31 resultados para BOSENTAN
Uma mulher de 73 anos foi admitida ao Pronto-Socorro com insuficiência cardíaca predominantemente direita e anemia. Após avaliação clínica e imagenológica, um diagnóstico de hipertensão pulmonar (HP) associado com telangiectasia hemorrágica hereditária (THH) foi confirmado. A resposta inicial à terapia com bosentan mais sildenafil foi boa, incluindo melhora na Classe Funcional e redução do edema, permitindo que ela recebesse alta hospitalar. Infelizmente, a paciente faleceu devido à sua condição básica, antes que o efeito do tratamento combinado pudesse ser completamente avaliado. A HP deve ser considerada em pacientes com THH e o screening para HP deve ser conduzido nesses pacientes e em seus familiares.
FUNDAMENTO: Na hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP) a qualidade de vida relacionada saúde (QVRS) tem sido investigada em curtos períodos de tempo (semanas), mas pouco se sabe sobre a perspectiva do paciente no médio e longo prazo. OBJETIVO: Analisar o estado de pacientes em terapias específicas de HAP durante um ano de observação, em termos de QVRS, e investigar se possíveis associações entre a capacidade de exercício (CE) e a QVRS persistem no médio prazo. MÉTODOS: Trinta e quatro pacientes em terapias para a HAP (bosentan e/ou sildenafil) foram selecionados (idade de 14 a 58 anos, mediana de 35,5 anos, classe funcional II ou III), e avaliados no momento basal, e 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses depois, usando o teste de caminhada de 6 minutos e questionário SF-36 de QVRS. RESULTADOS: A distância percorrida nos seis minutos não mudou durante o acompanhamento (387 - 432 metros, valores da mediana, p=0.2775), o mesmo para a classe funcional e saturação periférica de oxigênio. Os escores SF-36 também se mantiveram estáveis, com a saúde física sempre pior que a saúde mental. Das 40 possíveis associações entre a CE e QVRS, apenas 12 foram significativas (30%, p<0,05). A previsão de uma QVRS severamente deprimida com base em uma distância percorrida de 235 metros foi específica em >90%, mas sensível em <43%. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes com HAP que se mantêm estáveis em termos da CE também parecem fazê-lo em termos de QVRS. Contudo, CE e QVRS não têm ligação consistente com o tempo, e devem ser analisadas como diferentes perspectivas no paciente individual.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a rare disease with a poor prognosis. Epidemiological data are scarce, particularly in the paediatric population. A registry was recently developed in order to collect epidemiological data on patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in Switzerland. This is the first description of the paediatric data. Paediatric patients aged 0-18 years with the diagnosis of PAH were enrolled in the registry from 1999 to 2005 with informed consent from their parents. Patient characteristics, PAH aetiology, functional capacity, exercise capacity, treatments and outcome were among the most important data collected. A total of 23 patients (12 male, 11 female) have been thus far included in the registry. Median age at time of diagnosis was 3 years (range 1 month-18 years) and median follow-up was 3.47 years (range 1 day-12.6 years). PAH aetiologies are diagnosed as idiopathic in 8/23 patients (34.8%) and associated with congenital heart diseases in 12/23 (52.2%) or with pulmonary diseases in 3/23 patients (13.0%). Death occurred in 1 patient before treatment was initiated. Single treatments include medications with a calcium channel blocker in 2/23 patients, with bosentan in 10/23, and with inhaled iloprost in 1/23. Combined therapies include bosentan and inhaled iloprost in 7/23 patients, bosentan and sildenafil in 2/23 patients, and bosentan, sildenafil and inhaled iloprost in 2/23 patients. Additional oral anticoagulation is given to 14/23 patients and 8/23 patients are on oxygen therapy. NYHA class at baseline visit was obtained in 22/23 patients (4 NYHA 2, 17 NYHA 3 and 1 NYHA 4). Changes in NYHA class were observed over a 2-year period in 3/22 patients who improved from NYHA 3 to NYHA 2. Initial improvement of 6-minute walk distance was observed in 6/13 patients with a sustained improvement in 4. These preliminary results provide information on the epidemiology of PAH in children in Switzerland and demonstrate that most paediatric patients show stabilisation of the disease under new treatments. This underscores the utility of registries for rare diseases in providing crucial information in the era of new therapies. It may also help to improve the future medical approach.
