964 resultados para Bech, Henning: When men meet
Actual text: I was recently at the Spanish College of Optometry biennial conference and attended a meeting of contact lens lecturers from around Spain and Portugal. We discussed various ideas, mainly about how to share good practice and improve standards. What came to my mind was ‘is there a blueprint for training trainers?’ Well probably not but there are many things that we need to acknowledge such as the way students learn for example. Many educators themselves were taught by lecturers who would write on a blackboard or use acetate on an overhead projector, then came the 35 mm slide era followed by the Powerpoint era. More recently there is a move towards a much more integrated approach of various teaching methods. At my university our contact lens and anterior eye lectures generally follow a format where a narrated Powerpoint lecture is uploaded onto our internal virtual learning environment. This narrated version of the slides is designed to give the didactic element of the topic. The students listen to that before attending an interactive seminar on that topic. The seminar is also recorded so that students can listen to that afterwards. The seminar is designed to give additional information, such as case reports, or to clarify key points or for live demonstrations. It is a good way of doubling the contact time with the students without imposing further on an already packed formal timetable as the students can work in their own time. One problem that we noticed with this approach was that attendance can vary. If the students feel that they will gain something from the interactive seminar then they are more likely to attend – exam tips usually win them over! At the Spanish meeting the educators decided that they wanted to have regular meetings. The industry colleagues in attendance said that they were happy to help but could not necessarily give money, but they could offer meeting rooms, pay for lunch and evening meals. They even said that that they were happy to host meetings and invite other companies too (except to manufacturing plants). In the UK the British Committee of Contact Lens Educators (BUCCLE) meets for one day on three occasions in the year. The American Optometric Contact Lens Educators (AOCLE) meets annually at a three day event. Both these organisations get some help from industry. BUCCLE usually has one of its meetings at a university, one at a company training centre/manufacturing plant/national headquarters and one meeting the day before the BCLA annual conference. BUCCLE usually has its pre-BCLA meeting in conjunction with the International Association of Contact Lens Educators (IACLE). So when educators meet what would they discuss; well probably the focus should be on education rather than actual contact lens knowledge. For example sharing ideas on how to teach toric lens fitting would be better than discussing the actual topic of toric lenses itself. Most universities will have an education department with an expert who could share ideas on how to use the internet in teaching or how to structure lectures or assessments etc. In the past I have helped with similar training programmes in other countries and sharing good practice in pedagogy is always a popular topic. Anyone who is involved in education in the field of contact lenses should look at the IACLE web page and look out for the IACLE World Congress in 2015 in the days preceding the BCLA. Finally, IACLE, AOCLE and BUCCLE all exist as a result of generous educational grants from contact lens companies and anyone interested in finding out more about should refer to their respective web pages.
In Marxist frameworks “distributive justice” depends on extracting value through a centralized state. Many new social movements—peer to peer economy, maker activism, community agriculture, queer ecology, etc.—take the opposite approach, keeping value in its unalienated form and allowing it to freely circulate from the bottom up. Unlike Marxism, there is no general theory for bottom-up, unalienated value circulation. This paper examines the concept of “generative justice” through an historical contrast between Marx’s writings and the indigenous cultures that he drew upon. Marx erroneously concluded that while indigenous cultures had unalienated forms of production, only centralized value extraction could allow the productivity needed for a high quality of life. To the contrary, indigenous cultures now provide a robust model for the “gift economy” that underpins open source technological production, agroecology, and restorative approaches to civil rights. Expanding Marx’s concept of unalienated labor value to include unalienated ecological (nonhuman) value, as well as the domain of freedom in speech, sexual orientation, spirituality and other forms of “expressive” value, we arrive at an historically informed perspective for generative justice.
Despite the well-recognized benefits of exercise, Americans are gaining weight in astounding proportions and levels of physical activity are on the decline. The purpose of this study was to investigate a relationship between physical fitness, self-concept and sexual health. There is a dearth of knowledge on this relationship specifically in the context of sex-negative curricula, which is the dominate discourse in the United States. One hundred and thirty-three participants between the ages of 18 - 50 volunteered for fitness testing and data collection. Physical fitness was assessed through body fat, resting metabolic rate, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility. Self-reported exercise was measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Self-concept was measured by the Six Factor Self-Concept Scale, which presented a total self-concept score and as six individual concepts of self (likability, morality, task accomplishment, giftedness, power and vulnerability). Additionally, sexual function was measured by Derogatis Interview for Sexual Functioning and presented as both an aggregate score and five separate constructs of sexual functioning (fantasy/cognition, arousal, orgasm, behavior/experience, and drive/desire). Questions pertaining to sexual partners, sex education, and demographic information were also included. The results of the General Linear Model indicated significant relationships between physical fitness, self-concept and total sexual functioning. The sexual behavior/experience of men was predicted by body fat percentage and flexibility. In women, behavior/experience was predicted by body fat percentage and arousal was predicted by cardiovascular endurance. Total self-concept was related to muscular endurance. When men were isolated in the analysis, likability was positively related to sexual behavior/experience, and task accomplishment was inversely related to sexual behavior/experience. In women, giftedness was related to cognition/fantasy, arousal, orgasm and total sexual functioning. No relationships were found between physical fitness and the number of sexual partners in men; however, both muscular strength and the power self-concept were significantly related to number of sexual partners in women. As a result of these findings, women may be inclined to exercise to improve arousal and sexual functioning. Furthermore, educators should note the findings of a positive relationship between physical and psychological health and sexual well-being because they provide support for the development and adoption of sex-positive curricula that incorporate potential benefits of sexual activity.
