957 resultados para Animal Assisted Therapy
Syfte: Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att beskriva hur djur påverkade livskvalitet hos äldre. Metod: Artikelsökning utfördes via databaserna; CINAHL, SCOPUS och sökmotorn ELIN. För att artiklarna skulle få vara med i studien var kravet att de skulle vara publicerade mellan åren 2000 - 2010 och skrivna på engelska eller svenska. Sammanlagt ligger 14 vetenskapliga artiklar till grund för resultatet i denna systematiska litteraturstudie. Huvudresultat: Flertalet studier visade att Animal Assisted Activity (AAA) och Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) främjade sociala interaktioner mellan äldre individer, lindrade känslor av ensamhet samt hade positiv effekt vid depression. Vidare kunde AAT ha en gynnsam effekt på apatiska symtom och äldres humör. Slutsats: Djur i vården var ett välkommet avbrott för de äldre och medförde en positiv attityd gentemot djuren. Djur i vården kunde bidra till glädje hos äldre individer och ha en positiv påverkan på den äldres ensamhet och depressiva symtom. Även sociala interaktioner främjades och den äldre individen stimulerades på flera plan.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate how walking a dog on a leash influenced haptic perception and stability during human locomotion. Fourteen adults, with and without sight restriction, walked on a narrow balance beam by themselves, or holding a leash attached to a dog that walked on a parallel narrow bench. The performance of participants who walked with the dog, but blindfolded, significantly (p < 0.05) improved as compared to the condition without the dog. Their locomotion performance was assessed via the duration of the total displacement on the balance beam, durations of the double support phase, swing phase, stepping cycle, stepping length, and linear velocity, as well as variability of the inter-limb relative phase. With vision, these parameters were not affected by the presence of the dog. We conclude that these adults were able to use the dog's leash to detect haptic properties in order to achieve postural control (e.g., stability in speed performance) while walking.
The Araçatuba School of Dentistry along with the Veterinary Medical Course, both from UNESP, develop the Extension Project called “Cão Cidadão UNESP” (Unesp Citizen Dog), which is accomplished in some assistance societies, including the Dental Assistance Center to Persons with Disabilities (“Centro de Assistência Odontológica à Pessoa com Deficiência” - CAOE-UNESP). This project develops a multidisciplinary work involving professionals and students from health sciences. The project aims at developing activities to relieve stress, fear and anxiety of patients with disabilities in the moment that precedes the dental treatment. The team performs procedures such as walking with the dogs and patients, toothbrushing the dogs so the patients can see it, in order to learn and motivate themselves, dressing the dogs with some accessories such as white clothes, mask and cap, to associate with image of the dentist, making this relationship more pleasant and welcoming. It is evidenced, through reports of professionals, that the patients become calmer and more collaborative with the dentists, distracting them from the treatment focus and creating a positive bond. It should be noted that this experience has contributed to motivate the professionals to introduce new techniques for dental approach, such as Animal Assisted Therapy. It also shows that animals can be very helpful in treating people with disabilities, because they offer a lot of love, companionship and provide moments of joy and happiness to the participants.
O Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) inclui um conjunto de sintomas, tais como dificuldade para sustentar contato visual direto e comprometimento da linguagem. Apesar da Terapia Assistida Por Animais (TAA) com cães ser considerada uma modalidade terapêutica eficaz para promover o desenvolvimento de pessoas com TEA, ainda não são se sabe quais características dos cães possibilitam alcançar sucesso na terapia. Esta análise quantitativa tem como objetivo verificar o impacto de abordagens laterais e frontais de cães e humanos nas expressões emocionais de alegria e rejeição de crianças com TEA. Através da análise de vídeos de TAA, foram mensuradas duração e frequência das abordagens laterais e frontais de cães e humanos dirigidas às crianças para comparar possíveis diferenças entre ambos e também para verificar se a abordagem escolhida afetava o tipo de expressão emocional exibida pela criança. Os participantes deste projeto foram 11 crianças, 8 do sexo masculino e 3 do sexo feminino, entre 5 e 11 anos. Seis crianças foram atendidas por uma psicóloga, uma condutora e um Border Collie. O segundo grupo era composto pela mesma psicóloga, uma condutora e uma Golden Retriever. Escalas de avaliação foram aplicadas para confirmar o diagnóstico de TEA. Os cães foram previamente avaliados e treinados por uma instituição que atua na área de TAA. Cinco minutos de 8 sessões foram analisadas: um bloco de seis sessões com o cão, uma sessão anterior