Various pulmonary artery preparations in vitro demonstrate sustained endothelium-dependent contractions upon hypoxia. To determine whether endothelin-1 could mediate this phenomenon, we examined the effect of bosentan, a new antagonist of both the ETA and ETB subtypes of the endothelin receptor. Small (300 pm) pulmonary arteries from rats were mounted on a myograph, precontracted with prostaglandin F2 alpha and exposed to hypoxia (PO2, 10 to 15 mm Hg, measured on-line) for 45 min. Endothelium-intact control rings exhibited a biphasic response, with a transient initial vasoconstriction (phase 1) followed by a second slowly developing sustained contraction (phase 2). Expressed in percent of the maximal response to 80 mmol/L KCl, the amplitudes of phase 1 (peak tension) and 2 (tension after 45 min of hypoxia) averaged 37 +/- 12% and 17 +/- 14%, respectively (n = 11). In endothelium-denuded rings, phase 1 persisted while the amplitude of phase 2 was reduced to 2 +/- 12% (p < 0.05, n = 8), showing the endothelium dependence of this contraction. Neither phase was significantly decreased in rings treated with 10(-5) mmol/L bosentan (38 +/- 15% and 17 +/- 12%, respectively, n = 6). The PO2 threshold for onset of hypoxic contraction was not significantly different among these three groups and averaged 32 +/- 24 mm Hg. In a separate experiment, we assessed the inhibitory effect of 10(-5) mol/L bosentan on the response to 10(-8) mol/L endothelin-I. Rings treated for 45 min with 10(-8) mol/L endothelin-1 alone exhibited a maximal contraction of 75 +/- 27% (n = 6). This was reduced to 4 +/- 17% (p < 0.01, n = 6) in rings treated with both 10(-8) mol/L endothelin-1 and 10(-5) mol/L bosentan. We conclude that complete blockade of all endothelin receptor subtypes has no effect on either endothelium-dependent or -independent hypoxic contractions in this preparation. This suggests that endothelial factors other than endothelin-I mediate the acute hypoxic contractions of small pulmonary arteries in the rat.
The role of endothelin (ET) receptors was tested in volume-stimulated atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) secretion in conscious rats. Mean ANF responses to slow infusions (3 x 3.3 ml/8 min) were dose dependently reduced (P < 0.05) by bosentan (nonselective ET-receptor antagonist) from 64.1 +/- 18.1 (SE) pg/ml (control) to 52.6 +/- 16.1 (0.033 mg bosentan/rat), 16.1 +/- 7.6 (0. 33 mg/rat), and 11.6 +/- 6.5 pg/ml (3.3 mg/rat). The ET-A-receptor antagonist BQ-123 (1 mg/rat) had no effect relative to DMSO controls, whereas the putative ET-B antagonist IRL-1038 (0.1 mg/rat) abolished the response. In a second protocol, BQ-123 (>/=0.5 mg/rat) nonsignificantly reduced the peak ANF response (106.1 +/- 23.0 pg/ml) to 74.0 +/- 20.5 pg/ml for slow infusions (3.5 ml/8.5 min) but reduced the peak response (425.3 +/- 58.1 pg/ml) for fast infusions (6.6 ml/1 min) by 49.9% (P < 0.001) and for 340 pmoles ET-1 (328.8 +/- 69.5 pg/ml) by 83.5% (P < 0.0001). BQ-123 abolished the ET-1-induced increase in arterial pressure (21.8 +/- 5.2 mmHg at 1 min). Changes in central venous pressure were similar for DMSO and BQ-123 (slow: 0.91 and 1.14 mmHg; fast: 4.50 and 4.13 mmHg). The results suggest 1) ET-B receptors mainly mediate the ANF secretion to slow volume expansions of <1.6%/min; and 2) ET-A receptors mainly mediate the ANF response to acute volume overloads.