The positive transcription elongation factor (P-TEFb) consists of CDK9, a cyclin-dependent kinase and its cyclin T partner. It is required for transcription of most class II genes. Its activity is regulated by non-coding RNAs. The 7SK cellular RNA turns the HEXIM cellular protein into a P-TEFb inhibitor that binds its cyclin T subunit. Thus, P-TEFb activity responds to variations in global cellular transcriptional activity and to physiological conditions linked to cell differentiation, proliferation or cardiac hypertrophy. In contrast, the Tat activation region RNA plays an activating role. This feature at the 5' end of the human immunodeficiency (HIV) viral transcript associates with the viral protein Tat that in turn binds cyclin T1 and recruits active P-TEFb to the HIV promoter. This results in enhanced P-TEFb activity, which is critical for an efficient production of viral transcripts. Although discovered recently, the regulation of P-TEFb becomes a paradigm for non-coding RNAs that regulate transcription factors. It is also a unique example of RNA-driven regulation of a cyclindependent kinase.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Previous studies suggest that the new DSM-5 criteria for alcohol use disorder (AUD) will increase the apparent prevalence of AUD. This study estimates the 12-month prevalence of AUD using both DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria and compares the characteristics of men in a high risk sample who meet both, only one and neither sets of diagnostic criteria. DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: 5943 Swiss men aged 18-25 years who participated in the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF), a population-based cohort study recruited from three of the six military recruitment centres in Switzerland (response rate = 79.2%). MEASUREMENTS: DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria, alcohol use patterns, and other substance use were assessed. FINDINGS: Approximately 31.7% (30.5-32.8) of individuals met DSM-5 AUD criteria [21.2% mild (20.1-22.2); 10.5% moderate/severe (9.7-11.3)], which was less than the total rate when DSM-IV criteria for alcohol abuse (AA) and alcohol dependence (AD) were combined [36.8% overall (35.5-37.9); 26.6% AA (25.4-27.7); 10.2% AD (9.4-10.9)]. Of 2479 respondents meeting criteria for either diagnoses, 1585 (63.9%) met criteria for both. For those meeting DSM-IV criteria only (n = 598, 24.1%), hazardous use was most prevalent, whereas the criteria larger/longer use than intended and tolerance to alcohol were most prevalent for respondents meeting DSM-5 criteria only (n = 296, 11.9%). Two in five DSM-IV alcohol abuse cases and one-third of DSM-5 mild AUD individuals fulfilled the diagnostic criteria due to the hazardous use criterion. The addition of the craving and excluding of legal criterion, respectively, did not affect estimated AUD prevalence. CONCLUSIONS: In a high-risk sample of young Swiss males, prevalence of alcohol use disorder as diagnosed by DSM-5 was slightly lower than prevalence of DSM-IV diagnosis of dependence plus abuse; 63.9% of those who met either criterion met criteria for both.
The starting point of our investigation was the longstanding notion that bilingual individuals need effective mechanisms to prevent interference from one language while processing material in the other (e.g. Penfield and Roberts, 1959). To demonstrate how the prevention of interference is implemented in the brain we employed event-related brain potentials (ERPs; see Munte, Urbach, ¨ Duzel and Kutas, 2000, for an introductory review) ¨ and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) techniques, thus pursuing a combined temporal and spatial imaging approach. In contrast to previous investigations using neuroimaging techniques in bilinguals, which had been mainly concerned with the localization of the primary and secondary languages (e.g. Perani, Paulesu, Galles, Dupoux, Dehaene, Bettinardi, Cappa, Fazio and Mehler, 1998; Chee, Caplan, Soon, Sriram, Tan, Thiel and Weekes, 1999), our study addressed the dynamic aspects of bilingual language processing.
Commentaire / Commentary
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
The functions of ribosomes in translation are complex and involve different types of activities critical for decoding the genetic code, linkage of amino acids via amide bonds to form polypeptide chains, as well as the release and proper targeting of the synthesized protein. Non-protein-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have been recognized to be crucial in establishing regulatory networks.1 However all of the recently discovered ncRNAs involved in translation regulation target the mRNA rather than the ribosome. The main goal of this project is to identify potential novel ncRNAs that directly bind and possibly regulate the ribosome during protein biosynthesis. To address this question we applied various stress conditions to the archaeal model organism Haloferax volcanii and deep-sequenced the ribosome-associated small ncRNA interactome. In total we identified 6.250 ncRNA candidates. Significantly, we observed the emersed presence of tRNA-derived fragments (tRFs). These tRFs have been identified in all domains of life and represent a growing, yet functionally poorly understood, class of ncRNAs. Here we present evidence that tRFs from H. volcanii directly bind to ribosomes. In the presented genomic screen of the ribosome-associated RNome a 26 residue long fragment originating from the 5’ part of valine tRNA was by far the most abundant tRF. The Val-tRF is processed in a stress- dependent manner and was found to primarily target the small ribosomal subunit in vitro and in vivo. As a consequence of ribosome binding, Val-tRF reduces protein synthesis by interfering with peptidyl transferase activity. Therefore this tRF functions as ribosome-bound small ncRNA capable of regulating gene expression in H. volcanii under environmental stress conditions probably by fine-tuning the rate of protein production.2 Currently we are investigating the binding site of this tRF on the 30S subunit in more detail.