853 resultados para Analytic Functions


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Um algoritmo numérico foi criado para apresentar a solução da conversão termoquímica de um combustível sólido. O mesmo foi criado de forma a ser flexível e dependente do mecanismo de reação a ser representado. Para tanto, um sistema das equações características desse tipo de problema foi resolvido através de um método iterativo unido a matemática simbólica. Em função de não linearidades nas equações e por se tratar de pequenas partículas, será aplicado o método de Newton para reduzir o sistema de equações diferenciais parciais (EDP’s) para um sistema de equações diferenciais ordinárias (EDO’s). Tal processo redução é baseado na união desse método iterativo à diferenciação numérica, pois consegue incorporar nas EDO’s resultantes funções analíticas. O modelo reduzido será solucionado numericamente usando-se a técnica do gradiente bi-conjugado (BCG). Tal modelo promete ter taxa de convergência alta, se utilizando de um número baixo de iterações, além de apresentar alta velocidade na apresentação das soluções do novo sistema linear gerado. Além disso, o algoritmo se mostra independente do tamanho da malha constituidora. Para a validação, a massa normalizada será calculada e comparada com valores experimentais de termogravimetria encontrados na literatura, , e um teste com um mecanismo simplificado de reação será realizado.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la School of Mathematics and Statistics de la University of Plymouth, United Kingdom, entre abril juliol del 2007.Aquesta investigació és encara oberta i la memòria que presento constitueix un informe de la recerca que estem duent a terme actualment. En aquesta nota estudiem els centres isòcrons dels sistemes Hamiltonians analítics, parant especial atenció en el cas polinomial. Ens centrem en els anomenats quadratic-like Hamiltonian systems. Diverses propietats dels centres isòcrons d'aquest tipus de sistemes van ser donades a [A. Cima, F. Mañosas and J. Villadelprat, Isochronicity for several classes of Hamiltonian systems, J. Di®erential Equations 157 (1999) 373{413]. Aquell article estava centrat principalment en el cas en que A; B i C fossin funcions analítiques. El nostre objectiu amb l'estudi que estem duent a terme és investigar el cas en el que aquestes funcions són polinomis. En aquesta nota formulem una conjectura concreta sobre les propietats algebraiques que venen forçades per la isocronia del centre i provem alguns resultats parcials.


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This paper investigates dynamic completeness of financial markets in which the underlying risk process is a multi-dimensional Brownian motion and the risky securities dividends geometric Brownian motions. A sufficient condition, that the instantaneous dispersion matrix of the relative dividends is non-degenerate, was established recently in the literature for single-commodity, pure-exchange economies with many heterogenous agents, under the assumption that the intermediate flows of all dividends, utilities, and endowments are analytic functions. For the current setting, a different mathematical argument in which analyticity is not needed shows that a slightly weaker condition suffices for general pricing kernels. That is, dynamic completeness obtains irrespectively of preferences, endowments, and other structural elements (such as whether or not the budget constraints include only pure exchange, whether or not the time horizon is finite with lump-sum dividends available on the terminal date, etc.)


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We study the zero set of random analytic functions generated by a sum of the cardinal sine functions which form an orthogonal basis for the Paley-Wiener space. As a model case, we consider real-valued Gaussian coefficients. It is shown that the asymptotic probability that there is no zero in a bounded interval decays exponentially as a function of the length.


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It is very well known that the first succesful valuation of a stock option was done by solving a deterministic partial differential equation (PDE) of the parabolic type with some complementary conditions specific for the option. In this approach, the randomness in the option value process is eliminated through a no-arbitrage argument. An alternative approach is to construct a replicating portfolio for the option. From this viewpoint the payoff function for the option is a random process which, under a new probabilistic measure, turns out to be of a special type, a martingale. Accordingly, the value of the replicating portfolio (equivalently, of the option) is calculated as an expectation, with respect to this new measure, of the discounted value of the payoff function. Since the expectation is, by definition, an integral, its calculation can be made simpler by resorting to powerful methods already available in the theory of analytic functions. In this paper we use precisely two of those techniques to find the well-known value of a European call


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It is very well known that the first succesful valuation of a stock option was done by solving a deterministic partial differential equation (PDE) of the parabolic type with some complementary conditions specific for the option. In this approach, the randomness in the option value process is eliminated through a no-arbitrage argument. An alternative approach is to construct a replicating portfolio for the option. From this viewpoint the payoff function for the option is a random process which, under a new probabilistic measure, turns out to be of a special type, a martingale. Accordingly, the value of the replicating portfolio (equivalently, of the option) is calculated as an expectation, with respect to this new measure, of the discounted value of the payoff function. Since the expectation is, by definition, an integral, its calculation can be made simpler by resorting to powerful methods already available in the theory of analytic functions. In this paper we use precisely two of those techniques to find the well-known value of a European call


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The classical theory of collision induced emission (CIE) from pairs of dissimilar rare gas atoms was developed in Paper I [D. Reguera and G. Birnbaum, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 184304 (2006)] from a knowledge of the straight line collision trajectory and the assumption that the magnitude of the dipole could be represented by an exponential function of the inter-nuclear distance. This theory is extended here to deal with other functional forms of the induced dipole as revealed by ab initio calculations. Accurate analytical expression for the CIE can be obtained by least square fitting of the ab initio values of the dipole as a function of inter-atomic separation using a sum of exponentials and then proceeding as in Paper I. However, we also show how the multi-exponential fit can be replaced by a simpler fit using only two analytic functions. Our analysis is applied to the polar molecules HF and HBr. Unlike the rare gas atoms considered previously, these atomic pairs form stable bound diatomic molecules. We show that, interestingly, the spectra of these reactive molecules are characterized by the presence of multiple peaks. We also discuss the CIE arising from half collisions in excited electronic states, which in principle could be probed in photo-dissociation experiments.


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Soit p un polynôme d'une variable complexe z. On peut trouver plusieurs inégalités reliant le module maximum de p et une combinaison de ses coefficients. Dans ce mémoire, nous étudierons principalement les preuves connues de l'inégalité de Visser. Nous montrerons aussi quelques généralisations de cette inégalité. Finalement, nous obtiendrons quelques applications de l'inégalité de Visser à l'inégalité de Chebyshev.


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There is a recent trend to describe physical phenomena without the use of infinitesimals or infinites. This has been accomplished replacing differential calculus by the finite difference theory. Discrete function theory was first introduced in l94l. This theory is concerned with a study of functions defined on a discrete set of points in the complex plane. The theory was extensively developed for functions defined on a Gaussian lattice. In 1972 a very suitable lattice H: {Ci qmxO,I qnyo), X0) 0, X3) 0, O < q < l, m, n 5 Z} was found and discrete analytic function theory was developed. Very recently some work has been done in discrete monodiffric function theory for functions defined on H. The theory of pseudoanalytic functions is a generalisation of the theory of analytic functions. When the generator becomes the identity, ie., (l, i) the theory of pseudoanalytic functions reduces to the theory of analytic functions. Theugh the theory of pseudoanalytic functions plays an important role in analysis, no discrete theory is available in literature. This thesis is an attempt in that direction. A discrete pseudoanalytic theory is derived for functions defined on H.


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