700 private bores that are unregulated.Although NRETAS has both FDM and FEM simulations for the region, community support for potential regulation is sought. To improve stakeholder understanding of the resource QUT was retained by the TRaCKconsortium to develop a 3D visualisation of the groundwater system.


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General perceptions of foreign aid commonly engender images of humanitarianism and altruism, whereby the humanitarian needs of the recipient of development assistance are of the utmost priority of the aid donor. However, the Australian governments led by Hawke, Keating and Howard often gave humanitarianism a low emphasis, frequently placing Australia’s own foreign policy and economic concerns at the forefront of aid allocation – often unashamedly. This self-interest met through aid meant that most was provided to Australia’s regional neighbourhood, neglecting some of the poorest, most struggling states, including South Africa. Other issues and events, including the Cold War, apartheid, terrorism and HIV/AIDS also affected Australia’s aid policy; mostly, they were used as excuses to limit aid to states like South Africa.


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This article reports on civil society in Australia between 1996 and 2007 related to former Prime Minister John Howard. The article discusses Howard's neo-conservative ideology and Liberal-National coalition, noting his views on political correctness. Howard's administration is also discussed in terms of immigration, multiculturalism, indigenous land rights, othering, and Islamaphobia. Information on the effect of Islamaphobia on Australian perceptions and the treatment of Muslims is also provided


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Batchelor流体力学奖和Hill固体力学奖是国际理论与应用力学联合会(IUTAM)设立的两个奖项,旨在表彰获奖者过去十年内在其力学分支学科研究中所做出的重要贡献.Batchelor流体力学奖和Hill固体力学奖每4年评选一次,在第22届国际理论与应用力学大会(8月24~29日,澳大利亚阿德莱德)上第一次颁奖.Howard Stone教授和Michael Ortiz教授分别是Batchelor奖和Hill奖的获奖人.本刊在《简评》栏目刊登胡国庆研究员和黎波教授对两位获奖者成果的简评,并在《译文》栏目刊登两位教授的代表性论文的译文各一篇,以饷读者.


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Lan honen helburua , Howard Gardner - rek proposatutako Adimen Anitzen Teoriaren inguruan hausnarketa eta ike rketa egitea izan da , baita hezkuntza eremuan ezartzearen aukera aztertzea ere. Proposamen honek, adimena bakarra eta orokorra denaren paradigma tradizionala apurtu zuen, adimena anitza dela azpimarratuz. Hortaz, teoria honen ezarpena eskoletan, aldaketa s akona suposatzen du. Izan ere, ikasteko dauden modu desberdinak errespetatuz, pertsona guztiei erantzun egokia ematea lortuko litzateke, modu honetan, eskola zein gizarte inklusiboa lortzeko ateak zabalduz.


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1 tarjeta postal y 1 carta (manuscritas) ; entre 140x90mm y 215x275mm


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A presente tese se propõe a identificar a relação entre os presdios do Rio de Janeiro e o processo de excluso e dominação, essenciais para a construção da hegemonia. Para isso, analisamos a relação da construção da ordem vigente com as unidades prisionais, desde o início do sculo XIX, percebendo a forma como o Estado inseriu tais unidades em sua política a fim de garantir a dominação, criminalizando os grupos subalternos. Desta forma, os presdios aparecem como rotuladores, não s de indivíduos, como também de sua identidade e espaço, além, é claro, de confirmar seu status social. Para esta investigação foram utilizados a pesquisa bibliográfica e o cruzamento de dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) e do Ministério da Justiça, além do material didático utilizado pelas escolas prisionais do Rio de Janeiro. Nossa análise partiu da compreenso do presdio enquanto lócus de contenção e controle do excedente excluído, encontrada nas obras de Nilo Batista e das perspectivas de David Garland e Loic Wacquant que contextualizam estas instituições pela mesma ótica na política neoliberal. Como escopo teórico principal, alicerçamos esta pesquisa na teoria do desvio, desenvolvida por Haward Becker, e no conceito de hegemonia, tal qual Antonio Gramsci o concebe. Desta forma, observamos como percepções individuais de membros de grupos dominantes podem ser incorporadas pelo seu coletivo e ingressarem no código legal social, favorecendo e garantindo a hegemonia destes sobre os grupos subalternos. As prises aparecem neste contexto como peça imprescindível. Concluímos, portanto, que as unidades prisionais do Rio de Janeiro possuem grande importância na afirmação da dominação social na medida em que recebem o subalterno e demarcam este grupo e seu espaço, transformando sua condição marginal em condição criminosa. Ou seja, favorecendo a criminalização de sua condição social e, portanto, justificando-a.


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