925 resultados para Arts Study and teaching


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What are primary teachers' beliefs about thinking and working scientifically and technologically? How do the teachers' beliefs manifest in classroom practice? What differences do the teachers see between thinking and working scientifically and technologically? These questions were central themes of the case study research. Interviews and classroom observation were the techniques used to identify how three experienced primary teachers' beliefs about thinking and working technologically and scientifically were manifested in their classroom practice.


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The Arts in Basic Curriculum (ABC) Project is a multifaceted initiative that has positively impacted arts education in South Carolina and the nation. Founded in 1987 the ABC Project has become a national model and influenced the advancement of education in and through the arts with a multitude of programs, models, and schemes. This is an overview of the full history. Parts I and II will chronicle events that were foundational to the project from inception in 1987 to the celebration of its 20th anniversary in 2007. Part III gives detailed descriptions of ten of the most important facets of the project.


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L’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior (EEES) centra el procés d’ensenyament/aprenentatge en l’alumne. En aquest marc, adquireix una gran rellevància la planificació de la docència. Aquesta exigeix definir les competències així com la proposta d’activitats a partir de la qual l’alumne ha d’assolir-les. Per tant, per un bon desenvolupament del procés d’ensenyament/aprenentatge es fa necessària la participació activa de l’estudiant. En aquest sentit, aconseguir mantenir el seu interès durant tot el curs és un repte per al professor. En aquesta comunicació el nostre objectiu és donar a conèixer una experiència —del tot satisfactòria, segons la nostra opinió— portada a terme a l’assignatura de Tècniques d’Expressió Oral i Escrita (TEOE), per la qual ha resultat decisiva la implicació activa dels estudiants. Aquesta assignatura es porta a terme a la Facultat de Lletres. Té com a objectiu treballar les competències transversals d’aprofundiment de l’expressió oral i escrita i la lectura crítica. Hi participen estudiants de primer curs de tots els estudis de la facultat. A més a més compta també amb la presència d’estudiants Erasmus i, en aquesta ocasió, també d’un alumne del Programa de la formació universitària per a la gent gran. Tot això provoca que els interessos de l’alumnat siguin molt diversos i fa imprescindible recórrer a estratègies docents per fer sentir a l’alumne responsable d’un projecte comú. Una dificultat afegida de l’assignatura és que tracta qüestions que molts alumnes perceben com a ja assolides, un déjà vu. Es tracta, doncs, de tornar a treballar qüestions que no canvien (llegir i escriure un text) en un món cada vegada més canviant. La llengua vehicular de l’assignatura ha estat el castellà


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Within this booklet, teachers will find instructional resources covering a wide array of genres, including, dance, choral music, general music, instrumental music, media arts, theatre, and the visual arts. These lesson plans are explicitly designed to integrate artistic expression and comprehension with other academic disciplines, such as English, History, and Social Studies. Each submission highlights the grade level, artistic genre, sources, learning objectives, instructional plans, and modes of evaluation. This Arts Integration Supplement to the Teacher’s Guide to African American Historic Places in South Carolina outlines 22 lesson plans that meet the 2010 Visual and Performing Arts Standards of South Carolina and integrates the arts into classroom instruction. Where applicable, other standards, such as those for math and social studies, are listed with each lesson plan. The teaching activities in this supplement are provided to aid in the development of lesson plans or to complement existing lessons. Teaching activities are the simplest means of integrating art in classroom instruction.


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Australia is forged by ongoing migration welcoming a range of cultures, languages and ethnicities thus celebrating a diverse range of musical arts. In this multicultural society, music and dance may serve as a positive medium to transmit and promote social cohesion. I argue that the inclusion of innovative and immersive practice of African music in particular where authentic teaching and learning is facilitated may help foster understandings of culture in educational settings and the wider society. As a migrant forming part of the African Diaspora in Melbourne, I am strongly connected to my ancestral homeland (South Africa) when teaching African music to Australian tertiary students. Having gained ethical clearance to undertake the two research projects at Deakin University in Melbourne (Attitudes and perceptions of Arts Education Students: preparing culturally responsive teachers and Pre-service teacher attitudes and understandings of Music Education), I discuss tertiary students experience in relation to the teaching and learning of African music within higher education courses. Drawing on interview, questionnaire, observation notes, anecdotal feedback and narrative reflection, I employ Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis to analyse and code the data into themes. By offering a discussion of assessment and evaluation, I explore and invite international dialogue in regards to how best we can prepare, assess and evaluate our students to improve the quality of musical arts education.


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This presentation reports on the methodological issues confronting an Australian-German-Taiwanese team planning comparative video ethnographic research into primary science classrooms. The issues that will be canvassed include: the benefits of cross-cultural comparisons in providing perspectives on local practice, the theoretical justifications of such comparisons, selection of cases for comparison and possibilities for claiming cultural representativeness, the planning of appropriate data sets, the different comparative stories offered by different analytical frames, practical issues of communication and data sharing, and issues of entanglement of language and culture in the analysis.


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Eight teacher educators used self-study methodology to engage in reflective practice to overcome their isolation as individual teachers and researchers, and to facilitate professional development. Their research question asked: How can we continue to develop our teaching practice to ensure we are high quality, contemporary teacher educators? They contributed collaboratively in one overarching research project as well as through several focussed projects that explored issues in their individual teaching practices including: sustainability, creativity, curriculum design, pedagogy, assessment, and the learning experiences for students. This paper explores the outcomes from collaborative inquiry that five of the eight educator/researchers engaged in during a research-writing retreat. It documents their experience using arts-based strategies in which drawings were created about their experiences of engaging in a collaborative project and smaller focussed self-study projects. Analysis involved inquiring into each other’s drawings through recorded conversation. The metaphoric representations found through analysing the drawings provided insight into participants’ teaching practices and identities as teacher educators. Six months later when the participants had developed their projects further and used other artsbased methods to understand these experiences, they reflected on the key issues for their teaching practices that had arisen from undertaking this Collaborative Reflective Experience and Practice in Education research. Arts-based inquiries and reflective analysis over six months, constitute this paper. The experiences and analyses are shared to show how creating and sharing metaphoric meaning of visual representations is useful in self-study research to drill down into the real issues. Importantly, this in-depth sharing provides authentic interdisciplinary links when individual educators share their own approaches to teaching in their disciplined area. Findings suggest that gaining new insights into each other’s discipline-based approaches to teacher education through these methods, revealed different responses to pedagogical challenges and allowed for new possibilities for understanding the landscape of teacher education.


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Despite optimistic claims about the research-teaching nexus, Australian academics still face tension between research and teaching. The teaching and research priorities, beliefs and behaviours of 70 Professorial and Associate Professorial academics in Science, Information Technology and Engineering were examined in this study. The academics from 4 faculties in 3 Australian universities, were asked to rank 16 research activities and 16 matched learning and teaching (L&T) activities from each of three perspectives: job satisfaction, leadership behaviour, and perceptions of professional importance. The findings, which were remarkably consistent across the three universities, were unequivocally in favour of Research. The only L&T activity that was ranked consistently well was “Improving student satisfaction ratings for Teaching”. The data demonstrates that Australian government and university initiatives to raise the status of L&T activity are not impacting significantly on Australia’s future leaders of university learning.