e uma sessão posterior a este bloco. Para verificar possíveis diferenças temperamentais entre cães, o C-barq (Canine Behavioral Assesment & Research Questionnaire) foi aplicado para analisar o temperamento de ambos. Embora esta análise tenha demonstrado diferenças em relação às categorias busca de atenção e nível de energia dos cães, não foram verificadas diferenças estatísticas entre os cães, em relação às variáveis analisadas neste estudo. Na comparação entre cães e humanos, os cães foram mais efetivos para conseguir expressões de alegria independentemente do tipo de abordagem escolhida. Comparando-se o tempo de abordagem de cães e humanos até obterem expressão emocional das crianças, observou-se uma importante diferença estatística. Os resultados sugerem que os cães exibiram menor latência que humanos para todas expressões emocionais analisadas: alegria (2= 7,312, p=0,007), de rejeição (2= 11,277, p-0,001) e neutras (2=9,097, p=0,043). Além disso, os resultados sugerem que, no contexto da TAA, não há relação entre abordagem lateral ou frontal e expressões de alegria, rejeição ou neutras de crianças com TEA. As expressões de alegria foram mais frequentes diante das abordagens laterais dos cães do que das abordagens frontais, no entanto não foi verificada significância estatística. Em relação aos humanos também não foi verificada preferência por uma abordagem especifica. Assim, os resultados sugerem que a latência para a exibição de uma expressão emocional das crianças depende mais de quem aborda do que do posicionamento lateral ou frontal quando a abordagem é realizada
Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar o nível de sociabilização no comportamento da criança/adolescente com deficiência intelectual em terapia assistida por animais, TAA, e por objetivos específicos levantar o perfil sócio-demográfico-clínico dessa população, observar o comportamento da criança em atendimento mediado pela TAA e verificar a opinião dos pais/responsáveis e profissionais sobre essa terapia. A TAA é uma técnica na qual o animal é parte integrante do processo terapêutico. Enquadra-se em uma abordagem multidisciplinar, que requer a intervenção de especialistas, na qual o cão ocupa uma posição mediadora entre o paciente e os objetivos terapêuticos. A pesquisa abrange 46 sujeitos, sendo 20 pacientes, 20 pais e/ou responsáveis e seis terapeutas, e desenvolve-se em uma clínica de Reabilitação Clínica de ONG em cidade de grande porte. Foram observadas 12 intervenções em TAA, aplicada a escala com foco em sociabilização baseada em Achenbach (ASEBA)e realizada entrevista junto aos pais/responsáveis e entrevistados os terapeutas em TAA. Os resultados dos instrumentos utilizados convergem no sentido de apontara validade da TAA como facilitadora da sociabilização das crianças/adolescentes com deficiência intelectual, com aumento da motivação e engajamento às intervenções, assim como, com repercussões positivas em sua autonomia, em seu humor e em sua organização cognitiva temporal e narrativa linguística. Os terapeutas ressaltam o componente lúdico presente nas intervenções, o qual facilita atingir seus objetivos terapêuticos. Já para os pais dos atendidos por essa abordagem, de forma unanime referem que filhos demonstram motivação e maior autonomia frente aos atendimentos. O estudo sugere novas investigações que possam dar suporte à divulgação dessa modalidade de terapia.
Bakgrund: I Sverige insjuknar varje år ungefär 25 000 människor i någon form av demenssjukdom, en sjukdom som ökar världen över och troligtvis kommer att fördubblas inom de närmsta 20 åren. Demenssjukdom drabbar hjärnan vilket påverkar minnet och den kognitiva förmågan och kan ge beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom (BPSD). Studier visar att nio av tio personer någon gång kommer att visa symtom som ångest, oro, vandrande och aggressiva beteenden. Läkemedelsadministrering för att behandla symtom som oro, ångest och agiterande beteenden är inte ovanligt. Dock kan läkemedel ofta orsaka biverkningar hos äldre människor. Att istället använda djurterapi för att behandla symtom som kan uppstå vid demenssjukdomar kan ses som ett positivt alternativ då studier visat att djurterapi har en positiv inverkan på människan med demenssjukdom och andra kognitiva sjukdomar. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva vilken inverkan djurterapi har på människor med demenssjukdom och andra kognitiva sjukdomar. Metod: Studien är en litteraturöversikt baserad på artiklar med kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats (n=15). Resultat: Resultatet av denna litteraturstudie visar att djurterapi ger minskad stressnivå, minskat uppvisande av aggressiva beteenden, färre vanföreställningar, minskad ångest, nedstämdhet, sorgsenhet, depressiva symtom och apatiska beteenden samt ökning av glädje, lycka, engagemang, vakenhet, medvetenhet, verbala uttryck samt ökat minne. Konklusion: Resultatet tyder på att djurterapi med fördel kan användas som alternativ eller kompletterande behandling för människor med demenssjukdom. Dock ser författarna att utökad forskning behövs för att se långvarig inverkan av djurterapins effekter.