Chagas' disease, caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, is a major cause of cardiovascular disability in countries where it is endemic. Damage to the heart microvasculature has been proposed to be an important factor in the pathogenesis of heart dysfunction. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent vasoconstrictor and exerts its effects via specific ET A and ET B receptors. A few studies have suggested a role for ET-1 and its receptors in the pathogenesis of Chagas' disease. We investigated the effects of treatment with bosentan, an ET A/ET B receptor antagonist, on the course of T. cruzi infection (Y strain) in C57Bl/6 mice. Treatment with bosentan (100 mg kg-1 day-1) was given per os starting day 0 after infection until sacrifice. Bosentan significantly increased myocardial inflammation, with no effects on parasitemia. Although the total number of nests was similar, a lower number of intact amastigote nests was found in the heart of bosentan-treated animals. Bosentan failed to affect the infection-associated increase in the cardiac levels of the cytokines IFN-g and TNF-a and the chemokines CCL2/MCP-1, CCL3/MIP-1a and CCL5/RANTES. In vitro, pre-incubation with ET-1 (0.1 µM) 4 h before infection enhanced the uptake of the parasites by peritoneal macrophages, and this effect was abrogated when macrophages were pre-treated with bosentan (1 µM) 15 min before incubation with ET-1. However, ET-1 did not alter killing of intracellular parasites after 48 h of in vitro infection. Our data suggest that bosentan-treated mice have a delay in controlling parasitism which is compensated for exacerbated inflammation. Infection is eventually controlled in these animals and lethality is unchanged, demonstrating that ET-1 plays a minor role in the protection against acute murine T. cruzi infection.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Endothelin peptides have been shown to increase cholinergic neurotransmission in the airway. Genetic differences in airway responsiveness to methacholine where reported in mice. The present study compared the airway reactivity to methacholine in C57Bl/6 and BALB/c mice, the involvement of endothelin on this reactivity and endothelin levels in lung homogenates. Whole airway reactivity was analyzed by means of an isolated lung preparation where lungs were perfused through the trachea with warm gassed Krebs solution at 5 ml/min, and changes in perfusion pressure triggered by methacholine at increasing bolus doses (0.1-100 mu g) were recorded. We found that the maximal airway response to methacholine was much greater in C57Bl/6 than in BALB/c (Emax 34 +/- 2 vs 12 +/- 1 cmH(2)O, respectively). Bosentan (mixed endothelin A/B receptor antagonist; 10 mg/kg, i.p., 30 min before sacrifice) reduced lung responsiveness to methacholine in C57Bl/6 (58% at EC50 level) but had no effect in BALB/c mouse strain. This effect seems to be mediated by the endothelin ETA receptor since it was significantly reduced by the selective endothelin ETA receptor antagonist, BQ 123. Immunoreactive endothelin levels were higher in C57Bl/6 than in BALB/c lungs (43 5 vs 19 +/- 5 pg/g of tissue). In conclusion, airway reactivity to methacholine and lung endothelins content varies markedly between C57Bl/6 and BALB/c strains. Endothelins upregulate lung responsiveness to methacholine only in C57Bl/6, an effect achieved through the endothelin ETA receptor. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Endothelin mediates neutrophil recruitment during innate inflammation. Herein we address whether endothelin-1 (ET-1) is involved in neutrophil recruitment in adaptive inflammation in mice, and its mechanisms. Pharmacological treatments were used to determine the role of endothelin in neutrophil recruitment to the peritoneal cavity of mice challenged with antigen (ovalbumin) or ET-1. Levels of ET-1, tumour necrosis factor a (TNF alpha), and CXC chemokine ligand 1 (CXCL1) were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Neutrophil migration and flow cytometry analyses were performed 4 h after the intraperitoneal stimulus. ET-1 induced