45 resultados para Balizas suprassegmentais


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As can be inferred by the title of its study The constitutional principle of sustainable development and the utilization of hidrical resources in the oil industry the transcribed pages are dedicated to the approach of the mentioned subjects which, despite being apparently different, will be shown intrinsically connected as goes by the study. The superation of this first step by the reader will lead to an important perception of the title: that the situation requires, urgently, a defined posture, a complete conduct change and, therefore, a modification of the paradigms currently establisheds. To brake barriers, modifying what is lived by, is the ultimate goal. For that, there is no unique path, linear, but there were broached the development themes, the hidrical resources theme and oil and natural gas industry at the necessary points to achieve, by the end, a comprehension for the Brazilian Federal Republic goals in the search for the application of these juridical norms. The ones whom lay down over this study shall notice that, more than a simple approach over these themes (which are still less worked and searched in Brazil), the heavy critic of an instituted and pacifically accepted reality, directly offensive of the constitutional principles. The debate evolves from punctual and specific aspects, it gains life, flies, searching how the juridical order equalizes the economic model to the environment defense. Standing by the possibility of conciliation among constitutional principles, the remodeling of an economic segment is defended, aligning it to the sustainable limits. Development, sustainable, becomes means and goals to the implementation of liberty, capacitating everyone to achieve their goals of life, their libertments, fruit of the inherent antagonism of the Constitution the sustainable development offers, while an axiological vector, a new reality to the economic order, turning it into a motriz element to the fortification of constitutional normative force and for the national development


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Ce travail est un étude de cas qui analyse la construction litéraire du paysage du « Sertão» du Ceará entre la fin du siècle XIX et le début du siècle XX. Pour cela, quelques oeuvre simbole de la production litéraire du Ceará ont été sélectionnés, comme les textes qui suivent: O sertanejo (1875), de José Martiniano de Alencar; Os retirantes (1879), de José Carlos do Patrocínio; A fome (1890), de Rodolfo Marcos Teófilo; Luzia-Homem (1903), de Domingos Olímpio Braga Cavalcanti; Terra de sol: natureza e costumes do Norte (1912), de Gustavo Dodt Barroso et finalement, Aves de arribação (1914), de Antônio Sales. Ces oeuvres non seulement prend la nature comme personage, elles représentent aussi trois moments de la production litéraire du Ceará : romantique, réaliste et naturaliste. A invenção da Terra da Luz se rapporte à l idée d une littérature qui fait remarquer le paysage diurne du Sertão du Ceará, élaborée par ces hommes des lettres dans ses discours formidables, beaux et des matériaux qui viennent de ses rapports avec le monde naturel. Pour réaliser une tel entreprise, les idées de Edmund Burke et Gaston Bachelard se sont constitués en référence de cet étude. Et cette réflexion sur la description, la rêverie et l imagination marchent côte-à-côte au discours de ces littéreurs qui ont construits un espace simbolique spécifique : le sertão du Ceará. Comme ça, quelques thèmes deviennent canonique à la forme de penser, représenter et imaginer l espace du sertão du Ceará. De cette manière, le paysage est beaucoup plus que la contemplation, une fois qu elle est liée aussi à la rêverie poétique, à la mémoire et l imagination. C est de là l invention du paysage, car ces littéreurs n ont pas l accès au paysage purement naturel parce que ses perceptions et sensibilitées sur le monde du sertão ont été historiquement, c est-à-dire, dans un certain temps et espace


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A escassez de estudos contrapondo as práticas dos artistas concretos paulistas às dos cinéticos venezuelanos durante a década de 1950 motivou o este estudo, que tenta estabelecer as influências construtivas europeias nos dois movimentos, espécies de balizas para a produção artística posterior em ambos os países. A pesquisa partiu de levantamento bibliográfico, trabalhos acadêmicos, artigos e catálogos de exposições, e explora as similaridades entre os dois movimentos desde suas raízes construtivas, para chegar às suas respectivas particularidades. A autora recorta ambos os movimentos nas figuras de três artistas representativos de cada país: Luiz Sacilotto, Judith Lauand e Geraldo de Barros, no caso dos concretos paulistas, e Jesús Rafael Soto, Carlos Cruz-Diez e Alejandro Otero, no que diz respeito aos cinéticos venezuelanos. O livro disseca as duas tendências, a partir dos artistas que as originaram: os concretos paulistas, em torno do Grupo Ruptura, surgido das ideias construtivistas defendidas por Waldemar Cordeiro e das tendências abstracionistas no Brasil à época; e os cinéticos venezuelanos, do grupo Los Disidientes, articulado por Alejandro Otero. A autora examina ainda o intercâmbio de ideias entre os dois grupos de artistas sul-americanos na Paris dos anos 1950, em boa parte responsável pela convergência das propostas


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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O espraiamento da nasalização é um fenômeno observado desde estudos antigos sobre a língua portuguesa. Tanto com as consoantes nasais em posição de coda, quanto com elas em posição de onset, nota-se a interferência gerada nas vogais que as acompanham. O atual estudo aborda como eram percebidas e estudadas as nasais e seu espraiamento, demonstrando como a nasalização pode ser descrita, por seus segmentos fonéticos – demonstrando quais elementos a compõem – e por suas marcas suprassegmentais. Detalha-se também a importância de estudos realizados sobre a nasalidade dentro da geometria de traços. Faz-se levantamento geral do fenômeno do espraiamento da nasalidade, através de estudos gerais da nasalidade e da teoria fonética e fonológica relativa ao fenômeno


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This paper concentrates on demonstrating that the novel called São Bernardo ,written by Graciliano Ramos, utilizes some literary strategies that cause the effect of being built by rememorizations, which is a vital aspect of several of the author’s titles. Such objective is reached via the analyses of how the following narrative categories: focalization, narrator, characters, story and time converge toward the elaboration of the memory and the comparison between this construction on São Bernardo and Angústia. In order to be successful on this task, three groups of study constitute our theoretical basis: a) critical essays concerning Graciliano Ramos; b) theoretical propositions about the narrative categories; c) academic articles on the constitution of memory. Papers composed by Antonio Candido, Alfredo Bosi, Sonia Brayner, Luís Costa Lima and others are part of the first group. The second one is constituted by propositions of Gérard Genette, Benedito Nunes etc. Finally, on the last one, we find Paul Ricouer and Henri Bergson


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This paper deals with the relationship between the Latin hexametre and the Portuguese decasyllable, mainly paying attention to the possibility of a translation which could save some stylistic equivalence based on the proportionality of the materiality of expression.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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The Participatório: Observatório Participativo da Juventude (Participatory: Observatory on the Youth Participation) is an online platform created in August 2013 as part of the response of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil to the protests which took Brazilian streets in the middle of that year. This paper analyses the Participatório against the theoretical context brought by studies of digital activism and social movements. We revise relevant theories and present results of an empirical study indicating parameters to assess whether the apparent goals of the platform would have been reached. The data suggest that the initiative could achieve its purposes as long as it secures the efficacy of future improvements.