Bakgrund: Alzheimers sjukdom (AD) är den vanligaste formen av demenssjukdomar och antalet människor som insjuknar i AD förväntas öka kraftigt med tiden. Dessutom kännetecknas personer med AD ofta av beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom (BPSD) som kan innefatta agitation, depression, vanföreställningar, oro, ångest, hallucinationer, sömnrubbningar, rastlöshet och apati. Dessa symtom kan orsaka lidande hos patienten och är svåra att hantera för både vårdgivaren och anhöriga, samt försvårar omvårdnadsarbetet. Syftet var att beskriva icke-farmakologiska metoder och effekter av dessa metoder vid omvårdnad av personer med Alzheimers sjukdom som har beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom. Metod: En litteraturöversikt bestående av 16 utvalda kvantitativa forskningsartiklar har genomförts. Artiklarna publicerades mellan år 2006-2016. Resultat. De studerade icke-farmakologiska metoderna var musikterapi, vissa typer av massage, reminiscence-terapi, vårdhundterapi och ljusterapi. Resultaten visade att icke-farmakologiska metoder kan ha en varierande effekt på BPSD. Litteraturöversikten visade att musikintervention var mest effektiv för att minska agitationsbeteende. Individualiserad musik i samband med speciella minnen minskade stress, fobier hos personer med svår demens. Intervention av handmassage, aromaterapi, taktil massage och terapeutisk beröring minskade aggression och agitationsbeteende. Vissa studier visade dock att fotmassageintervention och vårdhundterapi kunde öka verbal aggressivitet hos personer med demens, medan en annan studie visade att djurassisterade aktiviteter kunde minska nedstämdhet medan glädje och generell uppmärksamhet ökade. Effekten av ljusbehandling var förbättrad sömn, minskad depression, agitation och ätstörningar. Slutsats. Icke-farmakologiska metoder kan minska beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom hos personer med Alzheimers sjukdom, dock med varierande effekt. De varierande resultaten kan tolkas som att icke-farmakologiska metoder bör individanpassas och att det behövs vidare forskning inom området.
Un certain nombre de chercheurs (Birch, 1996; Cole, 1995, 1996; De Bergerac, 1998) fondent sur un modèle neurophysiologique leurs arguments en faveur de la delphinothérapie pour traiter divers désordres (DSM-IV) cognitifs et émotifs chez les enfants et les jeunes. Ce modèle recourt à des analogies avec les mécanismes de sonophorèse, d'écholocation et de transmission neurohormonale dans son application thérapeutique. Dans le but de démystifier les éléments pseudo-scientifiques auprès d'un lectorat non spécialisé, cet article critique les postulats et les implications relatifs à ces mécanismes et il conclut à l'absence d'un soutien pertinent et valide concernant ce modèle.
To evaluate the effect of 5-fluorouracil (F) and methotrexate-5-fluorouracil association (MTX-F) on nephrotoxic nephritis, seven groups of 10 rats were inoculated with anti-rat glomerular basement membrane serum (AGBMS); five groups were treated with different doses of F, beginning on the 2nd or the 6th day, one group with MTX-F beginning on the 2nd day and one group (control) with distilled water. Twenty-four hour proteinuria was determined weekly until the 71st day. The kidneys were examined histologically and by immunofluorescence. The group treated with F (1.3 mg/100 g body weight) developed a severe glomerulonephritis similar to the control group; (b) the groups treated with F (2.0 mg/100 g body weight) or with MTX-F showed progressively lower proteinuria, less severe histological changes and less intense fluorescence due to autologous antibodies. The best results were observed in the MTX-F group and in the F group treated from the 6th day. These groups presented at the 71st day proteinuria of 84 and 91 mg as compared to 312 mg in the control group, and minimal histological lesions as compared to glomerulosclerosis and tubular atrophy in the control group. We concluded that either F or MTX-F produced significant improvement of nephrotoxic nephritis due to inhibition of autologous antibody production.
The purpose of this study was to examine in rats the histologic alterations of the submandibular glands and testicles induced by soy diets and zinc deficient diet. The zinc deficiency produced testicles alterations including seminiferous tubulus atrophy, germinative epithelium degeneration, spermatogenesis alterations and a significant atrophy of the submandibular glands which presented no much delimitated acines. The soy diet without complementations also compromised the spermatogenesis by showing seminiferous tubulus atrophied and a reduction of the germinative epithelium. The soy diet complemented by saline and vitaminic mixtures didn't produced testicles alterations but its induced in the submandibular glands a hypertrophy of the ductal component mainly in relation to the granular component.