dose-dependent neutrophil recruitment to the peritoneal cavity. Treatment with the non-selective ETA/ETB receptor antagonist bosentan, and selective ETA or ETB receptor antagonists BQ-123 or BQ-788, respectively, inhibited ET-1- and ovalbumin-induced neutrophil migration to the peritoneal cavity. In agreement with the above, the antigen challenge significantly increased levels of ET-1 in peritoneal exudates. The ET-1- and ovalbumin-induced neutrophil recruitment were reduced in TNFR1 deficient mice, and by treatments targeting CXCL1 or CXC chemokine receptor 2 (CXCR2); further, treatment with bosentan, BQ-123, or BQ-788 inhibited ET-1- and antigen-induced production of TNFa and CXCL1. Furthermore, ET-1 and ovalbumin challenge induced an increase in the number of cells expressing the Gr1(+) markers in the granulocyte gate, CD11c+ markers in the monocyte gate, and CD4(+) and CD45(+) (B220) markers in the lymphocyte gate in an ETA-and ETB-dependent manner, as determined by flow cytometry analysis, suggesting that ET-1 might be involved in the recruitment of neutrophils and other cells in adaptive inflammation. Therefore, the present study demonstrates that ET-1 is an important mediator for neutrophil recruitment in adaptive inflammation via TNF alpha and CXCL1/CXCR2-dependent mechanism.
Background: Schistosomiasis-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (Sch-PAH) may be one of the most prevalent forms of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) worldwide. However, the clinical and hemodynamical response to specific PAH therapy in Sch-PAH is not known. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the charts of all patients with Sch-PAH who initiated specific PAH treatment between June 2003 and June 2010 in a single PAH reference center in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Clinical and hemodynamical data were retrospectively collected and evaluated in two periods: baseline and posttreatment. Results: The study population consisted of 12 patients with Sch-PAH. They were treated with phosphodiseterase-5 inhibitors (seven patients), endothelin receptor antagonists (four patients), or combination therapy (one patient). Mean treatment period was 34.9 +/- 15.5 months. Patients with Sch-PAH presented significant improvements in terms of functional class, 6-min walk test distance (439 +/- 85 to 492 +/- 79 m, P = .032), cardiac index (2.66 +/- 0.59 to 3.08 +/- 0.68 L/min/m(2), P = .028), and indexed pulmonary vascular resistance (20.7 +/- 11.6 to 15.9 +/- 9 W/m(2), P = .038) with the introduction of specific PAH treatment. Conclusions: We conclude that specific PAH therapy may be of benefit to patients with Sch-PAH, considering clinical, functional, and hemodynamic parameters. CHEST 2012; 141(4):923-928
Objective: To assess safety and efficacy of sitaxsentan 50 and 100 mg in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Background: Sitaxsentan is a highly selective endothelin-A receptor antagonist that was recently withdrawn by the manufacturer because of a pattern of idiosyncratic liver injury. Methods: Before sitaxsentan withdrawal, this 18-week double-blind, placebo-controlled study randomized patients with PAH to receive placebo or sitaxsentan 50 or 100 mg once daily. The primary efficacy endpoint was change from baseline in 6-min walk distance (6MWD) at week 18. Changes in World Health Organization (WHO) functional class and time to clinical worsening (TTCW) were secondary endpoints. The primary efficacy analysis was powered for sitaxsentan 100 mg versus placebo. Results: Of 98 randomized patients, 61% were WHO functional class II at baseline. Improvement from baseline to week 18 in 6MWD occurred with sitaxsentan 100 but not 50 mg; a strong placebo effect was observed. At week 18, WHO functional class was improved or maintained in more patients receiving sitaxsentan 100 mg than placebo (P = 0.038); 0% versus 12% of patients deteriorated, respectively. TTCW was not significantly different for 100-mg sitaxsentan patients than placebo (P = 0.090). Adverse events (AEs) occurring more frequently with sitaxsentan (50 or 100 mg) included headache, peripheral edema, dizziness, nausea, extremity pain, and fatigue; most AEs were of mild or moderate severity. Conclusion: Sitaxsentan 100 mg improved functional class but not 6MWD in PAH patients who were mostly WHO functional class II at baseline. No patient receiving sitaxsentan 100 mg experienced clinical worsening; sitaxsentan was well tolerated. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
FUNDAMENTO: Na hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP) a qualidade de vida relacionada saúde (QVRS) tem sido investigada em curtos períodos de tempo (semanas), mas pouco se sabe sobre a perspectiva do paciente no médio e longo prazo. OBJETIVO: Analisar o estado de pacientes em terapias específicas de HAP durante um ano de observação, em termos de QVRS, e investigar se possíveis associações entre a capacidade de exercício (CE) e a QVRS persistem no médio prazo. MÉTODOS: Trinta e quatro pacientes em terapias para a HAP (bosentan e/ou sildenafil) foram selecionados (idade de 14 a 58 anos, mediana de 35,5 anos, classe funcional II ou III), e avaliados no momento basal, e 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses depois, usando o teste de caminhada de 6 minutos e questionário SF-36 de QVRS. RESULTADOS: A distância percorrida nos seis minutos não mudou durante o acompanhamento (387 - 432 metros, valores da mediana, p=0.2775), o mesmo para a classe funcional e saturação periférica de oxigênio. Os escores SF-36 também se mantiveram estáveis, com a saúde física sempre pior que a saúde mental. Das 40 possíveis associações entre a CE e QVRS, apenas 12 foram significativas (30%, p<0,05). A previsão de uma QVRS severamente deprimida com base em uma distância percorrida de 235 metros foi específica em >90%, mas sensível em <43%. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes com HAP que se mantêm estáveis em termos da CE também parecem fazê-lo em termos de QVRS. Contudo, CE e QVRS não têm ligação consistente com o tempo, e devem ser analisadas como diferentes perspectivas no paciente individual.
The presence of irreversible pulmonary hypertension in patients with atrial septal defect (ASD) is thought to preclude shunt closure. We report the case of a woman with plexiform pulmonary arteriopathy secondary to an ostium secundum ASD who was able to successfully undergo percutaneous shunt closure following therapy with chronic intravenous prostacyclin (Flolan). One year after closure, the patient was weaned off Flolan over a period of 7 months following the institution of oral Bosentan therapy. Our case illustrates how aggressive vasodilator therapy with prostaglandins may be capable of reducing pulmonary artery pressure and permitting shunt closure in a patient once considered to have "inoperable" pulmonary arteriopathy.
Endothelin inhibition improves cerebral blood flow and is neuroprotective in pneumococcal meningitis
By using an infant rat model of pneumococcal meningitis, we determined whether endothelins contribute to neuronal damage in this disease. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis demonstrated a significant increase of endothelin-1 in infected animals compared with uninfected controls. Histopathological examination 24 hours after infection showed brain damage in animals treated with ceftriaxone alone (median, 9.2% of cortex; range, 0-49.1%). In infected animals treated intraperitoneally with the endothelin antagonist bosentan (30 mg/kg, every 12 hours) also, injury was reduced to 0.5% (range, 0-8.6%) of cortex. Cerebral blood flow was reduced in infected animals (6.5 +/- 4.0 ml/min/100 g of brain vs 14.9 +/- 9.1 ml/min/100 g in controls. Treatment with bosentan restored cerebral blood flow to levels similar to controls (12.8 +/- 5.3 ml/min/100 g). Improved blood flow was not mediated by nitric oxide production, because bosentan had no effect on cerebrospinal fluid or plasma nitrite/nitrate concentrations at 6, 12, or 18 hours. These data indicate that endothelins contribute to neuronal injury in this model of pneumococcal meningitis by causing cerebral ischemia.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014