Aims The macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is an intracellular inhibitor of the central nervous system actions of angiotensin II on blood pressure. Considering that angiotensin II actions at the nucleus of the solitary tract are important for the maintenance of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), we tested if increased MIF expression in the nucleus of the solitary tract of SHR alters the baseline high blood pressure in these rats.Methods and resultsEight-week-old SHRs or normotensive rats were microinjected with the vector AAV2-CBA-MIF into the nucleus of the solitary tract, resulting in MIF expression predominantly in neurons. Rats also underwent recordings of the mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and heart rate (via telemetry devices implanted in the abdominal aorta), cardiac- and baroreflex function. Injections of AAV2-CBA-MIF into the nucleus of the solitary tract of SHRs produced significant decreases in the MAP, ranging from 10 to 20 mmHg, compared with age-matched SHRs that had received identical microinjections of the control vector AAV2-CBA-eGFP. This lowered MAP in SHRs was maintained through the end of the experiment at 31 days, and was associated with an improvement in baroreflex function to values observed in normotensive rats. In contrast to SHRs, similar increased MIF expression in the nucleus of the solitary tract of normotensive rats produced no changes in baseline MAP and baroreflex function.ConclusionThese results indicate that an increased expression of MIF within the nucleus of the solitary tract neurons of SHRs lowers blood pressure and restores baroreflex function. © 2012 Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved.
This study evaluates the clinical applicability of administering sodium nitroprusside by a closed-loop titration system compared with a manually adjusted system. The mean arterial pressure (MAP) was registered every 10 and 30 sec during the first 150 min after open heart surgery in 20 patients (group 1: computer regulation) and in ten patients (group 2: manual regulation). The results (16,343 and 2,912 data points in groups 1 and 2, respectively), were then analyzed in four time frames and five pressure ranges to indicate clinical efficacy. Sixty percent of the measured MAP in both groups was within the desired +/- 10% during the first 10 min. Thereafter until the end of observation, the MAP was maintained within +/- 10% of the desired set-point 90% of the time in group 1 vs. 60% of the time in group 2. One percent and 11% of data points were +/- 20% from the set-point in groups 1 and 2, respectively (p less than .05, chi-square test). The computer-assisted therapy provided better control of MAP, was safe to use, and helped to reduce nursing demands.
BACKGROUND: Robot-assisted therapy offers a promising approach to neurorehabilitation, particularly for severely to moderately impaired stroke patients. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of intensive arm training on motor performance in four chronic stroke patients using the robot ARMin II. METHODS: ARMin II is an exoskeleton robot with six degrees of freedom (DOF) moving shoulder, elbow and wrist joints. Four volunteers with chronic (>or= 12 months post-stroke) left side hemi-paresis and different levels of motor severity were enrolled in the study. They received robot-assisted therapy over a period of eight weeks, three to four therapy sessions per week, each session of one hour.Patients 1 and 4 had four one-hour training sessions per week and patients 2 and 3 had three one-hour training sessions per week. Primary outcome variable was the Fugl-Meyer Score of the upper extremity Assessment (FMA), secondary outcomes were the Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT), the Catherine Bergego Scale (CBS), the Maximal Voluntary Torques (MVTs) and a questionnaire about ADL-tasks, progress, changes, motivation etc. RESULTS: Three out of four patients showed significant improvements (p < 0.05) in the main outcome. The improvements in the FMA scores were aligned with the objective results of MVTs. Most improvements were maintained or even increased from discharge to the six-month follow-up. CONCLUSION: Data clearly indicate that intensive arm therapy with the robot ARMin II can significantly improve motor function of the paretic arm in some stroke patients, even those in a chronic state. The findings of the study provide a basis for a subsequent controlled randomized clinical trial.
The process of developing a successful stroke rehabilitation methodology requires four key components: a good understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying this brain disease, clear neuroscientific hypotheses to guide therapy, adequate clinical assessments of its efficacy on multiple timescales, and a systematic approach to the application of modern technologies to assist in the everyday work of therapists. Achieving this goal requires collaboration between neuroscientists, technologists and clinicians to develop well-founded systems and clinical protocols that are able to provide quantitatively validated improvements in patient rehabilitation outcomes. In this article we present three new applications of complementary technologies developed in an interdisciplinary matrix for acute-phase upper limb stroke rehabilitation – functional electrical stimulation, arm robot-assisted therapy and virtual reality-based cognitive therapy. We also outline the neuroscientific basis of our approach, present our detailed clinical assessment protocol and provide preliminary results from patient testing of each of the three systems showing their viability for patient use.